M ay 2 6 , 19 9 3 • T he P ortland O bserver P age B ? ft R 0 U Summer Babysitting Courses Offered In June & July For Boys And Girls Entering Grades 6 to 9 B a b ysittin g courses for boss and g irls e n te rin g grades 6-9 in the fall w ill be ofTered in June and July b> the P o rtla n d Area C ouncil o f Camp Fire The re g istra tio n deadline for June courses is June 15; fo r July courses, July 8. The Cam p Fire Babysitting course covers: H ow to prevent emergency situ­ ations and w hat to do in an emer­ gency. How to handle behavior prob­ lems, ch ild re n who are afraid, bored o r lonely H ow to play creatively w ith d if­ ferent age groups o f children The differences between babies, toddlers, preschoolers, and school age ch ild re n H o w to m a ke y o u r o w n B a b ysittin g Resource K it How to fin d jobs and w hat '‘being in business" is a ll about B a b ysittin g courses w ill be held at the fo llo w in g locations: St. L u ke ’ s Lutheran Church 6835 SW 46th (45th & Vermont), Portland Friday-Saturday, June 25-26* 10a.m.-2pm. Take a sack lunch. T rin ity Lutheran Church 507 West Powell, Gresham M onday-Tuesday, July 19-20** 10a in -2pm Take a sack lunch F re m o n t U n ite d M e th o d is t Church 2620 N E Fremont, Portland Monday-Tuesday, June 28-29* 10a m -2pm Take a sack lunch G ra ce M e m o ria l E p is c o p a l Church 1535 NE 17th Avenue, Portland Wednesday-Thursday, July 21- 11** 10a m -2pm Take a sack lunch. Participants receive a handbook and a certificate upon com pletion, and they w i ll be entered in a jo b bank for possible referrals The cost is $17 per participant. To register, please ca ll the Portland Area C ouncil o f Camp Fire at 224-7800 by June 15* fo r June courses. July 8 * * fo r July courses. The purpose o f Camp Fire is to provide, through a program o f in fo r­ mal education, opportunities fo ryo u th to realize th e ir potential and to func­ tion effectively as caring, self-directed in d ivid u a ls responsible to themselves and others; and, as an organization, to seek to im prove those conditions in society w h ich affect youth. Accep­ tance and participation in Camp Fire are the same for everyone w ith o u t regard to race, color, national o rig in , sex or disability. D ________ T O N At Risk Teenage Girls Need “Big Sisters" Volunteers o f A m erica's K le tzcr H a ll is seeking women to sign up now as volunteers for their B ig Sister Pro­ gram The volunteers w ill spend ap­ proxim ately 10 hours per m onth be­ com ing role models and caring friends for a t-risk teenage girls. K le tzcr H a ll w ill host a Big Sister volunteer tra in in g June 15, 17 and 22nd from 6:00 Pam. - 8:30 Pam. Those interested in volunteering as a B ig Sister need to attend all three meetings To register please call 234- 9211. K le tzcr H all provides short-term shelter for adolescent g irls who come from unstable home environments. Volunteers o f Am erica is a nation­ wide social sen ice organization w ith branches in over 200 comm unities. As w e ll as K le tzcr H all, Volunteers o f Am erica Oregon, Inc. senes the com ­ m unity throughchildcare, fam ily pres­ e n ation programs, a shelter for home­ less women w ith children, a senior center, senior health c lin ic , adult day care program, residential substance abuse fa cilitie s for adult felons, and a Christm as Assistance Program li - L pp Owen Stone luoperatiup Presihoul 120 n i Knott. Portland 281 i8 fl? or 282 MN I Rcross horn ttlatt Dishman [ommumtg Center I • Certified Teacher • Scholarships funded bg • Child Centered The Black United Fund of Oregon • m ulticultural I m ultiethnic I flntibias ■ The Oregon M useum o f Science and Industry (O M S I) and T e ktro n ix Foundation announce the recipients o f the 1993 A w ard fo r Excellence in Teaching Science and Mathematics. A $5,000 cash award is given to each recipient fo r personal enrich­ m ent o r program im provem ent re­ lated to his/her in d iv id u a l pursuit o f excellence in the teaching profession The purpose is to recognize, reward and encourage excellence in teaching and the im provem ent o f educational programs in Oregon and C lark County, W ashington. N ow in its tenth year, the O M S I/T e ktro n ix A w ard