P age A4 M ay 26, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver NAACP NEWS Dr. Benjamin F. Chavis Jr., Ex­ ecutive Director/CEOof the NAACP, will be a keynote speaker at the Sec­ ond African African-American Sum­ mit that will bring together African leaders and key figures from the Afri­ can-American community The Sum­ mit will be held in Gabon, Central Africa, May 24-28, 1993 The Summit theme--"Building a Bridge Of Togethemess”--reflects its objective of bringing together Afri­ cans, African-Americans, and friends of Africa to plan and develop a pro­ gram of principles, declarations and actions to assist with the economic and human development needs of sub- Sub-Saharian Africa. His Excellency El Haof Omar Bongo, President of the Gabonese Republic will host the Summit. The Chairman and Governor is the Rev Leon H Sullivan who filled the same role at the First Summit held in 1991 in the Ivory Coast Out of the Summit came a U S Senate hearing focusing on the Sum m it and issues benefiting Sub-Shararian countries, and a spe­ cial United Nations session on debt relief for Africa and other initiatives of support for Africa including medi­ cal programs, development of schools and training centers and literacy projects. Among the African leaders at­ tending the Summit will be Presidents Ibrahim Badamasi Babangida, Nige­ ria; Abdou Diouf, Senegal; Felix Houpbouet-Biogny, Ivory Coast; Quett Masire, Botawana; Davda K airaba Jaw ara, The G am bia; Nicephore Sogia, Benin; and Jodo Bernardo Viseira, Guinea-Bissau Summer Swim Lesson Registration Swim lessons for all ages and skill lev els are available this summer through the Portland Parks and Rec­ reation Aquatics Department. Regis­ tration for summer swim lessons is available by phone, mail, or walk-in. Your first opportunity to register for lessons is by telephone. If you will pay by Visa or Mastercard, you may register by phoning 823-5100, May 31-June 4, from 5:30 to 9:30pm, or June 5 and 6, from 11:00am to4:00pm. You may also register through the mail, by using the registration from found in the Park Bureau Sum­ mer Program Guide or SWIM PORT- NAACP Leaders Meet With President Clinton . Senator Bob Packwood Oregon Senator Bob Packwood announced today that he is now ac­ cepting nominations for the 1993 US. Senate Productivity Award for manu­ facturing The program was estab­ lished by the Senate in 1982 to recog­ nize firms with outstanding produc­ tivity improvement programs Sena­ tor Packwood will present the award for outstanding productivity in manu­ facturing for 1993. Any Oregon resi­ dent may nominate an Oregon manu­ facturing firm for recognition by w ril­ ing a brief letter including the firm's name, address, and reasons the firm should be considered for the 1993 U S Senate Productivity Award for manufacturing to: Senator Bob Packwood 101 SW Main, #240 Portland. Oregon 97204 Attention: Dave Dillon Nominations must be postmarked no later than July 5, 1993. LAND Summer Schedules. You can receive a schedule by calling 823- 5130. Mail-in registration must be post-marked by June 11, and w ill not be processed until phone-in registra­ tion is complete. Walk-in registration begins Sat­ urday, June 19, from 8 to 11:30am at your neighborhood pool All of the Park Bureau's outdoor pools will open June 21. For a com­ plete pool schedule, see the Park Bu­ reau Summer Program Guide, SWIM PORTLAND Summer Schedules, or contact indiv idual pools. The follow­ ing pools offer summer sw im lessons: Buckman Columbia Creston Dishman Grant M.L.C, Montavilla Mt. Scott Peninsula Pier PCC/Sylvania Providence Sellwood Wilson A top level NAACP delegation met with President Clinton for 25 minutes on Thursday , May 20th, in a session that covered a broad range of topics and was described by the del­ egation in positive terms. “It was a constructive and productive meeting and one that bodes well forthe continuing relation­ ship between the W hite House and the NAACP, "said Dr. William F. Gibson, Chairman of the NAACP’s Board o f D irectors, who, with Dr Benjamin F. Chavis, Jr., Execu­ tive Director/CEO, headed the del­ egation. “We are pleased with the out­ come of the meeting, and are de­ lighted w e