Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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    « i U
M ay 19, 1993 « T he P ortland O bserver
P age Ab
Midas Launches Innovative Child
Car Seat Program In Northwest
I f M idas has its way. auto acci­
dents w ill soon be less o f a threat to
ch ild re n in northwest Oregon and
southwest W ashington
M idas franchisees from Salem to
Longview launched Project Safe Baby,
a m ulti-faceted effort
to help increase the
correct use o f car seats.
The Oregon Associa­
tio n o f Hospitals, the
Oregon M edical A s­
sociation and the O r­
egon D epartm ent o f
T r a n s p o rta tio n as­
The Black United Fund
Of Oregon Sisterhood
cause parents allowed children to nde
W igland
Due to an unfortunate autom o­
bile accident that damaged C leo’ s. the
S sterhood Luncheon w ill be canceled
t i i his month Wc are sorry foi any
__ i n - To«.!..,. “ h c uim ari
Shops in Portland, Vancouver. Salem explained D r. Tongue “ It s important
that parents recognize that beitinning
and Longview In addition, consum­
the veiv first c.n rid
' am
éis who purchase th e ir car scats at a
M idas shop can return the seals w lien the hospital, every c h ild should t c
Please watch your m ail fo r notice
they are no longer needed and receive buckled up in a car seat
0 where the next luncheon w ill be
Legislation pending in Oregon
free M idas services w orth $42. The
held, i f you have any suggestions,
require that children under the
used seats w ill be do­
please feel to ca ll Jo A n n A lle n @ 282-
nated to the M ultnom ah age o f four be secured in car seats In 7973.
W ashington, legislators ire consider
County Health C lin ic
“ Project Safe Baby in g a law requiring that ch ildren age
provides an incentive tw o and younger be secured m car
fo r consumers to use scats. Currently n both states, car scats
c a r se a ts ,” added are required only lo r children under
Registration for the Univ ersity o f
M cB ride. "E ssentially, the age o f one
Portland Summer Session w ill con­
the car seats are free, so
i', me through the opening day ol each
there’ s no excuse for also has developed educational mate­
i lassoflercd, according to Lee Golden,
not using one to help
professionals and youths A 10-nunute d i rector the University s Summer Ses­
protect our c h ild re n .”
In, . 1991, . 13 ch ildren under the instructional v ideo and brochure, titled sion
Hie 1993 Summer Session is
“ Tips for Saler Travel W ith C h ild re n
age o f four died in Oregon car crashes
up o f seven diffe re n t terms.
-10 o f these ch ild re n were not secured
in car seats In W ashington, five ol ish to illustrate the correct use o f cai Golden said, including three fo u r-
week terms, tw o six-week terms, and
nine ch ildren under the age o f four seats.
unrestrained or incorrectly restrained
“ We believe that bv m aking the
care seats available through our retail
outlets and spreading the w ord about
how to use them, we can help prevent
some o f these senseless tragedies,”
she added.
Through Project Safe Baby. Midas
makes Century STE 1000 convertible
car scats available at wholesale cost
fo r $42 at M idas M u ffle r and Brake
"T h is is an issue for ev e n o n e -
k id s ,
p a re n ts ,
g ra n d p a re n ts ,
not in car seats.
The N a tio n al Highway tra ffic babysitters, friends. Simply put. car
Safety A d m in istra tio n (N H TS A ) esti- scats help protect young lives,
mates that one-third o f children under M cB ride said. “ When we say we re
the age o f four who are placed in car serious about your safety we mean it
A subsidiary o f W hitm an Corpo-
seats are not buckled in correctly.
ration, M idas International C orpora­
That can be almost as dangerous as no
car seat at all, according to Dr.Tongue tion has been prov iding customers w it h
w ho died in car crashes in 1991 were
convenient q u a lity. undcr-tltc car ser­
o f the Oregon M edical Association.
“ Education is a c ritic a l compo­ vices through a network ol mote than
nent to any tra ffic safety program ,” 2.30« shops w o ild w id e since 1956
JJ’s Flowers &
One ol tin' Northwest Largest Wig
W i\s ami Hairpieces For all Nationalities
E va G abor
N aomi S ims
R enee of P aris
Synthetic & 1 Inman Hair
For Braiding & Weeving
M o n - l r 10 aan. - 6 pan
Saturday 10 - 5:30 pm
N e a r L lo y d C e n te r
N.E. B ro a d w a y
tw o eight-week terms
The firs, fom -.six-and eight-week
terms begin May 17 The second four-
week term starting June 14
I he U niversity w i l l o ile r more
than 480 courses for undergraduate
Kid graduate students in the College
o f A rts A Sciences. Business A d m in ­
istration. Education, E ngineering and
Nursing The Summer Session w ill
include more than 40 workshops and
svmposiums foi public school teach-
ers thioughoul the Northwest. The
School o f N ursing w ill also host its
l-Z IB Realty
Class Guarantee”
700 N E. Multnomah, Suite #400 • Portland, Oregon 97232
(503) 230-1390 • FAX 233-2688 ♦ (503) 287-6837
annual graduate research forum .
