Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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    T he P ortland O bserver •
M ay
P age A3
26, 1993
Ten Community Leaders Honored:
Kick Off For A Peaceful Summer
Several non-profit organizations
and individuals in Portland have spent
a lifetim e trying to save our inner-city
youth without recognition, fanfare or
support. Through the efforts o f the
Northeast Health Resource Center and
the Police Activities League, and the
generosity o f the Multnomah Athletic
Foundation and the Multnomah A th ­
letic Club, ten community leaders were
honored at a first-ever Portland Inner
City Youth Alliance: Unsung Heroes
banquet, May 21, 1993, 6:30 p.m. at
the M A C.
The honorees include:
• W illiam Stoudamire - People Are
• Anthony Stoudamire - Portland
Youth Football
• Charlie Stoudamire - Youth Basket­
• Kevin Modica - Police Activities
• Lee Jenkins - Portland Parks Bureau
and Police Activities League
• Robert Richardson - Portland Youth
• Sister Mays - Wings o f Love
• David Jackson - Campfire Gang
Peace Program
• A li Muhammad - Northeast Health
ResourceCenterandUniversal Acad­
emy o f Self Defense
• Greg Barton - Multnomah Athletic
These unsung heroes offer hope
and an example that livin g and grow­
ing up in poor economic conditions
does not mean the end, but rather a
road to follow for success in any en­
deavor. “ We are trying to send a strong
message that community unity is the
only way we can make a difference
w ith our present and our future,” said
Maura White, PAL Executive Direc­
tor. “ We a ll need to educate, motivate,
organize and mobilize.”
In addition to seeing their com­
munity leaders, the youth were ex­
posed to the Multnomah Athletic Club,
a club steeped in athletic tradition sim i­
lar to the athletic traditions o f a core
group o f dedicated coaches and former
student-athletes from the North/North-
east community. The common athletic
thread, and the bridge o f a dinner
whose focus is on volunteers and youth,
pulled us all together by recognizing
o u r s im ila ritie s as w e ll as our
diversity.’’This banquet signified the
efforts o f unsung heroes in our com­
m unity who have worked tirelessly
w ith youth,” said Aleem Shabazz,
Executive Director o f the Northeast
Heath Resource Center. “ The theme o f
unsung heroes represents men and
women who live in the community and
who have demonstrated their unselfish
desire to help youth. These people may
not be on the cover o f any news maga­
zine, but they are committed to com­
munity development.’
Event emcees were Michael Grice
and Claxton Welch o f the W orld Arts
Foundation. The invocation was given
by Imam M ikal Shabazz, Muslim Com­
munity Center, and the benediction
was given by pastor Denise Bell,
M allory Avenue Christian Church.
C onfirm ed special guests in ­
cluded: C hief Tom Potter, SheriffBob
Mura White PAL and Aleem Shabazz
Forest Celebrates
National Trails Day,
June 5
left to right - Kevin Modica, Aleem Shabazz, Willie Stoudamire,
Chalrles Stoudamire and Anathony Stoudamire
Skipper, Acting Chair o f Multnomah
C ou nty C om m issio ne rs H ank
M ig g in s , C om m issioner Sharon
Kelley, Rep. Avel Gordley, Rep. M ar­
garet Carter, Portland State Univer­
sity Football Head Coach T im Walsh,
CHZA Association President Harold
W illiam s, Assistant C hief Dave W il­
liams, Deputy C hief Charles Moose,
Portland Parks Bureau At-Risk Youth
Coordinator David Jordan, North East
Business Center, Inc. President James
Berry, former P. S. U. Quarterback John
In addition to the Multnomah
Athletic Club and Foundation, finan­
cial sponsors included First Interstate
Bank, E & M Sentry Market. N orth­
east Business Center, One Stop
Records, Pacific Power and Light,
Perkins and Company, CHZA Asso­
ciation, Sandys Camera, Black United
Fund, Campfire, Urban League and
World Arts Foundation. Corporateand
individual sponsors are s till being
Specialty Stores Locate
To Jantzen Beach Center
Island Bed Company opened its
2,400 square foot store in A p ril at
Jantzen Beach Center. The local re­
tailer features futon couches and beds,
contemporary futon furniture and ac­
cessories, and children’s furniture.
