•.* i - / 1;* M ay 2 6 , 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B 6 The B e s t W a y To Buy A N e w Or U sed C ar BY S H A R O N A C H A T Z C opley News Service Headed down the highway to­ w ard purchasing a car'’ W hether that auto is new, new to y ou or a collectable classic, one b it o f advice remains the same; d o n ’t go shopping alone Use in fo rm a tio n as your ally, and you're sure to d rive away a w inner Gone are the days w hen consum­ ers w ent b lin d ly behind closed doors to haggle w ith a dealer Now, serv ices o ffe r in fo rm a tio n that can m in im ize h a g g lin g hassles B u yin g New T o begin, i t ’ s relatively easy to discover the real price the dealer paid fo r a new car-and then to pay the dealer little more than that fo r the car. Dealer prices arc available w ithout charge to members o f the A utom obile Association o f A m erica They also can be purchased at new sstands in the “ Consumer Guide A u to R eport" or by c a llin g the Consumer Reports Auto Price Serv ice at (303) 745-1700. H irin g a consultant or buyer's service, such as Seattle-based A uto Adw orks, also can save a consumer cash on a car as these companies conduct research into hidden rebates, w h ich can be taken into account to fin d dealers w illin g to accept even less than dealer cost on a car that carries a m anufacturer rebate to the dealer O f course, either o f these options s till leaves a little legwork to the con­ sumer as he goes from dealer todealer, using his info rm a tio n to dicker down the ca r’ s cost. For folks who d o n ’ t enjoy such “ car com bat," there are one-stop shop­ ping methods such as fleet sales or com petitive b idding sen ices W ith fleet sales, manv cre d it unions, membership stores and auto­ m otive associations refer members to car dealers fo r a non-negotiable fleet- sale price based on v olume sales A f­ ter getting his referral, the buyer gen­ erally makes an appointment w ith a designated sales representative at the dealership, who writes up the deal at the fleet price. W ith a com petitive b idding ser­ vice, such as Washington-based Car Bargains, consumers receive at least five com petitive bids from hometown dealers fo r the car they want. The sen ice refunds its $ 135 fee to anyone W HY PAY FULL RETAIL? ■ in s:R 82 77 85 84 Chev Caprice Chev Celbrty S/W Dodge P/U Ford Fiesta zine: When you arrive at a dealership, do not tell the sales representative that you intend to lease a car. Negotiate on price as i f you were going to buy. W hen you hav e agreed upon a selling price-approved by the sales manager- procecd to the dealer’ s finance office w eigh the risks The average new car costs more than $15,000, and it w ill depreciate by nearly 30 percent in the firs t year, according to Consumer Reports magazine. A used car not only B uying Used A grow ing number o f auto buyers are shipping used-car lots instead o f new-car show rooms fo r the best deals on wheels. O f course, there is one huge po­ tential problem w ith seeking used over new . N either you nor the dealer has much knowledge o f the ve h icle ’ s h is­ tory-how it was driven, w ho drove it, o r how it was maintained. But, the money to be saved could w e ll out­ potential lemons and locate true, cream puffs is to firs t do some research. DO YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? 83 Olds Cutlass 88 Hyundai Excel 82 Buick Electra S/W 82 AMC Eagle VW Rabbit CNVBL Chev Suburban Chev Celebrity Honda Accord w here you should announce that you want to lease the car at the quoted price O f course, be ready to w a lk out o f the deal at anytim e before signing the fin a l agreement i f the dealer re­ fuses to lease the car at that price o r i f any o f the contract’ s terms and co n d i­ tions are not to y our satisfaction. (alvmbla Riva, • NO CREDIT CHECKS OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS...EVER • DOWNPAYMENTS $ 4 0 0 OR LOWER • 12.9% A.P.R. FINANCING YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED O U T BEFORE IT'S B O U G H T SERVICE AREA PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION Mf'.i Consider models that have proven to be reliable in reader surveys o f auto­ m otive and consumer magazines, and try to determine reasonable prices by referring to guides such as the N A D A O ffic ia l Used Car Guide published m onthly by the N ational A utom obile Dealers Association o f M cLean, Va. YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: E.Z. CARR R iv ^ O ty A t costs less to buy, it also depreciates at a slower rate and costs less to insure. The best way to lurch beyond NEED A CAR? Up to 7 0 cars (m a n y under $ 1 0 0 0 ) • G ates open a t 9 :0 0 a.m . FEATURED VEHICLES 76 89 75 79 w ho buys a car at a better price than its best bid F in a lly, there is a g ro w