* * V« ♦ * » » < d ♦ ** M T * » * t - t r t f f tv w J une 2,1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B4 O jc JIortíanh QfMiaerUer Oliver Joins ESPN’s Sportscenter Pam O liv e r w ill jo in ESPN in m id-June as a Houston-based corre­ spondent fo r SportsCenter and the n e tw o rk ’ s various other news and in ­ fo rm a tio n program m ing, it was an­ nounced today by Steve Anderson, E S P N ’ s m anaging editor O liv e r has been a sports anchor/ reporter since 1992 at K H O U -T V in H ouston where her daily assignments included covering the Houston O ilers and the Houston Rockets P rio r to that, she worked at W T V T -T V in Tam pa, Fla, as a sports reporter/an- chor (1991-92) and a news reporter/ anchor (1990-91). “ W eare extremely impressed w ith her news background w hich w ill com ­ p lim e n t a ll o f our SportsCenter pro­ g ra m m in g ,” said Anderson “ We ex-, pect Pam to become an im portant a d d ition to our s ta ff ” O liv e r said, “ It is a dream come true. I have always wanted to w ork in sports and the only place to be is ESPN.” She began her broadcasting ca­ re e r as a re p o rte r/p ro d u c c r fo r V ibrations, a m inority' affairs program a t W F S U -T V in T a lla h a s s e e , Fla. (1984-85) She then moved on to W A L B -T V in Albany, G A as a p o litic a l/n e w s reporter (198 5 -86 ); to W A A Y -T V in H u n stville , A la. Gambling Report Upsets Jordan “ Whoever saw me at la m o r at 2 30am, I ’d lik e to see them in person I ccnainly w ill lay a law suit on them 1 was not out that late 1 got my eight hours o f sleep." M ichael Jordan was referring to the rum ors that he hail spent the evening in A tla n tic City p rio r to number two game o f the p la y­ offs He also denies that he stayed too late and lost $5,000. It had been reported that Jordan took a lim ousine to B a lly ’ s Grand casino and was there as late as 2 :30am playing blackjack in a private area Jordan reportedly loves to gamble One o f Jordan’ s fans was quoted as saying,’ The w ay Jordan plays basket­ ball, he can darn w e ll do w hat he pleases.” Pam Oliver as a space/science/military reporter and host o f D ia lo g , a com m unity and m in o rity affairs program (1986- 88); and to W 1 V B -T V in Buffalo, N Y . (1988-90) as a news reporter/ anchor. O liver, 32, graduated w ith a bach­ elor o f arts degree in jo u rn a lis m from F lorida A & M U n ive rsity in 1984 The D a lla s, Texas n a tive earned A ll- A m erica honors six times as a mem­ ber o f the R attlers’ w om en’ s track and fie ld team and holds the school’ s mark GOT A HOT SPORTS STORY CALL 2 8 8 -0 0 3 3 PORTLAND OBSERVER 'The Eyes and Ears ol the CcmmunlY' Office: (503)200-0033 Fax«: (503)200-0015 in the 400 meters. Bank Of America Slam ‘N Jam ’93 To Benefit Oregon high School Sports Bank o f Am erica and the Port­ land T ra il Blazers, w ith the strong endorsement o f its players and coaches, recognizing the importance o f high school athletics, have chosen to pro­ vide direct support by donating the net proceeds from Bank o f Am erica Slam ‘ N Jam ’ 93 to support h ig h school sports throughout Oregon. Toyota and Gatorade are presenting sponsors o f Bank o f A m erica Slam “ N Jam ’ 93. “ I t ’ s im portant that a ll young adults have access to h ig h school sports,” said B lazers head coach R ick A delm an. “ T h is is o nly a short term solution, but it establishes a sig­ n ific a n t p la tfo rm in the e ffo rt to help get h igh school athletics back on the rig h t track. Bank o f Am erica Slam ‘N Jam guarantees a m in im u m donation o f $100,000 to Oregon high school sports and th a t’ s a great start. In the com ing weeks. I ’ ll be sending out a personal letter to businesses across the state to jo in in the effort to help support Oregon high school ath­ letics.” The Confederation o f Oregon School Adm inistrators (C O SA) Foun­ dation w ill receive all donated funds. A ccording to W a lly Scales, vice-presi­ dent o f special events, an advisory com m ittee is being formed to estab­ lish policies and crite ria to define the qualifications for distribution o f funds. Businesses and concerned citizens interested in adding th e ir support can make a donation to: Help Support Oregon H igh School Sports, COSA Foundation, 707 13th Street SE, Suite 100, Salem, OR, 97301. C OSA is 501 (c)(3) n o n -p ro fit organization and a ll donation are tax deductible. The 4th annual B ank o f Am erica Slam ‘ N Jam w ill take place outdoors at P ortland’ s C iv ic Stadium on Satur­ day, August 21 Gates w ill open at 3pm and basketball events w ill get underway at 7pm. T h is year’ s event w ill be h ighlighted by an N