Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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T he P ortland O bserver • M ay
19, 1993
High Blood Pressure:
But Crazy ,ng A Controllable Enemy
Agency For Health Care Policy And Research
Issues New Guidelines For Diagnosis,
Treatment of Sickle Cell Disease
A federally-sponsored panel to­
day issued new guidelines fo r diagno­
sis and treatment o f sickle ce ll disease,
an inherited disorder that makes c h il­
dren susceptible to infections and other
potentially fatal com plications.
The guidelines include recom­
mendations fo r universal screening o f
newborns, protective doses o f p e n ic il­
lin to w ard o ff infection and fo llo w -u p
medical care. U niversal screening is
currently performed in 34 states and
ju risd ictio n s and targeted screening is
done in others.
Sickle cell disease is m arked by
crescent-shaped red blood cells. The
most common form , sickle ce ll ane­
mia, affects one out o f 375 A fric a n -
Am ericans, causing jaundice and ab­
dom inal, muscular and jo in t pain, skin
ulcerations and gallstones.
B ut the disease also occurs in
people whose ancestors came fro m
areas such as the M editerranean ba­
sin, arabian Peninsula, the Caribbean
and Central and South Am erica,
The new guidelines are part o f a
series o f medical advisories being de­
veloped by independent expert pan­
els, w ith the support o f the Agency o f
H ealth Care Policy and Research, to
help improve the effectiveness o f medi­
M D , associate professor o f clim ca l
m edicine at C olum bia U niversity and
director o f the Comprehensive Sickle
C e ll Center at H arlem H ospital, said
screening programs targeted to a spe­
c ific racial or ethnic group w ill not
identify a ll infants w ith sickle cell
disease. "Because o f m ix in g o f the
gene pool, i t ’ s not always possible to
be certain o f an in d iv id u a l’ s racial or
ethnic background by physical ap­
pearance, surname or self-report,
S m ith said.
“ U niversal screening is the best
and most reliable method o f casting
the broadest possible net to identify
affected infants, “ S m ith said, "and it
ensures that a ll babies benefit equally
fro m state and federal fu n d in g for
G arlington Center and M ental
Health Services West successfully
kicke d -o ff the C all M e Any th in g But
Crazy campaign on M ay 5 fo r Na­
tional M ental Health M onth
C ity C o m m issio n e r G retchen
Kafoury read the proclam ation for
M ayor Vera K atz at the press confer­
sev erity o f infections and pneum onia-
related deaths," said the panel’ s other
co-chair, Thomas K inney, M .D ., pro­
fessor o f pediatrics at Duke U niversity
Medical Center in D urham , N.C.
The quidelines also recommend ence. The public service announce­
im p ro v e d
g e n e tic
c o u n s e lin g ment featuring the comm issioner was
for couples w ith the sickle cell tra it, shown and is being aired on local
w hich increases the risk o f o ffsp rin g television stations.
being born w ith sickle cell anemia.
C a ll M e A n yth in g B ut Crazy o f­
E ig h t percent o f a ll A fric a n -A m e ri­ fers profiles of... Sue... w ho had a n i­
cans--?.5 m illio n in d iv id u a ls -c a rry mal like behavior; lived on the streets
the tra it; when both parents have it, for 10 years and was repeatedly raped.
their o ffspring have a one in four Due to mental Health Services West
chance o f being born w ith sickle cell she is a successful com m unity resi­
Furthermore, the guidelines call
on screening laboratories to relay test
results prom ptly to the in fa n t’ s physi­
cian and hospital o f b irth .
neonatal screening ”
The in fa n t’ s physician should
The test can be done in conjunc­
tio n w ith other neonatal screening prom ptly establish a d e fin itive dia g ­
tests that are also performed u n ive r­ nosis, and the parents should be taught
s a lly fo r c o n d itio n s such as about the disease, routine c h ild care
pheny lk e to n u n a -a relatively rare dis­ (includingbody temperature measure­
ease that causes mental re ta rd a tio n - ment and signs o f life-threatening
and hypothy roidism , a thy roid condi­ com plications, such as fever, unusual
sleepiness o r irrita b ility , rapid respi­
The guidelines also call fo r in ­ ration or vo m itin g ) and how to reach
cal care.
The quidelines ca ll fo r screening
o f a ll newborn babies fo r sickle cell
disease. Panel co-chair Jeanne Sm ith,
fants whose in itia l test reveals sickle
cell anemia to be given prophylactic
p e n ic illin w ith in tw o months o f b irth ,
even i f the diagnosis has not been
confirm ed.
A d m in is tra tio n o f p e n ic illin can
s ig n ific a n tly reduce the number and
Strike It Rich!
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sues. H igh blood pressure, even when
m ild , causes strokes and heart attacks,
and is associated w ith kidney failure.
