Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 12, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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P age A ï
T he P ortland O bserver * M ay 12, 1993___________________________________
Paulus Appoints
Five Oregonians serve on an eth­
nic diversity comm ittee advising the
Oregon Department o f Education on
the school reform program and other
education issues.
"T h e face o f Oregon is chang­
in g ,” said State School Supt. N orm a
Paulus who named the committee.
The number o f m in o rity students in
Oregon schools is increasing at three
times that o f a ll students. The N u m ­
bers o f m inorities this school year
jum ped 7.8 percent compared to a 2.3
percent increase overall. M in o ritie s
now account for 12.5 percent o f a ll
students, up from 11.9 percent in 1991 -
Governor And Legislature
Observed Champoeg Event
O n Sunday, M ay 2, the public
jo in e d the Oregon House o f Represen­
tatives and Govenor Barbara Roberts
at Champoeg State Park in events
com m em orating the historic vote that
form ed a prov isional goverment in the
‘‘Even though w e’ re consciously
try ing to attend to the needs and per­
spectives o f others,” said Paulus, “ i t ’ s
Oregon Country’.
O n M ay 2, 1843, settlers voted
52-50 to form th e ir own governing
body. In honor o f the event's 150th
anniversary, the House o f Representa­
tives convened at Park Champoeg
Governor Barbara Roberts spoke,
follow ed by Chet OrlofT, executive
director o f the Oregon H istorical So­
c ie ty . G o v e rn o r R oberts, O r lo f f
and local residents re-enacted the M ay
3, 1900, id e n tifica tio n o f the park as
th e site o f th e h is to r ic v o te
The Champoeg Pageant A ctors re­
e n a cte d th e 1843 fo r m a tio n o f
the provisional government follow ed
w ith remarks by the French Consu­
late. The French-Canadian chanson
was performed by die Portland French-
easy to make mistakes because we are
v ie w in g the situation through our own
cu ltu ra l filte rs T h a t’ s why we need
people to constantly help us broaden
our view before we make p olicy deci­ A m erican School. The House Repre­
sentative and the Speaker o f the
P h yllis Lee, chair o f the co m m it­ House L a rry Campbell convened in
tee, agrees. "W e welcome this oppor­ an actual session o f the House o f
tu n ity to w ork w ith policym akers to
assure that a ll perspectives are consid­
ered early in the process,” said Lee,
d ire cto r o f m u ltic u ltu ra l affa irs at
Oregon State U niversity. “ We view
this as an opportunity to be proactive
rather than reactive.
“ W e’ve been meeting w ith many
people to develop a grasp o f the com ­
p le xity and magnitude o f education
issues, so that we can id e n tify where
and how we can be most effective in
assisting the Departm ent,” Lee added.
A m o n g the co m m itte e ’ s early
tasks is the development o f a resource
bank o f people fro m diffe re n t ethnic
groups w ho are w illin g to assist in the
t o w
Student Writing
Workshops Highlight
Visit From Applegate
Schools Namesake
Representatives. A m ong b ills consid­
Literary life on the Oregon T a il
ered were two that related to the h is ­
comes alive fo r students Thursday
torical signifiacne o f Champoeg State
(M ay 13) from 8:30 to 11:30am as
author Shannon Applegate shares let­
The Oregon Egg Producers and
ters and diaries o f Oregon pioneers
W illam ette Valley Vineyards hosted a
and leads students in a w ritin g w o rk­
bruci» in the park, serving ham and
shop at Applegate Elementary School,
cheese omelettes, fresh fru it, m uffins,
7650 N. Commercial.
sparkling wine, Oregon T ra il wine,
Fourth and fifth grade students
coffee and ju ice in the p a rk ’ s riverside
w ill w ork w ith Applegate author o f
picnic Area Proceeds from the $4.95
the award w in n in g book, Skookum, a
brunch benefits A u ro ra ’ s h is to ric
story about pioneers on the Oregon
W illie K e il Wagon, w hich w ill be the
T ra il. The author also w ill share her
only wagon from the state o f Oregon
own history o f the school’ s namesake,
to cross the entire distance o f the
Jesse Applegate
Oregon T ra il this summer
O regon's sesquiccntennial and
"T h e egg producers o f the W il­
m u lticu ltu ra lism in the state’ s history
lamette Valley were pleased to sup­ w ill be a focus in the w ritin g w o rk ­
port this celebration o f the vote at shops. For more in fo rm a tio n please
Champoeg and the A urora Sesqui-
contact: M a rjo rie K e rr at 249-2000,
ccntennial o f the Oregon T ra il," said
Ext. 4563.