>93 “ Say No to D rugs" March
1420 Lloyd Center 287-3910 • Inside Newberry" s
( i n 'i m
r •
University Of Portland
Summer School
Registration Deadline
sisted w ith the p ro ­
gram launch
■'Automotive safety has always
been at the top o f our agenda, "said
S hirley M cB ride o f M idas “ Conse-
quently, w e re very concerned about
the fact that there are so many trag-
edies in vo lvin g children sim ply be-
of meeting vv ith peers w ho share their
values T h is positive peer pressute
helps them m aintain their co m m it­
F o llo w in g opening ceremonies,
at the Oregon C onvention Center,
Remember the
ones you love this
riemorinl Day.
Wtui. does .< gathering ol 5,ooo
school children look like .' Large and
impressive Five thousand. (5,000)
Budge to W aterfront Park for a fu ll
youth w ho share a com m itm ent to a
drug-free lifestyle from a ll over O r­
egon In its 8th year, the Oregon Say
No To Drugs M arch is sponsored
diernoon o f entertainm ent and pre­
vention-related displays and a c tiv i­
ties Antone the many h ig h lig h ts on
P'c w aterfront was participation by
several I I ted States Coast Guard
vessels including thcU SCG C M ellon.
Orcas and Sapclo fh e Portland Fire
Bureau s Fire boat spoutedout’ Greet­
ings w the students marched across
for $5.99
without coupon $8 99
' T'*-
the Burnside Bridge
students inarchedacrossthe Burnside
Hand tied bouquet
r o il!
bv the state o f Oregon Prevention
R c s o u ic e C e n te r. O th e r m a jo r
sponsors in clu d e F irs t Interstate
Bank US Bank the US Coast Guard
and US Navy. Chuck Long, senior
v ic e p re s id e n t w it h US B a n k ,
says,” We hope that such a large dem­
onstration by school children w ill in -
as w ell.”
A nother 1000 students attended
a com panion inarch the same day in
K lam ath Falls w ith students from
M edford, Roseburg and Ashland.
Say No To Drugs Marches dem­
onstrate the breadth and depth o f
public com m itm ent to a cause and
can be a v ehicle fo r social change In
the years to come, the Say N o To
flucnce the adults in the com m unity
Drugs M arch w ill demonstrate con­
tinued public concern about drug abuse
and support fo r drug-free lifestyles.
Just as drug-free ch ild re n are the key
to to m o rro w ’ s drug-free com m unity,
so are these children key to the Say No
To D rugs M arch.
Coalition Endorses Beverly Stein
A fte r careful consideration, the
We also carry Flower Wreaths, Crosses and Sprays.
Delivery Available.
“Cheers Last Call” Episode Party
K G W -T V w ill also be reporting liv e
One o f the most successful series
ment allies to b rin g new confidence
dorsed and plans to w ork actively fo r chair o f our Rainbow C oalition, ev
and people-power to County govern­
the election o f Beverly Stein to M u lt- has fought for and involved the grass-
nomah County C hair.
roots people, the left-out the women
The Rainbow C o a litio n is a com ­
F o llo w in g interviews w ith six o f the people o f co lo r, the w o rk in g
munity-based social justice organiza­
the seven current candidates, the R ain- people,’ said Jan M ih a ra . w ho suc-
tion born out o f the presidential cam ­
bow steering comm ittee overw helm - ecedcd Stein as Rainbow C oalition
paigns o f Rev. Jesse Jackson in 1984
in g lv picked Stein.
d 1988
• Beverly has live d and breathed
The Rainbow expects Stein to use
»uld be the biggest event in television fro m th e evxnt on i t ’ s 6:30 and - < ^ ” CHE1
h is to ry -th e fin a l episode o f one o f
network television’ s most successful
11:00pm broadcast
O ther surprises, guest personali-
senes O n Thursday , M ay 20 (8- ties and liv e television activities are
10pm E T), A m erica w ill say good- s till being formulated, so stay tuned to
bve to current and form er members o f K G W -T V and K K R Z -R adio fo r de-
the CHEERS cast. To b u ild excite- tails o f the vie w in g party and how to
ment o f this historic broadcast, N BC
Consumers Unite For Fundraising Q...
in television history to have ranked
Consumers U nited w ill host a citizens w ith mental illness. The group
among the top five network programs
in its tenth season on the a ir The lu ndraising barbecue on Friday. June is know n for its advocacy efforts for
series has won a total o f 26 Emmy 18 D elicious chicken dinners can be people w ith mental illness
Proceeds from the fundraiser w ill
Awards an has received the most purchased from Noon u n til 3:00 p m
w in prizes.
