t ■ MM lW * ♦♦ I W 'M S iv v v » « «•». . « s ’« » ï * • ♦» V i » « « » » /• » ♦ * ■ • 1 C% * s V K » • 'O «■«■«•« V» « S ♦ T» •* > » * W vV*"W9 W * * * * » > » » • < * * » ♦ * * * * '’ P age A3 _______________________ ________________________ —---------------------------------------------- T he P ortland O bserver • A prii 28, 1995 _ Education For Economic Gain investigators Conclude Koresh III: It ’s Out There For You Followers Started Fire t the reality of the marketplace visitedby twobl a d it n Continued from front page lit ate and 1 was able to from Atlanta who i ' Last week I introduced you to Medical examiner and the man in Investigators continued their cameraman wailing outside early that '1 piove it G ale’s Encyclopedia O f Associations, they entered the door u v u charge of the autopsies and identifi­ ! ti in consideration of factors work at the burned-out remains of the morning The government says the >1’ “a manual that can serv c as a business teaching that iiilbri ilion t . • cation, said 12 autopsies had been tip allow ed K oresh tim e to get we i c just discussed that often cult compound 10 m ilcseastof Waco education in itself" O f course, there technique when you re tut" me completed and Koresh has not been i io w ant to just throw up The 5 1 -day standoff al the camp ended ready are several other publications of the They're using it at the ..w iim 1' identified Officials Monday identified an­ • I i’ is when! sec personnel ads for a week ago when the fire broke out, ' same nature, but 1 consider this one to education classes tb y i “ We have completed 12 autop­ ¡¡ncss consultants" that apparently killing Koresh and 85 of other one of the bodies recovered many winners in my classes be the best In any case, you need to sies and 1 can tell you he is not one o f from the remains as Shari E Doyle, ,dy insist on a "college de- his followers. Speaking of that, it prowl around the business and techni­ those,” he said, explaining officials misiuess or marketing or Officials late Sunday identified 18, of Waco. She died from a gunshot Lucious Hicks has I cal sections of the downtown public do have records to identify the cult nee ‘ in consulting 1 know the first of the bodies removed from wound to the head and smoke inhala­ library There is a whole universe of Portland School Board. Back in I leader. as more money to hire the compound as David Michael Jones, tion, they said. relevant information with which you 75, he had me bring i s,cti >a < 1 ■ ' . n it Peerwani said they have dental A total of 53 bodies have been . .Mill r a l’ businessexperi- 38. a Waco mailman who was also may not be familiar Look over the down town. Portland Stale models from an orthodontist taken aa after all what we arc about Korcsh’s brother-in-law and a long­ found at the compound and 44 of classto h isev em iigl'nivcisii < • horizon, another world there from Koresh at age 15. They also have them have been taken to Fort Worth idvising people whose life- time follower Closely related to this "Bible” of sion Center, located first oi- t 1 '« obtained X-rays o f his back, but they usual h it stake—or their According to a government affi­ for autopsies and identification. business and industry, arc the "trade near Russell, and later t 1 1 are s till looking for better dental During an interview Monday on .: homes These agencies can davit, Jones tipped off Koresh about magazines” published by either these School Facility It w • records because they believe he had i much better structure, the original Feb. 28 raid on the com­ ABC’s Good M orning America, Dr. associations or independent groups for we enrolled many ; "tl. recent work. in . ait in my classes to pound after seeing a local television Nizam Peerwani, the Tarrant County ' Here, again, you will find the entire dents, both black and white n if business persons and vv hom launched sue., ess i n! I . spectrum of American business enter­ til the world ol fi- -or who had there cut re in prise, retail, wholesale, serv ice, manu­ ¡.e Conrad Rosing, Vice recognized by employers v ho pi facturing, financial, food, drug, cos­ . a t. rban Affairs at U.S metics, contracting, mail order (direct moted them to manage:n . n t . ■ • i ll We would team-teach (that should be in ye ■ sales), the professions, and so forth class a week, and hav ing Certainly, there ' •’ 1 And, similarly, the profiles arc how principal business loan to do it right”...sales, marketing, ac­ today for