rh rH W ^ v ,' , n •* « w A < *‘O W < « < • « * V-4 * * h « I ' • . ' < ww < *"V f c é ^ W 1* * h * ■» * > P age A5 BY GINA LAWRENCE I believe th a t a hom e should be m ore than a place for one to eat, sleep, an d take baths. A hom e should be a special place to live and grow, m en­ tally an d spiritually as w ell as physi­ cally. N o tju s ta “place” to b e w h e n y o u have no place else to go. W hen you becom e w eary o f the w orld tossing you about, or rejecting you, th e cheerful thought o f going hom e to be refreshed, should bring a sm ile to your lips. Because you know th a t no m atter how you are treated “out there” you have a hom e to go and revive and recharge your m ind, body an d soul. I have a m ost unusual concept o f w h at I w ant my hom e to be like. 1 desire a hom e that is expandable. A hom e that is capable o f grow ing as I grow. A s I change and becom e a w iser an d m ore know ledgeable individual I’d like a hom e to reflect those changes In perspective, I w ant my hom e to take on the unique nature o f my character, th is concept m ay sound odd indeed, but, in my opinion, it is possible. Now, I love the things o f nature, such as, cedar wood, flow ers, rocks, sea shells, anim als, w ater, etc. My hom e should be large enough to ac­ com m odate my natural desires. My dream hom e m ust be surrounded by trees, and flowers an d water. T h e a n i­ m als I choose will be free to roam the prem ises, uncaged an d unham pered. T hese things give m e a sense o f joy Y o u ’ve m ailed your federal tax return to the Internal Revenue Ser­ vice. T hen w hat do you do w hen you receive an additional Form W -2“ Wage and T ax Statem ent” o r an interest statem ent from a bank account? T he 1RS says O regonians who need to correct their original tax re­ tu rn sh o u ld file a F o rm 1040X , “ A m ended U S. Individual T ax Re­ turn.” Form 1040X is used to correct previously filed Form 1040, 1040A, an d in n er peace. A nother o f my loves is books I love books like A braham lived his only son Isaac. W ell, m aybe not quite th a t fervently. B ut you get my point. If som eone cam e an d stole all o f the or 1040EZ. books 1 have collected for m any years, O n the form you w ill figure your I w ould have a room designated only correct incom e an d tax. In general, if for my m any books. T h e shelves, pref­ you arc expecting a refund, you should erably w ill be perm anently built-in, w ait until you get the refund before unm ovable. sending in the am ended return W hen 1 feel sad an d dejected, I A n am ended return claim ing a w ant a place w here I can go an d think refund generally m ust be filed w ithin and m ake m yself feel happy an d whole three years from the due date o f the again. So m any people are sorrowful original return, or two years from the an d lonely, and all because they have date the tax w as paid, w hichever is not found a “H om e” to belong to, a place o f refuge an d hope, a place later. If you m ade a m ath erro r or forgot w here they know they are loved for to attach a schedule, you do not need w ho they are an d not w ho they are to file an am ended tax return. T h e 1RS expected to be. will autom atically correct m ath errors T he letters in H -O -M -E represent and w ill request any m issing attach ­ heart, ow nership, m em ories, and ev­ erlastin g W hen you find a dw elling ments. T o get From 1040X and in stru c­ place w here you can experience all tions, call the 1RS, toll-free art 1-800- these things, you have not ju st found a 829-(TA X )-3676(FO R M ). house in w hich to sleep at night, you have found a real Home! 0%, 3% & 6% Home Improvement Loans Join Other Portland Homeowners with Neighborhood Pride! H o m e improvement loans are available in Piedmont, Woodlawn, Concordia, Sabin, Eliot, Boise, Humboldt, King and Vernon neighborhoods. At 0% , 3% and 6% interest, depending on your income - these are probably the best rates in town. You may qualify to borrow up to $12,500 from the Portland Development Commission (PDC) and show your neighborhood pride by making your home and neighborhood an even better place to live. Y o u r chances of qualifying for one of these City loans are good if you own your home, need city-approved repairs or improvements, and have a qualifying income. Studio 1 4 H air Design for m e n & w o m en M a rs h a B ro w n B ria n S im s D o m in iq u e G ill Oregon Lottery Numbers M cgabucks W e d n esd ay A p ril 21: 14-25-27-32-33-42 Saturday, A pril 24: 10-25-27-32-33-42 OREGON LOTTERY Pow er Bali W ednesday A pril 21: 3-8-10-14-29-PB 37 Saturday A pril 24: 9-15-16-25-26-PB 2 finger waves • spiral sets hair care products • color perms clipper cuts specializing in ethnic hair services 1 Before