fo r E x­ cellence in Teaching has aw arded over $250,000. A ceremony to be held today, Wednesday, M ay 26 at O M S I w ill recognize the w inners, w ho are nom i­ nated by their peers fo r outstanding educational achievement. Oregonian newspaper colum nist Jonathan N i- cholas w ill emcee the ceremony, and Portland M ayor Vera Katz w ill present the awards The five recipients o f the A w ard fo r Excellence in Teaching are: • Nancy Bailey. Kraxberger M id d le School, Gladstone, OR • M ic h a e l B ro w n , Seaside H ig h School, Seaside, OR • D ennis Corliss, C o rva llis H ig h School, C orvallis, OR • Don K irk w ood, N o rth Salem H igh Young Professionals Host Membership Socials The Urban League Y oung Pro­ fessionals w ill host a series o f M e m ­ bership Socials du rin g th e ir annual membership drive in M ay and June Events include: M ix e r/D in n e r at D o ris ’ Cafe-- Friday, M ay 28, at 6pm, corner o f N E Russell and N E M L K Jr. B lvd D is­ counted dinners at Portland s top soul food bistro, w ith special guests State Rep. A vel G ordly and C arnell C rum , chair o f the B lack D o lla r Days Task Force. R ip City Dance—Friday, June 28, at 9pm, 3100 N E Sandy B lvd., age 21 and over only N ig h t club dance hosted by Oregon Black Professionals There is a cover charge. Happy H o u r at C le o -L illia n ’ s School, Salem, OR Social C lu b -F rid a y , June 25, at 6pm • Mary O ’ M alley, Harrisburg U nion 3041 N W illia m s , age 21 and over H igh School, Harrisburg, OR only. The O M S I/T e k tro n ix A w ards Mem bership applications w ill be have become a national model for available at a ll events A nnual mem­ cooperation between the private sec­ bership dues arc $25, w hich includes tor, a regional science center and the membership in the Urban League o f education com m unity . The awards Portland The Urban League Y oung are open to a ll fu ll-tim e math and Professionals is an auxiliary o f the science teachers o f grades 7-12 in Urban League o f Portland created to Oregon and C lark County. W ashing­ provide a forum fo r professional de­ ton. velopment, netw orking and com m u­ Public Notice have those jobs available. In its second year, the C om m u- nitv/Business Partnership is the out­ growth o f com m unity concerns about the imbalance in unem ploym ent be­ tween N orth and Northeast Portland and the rem ainder o f the m etropolitan area Its goal is to b rin g unem ploy­ ment in N o rth and Northeast Portland to comparable levels in the general population. The program drew im m ediate response fro m the com m unity du rin g its first year. The o rig in a l goal was to place 300 youth into unsubsidized employment. In fact, approxim ately 586 youth were placed in jobs through this effort and 84 new jobs fo r youth w ere created. A d d itio n a lly, 700 youth received assistance in jo b readiness. The experience clearly indicates that there are more youth ready and w ill­ ing to w ork than there are jobs Spearheaded by the N /N E Eco­ nom ic Development A lliance, p a rtic i­ pants in the C om m unity/B usiness Partnership include the C ity o f P ort­ land through the Portland Develop- Starting Your Business Basics T he “ S ta rtin g Y o u r Business Basics” seminar w ill be presented Tuesday, June 8, from 6 to 8pm at the Small Business Development Center, 123 N W Second Ave., Suite 321, in Portland T h is free tw o-hour class is an introduction to the fundamentals o f going in to business It is a must fo r every' new entrepreneur T h is class is a prerequisite to the five-hour S tarting Y o u r Business W orkshop and to the free Business A d visin g fo r firs t-lim e business owners. T o register or for additional in ­ form ation, please call the Small B usi­ ness Development Center at 273-2828 n ity service. Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 braiding and weaving Wigs and Beauty Supplies We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. New & used books on Business, Music, & African-American Studies Sales and Promotional items excluded. 