M ay 26, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A 6 Laurelhurst Elementary Celebrates 70th Anniversary Kid Search Finds A Great Kid BY MATTIE ANN CALLIER-SPEARS view w ith W ilhclm ina Models agents. Portland community that it is possible Usually when you tell someone They then have the opportunity to to get up out o f the holes in life and rise 3 Ì ‘ that he or she has a deficiency, they appear in JC Penney Portrait Studio above it all w ith the help o f God and a tend to fall into a slump and just giv e advertising and possibly be consid­ strong husband and a lov ing Christian up to whatever it is that has become ered to appear in a JC Penney catalog fam ily.” their impediment. This is not the case 1 asked Larissa and Elton w hether ■ Johnny s proud parents, Elton and with the young man who’s accom­ Larissa Snuth-Clark, did n ’t hesitate or not they had explained their trial to plishments were brought to my atten­ when describing their enthusiasm their son. Their response was — tion. about their son’s newly achieved suc­ “ He’s the one that keeps us in Johnny A n to n L aray A sher cess. * line And inanswer toyour question” , Smith-Clark (Long name, huh?) is “I am so the m other an­ not very tall nor is he a big hulky kind happy” , says the swers excitedly, o f guy; however, he is unique, special mother, “ because it “ Yes! we told him and an overall great kid Johnny is a was a wish come every thing and we twelve and a h alf year old sixth grader true for Johnny .” are doing our ut­ who attends Whittaker Middle School. His father was most to do what is When he was born, he vveighed-in at beaming also be­ right in the sight three pounds and three ounces in the cause his son tries o f God and in our fifth month ofhis mother’ s pregnancy so hard “ la m hap­ so n ’ s eyes.” His mother did not know whether or piest when he is Johnny loves his not he was going to make it. successful and af­ mom and dad and Johnny is a “ C” and “ B” student, ter he has achieved he is very aware o f “ I know that he could do much better” , goals that he has their deficiencies. says his mother “ But-becausc o fh is set for himself.” He also knows that deficiencies, w hich are: a decrease in “ He is a very a successful recov­ his motor skills-coordination o f his determined child” , ery fro m drugs eyes and o fh is hands, he is identified his mother added. Laurelhurst School 1st Grade class September, 1925 takes time, love as a Special Ed student, he is able to “ He never let’ s his and patience. He memorabilia from the past 70 years Laurelhurst Elementary culm i- school, 840 N.E. 41st Avenue. receive (hear) instructions but it takes s e lf esteem go seems to be brim ­ The c e le b ra tio n featured was on display. Student research on lated its 70th anniversary celebration him a little longer to process the infor­ down—even after Johnny Anton Laray Asher Smith-Clark ming over w ith all neighborhood lan dm a rks and a ivith a reunion o f some 600 former Laurel hurst's Maypole dancers and mation than it does a normal child” negative comments three. timeline illustrating school events from students, parents and staff Thursday keynote speaker Judge James One day as Larissa Smith-Clark, have been hurled at him by his peers. “ I don’t ever want him to be May 20) from 6:30-8:30 p.m. at the Burns Old photographs and school 192 3 to the present also w as on exhibit. Johnny’ s m other, was shopping He w ill always get somewhere posi­ ashamed o f me” , Larissa mentioned. in J.C. Penney, she came across a tive because he is not a quitter.” Johnny, his parents and his grand­ display advertising K id Search ‘92. Johnny, his mother and his father parents (John & Bertha Smith) are all She said to herself, “ I ’m going to enter traveled to Seattle. There—Johnny members o f St. Paul Church o f God in As a baby i look at her for love and Affection. Johnny. He’s just as good or better competed w ith other children from Christ; under the watchful tutelage o f As a young man I look at her for Love and Affection. than those other kids. And further­ across the northwest region The com­ Bishop J.C. Foster. Johnny sings in Though we didn’t have a male In the House-hold we did fine. more, I think that he is a very wonder­ petition was held at the Hyatt Re- the choir; is a soloist in the church and Continued from front page ful child.” She filled out the form and Moms worked hard anu provided for me as best she could. gency-Bellevue. he serves during a special time o f Good times and Bad times, my Mother has always been there for me. Festival courts, and a $4,000 check sent the form in along w ith a picture o f “ I don’t ever want him to be serv ice, the liftin g o f an offering for For some of you younger brotha’s, listen to ^our mother. was presented from the Rose Festival Johnny. ashamed o f me.” the poor and needy. (This is a time that Her words are words of wisdom., wisdom that’s established through In January o f 1993, Larissa re­ Association to Portland Youth Out­ Johnny is aspiring to become a he especially loves because he enjoys experience and observation. reach Coordinator John Canda to ben­ ceived a letter o