I ♦'W- ■ s - « -I* P age B4 M ay 26, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver H • O • U • S • I • N ‘ G ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS r —— — — — — — — — n 25 HOMES WANTED •V "T" • A | MAIL COUPON OR CALL ANDERSON BUILDERS & I CONSTRUCTION, INC. I 1» ors (Under Supervision- Fully Guaranteed) Io Install 03780361 J I 3511 N.E. 74th Portland, OR 97213 I (503) 281-1855 NAME NEW 1993 Vinyl Siding I ADDRESS I CITY_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I I I I Financing k Q.A.C. I ------------------ 1 I PHONE I CCB#526CI3™ ” I ANK RBC135RP WS & Son’s Featuring GRAND OPENING NEW & USED FURNITURE Open 9am to 8pm M -S 10am to 5pm Sunday AT LOW, LOW, LOW PRICES Dressers......................... ........$35.00 & Up Floor Lam ps................... ...................$10.00 Table Lam ps................... .....................$3.00 Two Piece Sofa Sets...... ..... $150.00 & Up Chest D raw ers............... ........$40.00 & Up T V ’s B /W ................................ $20.00 & Up T V ’ s C o lo r.............................. $45.00 & Up All Quality Merchandise And Many Other Items “A Good Place To Start Good Housekeeping ” The Oregon State Home Builders Calling On Oregon Legislature To “Walk The Extra M ile” The Oregon State Home Builders Association has called on the Oregon Legislature to “ walk the extra m ile" to maximize lumber production from state-owned timber lands, and to give Oregonians priority for the purchase o f state-ow ned timber. Oregonians and all Americans wishing to build or remodel are facing a lumber supply shortage each year the rest o f this decade, according to a study just released by the Home B u ild ­ ers Association The study, “ America’ s Lumber Shortage,” concludes there w ill be a 10 to 25 percent shortfall in lumber supply necessary to meet new con­ struction, repair and remodeling and commercial construction needs. The study examines imports and projected timber harvests from each region o f the United States. Fred VanNatta, Affordable Hous­ ing Advocate for the Oregon State Home Builders Association, said the national lumber shortage created by the lock-up o f Oregon timber lands w ill hurt oregonians seeking to re­ model their homes or buy homes. Nationally, it has the potential to drive the economy back in to a recession. The Home Builders Association is requesting the Agriculture Subcom­ mittee o f the natural Resources Com­ mittee in the Oregon House o f Repre­ sentatives to review state timber man­ agement programs to assure maxi­ mum sustained yield harvest is being realized. The Home Builders also re­ quested the committee consider legis­ lation giving Oregonians priority in purchasing lumber from state-owned trees. VanNatta declared, “ As the lum ­ ber shortage facing this nation grows more acute, Oregon taxpayers who own the trees in the state forest s s hr».’ i a have priority access to the lumber made from those trees.” B '■ 3» ? PDC Okays Rental Rehab Loans, One For Chronically Mentally III Housing Project And One For Eight-Plex In North Portland The Portland Development Com­ mission (PDC) at its monthly meeting today approved a $286,100 loan to Southeast Mental Health Network, Inc for 32 new permanent livin g units for low-income chronically mentally ill individuals The Commission also ap­ proved a $204,000 loan to Portland Community Rein­ vestm ent In itia ­ tives Inc., (PCR1) for the purchase and rehabilitation ofa vacant and der­ elict eight-plex in North Portland B o th loans w i ll be made th ro u g h P D C ’ s R ental H ou sing Preservation Pro­ gram (RHP) which preserves and up­ grades affordable rental housing in theCitv.PDCisthe C ity ’s agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The $. 1 m illio n Southeast Mental Health project at S.E. 88th and Lafayette w ill be funded-in addition to PDC’s loan-Through grants: * $90,000 from the Federal Home Loan Board; ♦$225,000 from Oregon Housing and Community Serv ices D e p t; * $50,000 from the Oregon De­ velopmental Disability Services D iv i­ sion U S. Bank w ill provide a con­ struction loan o f $470,000 to be re­ placed w ith a permanent loan from the Oregon Housing and Community Ser­ vices Department for $472,000. PDC w ill utilize its RHP program as a conduit for the use o f new federal HOME funds. The National A fford­ able Housing Act o f 1990 created HOME funds which can be used to construct, acquire and rehabilitate af­ fordable housing projects targeting low-and very low-income tenants Under HOME guidelines, the loan to Southeast Mental Health requires that the units remain affordable to low- income individu­ als for 20 years. New guide­ lines for the RHP program allow f i­ nancing o f new construction while in the paste only rehabilitation o f existing structures were allowed. The Southeast Mental Health project w ill be the second new c o n s t r u c t io n project funded; the first