707 N.E. Fremont Portland, Oregon 97212 (503) 281-6525 Open; 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday Ms Oil Service heating oils Best Cash Prices 104 N E Russell Portland, O R 97212 282-5111 POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS police officer. For further details regarding the L E T program, contact O ffice r D o r­ othy E lm o re -L E T Coordinator, (503) 796-3200. handle jo b orders. The employers h otline number is 228-8617. B Y E has also set up an afternoon tra in in g ses­ sion fo r supervisors o f youth. The session w ill be June 3 fro m 1:00 to 5:00 p m. at the Portland Chamber, 221 N W Second Avenue. Interested businesses can ca ll the employers h otline fo r more inform ation. The Portland Chamber and the Associa­ tio n fo r Portland Progress are urg in g members to f ill summer jobs through this project Through th e ir efforts last year, more than 80 companies oftered summer jobs through the program. Oregon Outreach w ill coordinate the job-seekers side o f the program in coopei ation w ith other agencies in N orth/N ortheast Portland w ho are w o rkin g w ith youth. Oregon Outreach is located in the K in g N eighborhood F a cility, 4815 N E Seventh Avenue. The Outreach H o tlin e is 281-8817. The program w ill also prov ide jo b preparation assistance in cludi ng help­ in g youth obtain docum entation such as b irth certificates, w o rk perm its, food handlers cards and photo id e n ti­ ment Com m ission, Portland M e tro ­ politan Chamber o f Commerce and its affiliate the Business Y outh Exchange, Association fo r P ortland Progress, State o f Oregon E m ploym ent D iv i­ sion, Oregon Outreach and the P ri­ vate Industry C ouncil. The effort has also been jo in e d by a number o f p ri­ vate companies. “ The benefits from th is program flow in tw o directions,” said Owen D. Blank, chair-em eritus o f the Portland Chamber and partner in the law firm o f Tonkon, Torp, Galen, Marm aduke and Booth. “ A young person has the opportunity to engage in productive activity and learn about the w o rk ­ place. The employer reaps the benefits o f having a hard-w orking, energetic employee w h ile at the same tim e con­ trib u tin g to the overall welfare o f the com m unity.” B lank related that in his fir m ’ s case, the program placement worked so w ell last year that they invited the student back d u rin g w inter break to cover fo r people on vacation. The firs t year o f the program was so successful that this year the pro- gramhasbecnexpanded Tw o hotlines w ill be available; one fo r employers w ish in g to place jo b orders and one fo r youth seeking employment. The E m ­ ploym ent D ivisio n and the Business Y outh Exchange are team ing up to fication A n y interested business, regard­ less o f size, is encouraged to p a rtic i­ pate. For more in fo rm a tio n, contact any o f the partner ship members or call the employers hotline. A Forum On Homelessness A Forum on Homelessness and its Im pact on Inner Southeast P ort­ land-public safety concerns, educat­ in g the com m unity and developing creative solutions to alleviate the prob­ lem o f homelessness Sponsored by the Inner South­ east C o alition, a comm ittee o f the Southeast U p lift Neighborhood Pro­ gram O n Tuesday, M ay 25th fro m 6:30 to 9:30p.m., the Inner Southeast Coa­ l it io n w i l l s p o n so r a fo ru m on homelessness and its impact on inner Southeast Portland neighbor­ hoods and b u sin e ss d is tr ic ts . Panel members in c lu d in g M a rily n M ille r, director o f Portland Im pact; D o u g S tro h o f P o rtla n d R a d io Supply (business); C. W. Jensen o f the P ortland Police Bureau,; fo rm e rly homeless and c u rre n tly homeless citizens w ill be speaking about the issue from th e ir in d ivid u a l perspec­ tives Panel discussion w ill be m oder­ ated bv Chuck C urrie o f the Burnside Advocates Group Facilitated small group sessions addressing personal and common concerns, and w hat ac­ tio n in d ivid u a ls w ill take to help a lle ­ viate the problem w ill im m ediately fo llo w . Local area church members, so­ cial service agency s ta ff and clients, neighborhood and business associa­ tion members and homeless in d iv id u ­ als and fam iIies w ill attend the forum. Inform ation tables and resources on the many agencies and groups who are w o r k in g in th e area o f hom elessness