Proper control o f high blood pressure
reduces the incidence o f a ll three. It is
im portant fo r a ll persons, p a rticu la rly
A frican Americans, to have their blood
pressure checked to take action, i f
medical help quickly.
The guidelines also emphasize
the importance o f regular visits to
assess the c h ild ’ s medical status, ad­
m in istra tio n o f age-appropriate im ­
m unizations and the provision o f other
infant-specific health services.
*W W -
Things are g uin on
ai Lee Owen Stone.
And The Winner Is...
B ill ..who was often homeless,
an alcoholic since age 10 and lost his
eye because o f it. Due to M ental Health
Services West, B ill has been sober for
Donald E. Wesson, M.D.
E ve ryo n e w ith h y p e rte n s io n
should be under a physician’ s care.
Once the physician recommends a
strategy fo r blood pressure control,
patients should ask questions in order
to understand the plan o f action and be
aware o f potential problems. Patients
should stay under a doctor’ s care w ho
w ill fo llo w their progress and deter­
m ine whether adjustments in the plan
are needed.
Remember, except in rare cases,
M ost A frica n Am ericans know
someone w ith high blood pressure or high blood pressure is a life -lin g d is ­
hypertension, its medical name. M ost ease that cannot be cured but can be
one year.
do not know that this common disease controlled to reduce the chance fo r its
Leslie... who because o f her men­ is a m ajor cause o f death and d e b ilita ­ potential com plications.
tal illness has experienced prejudice
E xcitin g new info rm a tio n gath­
tion in the A frican-A m erican com ­
from fa m ily as w e ll as society. L eslie’ s m unity. Blacks are tw ice as like ly to ered in recent years demonstrates that
fa m ily w o n ’ t even a llow her to be have the disease compared to other blood pressure can be lowered in in d i­
alone w ith her grandson. Due to
Americans and are more lik e ly to viduals w ith hypertension by lifestyle
G arlington Center, Leslie can come to suffer the medical com plications as­ changes. These m odificationscan con­
a place where people respect her.
sociated w ith high blood pressure. tro l high blood pressure in some in d i­
M ark... who developed mental
M any people w ith high blood pressure viduals w ith o u t medications and re­
illness fro m a stroke 12 years ago Due who have not suffered these com plica­ duce the necessary dosage or number
to G a rlin g to n C enter, M a rk has
o f medications in others. They include
tions rem ain at risk.
achieved self-esteem through partially
Beyond the in d ivid u a l tragedy in ­ reducing salt in the diet, stopping
regaining his speech and tutoring other flicted by this disease, the A frica n - tobacco and alcohol use, w eight loss
m entally i ll clients in reading.
Am erican com m unity as a whole suf­ in obese individuals, and increased
Those w ith mental illness feel fers the lost contributions that these exercise. These non-drug strategies
society w ould rather they not be seen in d ivid u a ls w o u ld have otherwise are exciting because they hold the
nor heard. In spite o f this, these c iti­ made. T h is makes high blood pres­ potential to low er the incidence o f
zens w ant to be heard-to dispel myths sure an enemy to be faced by the entire hypertension when employed com ­
and falsehoods - so people w o n ’t be com m unity. The encouraging news is m unity-w ide. Such a strategy could be
that this menace can be controlled and carried out at the “ grass roots” level
Take the tim e to listen. For story its devastating effects reduced.
and aimed at not ju s t the in d ivid u a l
inform ation ca ll Sylvia M cD aniel at
H ig h b lo o d pressure u su a lly hypertensive but at an entire com m u­
249-0066 and Kathleen Hartshorne at causes no symptoms u n til damage to n ity. Such com m unity “ em power­
A ï /
/v;»z/Äi' /
the body is severe. M any hypertensive
“ feel okay” and so do not take proper
steps to control the disease, leading to
slow, irreversible damage to body tis-
ment” w ould not only reduce hyper­
tension, but w ould improve the health
o f the A frican-A m erican com m unity
Marshall High Prompts Focus
On Traffic Safety
Lee Owen Stone Preschool is registering students toi
tall We ll lie closed for summer, so now s the time to
register There s art. dance ggm and music, for kids
age 2 V2 to 5. Register now tor some s w im s fun!
irTKih, <3 l ; Lee Omen Stone
120K K n o tt. P oidin d
tooppratiup ihrrsrhool
2 1 1 1 1 1 2 or 2 1 2
t Rcross from Ittatt Dishman Communitg Center 1
• Certified Teacher • Scholarships funded hg
Child Centered
The Black United Fund of Oregon
m ulticultural I m ultiethnic t Rntibias
Cynthia Southwell (L) and Eddie Gennis (R), Parent Rama Beavers
with her prize, a 25" Zenith color television. Cynthia and Eddie are
members of the Committee For Minority Bone Marrow Donor
_____ ___
Members o f the Com m ittee fo r
M in o rity Bone M arrow D onor Aware­
ness held the d raw ing fo r its firs t fund­
raising ra ffle and presented the prize
to an elated Raina Beavers. Eddie
Gennis and Joil Southw ell presented
the 2 5-inch Z e n ith color television
w itn
ith remoie
remote co
at ». —
iiu u i» to
iu Raina
iv,u ,« <
home as excited fa m ily members
looked on.