Owner, M ike Anderson says, “ We’ re
very pleased w ith the customer re­
sponse. People like the easy style,
quality, and function o f futons. “ M ike
Anderson also owns Waterbcds West
at the Center.
South o f the Border is relocating
its store from Vancouver M a ll to
Jantzen Beach Center. T his 2900
square foot store w ill carry specialty
items from Mexico, Central and South
America and Southwestern m o tif
Daniel and Julie Guerrero, owners,
have commenced w ith interior im-
The a fte rn o o n w ed din g o f
Carmelita Emerson o f Portland, O r­
egon to Dr. Steven Beresford o f
Newcastle upon Tyne, England, was
celebrated in May at new Song Church.
Their vow s were said, in a double ring
ceremony, before the Rev. Richard
Probasco, pastor o f New Song.
Thebride whoworksforMETRO-
ERC, is the daughter o f Mrs. Oine
Emerson and the late Robert Emerson.
She wore for her wedding a floor
length gow n o f white satin and lace/
styled w ith a short jewel-embroidered
train. A crystal studded circlet in her
hair held her cathedral length veiling
in place In her arms she carried her
bouquet o f white carnations, roses and
stephanotis, tied w ith trailing white
provements and plan to open in June.
Crafters Village, currently open
in Springfield, OR plans to open three
new stores in the Portland area. The
first store w ill be at Jantzen Beach
Center opening this June They w ill
sell hand-crafted items from inde­
pendent artists, including stained
glass, dried flowers, country theme
and other miscellaneous crafts They
w ill be located next to B Dalton
Bookseller in a 3,440 square foot
Jantzen Beach Center is located
on Hayden Island, on the Columbia
River, o ff o f Interstate 5, E xit 308.
The Center is ow ned by The Pruden­
tial Insurance Company o f America
and managed by Tcrranomics Retail
Services. LP.
----------------------------------------------------- 1
sought. Any funds over costs w ill be
distributed between the Northeast
Health Resource Center and P A L.
for summer programs.
Confirmed non-profits sending
representatives (which included youth
fro m each p ro g ra m ) in c lu d e d :
M YC AP , Boy Scouts o f America,
YM CAs, Columbia Boys and Girls
Clubs, House o f Umoja, Operation
Easy, Oregon Human Development
Corporation - Hispanic Access Cen­
ter, Self Enhancement Inc., Portland
Youth Redirection, People Are Beau­
tifu l, Busy Moms for Jesus, Na’eem
Muhammad Youth Business Center,
Urban League, Greenhouse, Islamic
Scouting, PAL, Northeast Health Re­
source Center, Crescent Sports, Youth
on the Move, and Street Hoops.
For any additional information or
to send a donation, please contact
Maura White, 1115 S. W. 11th, Port­
land, OR 97205, 248-5011.
The Mt. Hood National Forest
w ill jo in local recreation groups and
sponsors in hosting trail activities on
National Trails Day, Saturday, June
5 Guided hikes and rides, demonstra­
tions and displays w ill be offered at
ten Forest sites.
Free shuttle bus service from Z ig ­
zag Ranger Station w ill take visitors
to Lost Creek Campground for geol­
ogy, windflower, and wilderness hikes;
mountain bike, sled dog and horse
packing demonstrations; and display
Estacada, Clackamas, Barlow,
Bear Springs and Hood River Ranger
Districts w ill offer ample opportuni­
ties to hit the trail. Activities include
old growth w alks; guided horse rides
on the Barlow Road; work parties for
the Clackamas River and Riverside
Trails; A T V , horse, and mountain
bike rides; and a fishing clinic at
T rilliu m Lake Dam.
