Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 1993, Page 11, Image 11

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T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 26, 1993
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AT BMI POP Awards Dinner: “When A Man Loves A
Woman” Named Song Of The Year
BMI tonight nam ed M ariah Carey
and M ichael Bolton as Songw riters o f
the Y ear, Calvi n Lewis and A ndrew J
W rig h t’s “W hen A M an Loves A
W om an” Song o f the Year, N irv an a’s
“ Sm ells Like Teen Spirit” m ost per­
form ed College Song o f the Y ear and
W arner M usic G roup Publisher o f the
Y ear as the perform ing rights o rg an i­
zation honored the past 4 y ea r’s top
songw riters and music publishers at ta
600 person gala aw ards dinner in
Beverly Hills.
BMI P resident and CEO Frances
W. Preston hosted the black tie cer­
em o n ies at th e 41st A n n u al Pop
A w ards D iner in w hich citations of
achievem ent w ent to the w riters an
publisher so o f the 67 m ost perform ed
songs on radio and television from the
fourth quarter o f 1991 through the
th ird quarter o f 1992.
M ariah Carey and M ichael Bolton
led all other songw riters w ith three
citations each to take Songw riter o f
the Y ear honors. C arey’s “C a n ’t Let
G o,” “E m otions” and "M ake It H ap­
pen” are from her second release,
Em otions, w hich carried her career to
even greater heights than the recorded
breaking self-titled debut in 1990.
B o lto n ’s “ L ove Is A W o n d e rfu l
T h in g ,” “M issing Y ou N ow ” and
“Steel Bars,” are included on his m ulti­
p latinum album . Tim e, Love & T en­
T he classic M otow n song, “W hen
A M an Loves A W om an,” co-w ritten
by C a lv in L ew is an d A ndrew J.
W right, and published by Pronto Music
and Quincy' M usic P ublishing Co.,
was the m ost perform ed song during
the eligibility period and won Song o f
the Y ear designation. T he song re­
ceived is first C itations for Pop and
R&B achievem ent in 1966 for its re­
cording by Percy Sledge. T h at same
year it w as also recorded by E sther
P hillips as "W hen A W om an Loves A
M an.” It w as released ag ain in 1980
by Bette M idler an d achieved its cu r­
re n t m o st p erfo rm ed sta tu s w ith
M ichael Bolton’s rendition w hich went
to #1 on the Billboard ch arts in 1991
and earned him last y ear’s G ram m y
for Best Pop Vocal Perform ance, male.
Bolton has com m ented, "1 believe a
great song can live forever.”
W arner m usic G roup was nam ed
Publisher o f the Y ear, w ith 15 cita­
tions betw een its publishing com pa­
nies Pronto M usic, U nichappell M u­
sic, Inc., W arner House o f M usic and
W a r n e r - T a m e r la n e P u b . C o rp
“Sm ells Like Teen S pirit,” w ritten
and perform ed by N irv an a (D ave
G rohl, C h ris N ovoselic an d K urt
Cobain), and published by EM I-V ir-
gin Songs, Inc. an d T he E nd M usic,
w as cited as the m ost perform ed song
on A m erican College radio.
T here w ere four songs that re-
W H A T : L ilting flutes and fes­
tive percussion sounds will entertain
attendees at a free event celebrating
the new ly ren o v a ted N o rth P ark
Blocks Every one is welcome to bring
a brow n bag lunch and jo in in the
W H O : C ondor, a five-member
musical group w hose members come
from M exico, Peru and A rgentina:
T heir folk music o f South America
and M exico features four-foot pan
pipes o f Inca origin, varied acoustic
stringed instrum ents and an assort­
ment o f exotic percussions C ondor's
performance is sponsored by Pendleton
Woolen Mills.
T h u rs d a y , M ay 20
11:30 a.m . -12:15 P.m .
Condor concert begins
1 2 :1 5 -1 2 :4 5 P.m .