“ I bought tw o tickets at the Black
W om ens’ G athering last Saturday,”
Raina said. “ I wasn’ t exactly sure
w hat it was a ll about, but it sounded
lik e a good cause
The cause is a good one. The
C om m ittee is dedicated to raising
funds to assist local A fric a n -A m e ri­
'The Eyes ar,d Ears clthe CcmmcnilY'
O llicc: (503) 200-0033
F ax# : (503) 200-0015
nors. O fte n w h e n people are stricken
The latest surveys show that LSD
by these diseases, they are unable to use by high school students is increas­
fin d a suitable match w ith in their ing. In grade schools, so is the use o f
fam ilies. These in d ivid u a ls need to in h a la n ts -th e breathing o f poisonous
fin d unrelated donors, people w illin g solvents and other chemicals in order
to come to the assistance o f someone to get high.
they lik e ly w ill never meet.
“ O f the more than 10,250 regis-
tered donors in Oregon and Southwest
W ashington, o nly 120 are A frica n -
Am ericans,” said ShaRee Rhone, an­
other com m ittee member. “ M ore m i­
n o r ity d o n o rs a re d e s p e ra te ly
needed, n ationally as w e ll as locally.
A ccording to Rhone, when no match-
ingrelaüve «available, thebestchange
o f fin d in g a m atching m arrow donor
is someone fro m the same racial back­
ground. T h is means that only an A fr i­
cans who are in need o f bone m arrow
can-Am encan can be a perfect donor
transplants. C h ild re n and adults are
match w ith another A fric a n -A m e ri­
diagnosed every day w ith leukemia
and other blood-related diseases. For can.
“ The C om m ittee’ s firs t recipient
many o f them, the only hope o f sur­
is lucky that he was able to ft nd a good
v iv a l is a bone m arrow transfusion.
candidate w ith his younger brother,”
The C om m ittee’ s firs t recipient is a
Portland man w ho is currently in Se­ Rhone went on to say. “ The next per­
son may not be as fortunate. T h is is
attle at the Fred H utchinson Cancer
w hy more o f us need to register to
Treatm ent Center w ith his donor,
undergoing tests and aw aiting sur­ become donors.”
For in fo rm a tio n on becom ing a
bone m a rro w d o n o r, c o n ta ct the
1 he Committee
l omm iuee is also
uisu u dedicated
v u iv o . v m
---------- -------- -
to m aking more m in o n tie s aware o f Am erican RedCross th e O regonT rail
the need to become bone marrow do-
Chapter, at 284-4 4
"Where Your Child is Royalty”
Ages 2-5 years
A Creative approach to
a positive learning experience
"T h is should not be regarded as
anything less than a national disaster-
-a catastrophe in th is and every other
com m unity in Am erica, said John
D u ff, president o f Narconon Interna­
tional, an organization w hich
operates more than tw o dozen
drug education and re h a b ili­
tation centers in A m erica and
7 00am 6:00pm
Awareness Week at M arshall H ig h tra ffic safety.
School, 3905 S. E. 91st Avenue.
The week-long safety celebration
Students a rrivin g at the school was developed by M a rs h a ll’ s Peer
parking lot w ith their safety' belts fas- Helper Program, according to co-chair
tened w ill receive a package o f m in i- Leah Onderdonk. Some 30 student
Lifesavers, courtesy o f Planters-Life- Peer Helpers at M arshall prov ide peer
saver, du rin g the awareness week. A n counseling and w o rk on drug and
all-school assembly Friday at 10:30 alcohol prevention skills w ith fellow
a m. features Deputy C h ie f Charles students.
but also succeeded in developing the
first, and to date, only known method
o f getting these drug residuals back
out o f the body Narconon uses this
D etoxification Program as a standard
part o f its drug rehabilitation and so
has obtained w hat amounts to a com ­
pletely new insight into the long-term
harm that LS D and other drugs in flic t.
“ Once it became possible, using a
program that combines exact doses o f
gal drug flooding our streets
and school yards, " ln th c 1960s,
when little was really know n
about the long term effects o f
LS D , many people believed
the drug offered m in d expan­
sion and enhanced creativity.”
ally goes up. They have more energy
and begin to enjoy life more fu lly
again. In fact, the changes are some­
times quite dramatic.
