w > > w w '4 T he P ortland O bserver • M ay 19, 1993 P age B7 AUTO M O TIVE WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? Grand Opening Sale NO CREDIT • BAD CREDIT • WHO CARES IN HOUSE FINANCING FOR EVERYONE* Up to 70 cars (many under $1000) • Gates open at 9:00 a.m. FEATURED VEHICLES 79 Mazda GLC Sport 79 Ford Fiesta 79 Toyta Corolla 82 Buick Skylark 79 Volvo 24 2DL 79 VW Rabbit 77 Ford F250 P/U LOT #2 Lot #1 8 5 Ford Tempo 85 Honda Accord 83 Olds Cutlass 85 Cad Deville 5 Cad's From 1979 thru 85 LOT #1 FORD EXP. 83 LINCLON TOWN CAR Nice Nice Car FULL POWER • NICE CAR RED & READY $1495 $2495 $995 Lot #1 Lot #2 79 AMX 8 1 mere Cougar R jv ^ C ty PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION LOT #2 74 CHEV 3 / 4 P.U. v-8 • Auto Fuawless Sunroof V-8 Black YOU NEED ONE THIS NICE $1495 $995 $1795 65OO NE M artin Luther King, Jr.z Blvd. • Portland No M ore D isappointments If You Are Turned Down For In-House Financing (By US) ...w e’ll give you NEED A CAR? DO YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? SERVIŒAREA $1000 CASH TODAY! LOT #1 YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: • NO CREDIT CHECKS OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS...EVER • DOWNPAYMENTS $400 OR LOWER • 12.9% A.P.R. FINANCING YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED OUT MfO/ff IT'S BOUGHT LOT #2 LOT #1 81 DATSUN 280ZX TURBO 8 1 BUICK RIVIERA 83 TOYOTA CELICA AUTO LOADED FULL POWER AT CUSTOM WHEELS $2995 $2995 $24 95 LOT #2 LOT #2 LOT #1 84 CHEVETTE 4DR 8 4 T-BIRD 6 8 VW BUG AUTOMATIC • ONE OWNER V-8 LOADED RED AUTO CASS. MAGS $1495 $1995 $1995 E .Z . C A R R A DIVISION OF CARR CHEVEROLET GEO NISSAN LOT #1 2 3 1 -0 0 0 0 771-4161 331-0216 5205 SE Foster 3225 NE Union (MLK) WOODSTOCK AUTO WHOLESALE LOT #2 A« Expires 5 /2 6 /9 3 We care more about your future than we do your past. Prices Effective: G etting Ready For Next Year W ell, you’ve gotten through the filing o f another tax return, so you can forget about it all until next year. R ight? N ot exactly. T he Internal Rev­ enue Service recom m ends thinking about getting your records ready for next year. Also, the agency suggests you review your financial picture. K eeping good records allow s you to prepare a com plete an d accurate tax return. G enerally you should keep all receipts, canceled checks, or other proof o f paym ent an d any docum enta­ tion to support andy deductions or credits you will w ant to claim. Y our records should be kept to­ gether in one place, so that w hen you w ant to prepare your 1993 return, they will be easy to locate If you find you owed taxes, you may w ant to adjust your w ithholding allow ances and submit an adjusted W-4 form to your payroll departm ent ipjcimsEj Sentryi ©EPÁKFffiNffl SUPERM ARKETS B P xMAY 1 9 9 3 M X MON. TCkS- WU>. T H IS . FRI. SAT. 19 20 21 22 I Serious a iout service. 23 25 24 Sentry ■■asupOMAUUTsar C ■' - '« ’ES, F w Ac*/. rc M /to . . , • I DVERTJSE IN THE OBSERVER E & M SENTRY 909 N KILL1NGSWORTH GRAFFITI: Som e o f the m ost appalling m o­ m ents in our century’s cultural history occurred in the 1930’s. T he G erm an N ational Socialists had over 650 im ­ portant paintings, prints, sculptures and books destroyed-but also litera­ ture, m usic an d film. They launched a general attack on all contem porary authors and conduced widespread book burnings. W hile som e o f the art was ea r­ m arked for E ntartete K unst (degener­ ate art) in M unich, hundreds o f w orks w ere sold for hard currency to foreign buyers. M any o f th e “d re g s,” as G obblels called them , were probably destroyed by fire. T he N ational Socialists rejected and censured alm ost everything that had existed on the G erm an m odem art scene prior to 1933. It did not m atter to H itler if the art was abstract or representational, or beautiful expres- sionistically colored landscapes and portraits, or the social criticism s by M ax Beckm an, O tto Dix and George G rosz, or the hard w orking efforts o f the B auhaus artists to forge an new link between art and industry—all were condem ned T h e G esetz Z u r W ied c rh e rs- tellung des Berufsbeam tentum s (Pro­ fessional Civil Service Act) o f A pril 7, 1933, enabled N azi officials to d is­ m iss