and after photos o f a successful home repair loan p ro je c t- o n e more family showing neighborhood pride 3 1 1 7 NE M LK • 2 8 7 -2 5 5 7 T he first Secretary o f Labor, W il­ liam B W ilson, vow ed to prom ote the “the w elfare o f w age earners in the U .S.,” according to T he U S D epart­ m ent o f la b o r's B icentennial History o f T he A m erican W orker. I f you have questions, or w ould like to find out if you qualify for a loan, call PDC s Eastside Neighborhood Housing Preservation Office at 823-3400, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m. Remember, City funds are limited for this program, so call Jt today to begin enjoying the benefits of your home repairs. PDC is the City's agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development The ______ home repair loan program is funded through a federal Community Development Block Grant administered by the Bureau o f Community Development. Eligible hom eowners facing costs can be used for: • C o nnecting hom e to the sewer associated w ith hooking up to the branch line C ity’s sewer system may find assis­ tance through sewer hookup loans • Any plum bing changes necessary to connect to the sew cr available from the P ortland D evelop­ • A bandoning an old cesspool ment Com m ission (PDC). T he Sewer • All perm it costs including sewer, H ookup L o an P ro g ram h a s been plum bing an d abandonm ent fees stream lined m aking it easier toqualify, Each applicant receives expert incom e g u id elin es have been e x ­ assistance by being paired w ith a PDC panded. and the loans offer 0 % inter­ Finance Advisor and H ousing Spe­ est w ith no m onthly paym ent. cialist who help the homeowner though T he loans are available in the City o f P o rtlan d an d M u ltn o m ah every step o f the loan process-from County (G resham is excluded) and loan application to getting bids to loan We’ll Show You How to show you how Because at First Interstate, we re committed to revitalizing our neighbor­ hoods through home ownership. And, through our Community Lending Center, we place a special emphasis on first-time home buyers The Community Lending Center offers potential homeowners a step- by-step approach to buying a home We ll help you put together a plan to realize your dream of home owner­ ship We ll focus on finding the loan that best meets your needs and then assist you throughout the home T ax R eturns One on One loan process. And we 11 provide information and support after your home loan closes. We also sponsor community seminars on home ownership And if you already own a home we can help, too We ll show you how to use the equity you ve built up in your investment to make home improvements or repairs So when it comes to any ispect of tax service 317 N.E. Killingsworth Portland, Or 97211 (503) 289-0851 PORTLAND DEVELOPMENT commission closing PDC staff will also review the entire plum bing sy stem for any ad d i­ tional w ork that may be necessary for the sewer hookup. For more inform ation about the Sewer Hookup Loan Program , or to find out if you qualify, contact P D C ’s Eastside housing Preservation Office at 823-3400, Monday through Friday, 8am to 5pm (j dvertise T H E M O bserver ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS Valerie Çurrie Tax Consultant New Program Helps Women Explore Technical Careers buying, owning or maintaining a home, call First Interstate W ere here to show you how A new program at L ane C om m u­ nity College called ‘ Access" helps women identify careers in non-tradi- tional technical careers. Five one- credit m ini-courses arc available in autom otive technology, energy m an ­ agem ent. construction, aviation m ain­ te n an c e, w eld in g an d w oodshop W om en s C enter Coordinator Kate Barry says the program is for women I Community Lending Center 5730 NE Martin Luther King, J r Blvd Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone: 225-3751 First Interstate Bank interested in good wages, job satisfac­ tion, m arketable skills, a personal challengcandindepcndcncc Form orc inform ation or. a free program bro­ chure, call the LCC W o m en 's C enter 2 5 HOMES WANTED * » <<< «.« » d z • « * : ANDERSON BUILDERS & CONSTRUCTION, INC. 3511 N.L 74th Portland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1855 NAME NEW 1993 Vinyl Siding * a a a ♦ ADDRESS CITY PHONE AS SEEN ON TV & •. MAIL COUPON OR CALL To Train Applicators (Under Supervision- Fully Guaranteed) To Install Financing k at 747-4501 ext 2353. a* ****•*•* j PDC Offers 0% Interest Sewer Hookup Loans To Eligible Homeowners -Xl Whether you're just dreaming of owning a home or you're ready to buy. First Interstate Bank would like • b a * A A a O.A.C. A 4 • I < 1 CCB#52™3— À A 4 I ANKRBC135