Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 19, 1993, Page 12, Image 12

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    M ay 19, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B4
(Versatile Shape Adds Ease to Spring Menu Planning)
Since the advent o f the w ok on the
Am erican culinary scene, s tir-fry en­
thusiasts have mastered tossing strips
o f meat and chopped vegetables w ith
soy sauce and teriyaki. But most people
have failed to venture beyond the tra­
d itio n al Oriental stir-fry when cook­
ing w ith fresh meat strips. N ow , many
cooks are q uickly discovering that
meat strips are every b it as adaptable
to Cajun, Greek and Mexican fla vo r
Above, Jim Robinson, president of Thriftway Stores, presents
KATU's Mary Starred with a check during last year's Children’s
Miracle Network Telethon, benefiting Doembecher Children’s
Hospital. United Grocers-member stores, including Thriftway and
Sentry, are again the major sponsors of this year's telethon which
airs June 5 and 6 on KA TU.
“ Fresh meat strips are extrem ely
lean, cook q u ickly and can add variety
and interest to your everyday meals,”
says R obin K line, registered dietitian
and director o f consumer affairs fo r
the National Pork Producers C ouncil
(N PPC ). “ S tir-fry sandw iches-like
fajitas-and stir-fry salads are ju s t tw o
examples o f easy one-dish meals that
can make spring menu planning a
meat strips can be easily sliced from a
pork roast, chop, o r tenderloin. T o
make cutting strips even sim pler, par­
tia lly freeze the meat ahead o f time.
Boneless cuts are best fo r cutting
uniform strips and o ffe r a better value:
Y ou don’ t pay fo r bone or fat that
yo u ’ ll cut away and w o n ’t consume.
B uying boneless also offers the u lti­
mate in convenience, because you don ’ t
have to cut around that bone.
For cooks w ho want to add greater
ve rsa tility to their m eal-planning rep­
ertoire, meal strips can provide a fresh
new approach toquick-cooking meals.
Once people leam to look beyond
O riental stir-fries, they can start th in k ­
ing about d iffe re n t ways to q u ickly
b ro il or saute fresh p ork strips fo r
quick, fla v o rfu l meals.
“ W ith strips, you can be adven­
turous and fle x your culinary s kills,”
says K line. “ U sing any fla vo r profile-
-Italian, Greek, Southwest o r Cajun,
fo r e xa m p le -strip s can be become a
new favorite sandwich, salad, or other
s tir-fry dish served up w ith pasta or
Fantastic Pork Fajitas, G reek-
Style Pork Pocket Sandwiches S tir-
fried Cajun Pork, Chinese Pork Salad
and Javanese Pork Sate are a ll fla vo r
favorites that can be fixed fo r a w eek­ rice.
For more ideas on how to use
nig h t meal in less than 30 minutes.
Strips os fresh pork, chicken and strips and other basic shapes o f pork,
other meats may be found at your the NPPC is o ffe rin g The Shape o f
supermarket meat case, but i f not, i t ’ s Meals to Come brochure. The free
easy enough to cut your own. A cco rd ­ brochure provides tips on shopping
ing to K lin e , all you need to do is pick fo r meats by shape,recipes fo r the six
shapes o f fresh pork and preparation
up a sharp knife.
“ D ivid e and conquer...when it and n u tritio n inform ation. M a il a self-
comes to qu ick meal preparation,” addressed, stamped envelope to: The
says K lin e . “ The smaller you cut your Shape o f Meals to Come, c/o National
stirps o f meat, the quicker they ’ 11 cook. Pork Producers C ouncil, P.O. Box
Strips are really meant fo r 'rig h t now ’ 10383, Des M oines, IA 50306. O r call
1-800-937-PORK (7565) and request
It may seem re vo lu tio n a ry to
some, obvious to others, but fresh
Food F ront Cooperative Grocery'
is proud to sponsor a spring series o f
whole foods cooking classes offered
by D r M ary Scott, N . D , L A c
In a supportive environm ent, the
3 class series focuses on a spring
cleaning w ith a w hole foods diet. D r
Scott w ill lead a discussion o u tlin in g
N aturopatliic and tra d itio n a l Chinese
m edicine’ s outlook on seasonal a lle r-
gies; foods that facilitate theclcansing
o f the digestion and e lim in a tio n o r-
eans; now w hole foods support the
im m une sy stem in resisting a lle rg ic
reactions; and a look at how natural
W arm atmosphere
Great Home Cooked Food Meals
Convenient C all ahead For D rive Thru W indow
North Portland Branch
Library presents
Drum Music
from West Africa
w ith C a to n L y le s
S a tu rd a y, M a y 22, 2 :3 0 p m
Hear the sounds o f every day
villa g e life performed and
described by Caton Lyles,
m usician in the Northwest
A frik a n Am erican B allet A ll
ages w ill enjoy this special
presentation. Adm ission is free
N o rth Portland Branch Library
512 N. K illin g s w o rth
M u ltn o m a h County Library
‘ The Eyes and Ears ollhc CcmmunitY'
O llice : (503)200-0033
F a x # : (503) 200-0015
Party Cruises
(C u rtis Salgado A n d Friends &
Johnny L iin b o A nd The Lugnuts To
Headline M e m o ria l Day Cruises)
M onday, May 31, 1993
K G O N welcomes another Blues
Cruise.. C urtis Salgado and Friends
w i l l e n te rta in audiences on the
S tem w hccler for an excitin g after­
noon o f blues C urtis and Friends are
a lw a y s a fa v o r ite a b o a rd the
Stemwhccler. Cruise tim e is from 4 30
to 6:30pm.
