Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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    P age B5
T he P o r u ani ) O bservi r • M ay 19, 1993
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In Loving
A Prayer For A Day
One day, I heard an old preacher-
man say these words with much exu­
berance. "You gotta pray!”, he ad­
monished his congregation “When
you in trouble", he continued, ".p ra y !
And—the I.awd will surely hear you
Yes, He w ill!’ Everything that he said
was correct; however, some people
misuse their privilege
Prayer is a privilege that every­
one has not attained. "W hat are you
talking about7"~as Arnold would say.
Every one who has not accepted Christ,
as their personal Savior, cannot call
on the Lord or address Him as their
Father. They have not accepted new
birth, they have not accepted the act of
accountability nor have they asked
forgiveness for their sins; nor-have
they relinquished their worldly tics—
nor do they intend to do so.
I, personally, have overheard
someone pray ing to the Lord, in a time
of trouble, and making some empty
promises as if God is stupid and d idn't
know that they never intended to keep
those promises It is high time for
people to stop taking God for granted
Time is to short! And—we’re running
out of it very fast. Stop fooling around
with the Holy Spirit!
Mankind has truly over extended
him self-as far as God is concerned,
yet, God continues to bless us God has
show n his mercy ov er and over again
Mankind continues to falter.
It seems that some Christians
think being a child of God gives them
a license to mess up whenever the
whim strikes You will usually hear
them sporting this statement. Oh,
God lov es me and 1 know that he w on't
punish me. Anyway, I’ve done this
before and nothing happened.
Storms, earthquakes, tornadoes,
floods, illness, death and accidents
seem to have increased in ov erw helm­
ing proportions-and, people are still
making promises to God and they are
not keeping them. As soon as the feat
of impending danger has passed, the
promises arc quickly forgotten. Don’t
they know by now that God does not
It would seem that the history in
the Holy Bible would serve as lasting
warnings; but, I guess time has not
had very full classes or many were
asleep dur i ng t he mai n lectu res. Maybe
that’s it There has to be a rational
answer for such blatant stupidity.
Arc you one o f those people
vv ho sees trouble coming and immedi­
ately you begin praying and promis­
ing, then, as soon as the trouble
passes— it’s back to “Life as usual?” If
you are. you need to change now be­
fore it is too late Ask God’s forgive­
ness for the lies you have told and pray
that God gives you a clean heart so that
you can truly follow him in truth and
in love.
“The prayers o f a righteous
man availeth much ” (James 5; 16
W hen a person has accepted
Christ as their personal Sav ior they
accept all the benefits as well as the
punishments Benefits for doing the
will of the Father, and, punishments
for grieving the Holy Spirit and doing
things repeatedly that are known to be
wrong in the sight of the Lord.
So-w hy should you be so amazed
w hen something tumultuous occurs in
your life or to another C hristian-
knowing well whatyou have wrought?
God is just and God is merciful;
and also, God is full of love and kind-
M allo ry Avenue
Christian Church
"Come to me all you uuho are
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
Devante Baker
ncss. But—God will knock the mess
out of anyone who crosses him Is that
plain enough ?
D idn’t you ever get a spanking
from your mother or father (or both)
when you did wrong? W ell-isn’t God
our heavenly Father? Just as ourearthlv
parents scold and correct us when we
misbehave—so docs our heavenly Fa­
ther have the right to scold and correct
us However, personally, I would rather
be disciplined by my earthly parents
than by my Heavenly parent
AT&T advertises that their ser­
vices brings families closer together
Prayer brings Christians closer to God
Prayer is having a conversation with
God: having an audience with him.
When you kneel or lift your eyes or just
whisper in your heart, God will hear
you. B ut-G od will not acknowledge
foolishness. God knows your heart
before you begin to pray [Psalms 139,
Jeremiah 17:9-10, Matthew 15:16-
20, Luke 16:15, Hebrew 4:12 KJVJ.
Prayer is not for just one day; but, it is
for every hour of every day.
1 admonish you to Pray, so you can
make it through another day,
Pray when your skies are gray,
Pray when all hope seems to be
Pray when you're left alone,
Pray when the sun is shining
Pray when nothing seems to be
going right.
Pray with love and truth in your
Pray when your world is falling
Instead of grumbling and weeping.
Lift up your faith and pray without
ceasing. —MAC Spears 1993
Scripture: "And let us not be weary in well doing for in due season we
shall reap,if we faint not As we have therefore opportunity, let us do good
unto all men...”
Deccmber 24, 1992 to May 16, 1993
God’s Little Angel
We Love You,
Mom, Israël, Shauvonne, Stephanies,
Zazhariah, Kesham, Lawrencia and
New Beginnings Host
Spiritual Warfare
A Spiritual Warfare Conference
entitled “Called To Conqueror" will
be hosted by the New Beginnings
Christian Center, located at 7600
NE Glisan The conference will be
presented May 20th through 23rd.
The host pastor is senior pastor
Larry Hutch and his wife Tiz. There
are services schedule at 7pm each
evening May 20th through 22nd.
Sunday services on May 23 are
scheduled for 10am and 6pm.
Guest speakers are Mike Purkey,
Mario Murillo, Jeff Fenholt and Dr.
Lawrence Kennedy.
M t . S inai H osts S enior
W ellness S eminar
Denise Bel!
126 N.C. Alberto t Portland, OR 97211 t (503) 288-5173
Sometimes we find ourselves been placed in categorized group­
with too much to do and not enough ing.)
