Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 28, 1993, Page 9, Image 9

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A pril 28, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver
P age B2
Wlje ÿ o rtla n h (©b e er Ver
r i
i v i n
a t e r
Clark College Library
Named “Lewis I). Cannell”
by Hi n/Limin /• ( 'havis.
In Memory Of Chris Hani
O nce again, all freedom -loving
people throughout the world are in a
state o f shock and disgust over the
tragic assassination o f Chris Hani,
young gifted leader o f the A frican
N ational Congress (ANC). T his is
another painful rem inder of the racist
brutality o f the apartheid regim e in
South Africa. It is im portant that we
not let the memory and living spirit of
C hris H ani fade
O n April 10, 1993, im m ediately
after returning hom e from buying a
new spaper, Chris H ani was shot to
death by a racist cow ard nam ed Januz
W aluz. Official South A frican gov­
ernm ent explanations now reveal that
C h ris H an i’sassassin has direct tics to
the m ost radical faction of the neo-
N azi conservative party in South Af­
rica. A lthough W aluz was arrested
shortly after he drove away from Mr.
H a n i's home, it was not until several
top leaders o f this racist faction were
subsequently arrested that one top
South A frican police official acknow l­
edged that H an i's killing may have
been part o f a coordinated, assassina­
(Students, staff like new library’s cozy but spacious design)
tacle o f the institutions o f apartheid in
South Africa.
T he origin o f C hris H an i’s m ur­
der w eapon substantially im plicates
South A frica’s P resident and his gov­
ernm ent It w as too easy for these
white, right-w ing extrem ists to steal
this particular gun from the military
in Pretoria. A lthough H an i’s assailant
reportedly had licenses for four guns-
-including a m achine pistol—the one
he used to kill H ani w as not am ong
M oreover, reliable sources point
out that the South A frican police found
a “hit list” in the hom e o f H an i’s
tion conspiracy.
A frican A m erican civil rights
leaders in the United States, as well as
the m asses of m illions o f our brothers
and sisters, m ourn the loss of this
great South African leader Chris Hani,
at the prim e age o f 50 years, was one
of the bright, shining stars of an em erg­
ing new South Africa Yet, the pains
and sacrifices necessary to transform
South Africa into a dem ocracy appear
to be increasingly fatal.
T he history o f the freedom m ove­
m ent in the U nited States, Africa, and
throughout the world well docum ents
the necessity not to let assassins si­
lence the m ovem ent We must there­
fore lift our voices—not only to m ourn
th is loss, but to increase the volume of
our outrage against the hideous spec­
m urderer w hich contained the nam es
o f other A frican A m erican political
leaders in South Africa. To date, those
nam es have not been revealed. Such
startling revelations can only have a
very chilling effect on the negotiation
process to end w hite rule there.
In fact, it w ould be more accurate
to characterize this brutal m urder as a
staggering blow to the progress al­
ready m ade in South A frica’s tran si­
tion to majority rule C hris H ani had
the best credentials to succeed N elson
M andela. Not only had he held several
prom inent leadership positions in the
ANC, but he also had the most ch ar­
ism atic appeal to angry, young Blacks.
He earned credibility for the ANC
am ong the disgruntled Black youth in
South Africa. In fact, Hani w as viewed
by m ost public opinion polls as the
person to lead the ANC into the 21st
Now that H ani is no longer w ith
us, the transition journey to m ajority
rule in South Africa will be rougher
than ever N evertheless, we m ust be
ever vigilant and keep the faith. C hris
Ham has not died in vain and the ‘free
South A frica’ m ovem ent w ill con­
tinue an d succeed. L ong live the
memory o f C hris Hani.
T he best th in g about the new Pauline Geraghty.
The library has been open since
Lew is D. Cannell L earning Resource
C enter is not that it pros ides better the start o f school in Septem ber was
access to books, more room for m ate­ but was formerly dedicated on April
rials or a better com puter and media 27th.
Lewis D C annell. som etim es
A ccording to Brynn and Hans known as “M r C lark C ollege,” may
Purdom. the greatest advantage o f the have had the most to do with m aking
new library at Clark College is that it ’s the college what it is today Cannell,
instructional dean for 35 years, guided
“We like to com e here to chat thecollcge through its fom iativeyears.
w ith our pals and to stu d y ." said Brynn. C annell came to V ancouver in 1935.
an art student from Battle G round two years after the college started He
w ho graduates in D ecem ber. "It s like retired in 1971 and still lives in Van-
geing from a sm all cubbyhole to a couvcr.