12:45 -1:30 p.m .
M ario V an Peebles, who
directed the black W estern,
“ Posse,” said m any o f the
problem s it depicts from the
19th century still exist today
In an in te rv ie w w ith
S unday’s Parade m agazine,
V an Peebles explained, “ In
th is country, 12 percent of
the population is black, yet
less than h alf o f one percent
ow n anything.”
“T he riots in South C en­
tral (Los A ngeles) were a
w ak e-u p c a ll,” he added
“ If you show people who have
no investm ent in our society
that they can m ake a living
Van Peebles
an d d o n ’t have to rip anyone
off, then society can work for every­
and loaning it to outside interests. In
effect, they are d rain in g th e ‘hood.
“ In the ‘hood, banks are notori­
We need to focus, to use our econom ic
ous for taking savings from th at area
pow er.”
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for r a WRtaoR's fohwgmt i w ohms furi i h m
After watching this Film about a young African American man
trying to break out of his existence as a hustler on the mean
streets of Watts you might feel as If you've done a tour of duty.
Welcome to LA.- the other LA."
V" .
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Dep’t Presents
Starving Class
I J*. - ’ •• >
-- ,
June 12, 1993
T he T heatre A rts/D ance D epart­
ment at Portland C om m unity College
w ill perform “Curse o f the Starv ing
C lass,” Sam S hep h erd 's tragic dark
comedy about a dysfunctional fam ily’s
dealings w ith land ow nership, alco­
holism and lost dream s
Perform ance dates are Thursday
through Friday, May 27, 28 and 29
and Friday through Sunday, June 3,4,
and 5 at 8pm at the Sylvania C am pus.
120(X) SW 49th Ave., Little Theatre.
C T B2 D irected by T heatre A rts and
Speech instructor Rick M ullins and
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Sony Music
ceived th eir first citations w hich have
already garnered over a m illion per­
form ances, according to BM I surv eys:
Wendy W aldm an an d Jon L in d ’s
“Save T he Best For L ast,” M ariah
Carey’s “C a n 'tL etG o , ’ W ill Jennings
and Eric C lapton’s “T ears In H eaven”
(which won this year’s G ram m y for
"Many teenagers think of high
song o f the Year) and “Live for Loving
You” by G loria and E m ilio Estcfan. school as an obstacle...The reason that
A m ong the recipients o f two c ita - SO1,1C students feel this w ay is that they
lions each were: M ichael Jackson f o r havc llcvcr k" ° " “ ll,c truc valuc ofan
“Black or W hite” and "R em e m b e rcducalion T1,c- \ 1,avc“ 1 -vc,(csccn ll'c
The Tim e" (w hich won an A m erican need io educate themselves. Spirited^
.. now a member of the M ath Honorary
M usic A w ard this year as Favorite Socic(> , FulurcEducalionof America,
Soul/R&B Single), G l o r i a E s t e f a n f o r , Fu(urc B usiness L cadcis of
Can t Forget Y ou, Kary n W hite for America, was not alw ays this cntluiscd
Romantic and The Way I Feel About ^Bout His education.
Y ou,” and Rock and Roll H all o f Fam e
“i fcei that we teenagers need to
m em bers Lam ont Dozier, B rian H o l-Suiy in school and better our chances
land an d Eddie H olland for “Baby I for a brighter future. We are the fu-
Need Y our L ovin’” (4th A w ard) an d tu rc.an d ilisu p to u slo cn su rcth alo u r
“You C a n 't Hurry Love” (3rd Aw ard.) nation, the United States, remains the
EM I M usic P ublishing took sec- greatest country in the world,
ond place in the publisher category
These arc llf words for SPinlcd
w ith 11 citations, in addition to re. An c o u r a g e o u s a n c , a s e n i o r a
Deltona High School and winner o f1
ceiving the m ost perform ed col f c g e ^ QET/K^ S Kross Su>y
song award. Both C areers-B M G M u - Con(cst Nuincrous studcnls p a llid .
sic Publishing. Inc. an d Stone A gate p;Ucd jn ,hc css;iy colllcst sponsored
M usic received 4 citations each. O ther by BET/Columbia Records, but it w a s
m ultiple aw ard w inning publishers Spirited’s passions and appreciation
include: Foreign Im ported Produc- for education that set him apart from
tions and P ublishing Inc., M Carey ihc rest.
