M ay 19, 1993 • Tim P ortland O bserver P age B? 7S i Robinson NBAs Best Sixth Man Law Enforcement Officers Carry Special Olympics Torch In Oregon More than 700 Oregon officers earn ing the Flame of Hope w ill criss­ cross 1,000 miles ofOregon this month on their way to the Oregon Special Olympics Summer Games in Eugene There the torch will be passed to a Special Olympics athlete who will light the ceremonial cauldron T he 1993 Law E nforcem ent Torch Run for Oregon Special Olym­ pics, .comprised of nine legs—coast, southern, eastern, central. Multnomah, Washington, Clackamas and Yamhill Counties, and the Willamette Val­ ley —begins on May 15 in Pendleton and LaGrandc and continues in other areas of the state until Opening Cer­ emonies of Summer Game Jim Soules, Chief of the Prineville Police Department and Sgt. Bruce S te c h e r, O regon S ta te P o lice, Prineville Outpost arc co-chairs of the 1993 run. Honorary Chair of the 1993 Run is Neil Lomax, former Portland State University All-American and National Football League quarterback. Stecher said "this is a unique grass roots opportunity for the Oregon law enforcement community to help people w ith mental retardation by rais­ ing awareness and funds for Special Olympics in Oregon.” Lomax added “it is an incredible feeling to be part of this sports team. 1 hope all Oregonians will join me in supporting Special Olympics and Oregon Law Enforce­ ment as together they strive to help more athletes with mental retardation reach their utmost potential.” The goal for this year s run is $40,000 to help support the Summer Games. Principal sponsor of the Torch Run is Eagle Crest Resort in Central Oregon. Additional sponsors arc Blue cro ss and and Blue blue Shield sm cia of oi Oregon, uregon, Cross Brid ,own Printi Portland Police Contributjons com m ittee, Association A„ Sca. Columbia Sportswear To Purchase Rivergate Parcel Columbia Sportswear Company, the nation’s largest outerwear manu­ facturer, plans to build a 150,000- square-foot distribution facility in the Port of Portland’s Rivergate Indus­ trial District to expand its growing warehousing and distribution opera­ tions in Portland. The Port of Portland Commis­ sion today approved Columbia’s re­ quest to purchase approximately 6.8 acres of land in Rivergate, together with an option to purchase an addi­ tional 6.4 acres adjacent to the new HB» site. The targeted property is located on North Lcadbetter Road, across from the Port’s intermodal rail yard and Terminal 6 container facilities. “The Port of Portland’s mission is to provide the best possible market access for regional shippers, through both its transportation facilities and its developable real estate assets,” said Terri Deskins, the Port’s business de­ velopment general manager. “Colum­ bia Sportswear represents an impor­ Eddie Johnson in that elite group BY JOHN PHILLIPS tant import/export customer to the Johnson was drafted by the Kansas C liff Robinson, the talented Port, a major Portland-area employer, City Kings with the 29th overall pick 6 T 0” forward of the Portland Trail and a dominant force in the country’s in 1981. Blazers was named the winner of garment industry. The Port believes Cliff graduated as Connecticut’s N B A 's Sixth Man Award Columbia’s new distribution facility Robinson received 89 of a pos­ fourth all-time leadi ng score with 1,664 will be well served in Rivergate, and sible 98 votes from a nationwide panel p o in ts becam e the only p layer its presence there w ill further enhance in Connecticut basketball history to of sports writers and broadcasters, Portland as a leading transportation three from each league city and 17 score 600 or more points in two differ­ and distribution center on the West ent seasons. He was third in the Big representing the national media. Coast.” East Conference in scoring, 19.4 in O f the other nine votes, Anthony conference games, and fifth in re­ A c c o rd in g to T im B oyle, Mason of New York and ex-Blazer, bounding 7.2, that led to being named Columbia’s chief executive officer, Danny Ainge of Phoenix each receiv­ to the All-Big East second team in the55-year-old. Portland-based, fam­ \ * J ing three. Dell Curry of Charlotte 1988-89 He led the Huskies in scoring ily-owned company is growing at an received tw o and the Suns Tom Cham­ three years in a row and in his senior average annual rate of 40 percent, bers, one. year had 55 steals and 44 blocked mg USA Federation ofO regon Pa- largest provider of year— round sports requiring that it develop a new site Robinson averaged 19.1 points, shots. U XHT- A.. T role and Probation officers, Kiwanis training and competition for athletes very soon to relieve congestion in its 6.6 rebounds and 1.99 blocks per Named to the All-Tourna NIT All-Tourna- International-C avem an. Grants Pass with mental retardation. Oregon Spe-prim ary distribution center (89,000 game. He has played in all 328 games and Sister Clubs, Lancair and Oregon cial Olympics presently has over 5,200 square feet) in Portland. In addition to of the four-year career, a Trail Blazers ment Team after leading the Huskies Associalion of chiefs of Police. athletes participating year-round in its main facility, which will be sold, record. They have won 50 plus games to the