Reg Keddie o f Eaelweiss Farms in
In the early days o f this century,
Oregonians w ould v is it Champoeg by
the thousands fo r a M ay 2 celebratoin.
Pioneer goups referred to the park as
the “ Plymouth Rock” o f the N o rth ­
30 restaurants and a special B ite blend ja zz and rock;
The K O IN T V Tasty Licks Stage
o f M illsto n e Coffee available in the
M illsto n e coffee Garden. The Oregon featuring blues,
The O il Can Henry ’s Comedy
W ine P avilion w ill offer samples o f
aw ard-w inning wines from 20 O r­ Stage;
The 1190 K E X S inging in the
egon wineries.
The Bite, A Taste o f Portland, Shower Stage,
The O regonian’ s A & E Stage-fun
w ill present a spectacular venue
o f continuous music entertainm ent
The M illsto n e Coffee Garden Pi­
on m u ltip le stages w ith over 90 o f
the area’ s best big bands, acoustic, ano Stage,
The Fam ily Stage-a ch ild re n ’ s
fo lk , ja z z , c o u n tr y , ro c k and
show bands. Past B ite F e stiva ls area, presents continuous entertain­
have included performances ranging ment featuring dance, m im e, jugglers,
from The New K ids on the B lock fo lk musicians and clowns.
Portland is know n to have more
to the West coast chamber Orchestra
eat out per capita than any­
w ith ja z z great T o m G ra n t and
Each year this hospitality
the Dan Reed N etw ork to The Coast­
tra d itio n is celebrated by the sam pling
T here’ s non-stop entertainment o f a culinary buffet from one end o f the
and fun on m u ltip le stages including:
The Bite m ain Stage featuring
/o r
Not everyone hits the money if ttikes to take out a home
Ioan from a bank.
Hut rijit now, a lot o f people in O regon vv ho
think thev can't qualify for a hom e loan, can. W ith
a I lom e Partners loan from U.S. Bank. It gives you the
money you need to buy a house without costing .in arm
ami .1 leg. ( >r even a hx«t. I lere’s how it works.
U ’ith a HomePartners loan, the am ount of money
you need for a down payment is about one third
less than even the usual federally insured home loan
requires. And most closing costs, tor things like title
insurance and cither tees, don t have to be paid up
front-they can be borrowed with the rest ot the money.
.\ef only does tins home loan eost less, its easier to
qualify for. A steady income and a gixx.1 history of
pav ing your bills might he .ill you need.
Now, we aren't exactly grinx away these loans to
everyone who walks in the dixir. But, we guarantee
'•AMJK ♦ *
* *
T w o local A fric a n A m e rica n
Contractors have formed a jo in t-v e n ­
ture to bid as subcontractors on the
Westside C orridor L ig h t Rail Project
N T I/W o rk horse, a jo i nt-v enture o fN T l
Contractors and Workhorse Construc­
tion, prov ides several highway con­
struction services. NT1 specializes in
tra ffic control safety and security ser­
vices W h ile Workhorse prov ides sev ­
eral related serv ices, in clu d in g tru ck­
ing and asphalt pav ing
"W e have combined forces in o r­
der to present a more attractive pack­
age to general contractors,” said O.B
H ill, Owner o f N T I and spokesman
fo r the venture. "O u r firm s combined
resources w ill place us in a better
position to b id on lig h t ra il w o rk,” H ill
said. N T I was successful on w in n in g
sev eral large contracts on the Eastside
L ig h t Rail
The joint-venture w as put together
by the N a tio n a l A s s o c ia tio n o f
partners instead o f com petitors to
achiev e common goalsandobjecuves,.
he said.