Songs. Mr. B olton’s M usic. Songs ol
During his sophomore year of
P o lv G m m ln tc m a tio n a l.In c .a n d S o n y ^ " * > 7 ' SPjr1^
_ • ,
father with Ins dislike for school, par-
Songs Inc.
ticularly math. This was kid that most
would have chalked up as a marginal
student who counted the days towards
graduation. Spirited at that time had
110 zest or desire for the future, let
alone his education.
His father, a 45-ycar-old retired
fireman and now metal technician,
encouraged his son to push himself
another mile and not to drop his alge­
bra class. Mr. Lane told Spirited (writ­
ten eloquently in his essay) to “Go for
the challenge.” And go lie went!
“By slaying in school you will get
the most precious thing on earth. It is
not gold, and it is not silver. It is
knowledge.” Spirited has not visited
Florida A & M yet, but lie has been
accepted to the historic Black college
and lie will be majoring in accounting.
Sony Music takes pride in its
young performers and the community
that supports them and acknowledges
the day-to-day challenges our fu'urc
leaders face being teenagers. I l is a
priority for Sony Music to contribute
by investing in the youth of the coun­
try, It's with this commitment to the
country’s future leasers that Sony
M usic
p re se n te d
S p irited
Ancouragcous Lane with a $5,000
scholarship towards his college edu­
cation, as well as the album “Totally
Take a friend fishing on Krosscd Out” and both home videos
“A Totally Krosscd Out World" and
Free Fishing Day
PCC Theatre
“Curse Of The
Van Peebles Says Many
Of The Lessons Of ‘Posse’
Are Applicable Today
Free Public Concert
Planned At
Dedication Of The
Renovated North
Park Blocks
Mariah Carey
Michael Bolton
* . A
r. "
fìnteci AiNMEN
Michael Bolton And Mariah Carey
Named Songwriters Of The Year
1 i > *.
I I % F
S how ing
/ h 'XÍ /'C X /t/fS !
designed by John Herzog, this cast
includes E ric Brian Abbott as Wesley
Tate. E sther V cgdahl as Ella Tate,
■ .‘S’’: it-S
• ü -
’ 7
M clenic Freedom Flynn as E m m a
FoHoBluee’Jaw B luegrass'Soul’Reggaa’LiillmPubllc Allaire«
Tate, C harles Robert DcKly cn as T ay­
Woman's Programmlng’Local Muslo»Clas»lcal»World Muilc»AltematlveRock‘
lor, W illiam G ant B rink as W eston
SplrituahAIrlcan’Spokan Arts«Llvs Evant Covaraga«Llva Mualo’
Talc, Rolin Barton as Ellis, JcfT Rob­
Naw Music« Interviews» And much, much mora-Tuna Ini '
erts as Em erson, Heidi D avidson as
Por • FREE Program Guide o f listings and inform ation
Slater, and Ron B lanchette as M al­
Call: (803) 231 -8 03 2
T he content o f this play includes
W //VW £/7-Portlartd Mualo Association Crystal Award 1992-
adult situation, language an d nudity
Further questions may be directed to
S u e P a r k s - H ild e n , 2 4 4 - 6 1 1 1 ,
A dvertise
in the
O bserver
Teaser's Top Shops
T-Shirts, Sweatshirts, H ats, A p ro n s, Etc.
C u sto m Screen Printing &. C o m p u terized M o n o g ram s
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T a k e th is C o u p o n to th e T e a s e r ’s a n d receive
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