Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1993, Page 13, Image 13

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T he P ortland O bserver • M ay
Portland Public Schools
Individuals needed for assess­
m ent services for TAG Pro­
gram . M ust have training and
experience in the adm inistra­
tion, scoring & interpretation of
inform al assessm ent devices,
or in the use of standardized
te st in strum ents. M ust hold
O regon Elem entary Teaching
exp preferred. Part tim e posi­
tion, hours negotiable. T rans­
portation required. $25.06/hr.
Applications accepted through
M ay 12. C all 280-6198 for addi­
tional info. M ust subm it certifi­
cation and 3 current letters of
For application, com e to Person­
nel S ervice C enter, 501 N.
D ixon, Portland, OR 97227.
Equal O pportunity-Affirm ative
Action Employer.
Forest Management
Specialist 1
* ï •
• • • «
P age B7
M anufacturing:
M a n u f a c t u r in g
A s s is t a n t
n e ede d for local c o n su m e r
product com pany. G ood w ork­
ing know ledge of com puters
in c lu d in g W o rd p e rfe c t a n d
sm artw are, and som e back­
ground in inventory control and
MRP II needed. Apply direct,
M onday through Friday b e ­
tween 1 and 5 PM at 3580 NE
Broadway, Portland O R 97232.
Equal O pportunity Em ployer.
Multnomah County
O ffic e A s s is ta n t 2 (Full & Part-
tim e); $8.90 per hour; apply by
May 14. For 24 hour job infor­
m ation, call 248-5035 or visit
M ultnom ah County Em ployee
Services, 1120 SW 5th Ave.,
Room 1430, Portland, during
business hours.
Equal O pportunity Em ployer.
Social Services
Northeast Coalition Of
Neighborhoods, Inc.
Y o u th G a n g s P ro g ra m
$2,060-$2,732 Monthly
Student Program
The Oregon Departm ent of For­
hrs/day 5 days/week
estry is currently recruiting for
Deadline: 5:00 pm,
Forest M anagem ent S pecialist
first screening
1. T his recruitm ent w ill be used
open until filled.
to establish a list of qualified
Salary: $7.57/hr
people. The list will be used to
M ESD applications available M-
full openings as they occur.
F, 8-5, or send self-addressed
The Forest M anagem ent Special­
ped legal envelope, indi­
ist perform s planning and coor­
cating position of interest to
dination of a variety of special­
M ultnom ah ESD, Attn. R ecruit­
ized activities in support of sev­
m ent O ffice, 116 NE Ainsworth
eral program areas in the D e­
C ircle, Portland, O R 97220-
partm ent of Forestry. W ork in­
volves the application of stan­
An Equal Opportunity Em ployer
dard forestry practices in such
& Drug Free W ork Place
diverse activities as tim ber har­
vesting and inventory, road con­
High Tech
s tru c tio n and m a in te n a n c e ,
chem ical application, refores­
tation, young grow th m anage­ Jobs Production w ork in NW sec­
m ent, and la n d s u rv e y in g .
tion of town, shift w ork in team -
Q ualifications are: a Bachelor’s
oriented environm ent, som e
degree in Forestry or related
po sitio n s re quire lifting and
field (such as W ildlife M anage­
standing all shift.
ment, Biology, botany, Plant Requires a stable w ork history,
Pathology): OR three years of
long-term com m itm ent, drug­
experience in forest road loca­
screening and a phone to re­
tion and design, cruising tim ­
ceive m essages.
ber, harvesting tim ber, refores­
Call 227-1711
tation and young grow th m an­
fo r fu rth e r in fo rm a tio n
agem ent. You may apply if you
K elly T em porary
will have the above require­
S ervices
m ents w ithin six m onths of the
closing date on this announce­
ment. You cannot be hired until
you have m et these require­
Announcem ent opens M ay 5 and
closes June 2, 1993. C ontact
Department of Forestry Person­
nel Section, 2600 State Street, Central Point Software, the leader
Salem , OR 97310, (503)945-
in m icrocom puter utility soft­
7294 for job announcement, test
ware, is looking for applicants
questions, and applications^
for Technical Support Repre­
sentative positions. These po­
sitions provide telephone sup­
port to ourcustom ers. Requires
strong w orking know ledge of
M S-D O S and internal m icro­
A d iv is io n o f Pepsico,Inc., a world
puter operation s; kn o w l­
leader in the snack food indus­
edge o f MS W indow s and local
try. W e are looking for qualified
area netw orks a plus. Experi­
individuals w ho desire the chal­
ence w ith PC TO O LS Software
lenge and opportunity of w ork­
preferred but not required. Send
ing for a successful grow ing
resum e and cover letter to:
Central Point Software
Frito-Lay, Inc., seeks a qualified
Attn: Hum an R esources
electrical/general m aintenance
P.O. Box 7309
m echanic. Duties include:
OR 97007
• T roubleshooting, m aintenance
only, please.
