► I .' * T he P ortland O bserver • M ay «'< » V<* P age 19, 1993 BS tS I llS A I S n lM S te r lin g A Star-Studded Variety Special To Air On CBS May 29 M acer C o -S ta rs * . 4 •• **. . »’ :• ‘ »A. -"L I • •v * f T V '- : In •** ’< r r x X'E’.rf DRAGO«: THE BRUCE LEE STORY Sterling M acer’s hilarious w ise­ cracks are scene stealers n “ Dragon: The Bruce Lee Story," He poiU ays Jerom e Sprout, L ee’s first pupil and subsequent friend. By teaching Jerom e and other non-C hinese students the techniques o f kung fu, w hich the C h i­ nese ciders forbid outside their co m ­ munity, Lee pays dearly. “Jerom e is based on a real person in Bruce L ee’s life. I understand he now lives in the Seattle area,” M acer says. “ I was thrilled to get the role. 1 am not a real m artial arts expert, but I know enough to get me in trouble.” M acer’s successful acting career bridges the gap betw een theartre, film and television. Television fans rem em ­ ber him, m ost recently, as Robert Davis in the critically-acclaim ed A BC tele­ vision dram s “ H om efront,” M acer portrayed a young W orld W ar II vet­ eran w ho brings his French war bride back to his hom etow n, where they experience prejudice as a result o f their racially-m ixed m arriage. M acer w ill soon be seen in a new CBS pilot “ H earts o f the W est," star­ ring with L loyd Bridges and his son, Beau. M acer describes the show as “present day dude ranch.” He plays an Patti LaBelle and Danny Glover to host 1993 Essence Awards ex-attorney w ho lost his jo b for insider The 1993 Essence Awards, a rial inaugural C oncert for HBO, .trading and goes to the ranch to find prestigious tribute to the outstand­ M T V ’s Inaugural G ala Ball an d Up inner peace. M acer also had a guest Close with Paul M cCartney for ABC ing achievem ents o f eight prom i­ starring role in “S tar T rek ” this sea­ Gowers also serves as Executive Pro- nent A frican-A m erican women, will son. Bom in east M oline, Illinois, duver w ith his partner in T ogether be broadcast on the CBS Television M acer grew up p n m arily in M issouri. A g a in P ro d u c tio n s , C a ro l N etw ork on Saturday, May 29, 9 to His family is close-knit, with his par­ Rosenstein Rosenstein aw ard-w in­ 11pm ET/PT. T his variety special ents encouraging him to pursue his ning credits as an executive pro­ features music, dance and comedy dream s, telling him that w ith hard perform ances and special presenta­ ducer, producer and w riter include w ork he could be anything he wanted. tions by some o fto d ay 's hottest stars live aw ard shows, ch ild ren ’s pro­ M acer was previously enrolled in the and entertainers. And, President Bill gram s and music and comedy spe­ University o f San D iego’s M asters IN C linton pays a very special tribute cials. Also serv ing as Executive P ro­ ducer is D an Gasby o f Gasby, Inc. Fine Arts graduate program in asso ­ from the Oval Office to the Essence whose production credits include 26 ciation with the “O ld G lobe Theater, A w ard recipients. T h is will m ark one hour episodes o f Big Break, a w here he appeared in num erous p ro ­ the first tim e since the inaugural d u ctio n s, in clu d in g “Joe T u rn e r’s m usical variety program hosted by celebration that the President will m ulti-G ram m y A w ard w inner and C om e and G one,” “ Slow D ancing on appear in an entertainm ent special the K illing G ro u n d ” and “T he Piano T he gala ceremony, hosted by Patti A rtist o f the Y ear for 1991, N atalie L esson,” am ong others. Shortly b e­ LaBelle and D anny G lover was v id ­ Cole. V alerie N orm an is producer fore graduation, M acer left the pro­ eotaped before a black-tic audience and Rita C ash and K hephra B um s gram to play R om eo in the Dallas at T he Param ount T heater at M adi­ are the writers. T heater production of “R om eo and T he 1993 Essence A w ard re son Square G arden in New York Juliet” and received his M asters d e­ cipients are: Senator Carol Mosely- City on April 30. Braun, the first A frican-A m erican gree early. Eddie M urphy will pay a very M o v in g to L o s A n g e le s, he w om an elected to the U.S. Senate; special tribute to civil-rights activist quickly was cast in the T V series G ail D ever, U .S. O lym pic G old an d M other o f th e C ivil-R ights M edalist, Aretha Franklin, the Queen "T our of Duty,” followed by a co- M ovem ent, Rosa Parks. Bill Cosby stanng role in the daytim e scries “G en­ of Soul and multiple Grammy Award- w ill also be on hand to pay tribute to eratio n s.” H is leading role in the w in n in g sin g e r an d so n g w riter; T in a T urner and E dw ard Jam es O lm os will praise the w o rk o f ’Swcct “ Sweet A lice’ H arris, com munity A lice” H arris O n the music front, activist and founder o f Parents of 9» Jam es Ingram will perform “ Sing W atts (PO W ).L ena H om e, legend­ for the C hildren” for the very first ary actress, singer and dancer, Rosa tim e and A nita Baker, Shanice, P arks, c iv il-rig h ts activ ist; T in a K a th le e n B a ttle, K ary n W hite, T urner, m ultiple G ram m y A w ard­ and Sounds o f Blackness will be w inning singer and actress; an d Dr. am ong m any other perform ers add­ Corla W ilson-Hawkins, educator and ing to the stellar lineup. Phyllis com m unity activist. Susan L. Taylor, Editor-in-C hief Y