M ay 5, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age A4 E d u catio n For Econom ic Gain: 3 0 B ig N ig h ts o f N o rth -N o rth e a st P o rtla n d C o m m u n ity -W id e Where It Is Folks Revival Continued on from front page and uniqueness is added when the parts are assembled, fitted or welded together in a particular mode for sale— or it amy BECOME A COM­ PONENT ITSELF for a more sophis­ ticated product (like a landing gear for an airplane is purchased by Lockheed). It is easy to see here that there are millions of economic opportunities available in this land to those ‘who understand the system’, and not avail­ able to those for whom relev ant infor­ mation is foreclosed through eco­ nomic circumstance (the relatively poor, women and minorities). But some are always escaping this bag as I leaned when the M erchandise Com ptroller’ for a major California discount house. It was a revelation to me to find out how many of the items displayed n our catalogs was m anu­ factured and would to us by m inori­ ties operating from their basements and garages or small shops not much larger Many started with less money than the price of a car. Most gained their skills on a job or vocational school and started out with a w orkforce of family members and neighbors— held onto the job un­ til business was stable 1 had this in mind when remarking last week that you may have skills and assets for economic em ancipation, but simply don’t realize it. Next week the new opportunities. limited by economic circumstance or social factors. "Thomas ■Register" will do that for you in relation to the world of commerce. To appreciated this you need to know the basic struc­ ture o f the American manufacturing industry and how it is that many millions of people ar engaged in mak­ ing and selling projects— ranging from one or tw o-person shops to Gen­ eral Motors Hardly anybody makes every part or component of the fin­ ished product they sell; not even G M. or Boeing The genius and unify ing force of American Industry is that, with few exceptions, y ou can buy any and every su b -co m p o n en t “ o ff th e s h e l f ’. Does y our idea, invention or product re q u ire w h e e ls-h in g e s-h a n d le s - c a b in e ts-sv v itc h e s-sc re w s-n a ils- cases-sockets-timers-drawers-tubes- tre a d s -s e a ts -p a n e ls -lo c k s - h a sp s-g a g e s-th e rm o sta ts-p u lle y s or w hatever? Your product may require one two or all o f these parts but you don’t have to make them yourself “Thomas Register” list the individual m anufacturers o f all of these things. They will supply them to vour specifications. So we see how it goes. M anufacturing in th is country is m ainly a m atter o f .’putting things together’ from parts made by others, w hether a lamp in your basement or a fork­ lift out in an industrial park. Value at the O.B. W illiams Convention Center 220 N.E. Beech St. Portland, Oregon Sunday, May 2nd-Monday, May 31, 1993 7.-00 pm Nightly PREACHING SINGING TEACHING SHOUTING “For God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten Son, that whomsoever believeth in Him should not per­ ish but have everlast­ ing life.“ John 3:16 Alan Jones. 56, of Coos Bay said, “1 caught just the tail end of the Pow erball draw ing on television Wednesday , and I thought I’d matched four numbers to win $100. Then, Thursday ev ening my stepfather called and read the article from The World, the local newspaper to me stating that someone in the Coos Bay area had the wining ticket, but hadn't claimed the prize yet 1 was absolutely floored to find out five of the six num bers matched and the ticket was worth $ 100,000! My dog. Little Bit. and 1 sat up all night and waited until daw n to drive to Lottery headquarters in Sa­ lem to claim the prize.” A lan is a road co nstruction worker. The wining ticket was pur- chased at the Pan American Club H e a lth C heck­ ups For W om en O ffe re d land. The $20 exam ination fee will cover the cost of a pelvic exam with pap smear, breast exam with instruc­ tions on self examination and a spinal evaluation. The health screen also includes a urinary lab test and a blood pressure check. The check-ups are administered by fourth-year interns under the superv ision of chiropractic physicians Women are encouraged to call early for appointments at 255-6771 as openings are limited. The clinic is located in the Parkrose area of Port­ land at 2900 NE 132nd Avenue. DAYCARE A Creative approach to a positive learning experience 3 81 7 N E 6 lh A ve n u e 287-9471 7:00am - 6:00pm 0 One on One tax service REALTOR 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, O r 97211 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -0 8 5 1 V alerie Ç urrie FOUA1 MO US KG 700 N.E. M ultnom ah, S uite # 4 0 0 • P ortland, O reg o n 97232 (503) 2 3 0 -1 3 9 0 • FAX 2 3 3 -2 6 8 8 • (503) 287-6837 Tax C o n su lta n t JJ Flowers & Gifts Keepsake Mother’s Mug Filled With Colorful Bouquet O f Fresh Flowers Only $12.99 Without Coupon $16.99 I I I I I I I I I ■ j FARRAKHAN THE SPECIAL SPOKESMAN cable tv. r ■ I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I Balloon Bouquet * Lift I I I M om ’s Spirit I I I One Mylar & I I I Five Latex Balloons I I I Only $5 99 (Cash & Carry ) I I I I u, every thursday 400PM-&00PM by JAMES X8£SS CHAMMEL ATTHOLM BE PART OF AUDIENCE AT 2Æ6 N.E. MLK ’L iteracy L in e ^ gm aae ck rpet Q u ality N ew & U sed C arp ets $1 8 2 2 M ega Bucks Wednesday, April 28, 1993 -11-29-30-36-39-41 Saturday, May 1, 1993 1-5-10-15-33-34 Pow er Ball Wednesday, April 28, 1993 1-13-16-37-41 PB 2 Saturday, May 1, 1993 2-14-25-35-41 PB 1 OREGON LOTTERY Louise Memorial Day Care You Pay . s5— Observer Special! 