VWMMkSM T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 2 6, 1993 P age B5 N New Azusa Coupons Help Sick Kids Anti-Catholic Billboards Are A Continuing Concern For Ecumenical Ministries Of Oregon Christian Training Center Shoppers w ho redeem an unusual coupon appearing in United Grocers- inember store ads this week will end up pay ing $ I more for their grocenes- butthatdollarw ill helplocal hospitals for children. The donation coupons are in the ads today May 26. When shoppers present the donation coupons at checkstands of participating United Grocers-member stores, $1 will be added to their food bill. Those dollars will go directly to the C hildren’s Miracle Network Telethon, June 5-6, to help local hospitals for children P a rtic ip a tin g sto ic s include Thriftway, Sentry. Food Warehouse, Food Connection, Select Markets and many other independently owned U nited G ro c e rs-m e m b er sto res throughout Oregon, Southwest Wash • ington and Northern California. “A full 100 percent of the dona­ tions will stay here locally to help the kids ” Tom Drew, United Grocers di­ menical ministries o f Oregon, stated, rector of advertising said. "I am deeply saddened that this fringe The telethon benefits pediatrics group of a respected Christian body is at Doernbccher Children’s Hospital sowing such seeds of hatred and big­ in Portland, Rogue Valley Medical otry. It is not only unwarranted and Center in Medford, Sacred Heart Gen- deeply regretted but also is an assault end Hospital in Eugene and Children’s on us all.” Hospital Medical Center of Northern Ecumenical Ministries ofOregon California in Oakland understands that the SDA Remnant Ministries is not financed by, endorsed A Continental by, or sponsored by the Oregon Con­ Breakfast, ference. Ecumenical Ministries is asking Maranatha Church that Pastors throughout the state keep The N ational president of watch for SDA Remnant Ministries Women Uniting In Prayer Fellow­ billboards in their area and to both ships, Mrs. Thelma Jones, will be complain to the billboard company in Portland to participate in the when they are erected and to report group’s monthly pray er breakfast them to Ecumenical Ministries of Or- which will be Saturday, May 29, 1993, at 9:00 A M., at Maranatha egon. C hinU iat +222 NE 12th Avenue, . Child Care heie in Portland A continental breakfast will precede the fellow­ A g es: All Lunch Snacks Provided ship All welcome. SÄl w OF »NWAtL BE . ..¿..A Ecumenical Ministries ofOregon has asked Ackerley Communications to remove the billboards in the Port­ land area that attack the Roman Catho­ lic Church These billboards portray the Roman Catholic Church as part of a world-wide conspiracy of ev il. using the “Anti-Christ” symbol. “666” . The billboards first appeared in the Medford area in April and were authorized and paid for by the Seventh Day Adventist (SDA) Remnant M in­ istries to create a climate of hatred and prejudice. They have now been put up in the Portland area in five locations The Rev. Dr. Rodney Page. Ex­ ecutive Director of Ecumenical M in­ istries of Oregon, stated: “We are shocked and outraged that these at­ tacks are continuing against our broth­ ers and sisters in the Roman Catholic Church It is sad that in this age of ecumenism, when the churches are working together as never before to work against poverty , racism and preju­ dice, that group spews forth its hatred and venom The 17 denominations that constitute Ecumenical Ministries ofO regon condemn this unwarranted attack against that Roman Catholic Church and call upon the Seventh Day Adventist Remnant Ministries to take down the billboards and apologize to the Roman Catholic Church.” Ecumenical Ministries ofOregon joins with member churches in the Medlord area who are saddened by this incident As The Rev. William Crcevey, Pastor of the First Presbyte­ rian Church and President of Ecu- 3 0 B ig N ig h ts o f North-Northeast Portland Community-Wide Monday Thru F'iday 7 A.M. t P.M. Call: Cherice at 284-7960 Revival O.B. Williams Convention Center 220 N.E. Beech St. Portland, Oregon S u n day, M ay 2nd-M onday, M ay 31, 1993 7.00 pm N ightly featuring 7:00 pm N ightly PREACHING SIN G IN G TEACHING SH O U TIN G PRAYING HEALING "Let the words o f my mouth and the medita­ tion of my heart be ac­ ceptable in They sight, Oh Lord, my strength a n d my redeem er." Psalms 19:14 “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever bclieveth in Him should not per­ ish but have everlast­ ing life ” John 3:16 Rev. Robert Weaver, Associate Minister Greater Faith Baptist Church, 931 N. Skidmore St., Portland, Oregon COM E! SE E ! H EAR! • • • B ring 9:45am 1 1:00am 7:30pm God Has “A Miracle” With Your Name On It! ------ 1 (Greater J^aud 126 N.C. