r iT ► w • V * ♦ • v * * - * < * s > * < Ju n e 2. 1993 "Serving the community through cultural diversity." Volumn XXIII. Number 22 ^pntilanh ©fa City Extends Permit Center Hours ig One New County Chair Hooked When He Moved to Multnomah County BY TOM STIMMEL C ity Commissioner Gretchen K afoury announced today that the C ity o f Portland w ill begin an experiment in opening the Permit Appl ication Center one hour earl ier every day Staring on Tuesday, June 1, 1993 the Permit application Center w ill begin opening each day at 7:30 a. m i nstead o f the current opening o f 8:30. The Center w ill sty open each day u ntil 4:30 p m. and w ill continue to be open each Thursday evening from 5:00 u n til 8:00 Hank M iggins, the new head o f M ultnom ah County government, moved here a dozen years ago because this is where he wanted to be Portland topped his personal "liv e a b ility lis t” o f cities around the coun­ try — cities o f m edium -size w ith both cultural and outdoor activities at hand “ Portland was number one,” he said. "N um ber tw o was Portland, M aine; and Bellingham . W ashington Portland School District Will Cut 400 Positions was th ird .” Henry C. M ig g in s applied here firs t and was hired on his th ird jo b application, although it w asn’t the jo b he applied for. He was interview ed at C ity H a ll and was told that County A u d ito r Jewel Lansing, ju s t down the street, needed a ce rtifie d internal auditor. T h a t’ s what M ig g in s was, and he’ s been w ith the county since. For the last seven years he had been executive assistant to Gladys M cC oy, w ho as ch a ir o f the board o f commissioners, was the county’ s c h ie f executive officer. A fte r M cC o y’ s death last month, M ig g in s became acting ch a ir Now' he seeks to retain that office Budget cuts w ill cost the Portland School d istrict at least 400 positions fo r the next year. P ink slips w ill be issued in the next few weeks. See Related Story on Page A4 Gambling Report Upsets Jordan M ichael Jordan (Chicago B u lls ) was was o u t late gam bling in A tla n tic C ity the night before the second game o f the p la y o ff series. See Related Story on Page B4 Tn-Mets Tunneling Causes Controversy ▼ Continued on page A4 Henry C. Miggins T ri-M e t and F inelys and F inelys patrons met in court over a very Metro Calls For Review Of Recommendation Excluding Blacks touchy situation. T ri-M e t needs to tunnel under F inelys Sunset H ills M e m o ria l Park, and this has caused some real a n x ie ty and personal concern from Finelys and fam ilies BY STEPHEN MOORE w ho have loved ones buried there. Commentary & Independent Columnist The popular slogan used throughout the sta te in th e c o n v e n tio n and to u ris m industry ..’’Oregon . T hings Look D ifferent Here" has taken on a different meaning when it comes to the inclusion o f A fric a n Am erican involvem ent in m arketing Portland, the con­ vention center o r anywhere else in the state M ost recently the M e tropolitan E xposi­ tion Recreation Commission, chaired by Black business owner, Sam Brooks voted unani­ mously to recommend a lucrative 3 year m ulti m illio n d o lla r contract to be renewed in favor o f the Portland Oregon V isito rs Association See Related Story on Page A6 Garbage Decrease Turns Into Increase The C ity has egg on their faces as the fee fo r garbage p ick up goes from a fiv e cent decrease to a th irty cent increase. The c ity made a mistake in the financial planning o f their services Portlanders. See Related Story on Page C6 Longview Teacher Suspended The recommendation by Sam Brooks and The recommendation, w hich s till has to the M ER C board has outraged many Black meet fin a l approval by M E T R O regional gov - residents that have experienced P O V A ’ s past ernment commissioners, excluded any con­ performance and lack o f sincere com m itm ent tractual participation from the only other ap­ plicant. Oregon Convention and V is ito r Ser­ and involvement as it relates to A frican A m e ri­ vices N etw ork, w hich is headed by B lack can convention m arketing, delegate servicing business entrepreneur. Roy Jay. Jay. a native and especially h irin g practices for marketing o f Portland has been active in Portland and and top management positions. P O V A insid­ O regon’ s grow ing convention and visito r in ­ ers remember that it was ju st last year that dustry fo r the past 10 years and his organiza­ Brooks was on a P O V A awards committee tion has been instrum ental in assisting and w ith form er M ayor Bud C la rk and others that referri ng not ju s t Black conventions, but many selected Roy Jay as the recipient o f P O V A ’s others to help boost economic and em ploy­ prestigious "President’ s A w ard” for his ef- ▼ ment opportunities throughout the city and Continued on page A4 region fo r better parki ng fo r center users, but w ill also allow homeowners to v is it the center before th e ir own w orking day begins W e’ re tryin g this experiment w ith in the existin« staff level A fte r the tria l period, w e’ ll adjust center hours based on the usage and the in p u t we get I ’ m com m itted to fin d in g ways to continue the extended hours.” According to Margaret Mahoney, D irec­ to r o f the Bureau o f B m idi ngs about 60% „ ' M 6,500 b u ild in g perm its issued by tlie City eavh year are issued “ over the counter” in tne Permit A pplication Center. About 200 per­ sons v is it the Center daily to meet w ith City staff from the bureaus o f B uildings, Planning, Fire, W ater, and Transportation to review land use and b u ild in g perm it applications As there has been more dev elopment and remod­ eling w ith in the City over the past several years, w a itin g times in the Perm it Application Center have gotten longer. The experimental hours should also assist in reducing w a itin g times fo r applicants. Les Femmes Debs and Cavs... L o n g vie w teacher, L a rry W agle, was given a tw o week suspension fo r o ffe rin g his students extra credit fo r Growing To Be Men And Women... Phenomenally buying condoms. W agle is a history teacher at M a rk M o rris H ig h School. young people who were Person - - 1 am the true sense o f the phrase. chosen as 1993 debu­ a “ Phenomenal wom an" in the m aking A tantes and cavaliers. young woman lacking only fine po in ting and T h is w eek meet sharpening o f her many skills to perfect her M o n iq u e M eans already fine qualities. 