Because C lark C ollege d id n ’t
place.” said circu latio n supervisor
ocal Artist Designs 1993 Rose
Festival Poster; Unveiling Set
For April 28 (Today)
T he 1993 Rose Festival poster
be unveiled today (W ednesday) at
G ango G allery in Portland, 205
First Ave. T he artist, Jennifer
iship M ark o f SW Portland, will
m h and to autograph the posters
T he 1993 Rose Festival Poster is
I" X 28" w ater color depicting a
i garden bursting w ith rose and
:r colorful flow ers. M ark is know n
her vibrant gardens, forests and
dscapcs o f the Pacific Northwest.
: is a m em ber o f the Oregon W atcr-
or Society and paint full tim e in
lla n d M ark is the feature artist of
recently published cookbook,
om Portland s Palette.
“1 am really honored to have been
cctcd to do the Rose Festival poster,"
A c c o rd in g
E liz a b e th
M cPherson, a former Clark College
English instructor, who w rote a h is­
tory on C annell. C annell rem ained in
charge o f operations until 1952, when
Paul G aiscr retired as superintendent
of the V ancouver School D istrict and
C annell then becam e the C lark presi­
“ A lthough he w as a successful
adm inistrator who helped the college
grow from a dozen or so studcnts_in_a
fam ily-sized V ictorian house to thou­
sands o f students on a m ulti-building
c a m p u s ,h e alw a y s b e lie v e d th a t
people.not buildings, w ere w hat m ade
a college,” M cPherson said.
C annell w as born in Portland and
receiv ed his bachelor o f arts degree
from Reed College and a doctorate
degree from W ashington State C ol­
lege C lark hired him to teach E n ­
glish, but he also taught econom ics
and economic geography Cannell later
did a lot o f the h irin g H is philosophy
was always to hire good teachers and
then m ake it possible for them to
Vancouver Spring ("lean-l p
said M ark “T his m arks the first tim e
the Rose Festival poster will be dis­
tributed nationally, an d I'm thrilled
■ e Do
rixmis. c lip p e r'a n d e.irdcn g f n v ' will
soon lv Hying ;6 nciyjlils'iti'HsI and
ilow nlow n M 'lunkvi- cik c ç .iin rally to spruce
lo b e a part of it.”
M ark ’s Rose Festival w ater color
will also be featured on a special
edition T -shirt T he 1993 poster is
$18 and the T -sh irc is $20. Both arc
available at the G ango Gallery , other
art galleries, from shops and retailers
such as Dorcas, HK Lim ited. M ade in
O re g o n , M e ie r & F ra n k a n d
N ordstrom Posters an d T -shirts are
also available at the Rose Festival
Association office, 220 NW Second
Ave T he poster will also be included
in a fine arts catalogue w hich is dis­
tributed to galleries throughout the
ill.'Hill long ever
April anil on M o I.N e ig h t rl x I . i " i \
¡aliens will have assigned dales eenli.tlized
and v.' unleef ie
t i l e i n \ tin eli llie .
\ l.lllOII o ’
collection siles and indo id.ial piogranis
S alina I l . l s I 111
as ui. lud,
Wholesale to the Public 35% to 50% off
100% Human Hair 16" from $15.95
Wigs and Beauty Supplies
We will meet or beat
anyone’s prices.
Ml W
and H i ; . a n d in
le a n o n l volunteer-. will
■ei cali
, a M,
Salos and Promotional ¡toms excluded.
Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply
Lottery Numbers
707 N.E. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
W cd n esad y , A p ril 21: 06-18-20-24-41-4“
S a tu rd a y , A p ril 24: 02-10-11-32-39-43
Letter to the Editor:
The N ational Voter R egistration
Act of 1003, also know n as the "m otor
voter” bill, took an unfortunate turn
on M arch 17. 1993, w hen Senate Re­
publicans forced supporters o f the bill
to accept a severely w eakened Senate
version or risk killing the bill for this
session o f C ongress
The purpose o f the "m otor voter"
bill is to simplify the process by w hich
A m ericans register to vote. If voting is
right and responsibility o f every citi­
zen in a democracy , d o esn ’t it follow
that voter registration should be as
c o n v e n ie n t.
a c c e s s ib le
unburdensom e as possible ’
O regonians support sim ple, ac­
cessible voter registration In fact, we
have had motor voter laws in place
since 1991 Moreov er, we believ e that
the rest of the country should benefit
from w hat we know, the m ore citizens
w ho participate in our great dcnto-
h .'ii
braiding and weaving
spm .e
J M alli S h e e t I
I p will lx- divided n'.ei linee Saturdays in
work with then n e ig lilsnliissl a- ic i ill'" ’. and
h o n o r o f M o th e r ’s D ay, adults. $4 for m em ber children and
’gon C oast A quarium will $7 for non-m em bers regardless o f age
uque program on how aquatic P ric e in c lu d e s a d m issio n to th e
- •
A quarium . Registrations must be rc-
c a re fo r th e ir y o u n g
cciv cd by M onday, May 3. and may be
n ages four to seven arc
made by hand-delivering or m ailing a
to attend this eye-opening
check to the O regon Coast A quarium
op o n S a tu rd a y , M ay 8.