Emmy nominations o f any netvv . k a, G arlington Center 4950 N .E M a r-
, i „ I uthci K in g Boulevard.
be used to send tw o members to the
N ational Consumers U nited C onfcr-
Consumers U nited is made up o f
( onsumers U nitca is maac u p u i
ence in Columbus. O h io the conter-
u iw
a ffilia te K G W -T V , (Channel 8) and
-• ™
K K R Z (Z - 100 Radio) in Portland, have '
teamed up to celebrate the fin a l broad­
cast w ith a “ CHEERS Last Cal 1 Party
at the Refectory (1 22nd and Northeast
E n d in g a m a rria g e is to u g h
Halsey) in Portland from 6 to 11pm
enough w ithout having to cope w ith
ZHEERS enuiusiasis
re able
rere to
c h .ld sup.
enthusiasts w m
ill be
d e w th e h isto n cfin a le p iso d e o n la rg e « maze
her consensus-building s k ills and vast
n c tw o rk o fc o m m u n ity a n d g o v e m -
Portland Rainbow Coalition has en- years. Whether as a legislator or as c
NBC A ffiliate KGW-TV And KKRZ/ZlOO-Radio Team Up For
The countdown continues to what
„ , ;.,«,rnr»hP iast20
comm unity organ
ence encourages m entally .11 consum-
ers to “ speak-up” -- educate the gen­
eral public about mental illness, dis­
pel the myths and falsehoods, to de­
mand respect, and rem ind society that
they too are people w ith feelings.
Legal Aid Part Seven: Child Support Enforcement
¡crecn T V ’ s and have a chance to w in
1 j ,
“ ru r-P H C
■pecial, limited-edition
.j- r
t „ . u ic
ast s iv
C a all
ii mugs
mug»« and T -shirts ticke ts
0 the event can be won on K K R Z -
R adio’ s on-air triv ia and c a ll-in con
tests C om plim entary tickets are also
available at incredible Universe
Party attendees are invited to en­
ter a ‘CHEERS L o o k -A -L ik e ” contest
fo r a chance to w in additional prizes
in clu d in g a commemorative replica
o f “ N o rm ’ s Bar Stool” and tickets to
see Jeny Seinfeld s upcom ing com ­
edy performance at Arlene Schnitzcr
Concert H a ll on June 24
Special guest appearances w ill be
P011 Hul
,ha» «nnnort
rcaucratic struggle to get that support
can cause more pain than the breakup,
its e lf The state r can help you get . c h ild
support from your ex-spouse, but the
process is long and com plicated The
sooner you learn the buzz words and
agency rules, the sooner your kids get
the fin a n cial support they deserve
First, you should know the person
paying c h ild support is called the ob­
lig o r. and the person getting paid is
the obligee The obligee is usually the
parent who has the children B ut pay­
ing c h ild support does not autom ati­
cally end i f the kids move in w ith the
ludebvon-air'personalitiesand staff obligor. I f this happensJthertdigor
rom K G W -T V and K K R Z -R a d io
Beatty Celebrates
Twenty Five Years
Of Music
Jim Beatty, Portlands premier jazz
clarinetist, is capping tw enty-five years
o f entertaining west coast jazz a lic io
m ustcontinuepayingtheobligee.unti
he or she goes back to court or the
a dm inistrative agency changes the
c h ild support order Such an order sets
the terms and amount o f ch ild support
paid. A court may issue this order as
pari o fa divorce (dissolution o f m a r­
riage), a legal separation or a pater­
nity case
But i f vou don’ , have a c h ild
n iJos w ith a gala ic c o id leleasv. part y support order, the Support E nforce­
at H obo’ s, 120 NW flu id , on May ment D ivisio n (SED) or the D is tric t
ttorney vizny
(D A ) w
ill bs
and enforce it
20th at 7:00 PM.
-1 “ " “ ' -----------
fo ry o u SED must help i f your fa m ily
or children arc now getting, or have
gotten in the past. A id to Families
w ith Dependent C h ild re n (A D C ).