B A Celeb­ rity Classic basketball game featuring Portland T ra il Blazers players and other players from around the league. A n o th e r h ig h lig h t w il l be a 3-point Shootout w ith some o f the best long-range artists in pro basket­ ball participating in a “ w in n e r take a ll” contest w ith a prize o f $5,000 on the line. O ne lucky amateur basketball enthusiast w ill also have a chance to compete in the 3 -p o in t contest and a shot at the $5,000 prize. A statewide 3-point q u a lifyin g tourna­ m e n t fo r “ h o o p s te rs ” 18 ye a rs and older w ill be held at designated h ig h schools th ro u g h o u t O regon on Saturday, August 7. A n y p a rtic i­ pant w ho successfully scores three c o n s e c u tiv e 3 -p o in t N B A fie ld goals w ill w in tw o tickets to Bank o f Am erica Slam ‘ N Jam and qualify’ fo r the fin a l e lim in a tio n tournam ent o f C iv ic Stadium’ d u rin g the day c u lm i­ nating in the 3-point Shootout. Bank o f A m erica Slam ‘ N Jam w ill conclude w ith the Oregon A ll- Star Jam, w hich w ill feature the ta l­ ents o f some o f the areas finest m usi­ cians. Local musicians Tom G rant and C urtis Salgado w ill showcase their talents in solo performances in the afternoon , p rio r to the Classic. A spectacular firew orks display w ill con­ clude the days event festivities. Ticket prices start at $ 13 fo r adul ts and $8 fo r kids 18 years and younger (ticket prices are subject to user fees and service charges a ll tickets are reserved). A host o f interactive bas­ ketball activities s im ila r to the N B A s Jam Session w ill be available on the fie ld at C iv ic Stadium Field passes are available fo r $10 and are required to access the fie ld at a ll times. A free shuttle service to C ivic Stadium and free parking w ill be pro­ vided at Consolidated Freightwaysand Good Samaritan Hospital. Two To Graduate From Tree Of Learning Tree o f Learning H igh School w ill present diplom as to C hris G atrell and E m ily K ellas on Wednesday, June 9, 7:30 p.m. at the Jesuit H igh School C ultural A rts Center. 9000 S. W Bea­ verton Highway. T h is is the last year the private alternative h igh school fo r students w ith learning disabilities and special educational needs w ill need to use "borrow ed” quarters fo r th e ir closing ceremonies The school moves to a new $1.3 m illio n b u ild in g on the Je­ suit campus in the fa ll Kate Finklca. Tree o f Learning Pro Bound?-Jeff McInnis (left) and Keith Booth (right), two of the nation's top college basketball recruits, measure up against the competition during the Annual McDonald's All American High School Basketball Game, held recently in Memphis, TN. For 17 years, the McDonald’s All American Basketball Team has included the country's finest high school seniors, many of whom now rank among the game 's greatest at the pro and college levels. McInnis and Booth join a list o f “who s who" including Michael Jordan, Patrick Ewing and Shaquille O'Neal, who were former members of the team. Proceeds from this year's event will benefit the Ronald McDonald House in Memphis, a home-away-from-home for families of seriously ill children being treated at nearby hospitals. alum, w ill be the featured speaker In ad d ition to the tw o graduates, 11 other students w ill say farewell as they tra n ­ sition back to mainstream education The students and the schools they w ill attend arc: Angela B ig lin , Tigard. A arcn K ovaric and Ian O ’ B rien, Je­ suit; Tony L e tticrc and Sid Olsen, Beaverton; Ian Mcston. West Lin n , V in h N g u y e n , W ils o n ; E m ily O ldcm cycr, A loha. Jamal Poe. Cen­ tral C atholic and Peter Prov ost. South Salem Erica C oulter has not decided w hich school she w ill attend next year Mark ryant, A Fan Favorite BY JOHN PHILLIPS M ark Bry ant has som ething that Buck W illia m s, Jerome Kersey, Terry Porter, K e vin D u ckw o rth o r C lif f Robinson docs not have W ha, is it? A fan club O n ly F o l­ low Blazer Clyde D re xlcr has a local fan c lu b at G I. Joe’ s. The M a rk B rya n t Fan c lu b was started o n ly three weeks ago by D o n a n d M ik e Mehner. Don has been a b ig fan o f M a r k ’ s since his ro o k ie season. Then A fte r M ark had his best year ever th is season, Mark Bryant Mehner wanted to show ju st how b ig a fan he was. Now he is the president o f the club and lo oking fo r new members a ll the tim e. Bry ant took over the starting cen­ ter jo b fro m D u ckw o rth on M a rch 17 in a game w ith the Phoenix Suns He went on to average 9.4 Points, 4.9 rebounds and 22.6 minutes in the last 22 games o f the season. He shot 54.8 (120-219) from the fie ld d u rin g the fin a