f congratulations from singer and a model. Whether he wins helping others.) Follow her guidance, accept her advice, and know her knowledge, For it will the Kid Search ‘ 92 w hich stated, “ K id overall or not—hopefully—this event efit Youth Outreach. Now the wait begins. make you a good man. Paul Linnman, news anchor on Search ‘92 is pleased to announce that w ill help motivate him so that he w ill The winner w ill be announced in A relationship between a mother and a son is special. K A T U -T V and Bob M iller, morning Johnny is a regional finalist in the continue to pursue a career in singing July o f 1993 We (the Portland com­ Vour mom will always worry and think about you. personality on 1190 K E X served as Seattle region.” The letter continued and as a model. This w ill also serve as m unity) w ill await the judges decision Vour well being will always concern her. Master o f Ceremonies o f the K ic k o ff to point out instructions that each a point o f positive encouragement in w ith baited breath. So brotha’s if changes need to be made you would have to make them. contestant should follow to remain his life. Luncheon. W ith all the negative hype and The greatest enemy is yourself my brotha’s, you make a difference. The Rose Festival’s K ic k o ff Lun- eligible, such as: interviews, personal “ We (Elton & Larissa) are recov­ media coverage, this is truly a success We are on this sinful Earth for a limited amount of time, some longer than cheon committee is headed by volun­ interaction (10%), appearance (30%) ering drug addicts:, Larissa shared, story. others. “ and I wasn’t able to see my son for ten teer chairman Richard Ransome o f and personality (60%). Congratulations Johnny from the I am telling you, my friend, look after your mother while you still can. The fourteen hundred regional years. So, you see, this is a wonderful entire Portland Observer staff. We Southwest Portland If not will walk into a cemetery to visit your mom. holding back those tears The Delta A ir Lines Grand Flo­ finalists w ill receive a personal inter­ opportunity to show the world and the wish you continued success. and pray to God for her soul. ral Parade begins at 10 a m., at I will always be my mother’s son. Portland's Memorial Coliseum on I will always be my mother’s baby. Saturday. June 12. Some 500,000 I respect myself because I respected my mother first. spectators w ill watch the parade from “The End” the streets o f Portland, and the parade Use your intellect and live Positive!!! w ill be televised live by KO1N-TV, Peace My Brotha’s” Channel 6. Paula Zahn o f CBS This community—BUT NOT F A M ILIE S ! By A nthony Jason H as hi ng ton BY PROFESSOR MCKINLEY BURT white collar and blue collar workers M orning w ill jo in Shirley Hancock Rather, organizations o f mutual inter­ This is definitely the conclusion, and civ il serv ants who wished to sub­ and M ike Donahue o f KO1N-TV to est which could consist o f friends, for there arc other serious problems in stantially improv e their financial c ir­ host the telecast. The Grand Floral neighbors, covvorkers-or even church- this community that need addressing. cumstance Usually numbering about Parade telecast w ill be syndicated to sponsored groups. This may indeed African American However a final ‘ wrap up’ is needed a dozen persons who had a common an additional 30 m illion T V house­ represent a practical form o f commu­ base-same employer, neighbors, etc - An improvement in finances is needed Men’s Club, Inc. holds in 15 states from Anchorage, nity' development, one which would -the club members would assess them­ by everyone in these d ifficult times. Alaska to Atlanta, Georgia. incorporate several elements for suc­ I ’ve heard from Blacks, w lutes, Asians. selves a certain sum cut o f their sala­ The Rose Festival runs June 3 cess which have been lacking; struc­ ries to be contributed to a common Hispanics, Native Americans, A fri­ through June 27 and the Airshow is tured cooperation, continuity o f ef­ cans, you name them. Here is some pool each month, say $50 or a $100 July 16 through 18. This year’s theme fort, close support and commitment. I The monies would be invested in final input or direction. is “ Among My Souvenirs ” put forth this proposition when teach­ such common stocks as met the ap­ 1 am able to identify a lot o f my Dance* Dance* Dance* Dance T H IN K constituency because a number ofthem proval o f organizations like state pen­ ing that Urban Economics Course at Texas BBQ Louisiana Fish Fry Your Future Is Important feel that their ethnicity may be at the sion funds. Most o f the time this Portland State University, but there G o in g Io ( ‘o llc fc ? Casual Dress 1 $5(M 0“ G I H ID ?* nukes life easier root o f their economic problem and worked pretty well and, certainly, the were no takers- in the m inority com­ 2 $10,000 Siutknis I x\in K c i m m i k i i I |«>gr.un Saturday, June 19, 1993 Not G oing ft» SdMM»i? ( liexK flii'» ( h it! profits’ were higher than that paid by m un ity-o nly several groups o f stu­ are quite frank in their comments. Let 1. J«4» Training - over 200 « xxultie s Texas II Annex & Courtyard 2. $2,