4 V < i < % < * * k < S \ l~\'< * M i \ * ■ X < \'x f < V < \ M ay 19, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver CLASSIFIEDS * 503-288-0033 P age B8 Job Opportunities Education. Professional associa­ tion seeks applicants for the position of Assistant Director for Education. The National In­ tram ural-R ecreation al Sports A ssociation serves over 3,000 recreational sports profession­ als and institutions through its N ational O ffice on the Oregon State University C am pus. Du­ tie s inclu d e c o o rd in a tio n of state, regional, and national w orkshops and conferences; conducting research to deter­ I mine l l l l I O o educational u u v a u v i l a i I needs « T O M O for i v i the u m em bership; developm ent, of grant proposals adm inistering a national certification program ; and serving as m anaging Edi­ tor of the N IR SA journal. A b a ch e lo r's d e g re e required, m aster's preferred, in educa­ tion, journalism , recreational sports m anagem ent, or a re­ lated field, with a minim um of three years experience. Salary range: $30,000-$35,000. Send letter of application, resume, transcripts, and have three let­ ters of reference sent to: Will Holsberry, Executive Director, N IR S A -O S U , 850 SW 15th Street, Corvallis, OR 97333- 4145 by June 7 ,1 9 9 3 . NIRSA- OSU is an AA/EEO em ployer and is responsive to dual ca­ reer needs. Insurance Administrator Accountant Maintenance Resource N orthw est N atural G as seeks F rito-Lay, INC. qualified individuals for an a c ­ Oregon Arena Project countant position in the G en­ A Division of PepsiCo, Inc., a Drake/Turner, Joint Venture is world leader in the snack food eral A ccounting D epartm ent s e e kin g a fu ll tim e o n -s ite located in One Pacific Square- industry, we operate 40 m anu­ O w ner C ontrolled Insurance facturing plants and distribute a downtown Portland. A college Program Coordinator. Position full line of top quality products degree with a major emphasis requires hs diplom a, col. de­ in accounting or related finan­ on a national scale. gree preferred, minimum of 3yrs cial area is required; a m ini­ W e are taking resum es for a insurance adm inistration with M aintenance Resource at our mum of 1 year accounting ex­ 1yr construction experience. Vancouver Plant. Initial respon­ perience will be necessary. Previous OCIP experience de­ sibility would be m anaging the PC/Computer experience neces­ sirable. Ten key and com puter design and im plem entation of sary (spreadsheet/data base/ skills with M icrosoft W indows e n g in e e rin g p ro je cts w ith in word processing); com puter­ environm ent software required. plant technicians involvem ent. ized accounting exposure valu­ e» . D z * » ;* , People involvem ent would be _ . O/Tlirnpr ¡ able. Drake/Turner, joint venture 75% of Resource role. Starting salary $2,450/m onth; 1825 N. W illiam s Ave. excellent benefit package and Career progression will include Portland, OR 97227 assignm ents in Production or growth opportunities available. Attn: Project Adm inistrator M aintenance and responsibil­ Only those to be selected for Drake/Turner is an equal oppor­ ity for m anaging hourly em ploy­ interview will be contacted. tunity employer. Please direct your resume re­ ees. M inorities, W om en, Vietnam Era sponding to this position Reg. . B.S. In Engineering Veterans and No. 93023 by May 24, 1993 to: • 1 -3 years project engineering Disabled Veterans encouraged N orthw est N atural Gas experience to apply. • W illing to w ork flexible hours Com pany D ra ke /T u rn e r is a su b sta n ce • D em onstrated interpersonal HR; Em ploym ent (93023) abuse free employer. and com m unication skills Portland, Oregon 97209 • Evidence of strong organiza­ FAX (503)721-2506 Deputy Director, tional and planning skills An Equal Opportunity Employer • Maintenance background Oregon Scholarship Job Info Line (503) 220 2434 If you meet these prerequisites, Commission mail your com plete resum e and Have your dreams of ($40,380 To $56,904) salary history in confidence to: home ownership Highly visible executive service Human Resources been blown away by position providing assistance in Frito-Lay, Inc. the adm inistration and m ana­ bad credit problems? 