Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 26, 1993, Image 1

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“Serving the com m unity through cu ltu ral diversi
Volurnn XXlIl. N um ber 2 1
Ahmad and Phylicia Rashad To Be Honored
In Delta Air Lines Grand Floral Parade
Since joining NBC
Sports in 1983 as an
NFL commentator
and reporter fo r
NBC's "Sport's
W orld." Portland,
Oregon native
Ahm ad Rashad (left)
has extended his
broadcasting resume
to include studio
hosting and feature
reporting as well as
analysis and com­
Michael Bolton And
Mariah Carey Named
Songwriters Of The
Mariah Carey and Michael Bolton led
all other songwriters with three cita­
tions each to take Songwriter O f The
Year honors.
Related story on page A3
The Roberts Report
1 had to make many tough decisions as
1 proposed a balanced state budget for
1993-95 Public safety programs, our
prisons and state police was the only
area th?.t took a smaller cut than educa­
tion in my budget proposals.
Related story on page A5
Hatfield Questions
Labor Secretary On
Dislocated Workers
Under this new program, dislocated
workers will receive timely access to
an enriched array of basic adjustment
services such as... training if needed,
and income support.
Related story on page A3
NAACP Leaders Meet
With Clinton
The meeting followed the Presidents
signing of the National Voter Regis­
tration Act of 1993 (the Motor Bill)
which had been aggressively supported
by the NAACP
Related story on page A4
Phylicia Rashad
(right) is best known
to television audi­
ences fo r her por­
trayal o f Clair,
attorney, mother o f
fiv e and wife to Bill
Cosby on N B C 's "The
Cosby Show. ”
Ahmad and Phylicia Rashad will serve as
Grand M arshals for the 1993 Delta Air Lines
Grand Floral Parade 1993 Rose Festival As­
sociation President Gerri Tisdel made the
announcement at the Rose Festivals’s Kickoff
Luncheon at the Oregon Convention Center in
Port land.
“It's been a long standing tradiiion of the
Rose Festival to choose grand marshals who
have ties here in Portland,” said Tisdel
“Ahmad is a native of Portland and a graduate
of the University of Oregon, and we couldn’t
be more thrilled to have Ahmad and Phylicia
represent us for the 85 th annual Portland Rose
Since joining NBC Sports in 1983 as an
NFL commentator and reporter for N BC’s
“Sport’s World,” Portland. Oregon native
Ahmad Rashad has extended hisbroadcasting
Paula Zahn, co-anchor of “CBS This Morning" since 1990 She also served as co­
M orning” , w ill jo in K O IN -T V ’s Mike host for CBS Coverage of "The Health Show"
Donahue and Shirley Hancock as hosts for the before becoming co-anchor of “World News
1993 Delta Air Lines Grand Floral Parade on This Morning” and the news segments on
Saturday, June 12. KO IN-TV will provide “Good Morning America”.
Prior assignments included anchor and
exclusive live coverage of this premiere event
to 30 television markets across the country reporter at WNEV-TV in Boston, KPRC-TV
beginning at 10am. On Friday, June 11, the in Houston, KFMB-TV in San Diego and
Rose Festival grabs the national spotlight as WFAA-TV in Dallas
Zahn was bom in Omaha, Nebraska She
Zahn co-hosts “CBS This Morning” from
a B.A. degree in journalism from
Portland beginning at 7am.
College in Columbia, Missouri,
Zahn has been co-anchor of “CBS This
Law Enforcement trainees will be given
a broad exposure to law enforcement
and. will participate in comprehensive
education and training.
Related story on page B2
The Oregon State
Home Builders Calling
On Oregon Legislative
To Walk The Extra Mile
Billboards Are A
Continuing Concern
For Ecumenical
Ministries Of Oregon
The advertisements of “666” on the
billboards first appeared in the Medford
area in April of this year, and were
authorized and paid for by the Seventh
Day Adventist (SD A) Remnant M inis­
tries to create a climate of hatred and
prejudice. Ecumenical Ministries is
asking that Pastors throughout the state
keep watch .. for the billboards in their
area and to complain to the billboard
company and also to inform the Ecu­
menical Ministries O f Oregon.