of electrical, m echanical, pneu­
m atic, and hydraulic food pro­ An Eaual ODDortunitv Employer
cessing and packaging m a­
• Knowledge o f w elding proce­
dures, combustion system, boil­ Seeking Skill P rofessionals In
ers, air com pressors and m a­
Beauty C are; M anicurist In­
chine tool operations
• M inim um of 3-5 years experi­ M ust Be Hard W orking And Dedi­
ence in a m anufacturing m ain­
tenance m echanic position
License Required
• (F a m ilia r w ith Allen Bradley
For M ore Inform ation
PLC S ystem s desired
Please Call 289-0144
An Equal Opportunity Employer
Please list previous em ployers
phone num bers and apply at:
Washington State Job Service
603 W . Evergreen Blvd.
Vancouver, W A
Education-Fam ily and Health
Equal Opportunity Em ployer
C areers Dept. C losing: 5/10/93
M /f/DA/
M USIC IN STR U C TO R : Choral/
V ocal-P erform ing A rts Dept.
Job Announcement
Closing: 5/27/93
S helter A ssistant in 24 hr. alco­ For application, job description
hol and drug free program for
and further inform ation please
w om en and children. C risis
contact: Personnel Services,
counseling, phones, ‘'people"
Lane Community College, 4000
E. 30th Avenue, Eugene, OR
skills required. M inim um of one
97405. 1-503-726-2211. LCC
year clean and sober if in re­
application must be postmarked
c o v e ry . G ra v e y a rd s w in g ,
w eekend shifts, part-tim e. Call
no later than deadline date. A
resum e may be subm itted, but
224-7718 or send resum e' to
P.O. Box 2398, Portland, O r­
cannot take the place of the
egon 97208.
application form .
An Affirm ative action /Equal
Opportunity Institution.
A dvertise in the O bserver
Position: Outreach Worker
Six (6) month position. Forty (40) hour work week. Salary is $8.98
per hour. Some flexibility in hours based on needs of the program.
High degreeof confidentiality is required forthis position. Employee
will be working with youth, parents, schools, juvenile justice system ,
police community residents and agencies involved with the Youth
Gang Task Force.
Applicants should possess the ability to articulate ideas effectively,
both in written form and orally, before groups of citizens, parents,
pubic entities, schools and community-based organizations.
Previous experience in working with diverse ethnic groups and
youth serving agencies.
Police security checks will be required of all finalists. Finalists must
have insured vehicle and valid Oregon Drivers License.
Applications must be returned by: Friday, May 7,1993, 5:00 p.m.
• ,
A ___ k IJL
Starling in 1972 with a single restaurant, we've
-own to where we now operate 29 restaurants
m the Portland/Vancouver metropolitan area.
We are about to start construction on 2 more
If you are mature-minded, enthusiastic, and
have PRIDE, come over to Burger King. Most of
our Assistant Team Leaders with previous appli­
cable management experience start at $18,400
and can make as much as $29,000. We have ex­
cellent training programs and benefits package.
Restaurant Management Northwest Inc. is a
franchise of Burger King Corporation.
Come into our main office A fill out an applica­
tion or send your resume to: Restaurant M an­
agement Northwest, Inc., 1410 SW Jefferson,
Portland, OR 97201. Attention: Denise Ribbeck,
Director of Human Resources.
Equal Opportunity Employer
I ********* M O
Northeast Coalition of Neighborhoods
4815 N.E. 7th Avenue. Room C-25
Portland, OR 97211
Programmer Analyst
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon is currently accepting
applications for a Programmer analyst in our Government
Earn $500-$1,000
weekly stuffing
envelopes. For details -RUSH
$1.00 with SASE to:
57 G re e n tre e D rive, S u ite 307
D over, DE 19901
Job Developer
Placement Specialist
We are seeking a self-starting
individual with strong organiza­
tional skills. The individual will
be responsible for job develop­
ment, placem ent follow -up, job
counseling, netw orking, o u t­
reach and placem ent verifica­
tion. M ust have e xp erience
w orking w ith disadvan taged
youth as well as experience in
w orking w ith the business com ­
munity. Letter of interest and
resum es m ust be received no
later than May 7 ,1 9 9 3 .
Springdale Job Corps Center
31224 E. C row n Point Highway
Troutdale, Oregon 97060
Attn: Hum an Resources
Director, Oregon
Highly visible executive service
position providing adm inistra­
tion and m anagerial director for
the Oregon State Lottery. This
position is appointed by the
Governor and operates under
the guidance of the Lottery
Com m ission. The Lottery has
320 em ployees and generates
an estimated $875 million in
gross sales revenues.
Individuals selected for an inter­
view will possess signif icant ex­
ecutive level m anagerial expe­
rience in m arketing,security,
sales, adm inistration or lottery.
To obtain an application packet,
please contact Edna Shelton,
State of O regon Executive De­
p a rtm e n t, (5 0 3 ) 3 7 8 -3 0 4 0 .