Visitors should bring lunches and
dress comfortably for outdoor activi­
ties For a list o f times and places,
contact any Mt. Hood National Forest
office or call (503) 666-0664.
One of the Northwest Largest Wig Displays
Wigs and Hairpieces For all Nationalities
E va G abor
N aomi S ims
R enee of P aris
3817 NE 6th Avenue
7:00am ■ 6:00pm
Secretary o f Labor Robert Reich
said today that the Clinton Adm inis­
tration would be developing a com­
prehensive worker retraining program
but stopped short o f specifics in terms
o f Northwest timber workers.
Reich was responding to ques­
tions from Senator M ark Hatfield at a
hearing before a Senate Appropria­
tions subcommittee on Labor, Health,
and Human Services.
The Clinton Adm inistration has
proposed an increase in funding for
dislocated workers next year but
Hatfield said he was concerned that
the enactment o f needed reforms in
the program was not likely this year.
He also questioned Reich on whether
his proposal would include needs-
based payments to individuals.
Reich said the Department o f
Labor would be submitting a compre­
hensive worker adjustment program
to address the needs o f dislocated
workers that would merge several
existing programs. He said he recog­
nized the problem in the Pacific North­
west but made no commitments in
terms o f specific targets for dislocated
timber workers.
“ Under this new program, dislo­
cated workers w ill receive tim ely ac­
cess to an enriched array o f basic
adjustment services such as labor
market information, career counsel­
ing, and job search assistance; train­
ing i f it is needed, and income support,
Reich said.”
Hatfield said he was concerned
about the level o f training programs
for Northwest timber workers and
urged Reich to consider those workers
in communication w ith the plan being
developed for President Clinton after
the Forest Summit in Portland.
“ I am concerned about the ad­
equacy o f retraining programs for dis­
located forest products workers in the
Pacific Northwest,” H atfield told
Reich. “ W hile solutions to the emer­
gency in the forests continue to be
debated, timber-related employment
levels remain the lowest in recorded
Oregon Business Network
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Hatfield Questions Labor
Secretary On Dislocated Workers
Synthetic & I linnan 1 lair
For Braiding & Weeving
acted as ring bearer and four year-old
Fada Gaines was flower g irl.
The couple was united at the altar
installed under a Spanish arch orna­
mented w ith white-washed trees
adorned w ith tw inkling lights, a set­
ting desinged by their friend Ed M a­
Before the couple left the alter,
they joined hands and “jumped over
the broom” in recognition o f an old,
respected African-American tradtion
for a couple announcing their shared
The newlyweds spent a b re if hon­
eymoon in Oregon at Kahneeta and
Sun R iv e r. T hey p la n to v is it
Berfsford’s parents and other mem­
bers o f his fam ily in England during
the Christmas holidays.
“p a rtn e rs in p rogress ”
Business After Hours Networking
Oregon State A ffiliate
Meeting Date Time And Location Below
Special Invitation
Betty Davis’ - OBN Business Social Is Today
Wednesday, May 26, 1993 - 6:30 PM
Red Lion Inn - Downtown
SW 4th & Lincoln
Club Max Lounge
Free Food! - Free Admission This M onth
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You and your business guests are invited —
free food, u ntil it runs out!
N.E. Broadway
Ages 2-5 years
Bridal attendants Alena Clark,
Shari Myer and Donna Nicholas-
Walker were gowned in floor length
iridescent royal blue satin dresses
Sprigs o f gypsophilia were tucked into
their hair. They carried presentation
bouquets o f white gladioli.
The bridegroom, a vision research
scientist, conducts his offices in
Portland fo llo w in g his interest in
cataract therapy and nearsightedness
D r. Beresford chose as his best
man, his old friend, Dr. Peter Gilbert
o f L incoln, England D r G ilbert
came to P ortland to attend his
friends. They wore conventional
formal afternoon attire in m idnight
blue, as did Michael B ritt, grooms­
Four-year old “ M ickey” B ritt
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Lombard Chapel
3018 N. Lombard
Portland, Oregon 97217