4808 N.W. Fruit Valley Rd. gerial direction for the Oregon Vancouver, W A 98660 State Scholarship Commission. Employment Cheer up. You may still be Interviews will be by appointm ent The Agency is located in Eu­ qualified tor hom e ow ner­ Box Office Manager only. No phone calls, please. gene and has approxim ately ship for a price less than Due to the anticipated response, (808853-STA) 86 em ployees, a biennial bud­ what you are currently pay­ it will not be possible to corre­ $29,490/Yr. (May 24,1993) get of $83 m illion and a loan ing in rent. spond with all applicants. This position will supervise and volum e of $160 m illion Equal Opportunity Em ployer P T K T ¡L T ™ ™ individuals selected for an inter The N O R TH EAST C O M M U ­ M/F/D/V Civic Stadium Box Office, the vjew wj)| pQSSess m anagerial N IT Y D EVELO PM EN T w w rid e S s is te rK ^ to manage^ or supervisory experience in COR PO R ATIO N (NECDC) Agency Relations has newly constructed and p ro vid e assistan ce to m an ag e stucjent financial aid, budget or c o m p le te ly re n o v a te d Oregon Food Bank seeks m oti­ a p p lic a tio n and r e - ^ “ .o ^ - a m s ^ hom es available for pur­ vated & enthusiastic person to S E T » Foe " S X S “ ° " ' chase at affordable prices join agency relations team . please contact Edna Shelton, Responsible for outreach, tech­ and will worn, with you to Oregon Executive Department, tions and instructions contact: help clear up bad credit you nical assistance & m onitoring (503) 378-3040. C om pleted M etro-600 NE G rand Ave., Port­ of 180+ m em ber program s in may have application packets m ust be land, OR 97232 Portland area. Requires strong received back in our R ecruit­ Through the Nehem iah Hous­ Applications also available at: analytical, problem -solving & ment and C areer Services O f­ ing Opportunity- Program, in­ Oregon Convention Center-777 time m anagem ent skills; atten­ fice, 155 Cottage Street NE, dividuals with past credit NE M artin Luther King Jr., Blvd. tion to detail; excellent oral & Salem OR 97310, by 5:00 June problem s and even bank­ T he Urban League-10 N. Russell written com m unications skills; 18,1993. ruptcy have been able to T he N ortheast W orkforce C en­ fam iliarity with com puter appli­ purchase their own homes. ter-739 N. Killingsworth cations. Experience w orking Don't give up your hope of Assistant Catering with volunteers, group facilita­ home ownership until you've tion and com m unity organizing Coordinator tried all avenues. preferred. Salary DOE + excel­ Resum es w ill not be accepted. 004-0593-ZO lent benefits. Send resum e & So stop dream ing and starton AA/EEO Employer Metro Washington Park Zoo letter of interest to: 2540 NE the road to living in a house 1 Part-time Position Riverside Way, Portland, 97211 of y o u r o w n J u s t c a ll (This position is contingent Mental Health by 6/2. Equal Opportunity em ­ NECDC at 282-5482 and upon Council approval. T he C hildren's Program seeks a ployer. ask about the Nehem iah $17,101-$24,915 team leader to supervise clini­ first-tim e hom e buyers pro­ c a l s ta ff a n d c a rry s m a ll The Metro Washington Park Zoo gram. Engineering is recruiting for one part-time caseload. person to perform the following Specialist 3 R esponsibilities: essential job duties: assign, su­ M a jo r re s p o n s ib ility in c lu d e s $1839-$2471 Monthly N OR : HCAS n e v t ' O H M t N 1 LAJHPORATKJN triage to determ ine if face to pervise and evaluate work of Oregon Departm ent of T ranspor­ catering employees: prepare pa­ face intervention is necessary tation seeks Senior Inspector w ith children in crisis. Ability to perwork for catering events ; ad­ for position in The Dalles. W ill Multnomah County effectively apply current theo­ vise, train and discipline cater­ ensure construction contractor Telecom m unications O ffice Spe­ ing personnel when necessary: ries and practices important. com pliance, advise junior in­ cialist; $14.10 per hour; apply W ork w ith a m ulti-cultural/m ulti- ensure compliance of public spectors, m onitor and perform by May 28. For 24 hour job d is c ip lin a ry team . E xcellent health standards, OLCC, direc­ materials testing, and lead sur­ inform ation, call 248 5035 or salary and benefits. tives, states laws and regula­ vey crew. Requires 5-1/2 years visit M ultnom ah County Em­ Q ualifications: sub-professional engineering tions; responds to client com ­ ployee Services, 1120 SW 5th M asters degree in mental health experience. AS in Engineering ments and complaints; markets Ave., Room 1430, Portland, or related field. Three years Technology may substitute for Metro Washington Park Zoo during business hours. experience, and m inim um of 1 Catering Department to poten­ 1-1/2 years of required experi­ Equal Opportunity Employer year clinical supervisory expe­ tial clients. This position closes ence. C ontact OD O T recruit­ rience, m andatory. ment at (503) 378-6281 (TDD- on May 28, 1993. Applications