Com pleted application packets
m ust be received back in our
Recruitm ent and C areer Ser­
vices Office, 155 Cottage Street
NE, Salem OR 97310, by 5:00
June 1,1993.
Port Of Portland
Career opportunities
Programs Division.
Qualified candidates must have a minimum of 2 years OS and
COBOL, experience, and knowledge of system analysis, de­
sign, testing and evaluation. A college degree is desired,
demonstrated commendable performance as a programmer
may substitute for a degree.
The programmer analysts responsibilities include:
• Analyzing system related problems and reporting solu­
• Providing technical support to 28 Medicare contractors in
13 states.
• Providing system support for the testing of various func­
tions of the system.
• Maintaining test region for satellites & providing on-call
support for the production system
Blue Cross and Blue Shield Of Oregon offers an excellent
employee benefits package, and competitive salary. Pre-em­
ployment drug screening required. To assure your resume is
processed immediately place ad #010 at the top of your resu me
or in your cover letter. Send resume to:
Blue Cross
Blue Shield
of Oregon
Human Resources Dept., 3rd fir
100 S.W. Market
Portland, OR 97201
TDD #225-6780
Equal Opportunity Employer
Programmer Analyst III
Finance And Administration/lnformation Technology
Closing Date: May 7,1993
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants
residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically
disabled applicants may request application materials by calling
(503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All
applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date.
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be
obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480.
Port of Portland
Port Of P ortland
Career O p p o rtu n itie s
Property Manager
Tem porary (A pprox. 18 Months)
C losing Date: May 7,1 9 9 3
If interested and qualified, apply n person at the Port of Portland
Employment Officer, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor.
Applicants residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and
physically disabled applicants may request application materials
by calling (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is
required. All applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be
obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480.
Request for Proposals
T h e O re g o n L iq u o r C o n tro l C o m m issio n is re q u e s tin g p ro ­
p o sa ls fo r d e v e lo p m e n t o f an E va lu a tio n D esign an d to
E va lu a te a p re v e n ta tiv e “ D riving U n d e r T h e In flu e n ce O f
In to x ic a n ts ” O D O T , T ra ffic S a fe ty D ivision fu n d e d grant.
R e sp o n se m ust be s u b m itte d no la te r th a n 3 :0 0 p.m . Friday,
M ay 1 4 ,1 9 9 3 . A c o p y o f program o b je ctive s are a v a ila b le at
90 7 9 S E M c L o u g h lin , P ortland Or, 9 7 2 2 2 -7 7 3 5 o r by m ail at
P.O . B ox 2 2 2 9 7 M ilw aukie, O r 9 7 2 6 9 -2 2 9 7 . T h e C o m m is ­
sio n is an equal o p p o rtu n ity em ployer.
,t i» • *. • • t
Apply in person at:
Personal Care
No applications will be mailed. No telephone calls please.
r r
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Marina Park Water Reclamation Facility
Vancouver, WA
Bid Date. May 21, 1993 • 2:00 p.m.
Port of Portland
OHSU C-WIng Expansion-Shell
Portland, Oregon
Bid Date: May 19, 1993 • 3:00 p.m.
P.O. Box 1769, Vancouver, WA 98668
(206) 6 93 -1 47 8 or (503) 285-4687, FAX (206) 693-2510
CCS »63471
W« r» an W «' oppo-a.->*r »-rotor«' r r j
¡ v > i e t rn».-r w '« ' am
ownatf itn ln ttt •nttrprtttt
(20 6 ) 6 9 3 ^ 4 7 8 °o Xr (SM*) 285?687* FAX (206) 693-2510
CCB »63471
. w an mubz c « k > ^
nne '
Sub-Bids Requested
Sub and supply bids are requested for:
City of Vancouver Marine Park Water Reclamation Facility
O reg o n A rena P roject
D rako /T u rn er, Jo in t Vonture
We are seeking active participation by Minority -Business
Enterprises, Women-Owned business enterprises and emerg­
ing small businesses in the construction of this project. We
request that such firms express their interest in writing, to bid
on portions of the work for the OREGON ARENA PROJECT.
Bid packages will be Issued for subcontracting and supply
opportunities on this project over the next six (6) months.
Please address your letters of interest to:
Drake/Tumer, Joint Venture
1740 Northwest Flanders Street
Portland, Oregon 97209
Attention David L. Brenneman
9 '
Bids Due: May 2 1 ,19932:00 PM
(Request sub bids be provided by 10:00 AM)
B id t o : W i l d i s h B u i ld in g C o . ( # W i l l A c c - 1 5 0 L T )
P. 0 . Box 7428
Eugene, Or 97401
Contact: Bob McDonald
Phone: (503) 485-1700
Fax: (503) 683-7722
We request bids and encourage pre bid contact from small disadvan­
taged, Minority, and women owned businesses for the subcontract and
supply opportunities of this project.