Related story on page B5
Continued on page A6
which she attended on a cello scholarship
Zahn, her husband and their daughter reside
in New York City
KOIN-TV is a division of Lee Enter­
prises, Inc Lee owns and operates seven net­
work-affiliated television stations and one
independent; publishes directly, or through its
affiliates. 19 daily newspapers and 33 weekly
and specialty publications; and manufactures
graphic arts products for the newspaper indus­
try through NAPP Sy stems, Inc., in San Marcos,
Paula Zahn at left
Rev. Williams: The Passing Of A Legend
Ever since I’ve known that there was a Portland, Oregon, a conversation never ended
without mentioning Rev. O.B. Williams. Even ifyou trav elled outside the state, someone would
ask, “You’re from Oregon9 Do you know Rev. O.B Williams at Vancouver Avenue9"
I can remember when I first came here, in 1961, my family members were div ided betw een
Mt. Olivet and Vancouver Avenue First Baptist. Rem iniscing-I can recall Rev O.B recruiting
people from Louisiana. When my family arriv ed here, he called on my parents and told them,
“Now, my dears, you know that you shouldn’t be anywhere else but at Vancouver Avenue You
see, that’s where all the Louisiana folks are”, he said emphatically. W ell-my dad and mom
had made up there minds where they wanted to serve but Rev O.B would have one, or all, of
us over periodically to sing or do something on a program; but of course, with the express
permission of our pastor. Rev John H. Jackson Once he commented to Rev. Jackson, “Now,
I don’t believe that it is altogether fair for you to have the entire family of Calliers in one place.
We are brothers! Why don’t we just share the harvest?” Those two were so funny together. Rev
O.B and Rev Jackson. At that time, they had the two largest black congregations in the city
of Portland and the state of Oregon.
Aside form my family knowing him for so many years, thousands of families have gotten
to know him, have been married before him, baptized by him, ministered toby him, disciplined
by him (from the pulpit and outside the church), bailed out of jail by him, christened by him
and loved by him and his lovely wife.
Rev. O.B Williams was a young minister, with a young wife, on fire for doing the Lord’s
work. He wasn’t afraid to get his hands dirty. “If you need to get something done, you just do
They show , in fact, that the Black influence
on the Mediterranean is no secret fo r any
scholar: they pretend to he unaware o f it,
yet use it when they fe e l so inclined.
Page AZ
These unsung heroes offer hope and an
example that living and growing up in poor
economic conditions does not mean the
Page A3
“Kid Search Finds A Great Kid”
“Ten Community leaders
Honored: Kick Off For A
Peaceful Summer”
it.T hat'sall!”-R e v .O.B Williams
Rev. O.B.
and do it, he did
He initiated so many different
H ake services
and wonderful things until the
may ors and the governors, he served
will be held at
under, were in constant amaze­
the O.B.
ment over his accomplishments.
He was soft spoken--but not
Center, 220 N.
E. Beech today
He had a way of appealing to
the 26th o f M ay
your soft-side If every one had tried
7PM - 10PM.
an approach to the same problem.
will be
Rev. O.B never would let it lay
until it was resolved.
ver First Baptist
During Rev. O.B. Williams
Church at 11 A M
administration, from the pulpit of
Thursday the
Vancouver Avenue First Baptist
Church, there was never another
pastor other than Rev. O.B.. How­
ever, many ministers served under him, were ordained by him, licensed by him and are now
pastoring their own churches or are serving as associate pastors across the United States Some
have gone on to be with the Lord and Rev O B was there to give them a good home-going
“What’s In A Word? II:
Shakespeare And The Africans
for writing.