1 am a leader w ho is not (J e ffe rs o n h ig h ashamed or afraid to be the “ Square" because School), A driel Person I know that in the end it w ill make me a (Benson H igh School), stronger person, and my morals and dignity, and T yn a e T rip le tt self pride and respect w ill last through the (Benson H igh School) storm. who w ill share w ith you I feel that I ’ m unusual in many ways, one why they are “ chosen". o f w hich is because my goals and dreams arc M e a n s-W h a t isa set so high. To me th is is assurance that even Debutante? A Debu­ i f mv reaching fo r those high aspirations I do tante is a young woman fa ll, I w o n ’ t fa ll to the ground, but 1 w ill, for w ho has respect fo r reaching so high, remain at the top T rip le tt - A Debutante should be an ex­ herself A Debutante is a young woman who ample o f one w illin g toaccept criticism for use carries herself in a lady­ in a constructive manner as she grow s further Adriel Person Monique Means Tynae Triplett like manner and is not into adulthood A Deb must not forget her ashamed o f what she sees in the m irror. I am past, w hether good or bad and use her experi­ students in the program are required to m ain­ Les Femmes has trained 29 high school a person w ith high self esteem, and because o f ences as stepping stones to succeed tain good grades, perform com m unity service seniors for adulthood and is prepared to present W h ile grow ing up has been a challenge, that some people may perceive me as being and adhere to a strict code o f ethics. them in th e ir 42nd A nnual Debutante and it has made me want to be a legend in time. I stuck up. o r too good, but I w o n ’ t allow that or A s a reward fo r successfully com pleting C avalier B a ll in June. Les Femmes exists to improv e the lives o f these tasks each participant is challenged at a anyone to b rin g me down. I have respect for want to leave my m ark as the person who A frica n -A m e rica n youth, w h ile preparing private “ Rites o f Passage" then presented at myself, ju st as w e ll as others, and 1 know I shared understanding and happiness Friends, fam ily, and Les Femmes have shown me how them fo r life after high school Students are the form al b a ll after graduating from high carry m yself like a young lady. W ith a good to be the best I can be. to hold my head up no head on my shoulders I know were I ’ m going encouraged to jo in the organization as young school. matter what the circumstance and press fo r­ in life, and what I have to do to get there. As Each week through June, Les Femmes as the sixth grade, although most jo in w hile ward. a Les Femmes Organization. freshmen or sophomores in high school. A ll and the Portland Observer w ill feature three Parents, students and s ta ff are divided in their o p inion over the issue. See Related Story on Page A3 Repeal Measure 5 Law m akers are a little nervous that Oregonians w ill reject a sales tax, so th e y are lo o k in g a t some o th e r a lte rn a tiv e s . B o tto m Kafoury , w ho oversees the Bureau o f Buildings, has asked B uildings sta ff to de­ velop an experimental schedule o f earlier hours to see whether the extended hours are more convenient and provide better accessi­ b ility fo r perm it applications This experi­ ment w ill be tried fo r six weeks. D in in g the experimental period sta ff in the Permit A p p li­ cation Center w ill also be conducting a survey o f center customers to get user feedback on the center’ s operation. The idea o f theextendedhourswasbrought up in a recent review o f the C ity ’ s subdivision application process. “ W e’ re tryin g to test some o f the suggestions w e’ve gotten from contrac­ tors and homeowners who use the Permit Center on a regular basis Being open before regular w orking hours w ill not only provide in a special election June 29. Being a government auditor follow ed naturally fro m experience M ig g in s, now 58, spent 22 years as an A ir Force finance specialist, progressing from ac­ counting to budgeting to internal auditing. He made the requisite transfers (in clu d in g d u ty in D uluth, M in n ., and Youngstown, O hio), served in England, and vo l- very angry about the rumors that he 4 p.m lin e som e are d iscu ssin g the re p e a lin g o f Measure 5. See Related Story on Page A3 Whatever Happened To Black Love: The play w ritten by Houston, Texas p la y w rig h t Thom as M elancon is returning to Portland fo r a second performance. It w ill be on the A rlene Schnitzer Concert H alls stage again. See a rticle on Page See Related Story on Page B3 Clinton Potpourri C ontradictory statements in v o lv in g tra ve l w o rke rs; T a x plan b a re ly makes it; V isits w ar m em orial. See Related Story on Page A2 Careers Arts & Entertainment MetroLife “Portland ‘Dreamers’ To Attend Whitman College In July” “What Every Parent Should Know About Childrens Teeth” Fifty students from six Portland schools will spendfrom one week to three weeks on the Whitman campus... Whitman faculty members and teachers from Portland will teach the classes. Although it may be difficult to do try to prevent your baby from sucking his or her fingers or using a pacifier. These habits can cause problems in the way teeth grow. Page B2 Page B I “Fire! Fire! Fire! Page ” “Portland Opera Perform ing A rts Scholarships To Be Awarded To M inority” Michael Grice o f Portland Public schools... We believe that this investment in the lives o f these young people will generate a substantial return fo r our greater Page B3 community. Ironically, Lowry's father is a fireman, but it ju st never crossed his mind to even become a fireman. He only became interested in being a fireman after attending college. Page C-3 HOUSING HEALTH ENTERTAINMENT SPORTS FOOD CAREERS CLASSIFIEDS A6 B2 B3 B4 B6 Cl C8 » 4 ■ • • , ? ■ : ■ ■ ■ ■ - ■