l 36 games. Posted season highs o f 19 points versus the Los Angeles C lip ­ pers on M arch 26 and 12 rebounds versus the Golden State W a rrio rs on A p ril 20. Bry ant also charted double- doubles at Dallas (11 Points, 10 re­ bounds) on January 5 and versus the W arriors (11 pints, 12 rebounds) on A p ril 20. The Blazers were 17-7 (.708) in games in w h ich B ryant started. Played a h ig h o f 34 minutes in tw o contests. Scored in double figures on 15 occasions and g ra b b e d d o u b le d i g it re b o u n d s three times. In c o lle g e M a rk was a firs t team A ll-B ig East s e le c tio n a fte r leading Seton H a ll U n ive rsity to its First-Even N C A A T o u rn a m e n t B erth in 1988. He a v e ra g e d 2 0 .5 points and 9.1 re­ bounds as a senior were m arried in July, 1988. M a rk enjoys music, sw im m ing, and going to movies, but most o f a ll he loves to w orkout liftin g weights. H is summers are spent in New Jersey, p laying bas­ ketball w ith ex-college teammates and en route to eami ng the Haggerty Award as the top player in the N ew Y o rk C ity area. Had career highs o f 38 points and 18 rebounds versus V illa n o v a in his senior year. M a rk w as also a mem- beroftheU .S. W orld U niversity Games team that competed in Y ugoslavia in 1987, and was o n ly the seventh rookie in Portland T ra il B lazer history to earn an opening-night starting as­ sig n m e n t and firs t since M y c h a l I feel it co fild not happen to a better guy. M a rk B ryant is a class act, a great role model fo r young kids and is very m uch lik e d by his peers. H is teammates ca ll h im , “ B ig D addy.” Thompson in 1978. B ryant majored in com m unica­ tions at Seton H a ll and is interested in the broadcasting fie ld after his career in the N B A He and his w ife Shelley e * f .‘• i * * ** ♦ • * &A* have a fan club, I ’ m glad I can now say I have one” said B ryant. I hope it can grow to be a very b ig one. I f you w ould lik e to be a member o f the M a rk B ryant Fan Club, ca ll Don o r M ik e M ehner at 249-8198 o r go by the home o f the fan club at 4th-N -G oal Sports Card at 6017-N E Sandy Blvd. in Portland. I f you jo in , you w ill get a M a rk B ryant Fan C lub T -S h irt, a Cer­ tificate ofP articipation signed B y M a rk B ryant and a mem bership card D u r­ in g the season there w ill be a news letter going out to a ll the members. The cost to jo in is $25.00 dollars. So we at The Portland Observer w ould lik e to take our hats o f f to “ B ig Daddy” , M a rk B rya n t fo r m aking ev­ ery one around h im feel lik e a better person. Y o u can meet M a rk B rya n t on Sunday, June 6, at 6 P.M . at the home o f the M a rk B ryant Fan C lub, 4 th -N - Goal Sports Cards 6017-N .E . Sandy B lvd. I ’ l l be there and I hope to see you. Trail Blazers And Oregon Arena Corp. Award $10,000 Grant To Help PCC Students Stay In School m ille d to helping re vita lize north and northeast Portland and that means supporting efforts o f residents w ho are unemployed and underemployed to gain the s k ills necessary to earn a respectable liv in g .” Scholarship recipients were se­ lected on the basis o f outstanding at­ stay in school. “ A d u lts who have been unem ­ tendance and successful com pletion ployed or under employed often have o f studies w h ile enrolled in the S kills a d iffic u lt tim e getting a toehold on Center, and a desire to continue th e ir the first rung o f the career ladders,” education. Dr. Don M cIn n is, executive dean said S kills Center D ire cto r Randall Blakely. "T h is grant w ill help our o f P C C ’ s Cascade Campus, said the students stay the course and enter $10,000 grant fro m the T ra il Blazers w ill provide both scholarships and college o r apprenticeship tra in in g .” Five students were awarded the stipends to students on an on-going firs t scholarships, $600 each, d u rin g a and emergency basis. Stipends w ill be special com pletion ceremony for S kills granted to S kills Center students over Center students on M ay 28 M arshal the course o f th e ir tra in in g fo r jo b - G lickm a n , senior vice-president fo r related expenses such as transporta­ the T ra il Blazers and Oregon Arena tio n ch ild care, tools and appropriate Corp., and G e o ff Petire, senior vice clo th in g O th e r special guests inclu d e d president o f operations fo r the T ra il O ffice o f C om m unity College Ser­ Blazers, made the presentations to Prentis M cK inney. E ric Moore, Tracie vices Deputy C om m issioner Debbie Judic, C liffo rd Johnson and C harlie L in co ln and Portland Police Bureau Moore, Jr., a ll n orth and northeast Lieutenant John Hren, who works w