2 71 6 N E M l . K in g Jr. B lv d . Portland, O regon 9 72 1 2 (The P n r t l n n b (iD lis m u 'v | BUSINESS SERVICES DIRECTORY To A d v e r t i s e C a ll 2 8 8 - 0 0 3 3 120 N E Holland St Portland, Oregon 97211 283-3088 6AU-6PM monfri WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? -PUBLIC AUCTION- Paton Jewelers 0$ Public Auto Auction 6500 NE MLK • 2404)448 503/281-8696 FINE FOODS DIAMONDS • WATCHES JEWELRY • DIAMOND SETTING W atch and Jewelry Repairing Remodeling and Manufeichjnng of Fine Jewelry 281-8801 4 6 1 6 N.E. Sandy Blvd. m < 3 i For the best cuts in town up to 70 cars-many under $1000 Sat. 12 noon - gates open at 9:00 am Tropicana 1. Restaurant Serving Breakfast, Lunch 4 Dinner Specializing in Barbeque Ribs 4 Beef Tues -Thus. 10:00 AM 6 00 PM Fri. 4 Sat 10:00 AM - 7 00 PM 3217 N Williams Avenue Basket Filled With Flowers & Balloons 1420 Lloyd Center (Located inside Newberry 's) Telephone Orders Accepted 287-3906 Coupons Good Until May 15, 1993 \ Sincfe 1 9 4 8 PAINT 230 N Killingsworth P ortland, OR 97217 Delivery Available At Extra Charge FOR MORE NEO. CALL BSHX03 BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY 283-1251 L STUDIO A O regon L o tte ry R es u lts 1-800-322-8715 Try our Single D Cheese Burger or Mushroom Burger And A Long Stemmed Chocolate Rose $24.99 Without Coupon $29.99 SHCWNG pot T ax R eturns I I 228-4651 located in the Bunker Hill area of Coos Bay When asked about his plans for his prize money, Alan said, “I’m splitting my winnings with a friend, 1 11 spend a little, sock some away, and maybe buy a new pick-up truck!” Alan bought three separate Quick Pick tickets, one of which was the $100,000 winner He plays Lottery- games when he has extra money in his pocket to spare. Alan said he hadn’t played for about three weeks, but the big $21 million Powerball jackpot prompted him to play for the Wednesday, April 28 drawing. He hopes to be back at Lottery headquarters next week. He wants to win this Saturday’s esti­ mated $25 million Powerball jack- 5 03 -2 8 8-0 8 7 8 I I I I I 1005 W est B urnside Street $ 1 0 0 ,0 0 0 P o w e rb all P rize S h ared By Coos Bay R e s id e n t Ages 2-5 years I I I I I O n the # 2 0 Bus line • O ne h o u r free parking lecture series “Where Your Child is Royalty” n p' U sed books bought every day till 8:30 pm COME! SEE! HEAR! A health check-up for women will be given from lam to 1pm, Satur­ day, May 15,1993, at W estern States Chiropractic College Clinic in Port­ “1“ Class Guarantee” 9 am - 9 pm Sundays • Witness the manifestation o f the Power o f God • Feel the thrill o f the touch o f the unseen. • Receive healings for your spirit, soul and body. Bring the sick, the shut-in, the careless and unconcerned. G od H a s “A M ira cle” W ith Y o u r N a m e O n It! Any questions or further information regarding the project, requirements of the contract, its licensing, insurance certi­ fication and/or bonding, please feel free to contact our Pleasanton, CA office. We are an equal opportunity em­ ployer. A-ZEBRA Realty Inc. 9 am - 11 pm M onday though Saturday Rev. Robert Weaver, Associate Minister Greater Faith Baptist Church, 931 N. Skidmore St., Portland, Oregon Heavy Division P.O. Box 1089, Pleasanton, CA 94566 (510) 847-7135, Fax (510) 847-7712 CCB #70881 \l I ' POWELL’S CITY OF BOOKS HEALING PRAYING DILLILNGHAM CONSTRUCTION N.A., INC. CENTER 7:00 pm Nightly featuring “Let the words o f my mouth and the medita­ tion of my heart he ac­ ceptable in They sight, Oh Lord, my strength a n d m y red e em er.“ Psalms 19:14 Dillingham Construction N.A. Inc. is requesting sub bids and quotes from qualified DBE/MBE/WBE subcontractors and material and equipment suppliers in various areas and units of work for the flowing project: Tri-County Metropolitan Transportation District of Oregon Westside Corridor Project Lowe Section 5A Westside LRT Tunnel Contract No. 93-0561B/W C0500 Bidding on May 13, 1993 at 2pm L E A R N IN G N ew & used books on Religion, Sports & African-American Studies John Phillips -7 6 5 5 4603 N. Williams Q u a lity M a in t e n a n c e A Full serv ice Janitorial Co. L icensed • B onded • Insured • Floor M aintenance 24 • W indow C leaning Hour • P re s s u re W ashing Service ’ Janitorial S u p p lies • Building M ain ten an ce (503) 452-2430 We Deliver S w e e t ' s M ar U et M i a u S i a ! oo (I M ak I vi i 7406 \ . V amo , mu V aimi 2 8 5 ^4 /5 0 K IT C H E N move - out “ S p e c ia l iz in g in H o m e STYLE C O O K IN G " Open for Breakfast at 8:00am Closed at 6:00pm 19 (503) 286-8289 ving. Jr. I 7332 NE M artin Luther King M OVE OUT TRANSPORTATION SERVICE P.O. Box 11084 Portland, OR 97211 503/288 9849