non-A ryan governm ent em ploy­ ees from their jobs T here seem s to be a new effort afoot in this country to paint over or sm ear over the graffiti on the walls, bridges, sidewalks, billboards, jails, toilets and unem ploym ent offices in in n e r-c itie s, b arrio s, g h etto s an d Siris Sc Robert By Ray Eaglin slum s. Some o f the best w ritings in the w orld are being w ritten on fences and w alls, today! T he surge in graffiti w riting ought not to be solely looked at as an aspect o f crim e, and it should not be lowered to the level o f “ju st porno­ g ra p h ic ” T he history o f graffiti dates back to som e 500,000 to 975,000 years ago. T he art o f graffiti had advanced to the pyram ids in 2775 B.C. T he slaves w ho dragged the heavy stone blocks w ould often scratch on them words like “w orkers of the world unite,” or “dow n w ith slave labor.” T he person who w rites graffiti on the wall is the person who is less dangerous, less violent. He is the per­ son who has an outlet and should be encouraged to vent this therapeutic pursuit. We certainly m ust keep in m ind that the graffiti w riters have countless motivations. O ne o f the m ain reasons is the well-know n hum an desire to etch a record o f on e’s presence or o n e’s existence on earth. T he urge to assert o n e’s individu­ ality by capturing a particular m o­ m ent and space in tim e is so perv asive as to account for the most prevalent kind o f graffiti, w herever people come together. W herever the graffiti w riter is assu re d o f th a t a u d ic n c e - th a t is w ere he writes. The location o f porno­ graphic or erotic graffiti is an index of the m anner in w hich our culture ex­ erts it influence. T he fact that more graffiti is found in toilets than any­ w here else is because toilets give you m ore privacy and freedom from the norm al restraints o f the “adult w orld” than any other place. T he fact that there is some sexual exposure in the toilet gets the m ind off the problem s of the streets, unem ploym ent, hunger, the landlord, the police, drugs o rch ill­ ing out M any graffitists are protesting som ething an d feel that they have no other way o f m aking their feelings known. We should study w hat they are putting before us. M ake th eir art and literature m edium o f com m unication. They are imbued w ith an idea that m ust find expression T he w all scribbler usually does not follow his natural handw riting He prints much larger letters. The printing and the enlarged sized graf­ fiti show the creative urge and desire to project his or her personality far beyond his real capacity to do so. Infants like to sm ear anything that com es to their hand on the wall, your foot. They will use any kind o f medium including strained carrots, beets, pud­ d in g an d , if th e ir d ia p ers a r e n 't changed quickly poop New kinds o f bathroom walls, stro n g er clean sers an d m andatory autom ated spray paints may be X-ing out the long overdue desperate mes­ sage our kids and our loved ones hav e to say. O u r children arc the new expres­ sionists. the new m odernists, the col­ orful landscapes, the new links be­ tween art and industry , the little pens with giant m essages Pay attention now orbankruptcy latcr-G raffili the handw riting on the wall F R E E Western Tamity Saver Shields Specials This Weck\ FREE io l b S. With O Filled S u n Shield C ud O Filkd Saver Shield Card j Wtth 6 Oz., Western Family 6 | 5 16 Oz., Western Family POLY BAG VEGETABLES LARGE PITTED RIPE OLIVES FLO UR FREE FREE FREE With 0 With Filled Sam Shield Cards O Filkd Saver Shield Card. 4 Roll, Western Family BATH T IS S U E GRAPE J U IC E BUFFET CAT FO O D Q Filled Saver Shield Card With 12 Oz., Western Family 9 6 C h , W estern Family 3 FREE FREE FREE FOR With O Filled Sever Shield C ud With 4 Y JF. ? is í-á * * * * t <1 aaAiMbAt/ FREE FORj O Fdied S ivn Shield Cud Western Family CREAM CHEESE TOM ATO SAUCE M A N D A R IN ORANGES With 8 Oz., Western Family 4 | 15 Oz., Western Family 3 | 11 Oz., Western Family 2 | O Filkd Sever Shield C ud With O Filkd Smet Shield C ud , I • » « • * • • • • **#*»*♦ • * » ' * - • • * * * ‘ * * • • ‘ • * ' • *-* ‘ ’’**.* S .. . ' "'WíS 5‘ I ‘ * *-.‘ V ' ' ,■ - « • . .• ■ > ’■ . * , , >' .■ < «.