w ere able to clarify aspects of the civil rights agenda with the President,” Dr. Chavis added Both commended the President for his decision to recognize the gov­ ernment of Angola that last Septem­ ber won a United Nations-certified election against the guerrilla group, the Union for Total Independence of Angola (Unita), which has fought a lengthy civil war. Among other issues discussed were the Second African-African American Summit in Gabon, Central Africa, that Dr. Chavis will attend; the forthcoming 25th Anniversary of the 1963 March on Washington; and the President’s support for the Envi­ ronmental Justice Bill now before Congress. On that piece of legislation, Dr. Chavis, along with Congressman John Lewis, has been instrumental in its formation. Others in the delegation were Ms. Rupert Richardson, NAACP Presi­ 320 SE 16th, 823-3668 (indoor) 7701 N. Chautauqua Blvd., 823-3669 (indoor) SE 44th & Powell, 823-3672 77 NE Knott, 823-3673 (indoor) 2300 NE 33rd, 823-3674 2033 NW Glisan, 823-3671 (indoor) 8219 NE Glisan, 823-3675 5530 SE 72nd, 823-3676 6400 N. Albina, 823-3677 N. Seneca & St. Johns, 823-3678 12000 S W 49th, 823-5130 (indoor.lcssons only) 5050 NE Hoyt, 823-5130 (indoor, lessons only) SE 7th & Miller, 823-3679 1511 SW Vermont, 823-3680 dent, Leon Russell, NAACP Board Member, Wade Henderson, Washing­ ton Bureau Director; and Edward Hailes, Jr., Washington Bureau Coun­ sel. The m eeting follow ed the president’s signing of the National Voter Registration Act o f 1993 (the Motor Voter Bill) which had been aggressively supported by the NAACP. Speaking at the ceremony, Dr. Chavis said: “Mr. President, the law you have signed here today will remove the final obstacles and barriers that have disenfranchised eligible citizens-particularly racial minorities, poor persons with disabili­ ties and young Americans-for far too many years. This new law reaffirms our nation’s commitment to the fundamental right to vote.” T o n i’s S o u l F ood D r iv e T lir u W arm atmosphere Great Hom e Cooked Food Meals Convenient C all ahead For D rive Thru W indow 249-TONI Breakfast Lunch Dinner Open 6:00am to 10:00pm M-S Sun 8:00am to 9:30pm 249-TONI -7 3) f/w e iif i ' i n m • to e o e ry im t/i a m / m i t io / i co m en t / e Mary W hile Ovington 1911 - 1918 m o m e t if fo c/ec •ate, ,(/n f/ie n fri/c p / ¿-/rttf/i to tf/i c'/’o /n c /io o i// o r f/t c y o o t / o r c o i / n ù /e; < lom ep y r e u f (n in n e, /to i/'n . \e /o , /fenntii/i, p //c rim y ecte/i f/ie 6 /o o m o r />/iy/if, John R. Shilladv 1 9 1 8 -1 9 2 0 /flu r fn f/ie^ y o a fn n / o t i f / e /e /f / a m / , a m / f/ie n /e e /i ti/o ti t / e rty /if. , ( m / f / e e/io iee y o c n />y / o r e o e r fio t.v f i/a r /n e n n a m / f / i a f /iy /if. lames Weldon Johnson 1921 - 1930 '\~77ie/i fo n u /e io tf/t cTrtif/i is tio /i/e io/ieti toe n /ia re / e r io re fc /ie a e n tu f. c>re / e r canne 6rim y< / a m e a m / / r p / i f , a m / '/ i s / r o s / e r o a s fo /c y a n /; c77ien if is f/ie //H io e m a n e/ioonen, to /ii/e t/ie c o io a r c /s fa m /s a sit/e , Walter W hite 1 9 3 0 - 1955 (/)o tt/fim y in /lis a /y e e f n/u'rif, f i / / /un . / o r e / is c m c t/ie a , . / m / f/i e n m /fiftu /e m a / e o ir fn e p / f / e / a t f / i i/ie y / u h / i/e /iie i/ ” J am es R u ssell L o w ell Rov Wilkins 1 9 5 5 - 1977 Dr. Benjamin !.. Hooks 1977 - 1993 Dr. Beniamin E Chavis ¿ / h e Torch Is Passed. The eighty-four year struggle of the National challenging today as ivheti lames Russell Lowell wrote Association for the Advancement of Colored People for "The Present Crisis" one hundred and fifty years ago. civil rights has helped make the United States a As the torch passes from better place for all Americans. Benjamin L. Hooks fo Benjamin Chavis, we at Despite notable achievements, the Philip Morris Companies celebrate the legacy of struggle for equality - in education, in the N A A C P , thank Dr. Hooks for his service, housing, and in economic opportunity - is as Philip Morris Companies Inc. and wish Dr. Chavis the best. Kralt General foods Miller Brewing Com pany Philip Morris ( Capital ( Corporation Philip Morris International Inc. Philip Morris U.S.A. -----