P ortland State U niversity 3 7 3 -7 7 2 7 ) fo r a p p lic a tio n Closing Date: June 4 ,1 9 9 3 and supplemental requirements P ortland E ducation al N etw ork Resum e to: Mary Dupain, packet. Completed applications m ust be received, or p o st­ Endangered Urban C hild & Ph.D., Program Director and test responses due by 5:00 marked no later than 5:00 p .m , Youth Project p.m., June 1, 1993. O D O T is Gartington Center, Friday, May 28,1993. Applica­ Community College an equal opportunity/affirmative Childrens Program tions and supplemental require­ action em ployer com m itted to 911 N. Skidm ore Coordinator ments can be picked up at: cultural diversity. Portland, OR 97217 0.50 FTE Metro Phone: 249-7990 Salary Range: TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Metro ERC end the Oregon E-O-E $19,000-$21,006 A nnually Convention Center Admlnletretlon Inc. currently has a full time M inorities and Disabled I Offices O ne-year renewable opening for the following Encouraged to Apply The Urban League a p p o in tm e n t be g in n in g position: 7/01/93, subject to continue d The N.E. Workforce Center Education Secretary/ Metro 600 N.E. Grand Ave fu n d in g . Multnomah Education Portland, OR Receptionist Serve as prim ary liaison among Service District Oregon Convention Center Project staff and four regional Qualifications: Job Information 777 N.E Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd com m unity colleges to help cre­ Strong typing, word-processing, Portland. OR com m unications and organiza­ ate collaborative opportunities Hotline Metro tion skills required. Knowledge to m eet Project objectives. D e­ 257-1510 Resumes will not be accepted and experience with PC and velop, manage, and maintain 257-1518 TDD AA/EEO Employer software including W ord Per­ su cc e s s fu l co m m u n ica tio n s C urrent openings as of 5/14/93 fect and Louts preferred. M ust between and among Project D IRECTO R, SPEC IAL E D U C A­ enjoy working with people and entities. Develop and maintain TION & IN STR U C TIO N AL s e rv in g c u s to m e rs . D rug database of area institutions of SER VIC ES 240 day position-ap­ Screening will be required of higher education faculty and plication deadline: 5 PM 6/1 /93 Barber final applicant. No phone calls student resources available to Apply in person M-F 8 -1 1 :30 AM, please. TCI Cablevision of O r­ Beautician address issues of urban chil­ o r s e n d s e lf-a d d re s s e d , egon, Inc. is an equal opportu­ dren and youth stam ped legal envelope indi­ Seeking Skilled Professionals In nity em ployer. cating position to: M ultnom ah Beauty C are; M anicurist In ­ C oordinator must have substan­ tive recent/current com m unity Applications Accepted Until: 05- cluded. ESD, Attn. Recruitment, 11911 25-93 c o lle g e in v o lv e m e n t and a NE Ainsw orth Circle, Portland, Must Be Hard W orking And Dedi­ Interested parties may subm it M aster's Degree or equivalent. cated OR 97220 application/resum es by mail to D em onstrated experience in License Required A n Equal Opportunity Employer Personnel working with people from di­ For More Inform ation & Drug Free W ork Place verse ethnic, racial, and cul­ TCI Cablevision of Oregon, Inc. Please Call 289-0144 3500 SW Bond Street tural backgrounds is required. An Equal Opportunity Employer Earn $500-$1,000 Portland, 97201 For m ore inform ation about the w eekly s tu ffin g position and application pro­ envelopes. For details -RUSH cess , contact the Portland Edu­ $1.00 with SASE to: cational Network at 725-5201. GROUP FIVE Teacher with AA degree in early PSU is an Equal Opportunity Af 57 G re e n tre e D rive, S uite 307 firm ative Action Employer. M i­ childhood and experience. Full­ D over, DE 19901 norities, w om en, and members time. com petitive salary, be n ­ of other protected classes are efits, Lloyd Center area. 284- encouraged to apply. 8797 Data Processing Professionals Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon is currently accepting applications for Systems Development Professionals in our Systems Services Department. Experience should include new system development using COBOL, VSAM, OS/JCL, and TSO/ISPF. Experience with Easytrieve Plus, CICS, C++, Adabas/Natural, Expert Systems or PCs is desirable. Lead Analysts Requires extensive background in the development of main­ frame based systems and demonstrated success in a project management role. CICS experience is desirable. Sr. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 5 years experience in performing systems analysis and design, coding, testing and implementa­ tion assignments. Must have demonstrated project leadership experience. Programmer Analysts Requires a minimum of 2 years experience in performing systems analysis and e\design, coding, testing and implemen­ tation assignments. Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent employee benefits package, flex-time work hours and competi­ tive salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To as­ sure your resume is processed immediately, place ad #121 at the top of your resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD#225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer City Of Portland Environmental Specialist-to $48,152/yr-(Closes 5/2/93) Solid Waste Director-to $57,450/yr-(Closes 5/21/93) For more info/closing dates call (503) 823-4573 (24 hr job information). a Z „ o TDD (503) 823-3520 A City of Portland application is required. For applications and instructions, contact: Bureau Of Personnel 1220 SW 5th Ave., First FI Portland, Or 97204 apps also available at: Urban League 10 N. Russell, Portland 97204 Minorities, females and, disabled encouraged to apply METRO Administrator, Information Systems And Telecommunications Division ($54,216-$76,332) State of Oregon Executive Department Highly visible executive service position providing administration and managerial direction to the Executive Department Division of Info Systems and Telecommunications. This position reports to and is appointed by the Director of the Executive Department. Primary position responsibilities include; administration and management of all state telecommunications and information systems and mainte­ nance of systems integration between state agencies. The newly formed division will have approximately 90 employees and a biennial budget of $16.8 million. Selected individuals will possess significant executive level mana­ gerial experience directing telecommunications and/or information systems in a multifaceted organization. In addition, candidates must demonstrate extensive experience in leading a business or organization in the development and maintenance of a state of the art information and telecommunications environment. Preference may be given to those candidates who possess a degree in a field directly related to information systems or telecommunications. NECDC! METRO X •V V * VV< V W VV < * \ V *'* Executive service employees receive generous state paid benefits including contributions towards heath and dental insurance, fully paid retirement contribution, paid holidays, vacation and sick leave. To obtain an application packet, please contact Edna Shelton, State of Oregon Executive Department, (503) 378-3040. Completed application packets must be received back in our Recruitment and Career Services Office, 155 Cottage Street NE, Salem OR 97310, by 5:00 June 9, 1993. Completed materials must include a cover letter detailing your experience as it relates to the position, a resume, a State of Oregon PD100, a release of information form and a list of three professional references. The State of Oregon is committed to the development of a talented and diverse workforce and is an EEO employer. Postal Examination The Portland, Oregon Post Office will be accepting applications for the clerk/carricr examination starting May 17,1993. The closing date for submit­ ting applications will be at 4pm, May 21, 1993. APPLICANTS WILL BE NOTIFIED BY MAIL OF THE EX­ AMINATION DATE All persons who are IS years of age or a high school graduate arc eligible to apply. Applicants wilj bc required to take a written examination designed to test aptitude for learning and performing the duties of clerk and carrier. Starting salary is $11.95. Application can be made at the Main Post Office, 715 NW Hoyt Street, from May 17 to May 21,1993. Appli­ cations will only be accepted between the hours of 9am to 4pm during this week SPIRITUAL READER ADVISOR TAROT CARD & PSYCHIC READINGS Reading by SIR MICHAEL G AND H I Assistant Monique I I v ju have problem« »uch »» love, m»rrl»ge. builne»». he»1th. coumhip, elc ot unn»tur»l problem», bnng them to C A N D H I »nd he will help you end let you know how Io solve them. Reunite lo»l loved one». You owe it Io younelf »nd your loved one». He will lift you oul o( d.rkne». »nd » r o w »nd »l»rt you on Ihe w .y Io .ucce» ^ G U A K A W E D RESULTS ■ ALL READING PRIVATE & CONFIDENTLY . Located in Portland state certified DAYCARE C A L L FO R A P P O IN T M E N T 503-282-2437 O P E N 7 D A Y S A W EE K -10.00 A .M . • + 0 0 P .M . Coll 335-3020 FIR S T T IM E IN C IT Y I • *. » 9 * 4 * » 9 •■M ’ - • * ' W ’ *** ” *A' * *4)1 .