w il l be a v a ila b le throughout the evening. Participants w ill be encouraged to become in ­ volved w ith a current program and/or start th e ir own effort. The forum w ill be held at the St. Francis D in in g H all at 330 SE 11th. Soup and conversation w ill begin the evening at 6:30p m ., form al program runs from 7:00p.m. to 9 :15p.m., des­ sert w ill fo llo w fro m 9:15p m. to 9:45p.m. V a n n & V a n n D IR E C T O R S Fam ily Owned a n d Operated Since 1954 Serving the City o f Portland f o r over 3 7 years In your hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve. 9 am - 11 pm Monday though Saturday 9 am - 9 PM Sundays Used books bought every day till 8:30 pm On the #20 Bus line • One hour free parking Speedy Service Friendly Call for Quote! are not police officers. A lth o u g h seven LE Ts were hired today, there are ten authorized L E T positions and three additional LE Ts are expected to be hired w ith in the next several weeks. The Police B u ­ reau expects to add another ten posi­ tions in the next fiscal year, b rin g in g the total number o f authorized posi­ tions to twenty. The position, w hich pays $ 10.63 an hour, is a one year paid temporary position and upon com ple­ tio n o f the program, i t ’ s envisioned that the L E T candidate w ill m aintain an interest in law enforcement and score high enough on a future police exam to be permanently appointed as ment. The L E T w ill also assist precinct personnel in the co m p ila tio n and maintenance o f neighborhood statis­ tical inform ation, attend com m unity meetings and participate in ride alongs. The L E T w ill wear a uniform w hich is d istin ctive ly different from regular sworn police officers. The u n ifo rm w ill be w orn, depending upon the assignment, but it is not expected that the L E T w ill wear the u n ifo rm w h ile on a ride along. They do not F U N E R A L Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply have any law enforcement authority beyond that o f a private citizen, they selection process. Law Enforcem ent Trainees w ill be given a broad exposure to law enforcement and w ill participate in comprehensive education and tra in ­ ing Through th e ir exposure w ith the bureau, they w ill gain an understand­ ing o f the Police Bureau’ s Com m u­ nity P olicing philosophy and problem solving efforts and answer citizens questions as they relate to law enforce­ Kickoff Of Summer Youth Employment Project The C om m unity/Business Part­ nership today announced the k ic k o ff o f its sum m er yo u th em ploym ent project for 1993. The project w ill help b rin g together qualified youth seek­ ing summer jobs w ith companies that Lee Omen Stone Preschool is registering students tor $5,000 OMSI/Tektronix Award Recognizes Outstanding Science And Math Teachers D uring a h irin g ceremony held at the Justice Center, the Portland Police Bureau appointed seven candidates to the p o sition o f Law Enforcem ent Trainees. The goal o f the LE T program is to tra in candidates to enhancetheir skills for the next Police O ffice r E xam ina­ tion in order to im prove their a b ility to score w ith in h irin g range on the next test It is hoped that this can be accom­ plished through assignment to v a ri­ ous units and divisions w ith in the Police Bureau, as w ell as im p ro vin g basic test taking and study skills. Candidates w ho arc selected for this program must have previously participated in the police o ffice r ex­ am ination process w h ic li includes the w ritte n exam, w rilin g skills exam and the oral exam, A L E T candidate docs not have to pass each o f these phases to be selected, but their performance in these areas is considered d u rin g the Things are goin on at Lee Owen Stone. tall Ute be closed tor summer, so now s the time Io register There's art. dance, ggm and music, tor kids age 2 1/2 to 5. Register now tot some seraustun1 The residents of Del's Care Center celebrated national Nursing Home Week May 9-14 with many activities, but one of their favorites was our “Neighborhood Parade." W N Portland Police Bureau Establishes LET Program 1005 West Burnside Street o&z 503/281-2836 228-4651 5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217