ith at-risk youth and w ith residents o f the Portland residents. “ Speaking on b e h a lf o f G e o ff Iris C ourt Project in N o rth Portland. Twenty-seven students received Petire, the Portland T ra il Blazers and Oregon Arena C orporation vie w our certificates o f com pletion in b u ild in g com m unity agenda as an opportunity construction trades, business cle rica l and a responsibility,” said G lickm an. and G E D programs. F a m ily, friends, “ One o f our top prio ritie s is re in ­ instructors and students fille d the fo rcin g the im portance o f staying in T e rre ll H a ll a u d ito riu m on P C C ’ s school and b u ild in g a solid foundation Cascade Campus to support and cel­ through education We are also com- ebrate th e ir com pletion. ««*•**»<* jt m ttg& W ? 3ft The Portland C om m unity C o l­ lege S kills Center, a com m unity part­ nership program, has recently receiv ed $10,000 fro m the P o rtla n d T ra il Blazes, Inc. and Oregon Arena Corp, to help students com pleting construc­ tion and business cle rica l programs F o llo w in g the stock m arket crash o f 1929, the Hoover A d m in istra tio n u rg e d —and m any in d u s trie s and unions a d o p ted-w ork-sharing. F or example, the U nited States Steel C or­ poration in 1929 had 224,980 fu ll­ tim e employees. The number shrank to 211.055 in 1930 to 53.619 in 1931, to 18,938 in 1932, and to zeroon A p ril I, 1933. A ll w ho rem ained on the wage. C u rricu lu m includes a hands-on approach and a competency-based education. Students may take courses in w o rd processing, office occupa­ tions, spreadsheet applications, con­ struction fra m in g , trades math, level­ ing and plum bing, electricity and other p rinciples o f technology. In a ddition, students receive ba­ sic s k ills and professional develop­ ment education, courses w h ich pre­ cede entry in to the core programs. Since its iñeeption in 1989 from fu n d in g provided by lottery dollars and general fu n d in g fro m Portland C o m m u n ity College, the program has successfully recruited and trained or placed over 2000 residents fro m north and northeast m etropolitan Portland. Special Note: A m other and son entered the S k ills Center program to­ gether and graduated fro m the pro­ gram. Zoey W h ite C a lf and L a C ro ix W hite C alf, N ative Am ericans, re­ t » ceived business-clerical com pletion certificates. Please contact Susan Here­ ford in Public A ffa irs at PCC, 244- 6111, ext. 4421, i f you w ould like assistance. Baseball All League Teams 1993 First Team Name Year Robert K innec T im C o n klin Joel Green Jesse M a rtin Steve G ciszler Grayson Pounder D e rrick Johnson .Marcel Southwell payroll on this last date were part tim e, and they were only h a lf as n u ­ merous as those on fu ll tim e in 1929, according to The Am erican W orker, a U S Departm ent o f Labor publica­ tion. D u rin g S pring o f 1933, President D Roosevelt launched tw o programs to revive business and increase em ­ ploym ent The N a tio n al Recovery A d m in istra tio n allow ed businessmen to fix prices and allocate production quotas through codes o f “ fa ir compe­ titio n ” and w ithout regard to the a nti- tm st laws. The codes also set m in i­ mum wages and m axim um hours o f employment The Public W orks Pro­ gram constructed m ajor capital im ­ provements, according to The A m e ri­ can W orker, a U S. Departm ent o f Labor publication » 9 9 * e f r • ♦ The PCC S k ills Center, located on the Cascade Campus, is a partner­ sh ip p ro g ra m w ith the N ortheast W orkforce Center, the Private Indus­ try C ouncil and the State o f Oregon E m ploym ent D iv is io n to help recruit tra in and place unemployed and un­ deremployed adults in jobs at a fa m ily Portland Public Schools Department of Athletics Spencer Conway Shawn McG overn B ria n M cM ahon Bate W illia m s M .V .P M a rk Burke Jonn Fulkerson K e vin Sjuc T ony M o n g c lli Brad L in n School M a rsh a ll M adison M adison W ilso n M arshall M adison Cleveland G rant L in co ln M adison W ilson F ra n klin Jefferson W ilson Cleveland F ra n klin F ra n klin Position Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Pitcher Catcher Catcher O u tfie ld e r O u tfie ld e r O u tfie ld e r O u tfie ld e r O u tfie ld e r Shortstop F irst Base Second Base T h ird Base U tility Designated H itte r 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 11 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 P.I.L. Baseball Co-Coaches O f The Year Jeff Erdm an o f Madison & JcffH o lla m o n o f Roosevelt > I yes liftin g weights. He is very happy to have a fan club. “ N o t many players can say they I