Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, May 05, 1993, Image 1

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‘Serving the community through cultural diversity.
Volumn XXIII. Number 18
®1|E ^ n rilan h (¡Doserucr
FI EC DC Supports First-Time
Home Buyers
A Cause For Celebration!
Two Steps Up
Education For
Economic Gain:
Collins Center To Hold Where It
Golf Tournament
ls Folks
I love it! Already, 1 ’ve had four calls from
readers of last week ’ s article, and two (women)
report that they have hit the jackpot by follow­
ing up on that information on “Trade Maga­
zines” (The monthly publications of specific
business groups like food markets, restaurant
operators, auto repair or sales, contractors,
pharmacists, boat builders, shoe stores, etc ).
One black female looked through an auto
repair and service publication for some re­
placement item she could manufacture at home
without too much equipment (she’s an expert
seamstress with an indust rial-type sewing ma­
chines in her garage). Not only was she keyed
in to a market for some i nnovative seat covers,
but also learned that the automotive trade had
scholarships and on-the-job training opportu­
nities that matched her teenage son’s inter­
ests. The school counselor had never men­
tioned these possibilities to the minority stu­
dents. The lady is on it like “white on rice!”
You’ve go to read folks
The other ‘winner’, a white female who
was in my Affirmative Actio class many years
ago, said all that talk about “manuals at the
library and retrieving information” jogged her
memory. She suggested that it would be very
helpful if 1 would repeat my advice of five
years ago— "D on’t fail to follow up good
projects and ideas because they require parts
and component that you know you can’t pos­
sibly manufacture— require many thousands
of dollars of equipment you can’t possibly-
afford. Let me introduce you to “Thomas
Register of Manufacturers” (Business section
downtown library).
Is the lady ever right and 1 repeat from last
week that you must expand that frame of
reference’—beyond the environment or way-
of-life encountered on the job or at home w hen
Combat Positions
Now Open For Women
As early as next February, the Airforce
has said that they will have trained and
have at least 10 women ready to be
fighter bomber pilots. The Navy and
Army will also start training. The
M arines do not have any w omen avia­
tors at this point.
Lee Brown Chosen As
New Drug Czar
President Clinton has selected Lee
Brown, a former M ultnomah County
sheriff, as the new drug czar. The
appointment still needs Senate ap­
proval He expected to be a “shoo in” .
the history oj
center, Miss
Collins has
had a pro­
fo u n d effect
on the youth
she has
worked with.
Some have
gone on to
receive ad­
vance de­
grees, and
become ex-
ecutives, p o ­
lice officers,
and school
Oregon Will Test
Abortion Pill
Approximately 2,000 women across
the nation will be involved in the RU-
486 testing, but Oregon will be the
first to test the highly controversial
abortion pill. The testing will be coor­
dinated by the Oregon Health Sci­
ences University. The RU-485 is an
alternativ e to a surgical abortion.
Koresh’s Remains
The bullet wound w as cause of death,
but authorit ies did not say if the wound
was self inflicted or otherw ise. Survi­
vors are also beginning to tell their
side of the story. There are allegations
of sexual and physical abuse to chil­
dren as young as eleven years old by
the Branch Davidian leader.
Earthquake A Hoax
John Gunter a street preacher pre­
dicted that Portland would be lost
among it ruins on Monday, May 3. He
went to another state just in case. It
seems his phone is unlisted and he can
not be reached for further comments
or predictions.
70 Percent of Voters
Worried About
Nations Direction
A new W ashington Post-ABC News
poll shows about seven out of 10 v oters
believ e the nation is headed down the
wrong path and more than halfbelieve
the Clinton administration is doing
too little to turn the country around.
Clinton Potpourri
Will not delay presentation of health
plan reform, which seems to be be­
coming rather spendy (taxes), prom­
ises more aggressiveness on Balkans
policy; Serbs asking Clinton to hold
off on being forceful; Going to use
armed forces in Bosnia.
Continued on page A7
Hundreds Of Foster
Parents To Be
Honored In Oregon
The Grace Collins Memorial Center will
hold a golf tournament at the Colwood Na­
tional G olf Club, located at 7313 N.E. Colum­
bia Blvd.. June 19, 1993
The Collins Center is a 45 year old day ­
care, and youth community center serving
low-incomc, single parent families and pro­
viding youth with recreational facilities.
T he founder Evelyn C ollins along
with her late mother Grace started the center
in response to appeals by welfare recipient
mothers for affordable, safe, and quality
daycare. They contended they could find work,
ifday care was provided. Originally thedaycare
was housed in an apartment on Flint St.
Shortly thereafter Miss Collins came into a
modest inheritance of $300.00 from an aunt,
and she also was able to secure a loan from her
place of employment (Meir and Frank) for
‘Project Safe Baby Launches
Car Seat Program”
Oregon legislature... would require all
children under fo r to he secured by car
seats while in motor vehicles
“Affordable Housing Receives
Corporate Support”
“Anne Waldman Appears At
Northeast Service Center”
O C A H is dedicated to the construction, devel­
opment and rehabilitation o f ifl'ordablc rental
housing fo r lower income families.
The power o f Waldman’ s poetry comes
from internal tension generated by con­
flic t... disclosure and secret.
“Vaivano Loses Fight With
Weakened by the disease and chem o­
therapy treatment, he had been unable to
attend the weekend o f the fin a l fo u r o f
N C A A tournament
Page B3
Page B I
Page B8
Page A 3
Last August, Chuck Washington sug­
gested to the board of directors of the Collins
Center that Golf Tournament might serve as a
good way to heighten the awareness of busi­
ness and professionals about the work of
Collins Center in the inner-city.
Mychal Thompson was approached on
since he is the chair person for the
A former legion hall was found at 128
Mr. Thompson agreed to
N.E Russell After renovating it became the
very involv ed in publiciz­
present site for the Grace Collins Memorial
ing, contributing energy and suggestions to
Throughout the history of center. Miss the effort.
The Gold tournament is a scramble Both
Collins has had a profound effect on the youth
and women are invited to participate.
she has worked with. Some have gone on to
fees cover 18 holes.a golf cart per two
receive adv ance degrees, and become execu­
a buffet luncheon, and an award cer-
tives, police officers, and school principals
For further information contact: Dan
Miss Collins is now 79 years old, and
or write him at 128 N.E.
continues to work at the center 8 to 10 hours
a day. She does so without pay.
$300.00. She took the combined total of
$600.00 and bought a house on Rodney be­
tween Morris and Monroe streets. Within a
year the demand for day care was such that a
non-profit board of directors was formed and
a search w as launched to find a larger build­
.. M --- .1.WÌ1.
May is Foster Care Awareness Month in
Oregon and Children's Services Division is
working with businesses and community
groups to show their appreciation of foster
There are an average of 2,800 foster
homes in Oregon.. caring for more than 3,500
children. Foster parents help a child through
a time in their life that most children never
experience.. separation from family and loved
ones They are a vital link to a child’s family,
community and culture and play a significant
role in the lives of our most vulnerable chil­
In recognition of foster parents' dedica­
tion, Governor Barbara Roberts has signed
certificates of appreciation. The certificates
will be given to foster parents at v arious events
throughout the month of May.
If you would like to attend a foster parent
appreciation event or profile a foster home or
foster children, call the local CSD branch
manager or foster care recruiter
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