at 2820 S E Ferry Slip Road. N ew ­
ning will begin with an intro-
in th e c la ssro o m T h en port, OR 97365. Sorry, no phone res­
m ts w ill have the opportunity ervations can be accepted
“M others and T heir Y oung” is
th e A q u a riu m to le a rn
offered through the O regon Coast
id about some mothers that
cir young in their m ouths, A q u ariu m 's m em bership program ,
and is one of many educational acti­
that carry eggs in a special
vates. field trips, w orkshops and other
md other unusual parenting
s. Adult participation is re- events that the A quarium sponsors
throughout the year M ore inform a-
i h e r s and T heir Young" is tion may be obtained by calling the
d from 9:00am to 10.00am A quarium ’s M em bership D epartm ent
ai lid i
Rila D . o i d 'o n , i ll y n e i e l d v i l i e .1
U nited States.
. I»\
Up our community Tin yea ■< Spring I lean
e is ’idinalor. says,
regon Coast Aquarium Honors
lothers With Special Program
lion prices arc $2 for m em ber
h a v e a p r e s id e n t in th e e a rly
days, Cannell not only taught a full
load o f classes, he was the sole ad m in ­
V ighhoihtHkl clean ups .uc oigam/cd bv
therefore, arc m ore likely to fall
Ik lgllhllhtHHl
Ilion voluuleeis. Some
th ro u g h th e c ra c k s a n d re m a in pi. iii io have " ic usable" sections w heie
all o f us
unregistered to vote. Racial and eth ­ unw anted bill usable items will Iv sci aside lot
O n N ovember 11, 1992, I he O r­
nic m inorities arc overrepresented in chat liable giiMips or ncirhl>»ihood sharing
egonian endorsed the N ational Voter
( o iiptiis loi disposal ol most d eb u s aie
low income populations and w ould be
R egistration Act. Likewise, the N a­
disproportionately underrepresented available lluoiigh neigh,*>ihotH, assix.i.itions or
tional U rban League has urged each
the (H liee o l Neigh,x»rh<xx,\ a, <»‘>b X232.
local affiliate to support the motor in the pool o f registered v oters
Guv k sidenls outside o ig a n i/e d ncighlxti-
T he House v ersion o f the motor
voter bill passed by the House (HR2)
h ix x b w ho .»re m ieiesied in volunteering
voter bill is a strong piece o f leg isla­
assistance c an also have a e en lia h /e d colleetitMi
However, wc express great disappoint­
tion 1, requires all states to adopt site scl up Residents in o ther c its atcas < an
ment that Senator Bob Packwood chose
uniform procedures to register voters receive c o u p »ns In ealhiie ihe < ),,ic c ol
to support a version of the motor v otcr
bill that, if signed into law. will d is­ at drivers license bureaus, govern­ N eighborhoods. Ihese e o iip iin can ,v used lor
m ental agencies and by mail. T h isb ill disposal al C ential lia n sle i and R <\vchug
crim inate disproportionately against
is totally n o n -d iscrin u n a to ry ;,nd ( enlei oi West Van M alenal Rcvovciv ( enlei
the disabled, the poor and m inorities
would reach the greatest num ber of / Y ard W aste I .ike to I I M I W ood R ecvG eis
because voter registration at state agen­
potential voters T his is the kind ofbill in Ihe X4H0 block o l N l. I P l h \v e A coupon
cies would bediscrctionarv rather than
(gixxl ,'or the m onth ol \p n H is teq u n ed
that wc definitely encourage Senator
/ Non w.»ikn
ipphaikc’s ( all the O t t k c o l
Packw ood to support w hen I louse and N eighborly* *ls to schedule em bside p A up
W hile the bill retains registration
at drivers license bureaus, that prov i- Senate conferees meet to construct a / lunlv vehicles C all the O llkv ’I
Ncighboihi»ods Ow n e t’s jvnnisMtMi and
sion is insufficient to reach as many final motor voter bill
S in cerely . D arryl S T u k u fu , vehicle legisiraliiMt aie required
potential voters as possible People
/ H ousehold ha/ardoiix wasie la k e ,o C entral
wilhdisabililicsandlow incomes were Ph D
President and CEO , T he Urban I i.inslei and Reeve ling w eekends lio n i X a in
less likely to have a drivers license
4 p nt. ( ointncicia! and la n n waste not
than the rest o f the population and. l eague of Portland
a n e p te d ( al, liist lor s j w i t u s .it 3>b XIX2
cratic system o f voting the better lot
a, 867-4931
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