The firs t project N T I/W o rkh o rse
plans to bid is fo r w ork on the 150
m illio n d o lla r Westside L ig h t R ail
B ids are scheduled to be
opened on M ay 25,1993 . A n in fo rm a ­
tio n session held last October and pre­
b id conference conducted in M arch,
attracted contractors fro m across the
U nited States, Canada and Japan
Three to four hundred people p a rtic i­
pated in both o f these pre -b id events.
H ill and Posey were in attendance and
also toured the tunnel jobsites. They
w ere able to meet firs t hand w ith some
o f the prim e contractors.
N T I contractors and W orkhorse
co nstruction are both c o m m u n ity -
based owned and operated construc­
tio n companies. They are ce rtifie d by
the State o f Oregon as disadvantaged
business enterprises and are located in
P o r tla n d ’ s
N /N E
e n te rp ris e
zone."There is alot o f w o rk on th is
project that N T I/W orkhorse can per­
form ,” according to H ill. I f the jo in t-
venture is successful on the tunnel
id e a o f jo in t - v e n t u r in g is n o t
new, “ H ill said “ It is o n ly that project a m in im u m o f tw e n ty-five new
th is fo rm o f d o in g business has jobs w ill be created. N T I/W o rkh o rse
not caught on w ith small businesses encourages other small contractors to
in general. However, it is com m only consider joint-ventures as a viable a l­
practiced by large businesses who ternative to doing business on large
see the advantages o f w o rkin g as construction project
Get ready fo r the “ Super M ario
Bros.” p la y-o ff tournament at the
incredible Universe. K ids 18 and
under play a N intendo game fo r 5
minutes in their d ivisio n , tryin g to
rack up as many points as possible.
V is it the incredible Universe any­
tim e fo r your chance to play. The
deadline fo r p re lim in a ry q u a lifica ­
tions is 3 .00 PM, Saturday, M ay 22.
Those who qualify w ill compete in
the fin a l cham pionship tournament
on Sunday, May 23. The fo llo w in g
A dvertise
park to the other.
See you at T L .
Joint-Venture Formed
M in o r ity C o n tra c to rs o f O regon
(N A M C O ) u n d e r its sp e cia lize d
construction resource services Both
firm s are N A M C O members. "The
The 10th Annual Bite-A Taste Of
Portland Offers The Perfect Blend Of
Food, Music & Fun August 13-15
A t T om M c C a ll W aterfront Park
T h is year “ The Bite, A Taste
o f P o rtla n d ,” the c ity ’ s prem iere
food and w ine tasting festival and
m u s ic a l e n te rta in m e n t showcase
returns fo r its 10th year e n ticin g
cro w d s to P o rtla n d ’ s w a te rfro n t.
T h e 1 0 th e d itio n o f O re g o n
Special-O lym pics annual fundraiser
is set fo r August 13,14,15th at Tom
reform effo rt and other im portant ac­ M c C a ll W aterfront Park. A dm ission
is free.
O ther comm ittee members are
Last year “ The B ite ” festival
LaV onne Lobert-Edm o, student re­ brought out the crow ds, draw ing more
search specialist, In d ia n education than 215,000 people. The event raised
program , Salem -Keizer School D is ­ almost $220,000 to help Oregon Spe­
trict; E m ilio Hernandez, director, high cial O lym pics provide athletic tra in ­
school equivalency program . U n iv e r­ in g and com petition fo r m entally im ­
sity o f Oregon; Lu rlcn c Shamsud-Din, paired in d iv id u a ls th ro u g h o u t the
program coordinator. A g in g Services
D ivisio n , M u ltn o m a h County.
T h is year the open-air extrava­
ganza features signature cuisine from
-< *****’** '
great prizes w ill be awarded to the
champions o f the tournam ent; a
Super N intendo Entertainm ent Sys­
tem and Game, A nd a Game Boy
Basic Sy stem and Game. A ll fin a l­
ists w ill w in tickets to see “ Super
M a rio Bros ” , the new m ovie fro m
H o llyw o o d Pictures. Rated PG.
Come to compete. Come to have
For fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n please
contact. L ’ Estrange Associates at
(503) 796-0758
in the
O bserver
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$39,3003 H om e Partners
loans offered through
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■So, / k lore youyve up on the idea o f owning your own
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