NITchampionship in 1988as he Columbia also has a smaller (25,000 in each of Cliff's four years with Port­ blocked nine Georgetown shots in the sons RV and Marine, Country Dane- Special Olympics is the w orld's 16 sports. square feet) Portland distribution op­ land. He came off the bench in 70 of title game. Robinson scored in double fig­ eration to se n e its four outlet stores, the teams 82 games this season His ures in 72 of 81 games over his last together with its Portland headquar­ 163 blocked shots, fourth best in team three years at the University of Con­ ters office (40,090 square feet). Boyle history, led the Blazers for the third necticut. He was rated among the top added that the new Rivergate location consecutive season and moved him up 100 high school players in the nation will provide Columbia with better ac­ to sixth place on Portland's All-time cess to Port’s container facilities, which by both Basketball Times and Basket­ blocked shots list with 393. HisBlocked (To My Brother Deep In The Game) ball Weekly. As a senior at Riverside it uses principally to import finished shot total placed him ninth among all I hate having to write on these mean your end and that’s weak! Who retaliation or do we let it pass ? Retali- goods from the Far East. NBA players this season and second High School, Cliff averaged 22.3 the n right someone of a ation bring back your - homie ‘Columbia Sportsw cai ear isuiuvm is mov ing points, 12 rebounds, 3.8 blocks, 3.2 terms, but I guess it’s better late than gave gave us us tne g n i to io rob iuu w u k w k u* « « won’t « . .......o ~ - - - - - - It - uoiunioiaopunsw g among forwards _________ . _ never W hat'sgoingonbrothcr?W hat their life? The next generation needs justleavessom coneelses’homicdcad forward with explosive growth, and A native of Albion, New York, assists and 2.9 steals per game. His you pull a gun on a brother over fhic sister Alisa, played basketball at niak es “Bloods or Crips” fighting fathers, inidnrc and rnle this arnniciiinn acquisition renresents represents an an exnan- expan­ leaders, and role models, models, not not Before vou Robinson established career highs this a color or over something they said, sion of our resources,” stated Boyle. Canisius College, and is now a mem funerals to attend! We as a community ......... J - wor{js7 p 0 yQU rcajizc t|iat our futurc season in points, blocks, field goals think about what it accomplishes. The The Rivergate area has tremendous made, free throws made, minutes ber of the Portland Saints Womens as a black race is becoming dimmer should be tired of hearing on the news answer is nothing. Think about it potential. W e’re glad our success will that a person you grew up with his AAU team. every day. I know you head about homie played, rebounds and assists Hisscor­ How can we fight the powers that be if bejp Robinson is a big fan of the Buf­ gone because of some nonsense. Do help jjgjjgfq benefit the the economic economic develop- develop­ (Roylee Booker, Jr ). It’s really not the ing and rebounding numbers far out­ we’re are our own worst enemies. you remember play ing B-ball up at the falo Bills, enjoys music, video games sanicw lllIoulllllliailu„ vai, ment o f Portland.” same without him and we should all be distanced his previous career highs of (This entire article is dedicated to Boyle estimated that Columbia 12.4 points and 5 .1 rebounds, both set and all sports. He majored in Human tjred of fecjing\ that way. You tell me park and ev ery one w as cool with each other? Think about it. How many of the memory ofRoylec Booker Jr [1976- will import up to 500 TEUs (20-foot Development and Family Relations there’s no future in working. You find j ------------- uiipUIl Up IU in 1991-92 season 1993], A young brother who never eqUjvaient con(ajn eru nits) o f finished and would Robinson, 26, becomes only the — --------- like to woik with under nionev and power being deep in the those brothers are still living? How ver the years venrs and was loved , . orth approximately _____ :__ -.i.. f-inn changed over second player to win the NBA s sixth privileged children following his bas game. Do you remember 10 years ago many got caught up in the game and product-w $200 by many You may be gone, but you ----- -------------- , . m illion-through the Port’s Terminal man award after not being drafted in ketball career when “Bloods or Cuzz” was greeting the end result is them being six feet W eatthcPortlandObscrverwould u p a tthebasketballcourts?Now lfyou deep? But w hen our homie dies what are not forgotten Dead or alive real 6 facilities in 1993. Columbia’s prod- the first round ucts hitc off nrr to in “Uncle "Uncle somconc ¡n ti,at way, it could can we do? Do we kill someone in partners stick to g eth er) like to .oV» take «.,r our hats ucts are are distributed distributed by by truck, truck, train train and and Selected by Portland with the Cliffy” for hav ing an outstanding year air to retailers locally and nationw ide, 36th overall pick in the 1989 NBA including Nordstrom, Macy’s, G.I. Draft, Robinson joins 1988-89 winner with the Portland Trail Blazers. Joe’s, RE1, H erm an's and Big 5. he said World-class athlete Can O'Brien, event m eet O th e r top ath le te s Columbia Sportswear employs Tim