K1SN welcomes P ortland's pre­
m ie r nostalgia rock and ro ll band,
Johnny Lim bo and the Lugnuts aboard
the Stem w hccler C olum bia Gorge.
F eaturing classic rock and ro ll tunes
fro m the 50’ s, 6 0 ’ s and " 0 ’ s, Johnny
L im b o and the Lugnuts always play to
standing room crowds aboard the
Stcmwhecler Cruise tim e is from 7 30
Social Club
3041 N W illiam s
1993 membership application now
available $5.00
Soul Food kitchen - D J Wed-Sun
9:00 pm - 2:30 am
open 10am to 2:30ain
Breakfast Lunch Dinner
, , , , Open 6:00am to 10:00pm M -S
Sun 8:00am to 9:30pm 249-TONI
■ I
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. ,5^
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1 pound pork strips
1/2 cup Caesar-style dressing
2 pita loaves, halved
4 tablespoons cucumber dressing
1 sm all red onion, peeled and
th in ly sliced
S tir together pork strips and Cae­
sar dressing; place in a shallow pan
and roast in a preheated 450 degree F.
oven u n til pork is crisp and lig h tly
browned, about 10 minutes. Open each
pita h a lf to form a pocket. D istribute
pork among each half. Top each sand­
w ich w ith a table spoon o f the cucum­
ber dressing and some sliced red on­
ion Makes four sandwiches
Approximately , per serving: Calo­
ries: 353; Fat: 17 gm; Cholesterol: 86
mg Serve w ith green salad
Spring Cleaning With A Whole
Foods Diet Cooking Classes
D r iv e T h r u
It’s a pocket full o f miracles! To make this Greek-Style Pork Pocket
Sandwich, simply stir together pork strips with Caesar dressing and
roast them in a shallow pan. When brown, tuck the strips into pocket
bread, top them with a dollop o f cucumber dressing and some sliced
red onion.
the brochure by name.
T o n i’s S o u l F o o d
Greek-Style Pork
Pocket Sandwich
Meat Strips Not Limited
To Oriental Stir-Fries
MM M |
remedies help mange seasonal allergy
sy mptoms. The series also incorpo­
rates D r. Scott’ s popular dairy-free
cooking class, w hich includes a d e li­
cious dairy -free meal.
Dr Mary Scott is uniquely quali­
fied. A certified Naturopathic physi-
cian and acupuncturist in private prac-
tice. Dr. Scott is an accomplished
natural foods ch e f and baker,
The spring series begins Wednes-
day, M ay 26th. For fu rth e r inform a-
tio n contact D r M a ry Scott at 331-
2279 or Greg Swetland at 222-5638
(Food Front Cooperative Grocery).
■ I1 *
Nobody Does it Better, for Less
t ----------------
Ad Prices Good May 19 through May 25,1993 At Safeway.
Familv Pack
Round Steak
Safew ay quality
1/4-inch trim m ed
beef round steak.
Sweet Ripe
• Fresh from
• Dry pint container
to 9:30pm .
A ll passengers board at SW Front
and Stark one h a lf hour before cruise
tim e
Tickets arc $13 00 in advance
and are available at a ll G I Joe s
Ticketm aster outlets or call 223-3928
to Older by phone I ickets arc subject
to service charge
For more inform ation please call
M arianna (503) 238-9707 or Jennifer
E n j o y E x t r a S a v i n g s W it h T h e
N e w ’I n - S t o r e ’
S a fe w a y S h o p p in g G u id e
Available at your Safeway store.