» I t v t i * t > ♦ * « w s w « t ,> > > } > ♦ > > > * - ? • >"> > > * ApRiL 28, 1993 » T he : P ortland O bserver P aoe A4 Legal Aide Series Part 4 C onsidering T hat W e R educe F igures fo r a living T his O ffer S h o u ld C ome A s N o S urprise . zi/vz» < - o I M l K ill K //./.Í -V N i / W m n i in Paternity c - 'f -siiit-: c / im /' i /.*/ , • / \ ; n y i t •• H . 1.1 1 M •J — < »/ While blood tests are normally Planning a family is a big respon­ used, there are other ways to decide sibility. But having a family without paternity suits. If y ou were a married planning is sometimes an even bigger couple and were living together w hen responsibility. the baby was conceived, the husband ’ Both parents have a legal obliga­ is automatically considered the legal tion to support their children If you re a mother going it alone because the father If married but not living to­ gether, the law still recognizes the man who fathered your child won t husband as the father, unless he chal­ own up, you can sue and force him to lenges it. If the husband is not the help out This is called a paternity , or filiation, suit. A judge will decide if father in either case, call a lawyer. There are several way s to handle this the man you name is actually your child’s father. To file a suit, simply situation. If, as the father, y ou want to claim call the district attorney or a private paternity, y ou can avoid going to court lawyer. If you’re on welfare, the Sup­ altogetherby signing, with the mother, port Enforcement Division (SED) may a sworn statement naming you as the start the suit for you and try to get a father To get a Declaration of Pater­ support order. Men named in paternity suits have nity (Form VS 21), simply call the rights too If you’re not the father, find Health Division (229-5895 in the Port­ a lawy er as soon as you’re served with land area, or 1-800-238-5355 for the court papersand filea response within rest of the state). Sign the form, have it notarized and return it to the Health 30 days. Be sure not to miss any court Division. hearings or depositions (question ses­ If you are the father, but have sion), because you could be declared never admitted paternity and want to the legal father and ordered to pay see your kid, you can try to work child support. If, as the mother, you something out with the mother How­ disagree with what the father has an­ ever, if y ou w ant a legal right to visit swered in the court papers, you should y our child, y ou must be legally recog­ also get a lawyer to file your own nized as the child’s father and ask for response within 30 days. To determine who is a father, visitation rights But, beware, y ou may courts can and often do use blood also be ordered to pay child support. Multnomah County Legal Aid samples from the accused man, the Service pros ides legal advice and rep­ mother and the child. These tests can resentation to low-income people liv­ be expensive, costing anywhere from ing in Multnomah County who have $275 to $500. If SED is suing you, and family law problems Appointments you can ’t afford blood tests, you or may be made by calling our downtown your lawyer should ask the judge to Family Law Center at 226-7991 or our bill the state. If a private party is suing, N orth/N ortheast Com m unity Law you can ask that the other person be required to pay. The judge will decide Office (on the Portland Community who pays for the tests, often based on College Cascade Campus) at 295- w hether or not they identify the father. 9494. N i. J - ‘ ¡ W O l i ' l ’ l ! lW i 'll ! C ^ l ' I - . l i - . y l ’C J K / .'J K u cju : z \/* z < /z . Z 9 ‘> ) x If if» a »mailer figure you're afler, one Willi llii» urrifit oftei, if» a grvat unit - i f i f s \ m — /• • /-< > < > /< '/’ // a l e ( / / < ! • : w nghl away. Handle real-life challenge». p : koom ii a J . i .) i ivj r .i. : ikn , m A c c e p tin g A p p li c a t i o n F a ll T e r I9 9 J jo r won't |u»l help you reach your goal U J H U Y y\zvz> / • .