There were spies’ or ‘plants'
time to do it all For days we race
the route to the specified bui ld-
around from one task to another,
pretended to be sick, in
and no, really finish or accomplish
or just plain cry­
any one task, or if we do we have to
those who had
do it over because in our haste we
missed somethi ng or didn ’ t quite do car trouble or a flat tire, or other
it right In some cases, we simply needs that required help.
According to the study, not one
forget to do it at all. We are so busy
that we ignore every thing and ev­ of the students in the “high hurry” or
erybody around us Family. friends, the "moderate hurry ” groups stopped
neighbors, co-workers, sick and to offer help, bu, everyone of the "no
hurry” group did. The study con­
shut-ins, the elderly,etc.
that whenour hurry increases,
The other day I was sitting in
decreases We ignore
the doctors office and as usual, I
picked up a magazine to keep from needs to which we would ordinarily
being bored. One of the magazines respond.
As I left the doctor’s office, 1
had conducted a survey or study as
you would call it. This study had mulled over w hat I had read I found
taken place at one of the name my self wondering how many of us
brand' universities. There were fif­ are in the "high hurry group.” Then
teen students divided into groups of I thought maybe because of our
three Each group was told they had times and environments we tend not
to go to a building across campus to to assist any one in need like we used
take a test, and if they were late their to do But then I thought that is not
valid! Even if, we are afraid, we
grade would be lowered.
The first group was told to could a, leas, notily the proper au­
report to the building immediately. thorities, or whom ever could aid in
T hey w ere id e n tifie d as the the situation, whatever that might
"high hurry” group The second be
How many times have we turned
group was told to arrive at the
the other way, or went
building within fifteen minutes.
block to avoid the assis­
They were the “moderate hurry”
might desperately
group. The third group, known
as the “no hurry” group, were needed Lord don’t let us get in such
simply told to report to the building a hurry that we overlook what is
any time that aftemoon.( The stu­ really im portant-the caring of oth­
dents were not aware that they had ers around us1
-• I
The Mt. Sinai Baptist Church hosts the Senior Wellness Seminar,
Saturday. May 22.1993 from 9am to 1 pm. 602 NE Prescott There will
be a free Continental breakfast and free lunch. For more information,
Richard Marlon Clark
Inter-racial Congregation
G a la tia n s 6 9 a n d 10b
Hurry, Hurry, There’s Not Enough
Time, We’re Too Busy!
please call Mrs. Elizabeth Warren 288-1381.
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Silble
Study and Prayer
T ir ’T r r o T E
He is survived his companion
The funeral for Richard Marlon
Clark will be held at 2pm today Consw ayla G unn; two ch ild ren ,
Wednesday, at the First A M E. Zion Latrice M. and Richard M. Clark Jr.;
Church, 4304 N. Vancouver Ave his mother. Bonnie K. Clark; father,
Harold Clark; brothers, Christopher
(Corner of N. Skidmore).
Mr. Clark was born February 12, and Maryon Clark, and N Kenyatta
1973, in Portland, Oregon and passed Mays.
The family suggests that memo­
on May 14, 1993.
in his name be contribution sot
Clark attended Woodlawn El­
A M E. Zion Church, 4304 N.
ementary. Fernwood Middle School,
Ave., Portland, Oregon.
and Wilson High School
g f a í)fíaul f i s s i o n a r g
^Baptist (Lit urti)
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Church Phone: 289-0147
Sunday School
Bible Study
Evening Service
Pastor Re. JamesC.E. Faulkner
We Welcome You To The
7600 N .E. G LISA N
P O R T L A N D , OR. 97213
Studv Phone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
Larry & Tiz. Hucli
Portland Oregon 97203
Theme: W hatever your going to do for th e Lore, do It now .
I Peter i v . l l
(Greater js>aini jsdepljen
,d8ilt60tonarQ ¡¡Baptist (djurclj
It's contemporary!
It's Multi-cultural!
It's Spirit Filled! „ . F
chWCh für tllC 90 S!
“Serving The Lord With Gladness"
Psalm 100:2
30 Big Nights of
North-Northeast Portland Community-Wide
Sunday School 10am
Morning Worship 11:05
Mid Week:
Prayer & Bible Study 7pm
Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor
3707 N. W illiam s Ave.
at the
O.B. Williams Convention Center
220 N.E. Beech St. Portland, Oregon
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227
Sunday, May 2nd-Monday, May 31, 1993
7.00 pm
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
• Anointed Preaching & Teaching
Clay & Tanti Drayton
Has moved Sunday sev 'tces to
• Dynamic Children A Youth Ministries
Stone T ow er C hurch
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
• Powerful Prat <e A W or thip
• Street Reach A Overcomers Ministries
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a m. and 7:00 p.m.
• Service Times: Sunday 10:30 am 6:00 pm
7600 NE (¡Iisan Street
Scott & L yd ia Sigman
f » • • * • • • • •
Radio Minis . / each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching ( hurch With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954
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7 00 pm
N ig h tly
‘Let the words o f my
mouth and the medita­
tion o f my heart be ac­
ceptable in They sight,
Oh Lord, my strength
a n d my redeem er.
Psalms 19:14
“For God so loved the
world that He gave His
only begotten Son, that
whon.soeier believeth
in Him should not per­
ish but have everlast­
ing life." John 3:16
Rev. Robert Weaver, Associate Minister
Greater Faith Baptist Church, 931 N. Skidmore St., Portland, Oregon
• Witness the manifestation of the Pouter of God
• Feel the thrill of the touch of the unseen
• Receive healings for your spirit, soul and body.
Bring the sick, the shut-in, the careless and unconcerned.
God Has “A Miracle” With Your Name On It!