Rashed was an All-American football
player at the University of Oregon, w here he
set 17 records, nine of w hich still stand as
major records. In 1992, Rashad was inducted
into the Hall of Fame at the University of
Oregon, w here he holds a degree in education
He was a first-round draft choice of the St
Louis Cardinals in 1972 Rashad went on to
play for Buffalo and Seattle before settling in
at Minnesota in 1976 and playing the next
seven seasons for the Vikings where he was
All-Pro four time and holds the Viking record
for the most career receptions (400). He is also
second all-time reception y ardage gainer Over
his entire pro career, Rashad had 495 recep­
tions in 10 seasons During the summer of
1987, Rashad was inducted into the State of
Oregon’s Sports Hall of Fame
Zahn To Co-Host 1993 Delta Air
Lines Grand Floral Parade
Portland Police
Bureau Establishes
LET Program
The Home Builders Association is re­
questing the Agriculture Subcommit­
tee of the natural resources Committee
in the Oregon House of Representa­
tives to review state timber manage­
ment programs...
Related story on page B4
resume to include studio hosting and feature
reporting as well as analysis and commentary
Rashad began his NBC career as an ana­
lyst before moving; to a commentator’s post
on "NFL ’83", NBC s studio pregame show
In 1991, he assumed the role of co-host of
“Notre Dame Saturday,” NBC’s Notre Dame
football pre-game show.
He continued as a commentator on vari­
ous “Sports World” telecasts, and was one of
the anchors on “NBC Sports Prudential Up­
date.” Since the beginning; of the 1990-91
NBA season, Rashad has served as a court side
reporter on NBC’s professional basketball
coverage, and co-host of "NBA: Inside Stuff,
NBC’s Saturday morning NBA entertainment
program Rashed also served as a studio an­
chor during NBC’s coverage of the Seoul
Olympics, for which he won an Emmy Award
Rashed has also written a best-selling
book, R a sh a d .. l ikes. M ikes and Something
on the Backside
Phy licia Rashad is best known to televi­
sion audiences for her portrayal of Clair,
attorney, mother of five and wife to Bill Cosby
on NBC’s "The Cosby Show ” A native of
Houston, Texas, Phy licia graduated cum laude
from Howard University in Washington, D C.
She and her sister, actress/director Debbie
Allen, have since endowed a scholarship fund
at Howard in honor of their late father, Dr.
Andrew Allen.
In addition to her role on “The Cosby
Show," Phylicia has starred in four made-for-
television movies as well as starring on Broad­
way in theTony Award-winning musical “Into
the Woods.” Her Las Vegas show, in which
she sings and dances with a 12-member back­
up troupe, was featured as the opening act for
Jerry Lewis’ Muscular Dy strophy Telethon.
H er recording o f “B aby’s N ursery
R hym es” has won alm ost every m ajor
children’s entertainment award. Phylicia re­
ceived the Honoree of the Y ear Aw ard in 1991
from the H an ard Foundation for her contribu­
tions to A merican Performing A rts and
Intercultural Relations She has also been
named by Ladies Home Journal as one of “The
50 Most Phy licia has taken an active role in the
realm of education and continues to s e n e on
the board of Recruiting New Teachers, a pro­
gram established to encouragv future educa­
tors on a national level.
The Rashads have a son Billy, 18, and a
daughter, Phylea, 6.
Some 1,000 Rose Festival volunteers,
sponsors and supporters attended the Kickoff
Luncheon The Luncheon was sponsored by
Viking Industries. The ev ent is held each year
to officially mark the beginning of the Festival
season Other highlights included the intro­
duction of the 1993 Junior and Senior Rose
When Johnny Anton Laray Asher was
horn, he weighed in at three pounds and
three ounces in fifth month o f his
mothers'spregnancy...He is a very
determined child
“The Best Way to Buy A New
Or Used Car”
The best way to lurch beyond potential
lemons and locate true, cream puffs is to
first do some research.
Page B6
Page B I