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173 M is s io n a ry ^Baptist (Cljurrlj “ Serving The L o rd W ith Gladness” * Psalm 100:2 Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 M id Week: Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G .L Black I Pastor 3707 N. W illia m s Ave. (503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227 ZZ'èZZoajwZufi' (jZtff/r/ o / Z/ocZ 5138 NE 23rd Avenue • Portland, OR 9721 1 Sundav School Service 9 45am Morning Worship 11:00am Evening Worship 6pin Mid-Week Sen ice 7pm Pastor James Coleman, Emmanuel Hospital Chaplain • • • The P eo p le..E v ery Sunday people who love people corne from all around to worship at NACTS The Power of God is alive and manifested in a real and tan­ gible way The P resence ..of the Lord through the ministry of the word and the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit is in every ser­ vice. s .’; i :ï 7 '- - Join w ith us in worship this Sunday a t 10:45 A M Wendall Walace, Sr. Pastor/Founder Wednesday Teaching & Training Night Talk Show Every Sunday Night 10:30 to 12 midnight KPDQ 93.7 FM/800 AM MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH Has moved Sunday sevices to Stone T ow er C hurch N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m and 7:00 p.m. R adio M in is try each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on K B M S Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 A •» ■ 7:00 PM You Are Invited 7600 N E. G LISAN P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213 Larry & Tiz Much scn io rP a » « It's contemporary! I fs Multi-cultural! It's Spirit Filled! * . church fo r the 90s! Are you tired of the same old thing? Then you are ready for New Begin­ nings! Coinejoin the excitement as we take Portland for Jesus! > Anointed Preaching & Teaching Clay & Tami Drayton Pastors • Dynamic Children & Youth Ministries » Powerful Praise & Worship • Street Reach & Overcomers Ministries • Service Times: Sunday ¡0:30 am 6:00 pm 7600 NE Glisan Street 256-6050 Scott «X. Lydia Sigman Pastors ^ a u l JMtsstottarç ^Baptist (iljurclf 8101 N Fiske Avenue Portland Oregon 97203 Study Phone: 289-1911 Church Phone: 2 8 9 -0 1 47 Sunday Service 1 0 :4 5 Sunday School 9 :3 0 Bible Study 6 00 Evening Service ?\ T eaching Church With A Reaching Ministry I)r. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor X ": Classes for all ages Child care available To Attend "Children's Day 1993" June 13, 1993 at 4:00 P M. Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Portland. Oregon 97211 Rev Emmett Wheatfall, Pastor Everyone Is Welcome: Fathers * Mothers * Grandparents * All Senior Citizens Please Come And Encourage Our Children This Program W i" Include Children O f All Races And Nationalities Thank You For more information call Rev John Parker 284-7563 or the church at 288-7241 Sunday School Morning Worship Tuesday Bilble Study ond Prayer Inter-racial Congregation '¿Z What makes New Azusa The Church That It Is? "Come to me all you uiho are weary and heavy laden and I will give you rest." Witness the m anifestation o f the Power o f God Feel the thrill o f the touch o f the unseen. Receive healings for your spirit, soul and body. the sick, the shut-in, the careless and unconcerned. We Welcome You To The M allory Avenue Christian Church f - N; J at Bethel A.M.E. Church, 5828 NE Jovce Smith. The concert w ill be held 8th Avenue, at the corner of NE 8th The Bethel Busy Bees presents and Jarrett, approximately 3 blocks the Second Annual Concert, “Glorify­ cast of MLK, Jr. Blvd. A reception ing the Lord in Music, Saturday, June with Homemade desserts will follow 19, 1993 at 6pm” . The concert will the concert. feature Rev. Dorsey & Mrs Loyce This is a fundraising event to McCullough, the pastor and first lady support the purchase and installation of Bethel A.M.E. Church, accompa­ of stained glass windows for the nied by Mrs. Grace Edwards, cur­ church For more information, please rently a Professor of Music at Philan­ call (503) 288-5429 or 288-5420. der Smith College in Little Rock, Ar­ Mass Choir under the direction of Sis kansas Also featured will be the Bethel î /V z . re. -f's Bethel Holds Fundraising Concert a t the i-’ Sunday Message: “ Who Is This Man Nobody Seem< Te Know” ! d.th Thrower Leader ’ i » ♦ 44 NE Morris St. (1 Block East o f W illiams Ave.) “7 he t hurch that love is building in I he heart of north! northeast Portland. t says - ■ >. 7:00pm Pastor, Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now. I Peter iv.ll Mi