sim ilar ‘teal ' . us. serv icing the kind of :er ft omni counting, equipment, inventory, fi­ lcss-tcxlbook classes in e ditim size businesses for nity There has gto to he ■ nance, personnel, etc. i,l worked or operated, he Early on in those col I ege busi ncss board who have been tl il and believable pci spec­ fit; at and economic classes of my special read about it or he 1 ific curriculum. ¡' design, 1 would assign the students This approach assm 1 \ e w ill take a look at 1 “information retries al projects at the be understanding md . id expertise you didn’t public library. The goal w as to expand hension o f somethin. i e t i in most cases. And how "book lam in '" In 1 in-, their ‘frame of reference’, and to in­ a - e from a Threatened’ troduce them to an environment or there should be 'field I up- ' s in this time of cut where actual bush ‘way of life’, if you will, that they were tl lm growing environ- ,.kS. not likely to encounter on the job or at is being conducted, s1 .!■ . uimp or restoration indus- •nini >' hom e-lim ited by economic circum­ may be a point-to-p' mt oul there! stance or social factors 1 was recently dence between what is i BY P R O FE S S O R M C K IN LE Y BU RT Safe Child Foundation Reaches 1,000 M one Through its Buckle Up Kids for Life (BUKL) program. O regon’s Safe Child Foundation has distributed its 1,000th child safety seat certificate. making car rides safer for 1,000 low- using car scats With the donatio i the BUKL progtam Foundation purch.i h Meyer merchandise income Oregon children. BUKL, which was launched in August 1992, operates in conjunction with Fred Meyer, Cosco and the state of Oregon. The program subsidized 750 child safety seats in 1992; the Foundation expects that number to double in 1993. “T here’s a great deal of satisfac- lion in knowing that this program is keeping more children safe,’ explains Foundation President, James Hensel. “But we have a long way to go before allyoungchildreninO regonaresafelv the Oregon Health utcstopre-qualifi d 1 • ' lies Families cm cates to purchas*. < seats at Fred Mev ■ BUKLissupp k Ater Wynne Hewitt I ' Kiwanis Clubs of Orc . ..; <. i Foundation; Childim h ofO regon; Hanna , Foundation. Portland (T -m * ra te d ; T em pleton 1 T ucker Foundation Foundation,I arm-1 U S WEST. Investing In The Future. n .ie s; O regon S ection n . m College of Obstetrics lor ' Stale Tarm ut mobile Insurance Com- vii oi In. ;on non-profit organiza- luld Foundation was es- .1 to piovidc programs and ared at making Oregon a pi c for children. At U S WEST, we are continually investing in new technology to meet the needs of our customers today, and in the future. But some of our greatest investments are the ones we're making in people, through U S WEST Foundation education grants. U S WEST volunteerism and U S WEST'S commitment to diversity. We’re investing in tomorrow by improving the quality of life here today. 300 3 2 2 -8 7 1 5 LU2WEST racy I '■ T ineffl Making the most of your time. A CONVENTIONAL HOME LOAN VS A HOMEPARTNERS HOME LOAN DOWN PAYMENT 2% 5% HOW IK ) YOU GET YOUR DOWN PAYMENT? Must be from your Can be a gift from ow n savings a relative NECESSARY REPAIRS Must be done before All repairs (except those loan is given required for health or safety reasons) can be done after loan is given ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS All costs m ust he Most costs can he paid up front financed TOTAL CASH REQUIRED AT CLOSING FOR A HOUSE WITH A SALES PRICE OF $50,000 (For dow n payment, up front closing costs, estimated taxes and insurance) $ 6 ,2 5 0 WHO 1 Ä 1X3 Y OU QUALIFY? % OF MONTHLY INCOME ALLOWED FOR HOUSE PAYMENT U p to 33% 28% Y CAN’T THIN $3,196 CREDIT HISTORY W ithout pnor loan experience, Previous loan landlord references and a experience on cars, good record of paying utility credit cards, etc. hills can be used to establish credit history. I iom cPartners can help you purchase a hom e in O regon up to $65,000. You may he eligible if your annual household incom e does not exceed the following: 1 person- $26.300, 2 p e o p le- $30300, 3 or more people -$34.300. ii N o t everyone has the m oney it hikes r i> tai ii lo a n f r o m a b a n k . th in k th e y c a n ’t q u a lif y f o r a h o m e lo a n , in V m o n e y y o n n e e d to b u y a h o u s e w i t h o u t a m o u in you need for a down payment is about *•« 4 M ? M M ' * * • t mr a n d .t leg . O r e v e n a fo o t. I l e r e ’s h o w it w o i 1 UVf//