“ Drugs can reduce a
person’ s a b ility to learn,”
said D uff. “ They can shut
ofTemotions and dull per­
ce p tio n s o f the w o rld
around one. H u bbard’ s
research found that there
is even such a th in g as a
drug personality. It is a rti­
ficia l and created by drugs.
“ LS D and other drugs
can apparently change the
attitude o f a person from
his o rig in a l personality to
one secretly h a rb o rin g
hostilities and hatred he
doesn’t perm it to show on
the surface. And in gen­
eral. drugs reduce people’ s
natural abilities and make
them feel worse This fre­
quently leads to a craving
fo r more drugs.”
DufT says that increas­
ing use o f LS D , inhalants
and other drugs by school
children is directly due to
a widespread làck o f effective and
complete drug education. “ C hildren
need to understand what taking a drug
like LS D even once or tw ice can do to
them,” said D uff. “ When drug use is
increasing amongst school children,
he explained "T h a t turned out
to be a complete m yth, a lie.
“ Yet, today, ch ildren are
being fed the same kin d o f
m isinform ation—that a person
can use these drugs or chem i­
cals and get something from
them w ith o u t being seriously
hurt by th e ir use S cie n tifi­
cally, we now know that th is is
not the case. LS D and other
illic it drugs all have long-term,
adverse effects that can plague
a person for the rest o f his
lif e ”
D u tf is referring to the discovery
that residuals o f LSD and other drugs
and toxic chemicals rem ain in the
system, getting caught up in the tis­
sues a nd rem aining there, unsuspected,
even after they have supposedly been
elim inated from the body years ear­
Am erican author and hum anitar­
ian, L Ron Hubbard, no, only was the
firs t researcher to uncover this fact.
bv Ron Harris
vitam ins, nutritio n , exercise and peri­
ods o f tim e in a sauna to sweat out the
d m g residuals, we could at last test
and observe how these drugs had been
a ffe c tin g people.” e xp la in s D u f f
"People never realize the effects these
drugs continue to have on them u n til
they get then, back ou, o f th e ir sy s­
tem .”
D u ff says that LS D is p a rticu la rly
harm ful because such a small quantity
o f the drug has profound mental cf-
1OO Year
Celebration Of
Public Health
And Honored In
fe cts-th e usual dose sm aller than a
pin head. So even very sm all amounts
o f LS D w hich rem ain in the sy stem
can be quite catastrophic.
A fte r com pleting the Narconon
D etoxification Program, people rou­
tinely report that they suddenly can
th in k more clearly. T h e ir l.Q . gener­
D u ff calls LS D the most
insidious and devastating ille ­
3817 NE 6th Avenue
Dangers o f drunk d riv in g and not Moose o f the Portland Police Bureau
“ b uckling up’ when n d in g in a car are and Nancy H enning o f the V ictim s
targeted M ay 17-21 - the week before Impact Panel. Both speakers w ill fo-
the school prom -- du rin g LifeSafety cu sth e irre m a rkso n th e im p o rta n ce o f
as a whole.
The long tradition ofPublic Health
N ursing began 100 years ago when
L illia n W ald opened the Henry Street
Settlement House in New Y o rk C ity,
offering care fo r mothers and c h il­
dren. the i l l and the elderly poor who
had no medical care available.
Oregon began its Public Health
N ursing efforts in 19902 by h irin g
Mrs. Lucy M organ w ith donations
from the com m unity tc establish the
V is itin g Nurse Association. W ith pre­
vention the prim ary focus. Public
Health N ursing has made a s ig n ifi­
cant contribution to our society in the
past by advocating for access to health
care for the poor, im m unizations, com­
m unicable disease co n tro l, school
nursing, fam ily p la n n in g , home health
care, prenatal care and in fa n t occupa­
tional health, Indian health, and ch ild
care in w ell ch ild clinics.
Today Public Health Nurses con­
tinue to w ork in our com m unities by
p ro vid in g the more traditional ser­
vices and by expanding to meet the
needs o f today ’ s populations w ith pro­
grams fo r the homeless. A ID S . Hepa­
titis, violence, rape and hom icide and
teen-age pregnancy
In Portland, a celebration was
held at the “ O ld L ib ra ry” o f Oregon
Health Sciences U niversity w ith a
monologue by Clare Coss, noted New
Y o rk p la yw rig h t and actress, entitled
L illia n W ald a, the Henry Settlement
this tells us at once that we are not House and a presentation entitled Pub­
effective reaching young people w ith lic Health N ursing-Looking Forward
the fu ll tru th about drugs We are to the N ext 100 Years by M a rla
fa ilin g them terribly and too many Salmon, SCD. RN, D irector. D ivisio n
youngsters w ill suffer fo r it
o f N ursing, Bureau o f Health Profes­
sions. HRSA in W ashington DC