was the 132- unit Alder House which opened last September. The proposed project w ill consist o f two, two-story, wood frame buildings, w ith 15 stu­ dios, 16 one-bedroom units, and one two-bedroom unit Each unit w ill con­ tain a range, refrigerator and modest furnishings Rents are expected to be $193 to $203 per month. Southeast Mental Health Network is an Oregon non-profit corporation founded in 1980 to provide mental health services to chronically men­ tally ill residents o f Southeast Port­ land It operates six properties which are filled to capacity. Trained staff w ill live at the fa cility and provide counseling and support to tenants. A needs assessment undertaken by the Multnomah County Housing Affordability Study (CHAS) esti­ mates the number o f chronically men­ tally ill homeless at 2,638 to 3, 133. The CHAS has identified the need in NECDC X SUPPORTS FIRST-TIME HOME BUYERS Interested in owning your own home, but aren’t sure you can afford it? The NORTHEAST C O M M U N IT Y D E V E L­ OPMENT CORPORATION (NECDC) has newly If you are: program rent You may be qualified to purchase a 3 bedroom, refinancing, home purchases and other solid investm ent I f you are loo king fo r a fle x ib le home- diverse neighborhood, you could benefit from our • A tenant paying more than $400 in monthly Because he believes in people, Ben works to help them w ith currently paying in rent? able for purchase at affordable prices. exceed $39,200 annually common betw een his profession and his volunteer activities. your own home for less than what you are ow ners p la n • A wage earner w hose total family income docs not Program and the Cham ber of Com m erce. He sees a lot in Why rent when you may be able to own constructed and completely renovated homes avail­ • A first-tim e home buyer shares his talents w ith the Central Area Motivational priority. The loan to Portland Community reinvestment Initiatives Inc., (PCRI) is for the purchase and rehabilitation o f a vacant eight-plex at 939 N. Alberta. PCRI is an Oregon non­ p ro fit pub lic benefit corporation founded in 1991 to acquire about 280 re n ta l re s id e n tia l u n its in North and Northeast Portland as a result o f the bankruptcy o f Dominion Capitol, Inc. PCRl’s goals are to ac­ quire, own, develop, rehabilitate and lease residential properties for the benefit o f very low, low and moderate income individuals. PDC’ S ability to fund the project is made possible through a Private Lender Participa­ tion Agreement w ith Bank o f America Oregon. The building contains four one- bedroom apartments and four two- bedroom apartments. Planned im ­ provements include a new roof, plumb­ ing and electrical repairs, asbestos removal, concrete repairs, site work, window repair or replacement, re­ placement o f all entry doors, interior and exterior repairs, capping a chim ­ ney, painting, new carpet and vinyl, and installation o f new appliances. Rents at the building are expected to be $360 for one-bedroom units and $445 for two-bedroom units. In other business today, the Com­ mission also approved two additional loans to PCRI: In other business today, the Com­ mission also approved two additional loans to PRCI: ♦ $61,600 for the rehabilitation o f a duplex at 632 N. Webster. The du­ plex contai ns tw o, two-bedroom units. ♦ $39,800 for the rehabilitation o f a three bedroom single fam ily dwell­ ing at 5036 NM.N. 23rd. For more infirm atio n, contact Harry Lenhart, PDC, 823-3296 $858^ PORTLAND OBSERVER ‘ The Eyes end Ears c l Iho Community' O llice: (503)200-0033 Fax«: (503)200-0015 After a full day of helping customers, M anager Ben Turk M ultnom ah County for affordable housing for this population as a high and a ffo rd a b le q u a lity in a Bad credit stopping you? Through the Nehemiah Housing Opportunity Program, NECDC has been able to help individuals w ith past credit problems and even bankruptcy purchase their own homes So, don't give up your hope o f home ownership until you’ve tried all avenues. 1 1/2 bath home featuring a fully equipped kitchen, Stop dreaming and start living in a house o f your washer , dryer, security system, and a fully land­ own Just call the Northeast Community Develop­ scaped lawn fora firs, mortgage amount o f $60,000 ment Corporation at 282-5482 and ask for more You may also be qualified for a 30-ycar fixed rate information on the Nehemiah firs,-tim e home buy­ mortgage at 6 5% interest and up to $3,000 in down ers program and how wc can help you afford the payment assistance grants house o f your dreams opportunities. Put that kind of com m itm ent to work for you; call Ben at (206) 461-3075. T h a t ’s D i f f e r e n t . T h a t 's W a s h in g t o n M u t u a l. NECDC NORTHEAST CO M M UNITY DEVELOPM ENT CORPORATION FDIC Insured An Equal Housing Lender f£) 4114 N V A N C O U V E R A V E N U E • P O R T LA N D O R E G O N 9 7 2 1 7 • 503 282 5482 • FAX 50 3 282 9152 )