Medical Assistance, CSD or foster
care payments. F h e D A w ill h e lp in a ll
a kc s a re S E D a n d 'ta
oil its failure Io make sure SED and the
D A arc doing their job. To do that, fill
out a Request for H earing form and
other cases. SED or the D A w ill also
establish paternity, i f the father has
no, been legally named They can also
seek spousal support in some situa­
tions But i f the o bligor gets public
assistance benefits such as A D C Gen­
eral Assistance Oregon Supplemen
tai Income Program (OSIP) or Supple­
You may not be getting any o f the
public assistance benefits mentioned
above, but still need help w ith a ch ild
support order I f so. go to the D A . who
w ill pursue the order, as long as you’ re
w illin g to let the Department o f H u ­
mental Security income (SSI), he or
she is excused from paying ch ild sup
port under a b ill passed by the < Jregon
legislature in 1991
Like any large bureaucracy .things
don’t always iu n smooth!
I f you hav e a com plain, about how
SED or the D A is handling vour case
you can go through the chain of to m
mand by c a llin g your case worker s
supervisor, then the branch manager
fo r SED, or the D istrict Attorney i t , 1
D A ’ s office is handling vour case If
s till unsatisfied, you can ask for a
hearing by sending a w ritten request
to the SED office You have a right to
representation bv a lawver at these
hearings Ify o u d o n , wan, a bearin''
you can filc a c o m p la in l w ith the SET
You may also request a hearing from
. -
A dult and Family Service
p * * < ••> *
.9 •
,* rcv i, .c-K
A * * ‘
send it to AFS Recovery Serv ices Sec­
tion 260 Liberty St NE. Salem, OR
man Serv ices (D H R ) handle payments
It's important to note that neither
SED nor the D A represent you as the
Uilignr or obligee, bn, are only look­
ing our for the interests o f the state
Families receiving A D C auto­
matically give the state the right to
IRS and .he
the (JcgO
R D Department
cparaacn o f
Rev enue The IRS w ill take your fed­
eral tax refund i f at least $ 150 is owed
and support payments are at least three
held to pay ch ild support, payments months behind The Oregon Depart­
arc considered on tim e i f wages are ment o f Revenue however, w ill hang
w ithheld in the month the support is onto your state tax refund for back
payments i f at least $25 is owed.
The ch ild support order is not
I f you're the o b ligor, and your
ch ild support order was issued after set in stone Y ou can have it changed
to reflect -----
in J your’ s or
C l 1.
1 , 1 1989,
7 0 7 , the
llIL S
U H k I makes
i t f l t v v o a sure
u i v you
jv u
--------------o —
pay upby autom atically taking a chunk the o b lig e e ’ s circum stances The
ofyourw ages.Y oucanonlygetaround D A o r SED must also periodically
this i f there are no c h ild support review support orders they handle,
arrearges. you have provided tw o and cither the obligor o r obligee can
months w orth o f support and have ask fo r such a review i f ch ild support
a, ,.,nged fo r electronic fund transfers has not been changed in the last tw o
lb ™ your
R w
ill m
your A
C . . and
and D
w ill
it w ith in fo u r days o f re ce ivin g
th e c h ild s u p p o rt p a y m e n t I f
the o b lig o r’ s wages are being w ith ­
You can also avoid it i f you and the
obligee have agreed in w ritin g to
handle it some other way I f you owe
overdue c h ild support payments,
andy back ch ild support, the state w in
known as arrearges, and current sup­
port. Out o f the amount the state col­ take 25 to 65 percent o f your v ? « *
lects. it keeps enough to cover the after taxes along w ith an e m p t ie r
im o im to f A D C paid to your fam ily I f fee. or the amount o f the support o r­
der. plus $1 and an em ployer fee.
k k I when your fam ily goes off AD C ,
w hich ev er is greater Once your back
then all current ch ild support w ill go
pavments arc cleared up, only the
io the fam ilv
support order amount plus the em­
I f already on A D C . you are
not d is q u a lifie d by g e ttin g c h ild ployer fee w ill be taken
The state can go after more than
support Y o u 'll get a monthly support
bout wages i f you owe back ch ild
, a \n ni o f $ 50. k n o w n as a
pa»» ilu o u g h , to r each m o n th support payments The DHR auto­
ch ild support is paid on tim e The matically sends a list o f cases in vo lv­
pass through w ill not be deducted ing unpaid ch ild support to both the
f *,*
,• *
G etting the state to help w ith
v lti’.d support is complex I f you have
questions about any part o f the pro­
cess, call the Legal A id Welfare Rights
hotline at 241-4111
M ultnom ah County Legal A id
Services provides legal advice and
representation to low-income people
liv in g in M ultnom ah County having
problems w ith ch ild support A ppoint­
ments may be made by ca lling our
downtown office a, 224-4086 or our
N o rth /N o rth e a st C om m unity Law
O ffice (on the Portland Com m unity
College Cascade Campus) at 295-