in g trend tow ard new -car dealers olTeri ng autos at a li ved price-such as Saturn dealers. No negotiations allow ed Period. For consumers considering leas­ ing a car rather than purchasing, keep this in m ind; Leased prices are as negotiable as purchase prices. Here’ s how to negotiate the best leasing terms, according to Consumers Digest maga­ A DIVISION SE Division Street OF CARR (HEVEROLET GEO NISSAN 231 -0 0 0 0 6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland We care more about your future than we do your past. Vi-”-. OFFERS FINANCING TO EVERYONE! ‘We care more about yoi future than your past!” FINAL 1992 CLEARANCE SALE OF ALL CHEVROLETS NISSAN 24 Month Lease Option In 24 Months You Can By Walk Away Keep The Car Or Get A Brand New Car New Program And Demonstrators 1992 CORSICA 1993 ALTIMA GXE OVER 1993SENTRA XE 4 OR or 2 DR LIM ITED EDITION MSRP OR CARR Savings «12.035 -3,040 »5777 «5377 »771 '»S731 SaM 4 DR 0(1 CARR List Price V*«’ /'«i«ii7” * '.’»V»#'* . . ) »I'M*', „ XH'Ni «M» •v.-.'«-# I'M i.lO M'« l | V- M»|.1‘ «K. Mill 1 6 n o n e 16 valve engine, 5 speed transmis- sinn power disc brakes, lull instrumentation, rear window delrosler. side window delog­ gers tinted glass, body side moldings dual power remore control m inors art condraon- ing AM/TM stereo cassette. emise control, lilt wheel power steering, and more 2 ' W *3,000 i>a »•«MN.'i.l»' V6.ABS, Brakes, Air Bag. Air Conditioning, PW. PL, tilt, AM/FM. MSRP '12.690 CARR Savings -3,695 Loaded luxury Sdn 2.4 16 -«a {KH UD valve DOHC J 150 HP orinino engine, 1 « "Kl .’ ifWG)»Wl power steering, power disc , „ j s SALE I, , brakes, 4 wheel independent price p n ir F suspension, air bag. tilt wheel, upgraded luxury interior trim with walnut applique rear window de­ froster, tachometer, power windows, power locks, air conditioning, elec­ tronic AM FM cassette with power antenna. Spci GXE option package, control and more. ; U, Price OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS s150 DOWN & s150 PER MONTH. ___ OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS A T S699 DOWN & s249 PER MO. 1993 PATHFINDER XE 4 DR 4x4 5 SPEED MANUAL OR AUTOMATIC CARR List Savings air bag, child proof locks, tinted glass OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS AT *229 DOWN & s229 PER MO. TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5495 LIST PRICE NEW ......... $15,295 ..................-6,300 SAVE. All like # t 1 100 22 7 S22,785 -5 ,0 0 0 SALE PRICE STOCK SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 1992 CAMARO COUPE > A u to m a tic » Air co n d itio n in g > P o w e r s te e rin g > P o w e r d is c b ra k e s » A M /F M c a s s e tte « jMinoi/»ì>PWii64.*>* Mi»wirvs-’w r? i 1992 S-10 BLAZER 4X4 • 4 3 V6 A u to m a tic T rans • • • • • • • Tahoe Pack a y a » 3 Air c o n rM io n in y • R ow nr tailgate Rear d o fo g u o i • H oof rack Rower w in a ow e /tocks AM /FM stereo cassette C ruise c o n tro l » T ill w tiool A lloy wheots • Tinted g lass • RED LIST PRICE N E W ......$22,492 SAVE............................... -4,500 LIST PRICE NEW ..$15,110 SAVE.............................-4,115 SALE PRICE SALE PRICE 1993 GEO METRO 1992 CAPRICE V8 automatic trans, power windows, power locks, wire wheel ’3>. covers, air conditioning, tilt, cruise. ? rear defroster. 2-lone paint. & more' 3 0 V6 engine, 153HP. power steering, power brakes, ABS automatic, kicking hubs la c h n n e te r AM/FM cas­ sette with 4 speakers, 'ill wheel, rear window dehos’ er chrome wheels, rear window wiper washer, tinted glass, sport rack, security system and much more AT THIS PRICE • -.««oí r r . ’w i/ a ii ■ » '.’ i i • : * • 1 • - OR LEASE OPTION FOR 24 MONTHS *699 DOWN & *299 PER MONTH. #1303. #1292, #1298 LIST PRICE NEW . .$ 1 8 .5 6 4 SAVE............................-6,000 TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $5976 1993ALTAMA XE 2 .4 Hr 16 v a v le D O H C SALE engine, 5 speed, power PRICE steed ng, power dl sc brakes, 4 wheel indepen-dent suspension, tachmeter, tilt wheel, defogger 8 rear detogger. delay wipers, some with tu-tone & alloy wheels. AT THIS PRICE 5 SPEED OR AUTOMATIC »5407 »5719 »Siet »S ta l »5«M »5770 »51« TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $3600 «KMM 1992 LUMINA EURO 4 DR 3.1 V6, Air conditioning, Tilt wheel, Cruise control. Power steering, Power disc brakes, Air bag, AM-FM stereo, ABS brakes, Power windows. #3268. #10 9 9 , #1000 LIST PRICE NEW $19 455 SAVE...................... ...... 7460 AT THIS PRICE ■ H K ILt #5187. »5188 SALE PRICE Alter '300 Factory debite and'400 GMAC lin i lima buyer rebile # 5 ,9 1 . # 5 2 1 4 . # 5 2 1 5 , # 5 1 8 9 . # 5 ,9 0 TOTAL OF PAYMENTS $7178 ■ M ot N IS S A N 16th & NE S a n d y Blvd. 16 th & NE S a n d y B lvd. 2 3 4 -5 5 5 5 2 3 4 -5 5 5 5 CHEVROLET GEO A.Jk - * »s *•' * ■ .