Bright, Annette Peters and Lance sch e d u le d to co m pete in c lu d e 650 in the U.S., 350 of which are Jose Torres Says Proceeds Would be Used fo r Anti-Violence Training in the Schools Deal headline the fields for the 1993 O lym pic bronze m edalist Brian stationed in Portland The company Horizon Air Oregon Track classic. Diemer and Canadian record holder also works with 12 independent sales A former world-champion boxer, The 3rd annual international meet Graeme Fell in the3000-meter steeple­ agencies in the United States; 12 dis- who learned to control his own violent will be held on Saturday , May 22 at chase, national cham pions M att tributors in Europe, Japan, South temper, has proposed that a “violence Guisto and Brian ---------------- ------- Abshire in the 5000 America, Australia and New Zealand; 4pm at Lewis & Clark College. tax” be levied against all those who meters, national cham pion Kevin and a Columbia-owned distributor in O ’Brien, the world decathlon make a living from violence, includ­ » » ___j ____ _ _ _ a«« U A (j()_ m o tn r H en d erso n in the 4 0 0 -m eter Canada. record holder, will run the 1(H) meter ing boxers. hurdles and Oly mpian and two-time dash Bright, the 1992 Oly mpic Trials Columbia has also established W riting in this Sunday’s PA­ national champion Mike Barnett in sourcing offices in South Korea, Tai­ pole vault champion, and Deal, the RADE magazine, Jose Torres, who eight-place Olympic Games hammer the javelin wan, Hong Kong Singapore, Thai- becam e the first H ispanic world T eet included 26 1 he 1992 m meet 2<> |andan(j s r i Lanka to oversee product thrower will heard their event fields heavyweight champion in 1965, said Barcelona Oly mpian Peters will run Barcelona Olympians and feature avajiaijility and quality control the proposed tax would “include pro­ U.S.-leadingperformancesbyPattiSue TheCompany has retained Shiels the 3000 meter race. moters, matchmakers and performers Plumer in the 15(H) (4.03.74) an & obletz, of Portland, to s e n e as More than three dozen Olympi­ of boxing, wrestling, football and k Mark Croghan in in thf* the clppnlpchacff steeplechase project manager for its new facility. ans and national cham pions are hockey. expected to com pete in the 14- (8.21.71) VLMK Consulting Engineers, also of “It would also include hunters, Portland, s e n e as the project’s design as well as producers, directors and and engineering team actors involved in violent films. W riters, songw riters and singers whose work exploited violence for Oregon's Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off profit would not escape the tax. It fear and violence, to be taught at all who hav e surv ived the horrors of the streets, who have learned to control would be used to help subsidize schools. 100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95 • Create new laws— and enforce the will to violence, the parents and the anti-violence school agenda ” braiding and weaving T ones, who retired from boxing the existing oncs-*to curtail the guns the teachers and the citizens, even the Wigs and Beauty Supplies in 1969. said he realized that the anddrugsthatarcinvadingourtow ns: politicians— to recognize and do ev­ No Licenses or Tags Required. All • Punish firmly and consistently erything we can for w hat's most im­ “em otional control so crucial to Other Rules Apply successful boxing was also crucial those found guilty of violent crimes* portant—the children,” he said (Not June 5 as Printed in 1993 Torres, who has made his liv ing Although he acknowledged that Oregon Fishing Regulations) to d e a lin g w ith the fury and as a writer since rctircing form the we will probably never eliminate the ra g e te a rin g o u r c itie s a p a rt Recalling the rioting that occurred will to do violence from human na­ ring, is the author of “Stings Like a Sales and Promo’j onal ¡turns excluded. last summer following a shooting ture, he said we can learn to control Bee The Story of Muhammcd All in W ashington Heights, T ones said the hate and anger that takes it ou, of and “Fire and Fear: The Inside Story Sports News!! Sports Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply he thought of the violence tax at that control Tories, who grew up as of Mike Tysdn.” He has also w ritten Spreads!! 707 N.E. Fremont time and also conceived these addi­ a successful street fighter in Puerto for numerous newspapers and maga­ 1-900-288-1023 Ext. 8989 zines and choreographed boxing Portland, Oregon 97212 Rico and became a boxer in the tional surges lions for controlling vio­ $2.99 per min. Must be 18 yrs scenes for the feature films, “Main Army, said he learned years ago (503) 281-6525 lence: Unistar Co. (602) 631-0615 Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday_____ • Establish a national curriculum how to manage his own fear and rage Event" and “Marcia no,” and the “It is up to us— the grown-ups Broadway play “Knockout ” that seals with the understanding of X What Do You Do When Your Homeboys Are Six Feet Deep? Former Boxer Proposes ‘Violence’ Tax On Boxing And Other Violent Forms Of Entertainm ent Horizon Air Oregon Track Classic Brings Top Athletes To Portland i a Free Fishing Day June 12, 1993 We will meet or beat anyone’s prices. /V Z * * * *7 ,'*ZZ 1