vonne Stickney and M ark Curry o f Essence m agazine say, “For the w ill be am ong the com edians on the second year we are proud to bri ng the show. T he show will be choreo­ graphed by the electrify ing M ichael Essence aw ards to a national audi­ Peters, w hose extensive list o f cred­ ence The strength and depth o f these its have ea rn ed him n u m e ro u s eight great w omen show us a world aw ards including a Tony and an in w hich all things are possible. T his Em m y. T he show w ill be directed by y ea r's aw ard recipients are role m od­ Bruce Gowers, w hose most recent els for the n atio n ’s people, especially ' Try. (Bill Cosby, Anita Baker, Eddie Murphy, Halle Berry, James Ingram, Kathleen Battle among special guests & a very special tribute from President Bill Clinton) ' •’’■i “ ’.»•;* V .J 2 r- z--.. ■ - ">£■ - V ..T ? Ô <• (Top) Jason Scott Lee (left) stars as Bruce Lee, an extraordinary man who became a legend for all time in 4 * the world of movies »A : " r- . and martial arts, ; • and Sterling Macer as Jerome, Bruce Lee 's pupil and friend. (Bottom) (I., to R.) Jason Scott - ■ : . Lee as Bruce Lee, ■ ■ Lauren Holly as Linda and Sterling - ' Macer as Jerome. ' ' LaJolla Playhouse production O f “ My C hi.dren, My A frica” w as so well received that it m oved to the Henry Fonda Theater in L os A ngeles, where Macer was cast in two television p i­ lots, “ My O ld School” and “ 1945,” w hich was later retitled “ H om efront." M acer both directed and produced their first production, “The S lave,” w hich ran at the G ardener State in Los A n g e le s . T h e ir s e c o n d p la y , “M acbeth,” also directed by Macer, will be staged at The B re wery in do wn- low n Los Angeles this fall. M acer notes, “ I feel our production com pany should reflect the needs o f a com m u­ nity and here in Los A ngeles the com ­ m unity is m ulti-cultural, w hich is som ething sc all need to understand, especially in these troubled tim es in our city." M acer is also one o f the founders o f the m ulti-ethnic, m ulti­ cultural Inkululeko T heater Com pany in Los Angeles. M acer’s other love is music and he has form ed a sm all production com pany, Pipeline Records, to en­ courage talented young musicians. The first group M acer is w orking with is M ojo, a hip/hop rap group from his - .t- behind the scenes. U n iv e rsa l P ic tu re s p r e s e n ts “ Dragon: T he Bruce Lee Story,” a Raffaella De Laurentiis Production and a Rob Cohen Film. Jason Scott Lee stars a Bruce Lee (no relation). Lauren Holly, Michael Learned, Nancy Kwan, Kay Tong Lim, Robert W agner and Sterling M acer co-star. - -N . CÍO ; M - -S .¿SsK. lib a te í m í N W * u y *<’ *. •"‘C fe?. ’ V- ’.‘«Jr, i " •'t» -• ’ 'f « e-¡-f. ••'S;. •«:?'• our children.” OREGON PREMIERE Don 7 Miss This Award-Winning Play Pulitzer Prize Winner Drama Desk Award Best Play NY Drama Critics Circle Award CHARGE BY PHONE 224-4991 PORTLAND. REPERTORY THEATER IN THE W O R LD TRADE CENTER Jack an d Jill have contracted nam ic perform ance about im portant the AIDS virus Santa Claus is puzzled issues such as decision m aking, rac­ by a little boy’s request for a Barbie ism. sexuality, depression, drug and doll D orothy and Toto learn the alcohol abuse, and MORE T h is “one night only” perfor­ im portance of birth control A nd the Brady Bunch deals with hom osexual­ m ance will be held May 27, 7:00 ity. These issues along w ith many pm at the M etropolitan L earn in g others will be presented at the 1992- Center (2033 NW G lisan). A recep­ 93 season finale o f T een s& Com pany, tion will follow the perform ance The Planned P arenthood’s aw ard w inning perform ance is FREE but donations arc encouraged Seating is limited, theatre troupe TEEN S A: CO M PA N Y com bines reservations arc required Call 775- education and entertainm ent in a dy­ 3918 to reserve scats T E E N S & C O M P A N Y is a theatre group which com bines educa­ tion and entertainm ent in a dynam ic perform ance about the issues facing teenagers The perform ance stim u­ lates discussion about issues confront­ ing today's teens including decision making, eating disorders, sexuality, drug and alcohol abuse, racism and more. , W hat makes this show unique is the perform ance material w hich was developed by the 14 member cast It blends hum or, role play, m ovem ent music and dram a to provide timely inform ation to the audience T he May 27 perform ance will be a cu lm in atio n o f the 1992-93 T E E N S A CO M PA NY season in w hich they perform ed over 40 shows Their audiences included middle and high school students, church and com­ munity groups, other youth-service organizations and professional con­ feren ces th ro u g h o u t O reg o n an d W ashington m I- & - fcAM V • • * * m * • ** * * • * * * * * * • * * * * ** • * * * • • • / * ’ V * ' f. ' »4 * ’ ■ - - hom etow n in M issouri. His ultim ate goal is to align his acts w ith larger labels. C onstantly growing, always working, Sterling Macer, Jr. is a young man with an enorm ous future ahead of him both in front of the cam era and Fictional Characters Face Real Life Issues In The Season Finale Performance Of Teens & Company credits include the Lincoln M emo- - > ■ a «. • , • i *.» •. a a . a » a ,‘ • 4 ‘ t * «4 *.* • »* »*, , **** v »»,. a » í ** *4 f » « »f* *.* ♦ «**«»• • ' ■ s