» » « 'S *,*.’*. V A v *»»■ * $ * k S"< ' ♦ » 1 $ A A ’S v v 'S I V V « «•<•»• $ V\X-< \ <1 A * A » x v r t 'n A H U f l W m 'R , s ■% x < ’ * % v * s ’ V P age T he P ortland O bserver • A pril B3 28, 1993 IA IS M IN 1 ^E N Oregon Shakespeare Festival Announces 1993-94 Portland Season C la s s ic W in n ie The Pooh S to rie s D e b u t In G ifts e t M a y 1 1 , 1 9 9 3 Recent Broadway Hit, Shakespearean Comedy Featured j a g s s ~ 2 3 = = “ E = S S S h a k e s p e a re ner A ngels in A m erican). P ridam ont choices, past and present, at a pivotal Portland season in the Interm ediate is seeking his m issing son, an d a p o in tin th eir-an d th eco u n try s-h v es. T heatre at the Portland Center for the m ysterious m agician nam ed A lcandre O SF produced Wilson, s B u rn iT h tsas P e rfo rm in g A rts. B e g in n in g in prom ises to show the grieving father part o f its season in 1990. Fifth o f July November an d continuing th ro u g h opens February 16, closes M arch 12, April, the five-show season features w hat has becom e o f him --for a price. and preview s February 12,13 and 15. a r e c e n t B ro a d w a y h it a n d a Pridam ont is allow ed to peek into T he fifth and final production o f p o p u la r S h a k e s p e a re c o m e d y , scenes from his sons life, but w ants the season is Cheryl L. W est’s Jar the once again, a production will transfer more. W here w ill it all conclude? T he Floor, a new comedy about four gen­ to P ortland from the 1993 A shland illusion plays in A shland from July 28--O ctober 30, and transfers to Port­ erations o f A frican-A m erican w om en seaso n , a n d a n o th e r play o p e n s confronting their shared history as in Portland, then moves to A shland land, w here it opens D ecem ber 8 and they com e together to celebrate their closes Decem ber 31, w ith preview s following its P ortland run. m a triarch ’s 90th birthday. In a n after­ Irish p la y w rig h t B rian F riels D ecem ber 4,5 an d 7. W illiam Shakespcare’sT h eC o m - noon, they shed light on the most lu m in o u s D a n c in g at L u g h n a s a com plicated and fascinating o f rela- opens the P ortland season, opening edy of E rrors opens next, b rin g in g a tionships—that o f m other and d augh­ Novem ber 3 an d ru n n in g through different kind o f fam ily confusion to ter. Jar the Floor opens M arch 23 and November 27, w ith previews O ctober the Portland stage. Tw o sets o f tw ins closes A pril 23, w ith preview perfor­ 30, 31, and N ovem ber 2. It is the find them selves in the sam e city at the m ances M arch 19, 20 and 22. m oving story o f five sisters, told sam e time, and confusion ensues, abet­ Subscriptions to the Portland sea­ through the fond eyes o f M ichael, son ted by tem pers an d im petuous love. son begin at under $45.00 for all five and nephew. A m om ent from the T he Comedy o f E rrors opens January productions, and arc available now. family ’s past provides an avenue for 12, closes February 5, and preview s For inform ation an d to request a sea­ ritual an d the transcendent pow er of January 8,9 and 11. Fifth o f July, the first in Lanford son brochure w hen printed, please memory. W ilson’s Talley fam ily saga, plays call the box office at 503-274-6588. N ex t is T h e Illu sio n , P ierre Rain Rain Came Down D own D ow n.” (F irsiE v er G iftset P ackage F eatures Cam e D ow n Down D ow n” and "T he It’s because T ig g e r's bouncing is N arration by C hristopher Plummer) W onderful T hings About T iggers," m aking everyone jumpy in H undred O n M ay 11, 1993, W alt Disney w ritten by R ichard M and Robert B. Acre Wood that Rabbit, Pooh and P ig­ R ecords’ Storyteller Series debuts its Sherm an. let gather to make a plan in W innie T he In W innie The P oohand the Honey n ew S to ry tim e G iftse t se rie s o f Pooh and Tigger Too. T he three take c h ild re n ’s classics w ith the Pooh Tree, Pooh is out o f honey and feeling T igger on a long "explore” in hopes of- Storytim e G iftset narrated by C hristo­ very very hungry in H undred Acre -w e ll-so rt o f losing him W hen T igger pher Plum m er. Featuring 40 m inutes Wood Pooh sets his sights on a bee­ joyfully bounces ahead o f their m orn­ o f classic Pooh stories on three audio hive but c a n 't seem to m anage on his ing expedition, Pooh, Rabbit and P ig­ c a s s e tte s , th e W in n ie th e P ooh own. W ith C hristopher R obin's help, let quickly hide in a tree trunk But it’s Storytime G iftset recounts Pooh’s de­ Pooh floats up to the beehive on the Pooh, Rabbit and Piglet who get lost. lightful adventures in W innie the Pooh end o f a balloon but, for some reason. A nd it’s T igger w ho happily bounces and Tigger, Too. Reproduced from P ooh's plan ju st doesn’t w ork out. Not him self stuck in a tree w hen his three the original 1988 audio recordings the sort to give up. Pooh goes to Rabbit ’ s frien d s are finally d isco v ered O f house for lunch and eats so m uch based on the A. A. M ilne stories, the 3- course, the only way any one w ill help cassette audio collection stars C hris­ honey that he c a n ’t get out of Rabbit 's T igger down from the tree is if T igger topher Plum m er as narrator, the en­ hole until he loses weight. Included is prom ises to stop bouncing. Included is tire cast of characters from the stories the song “Rumbly in My T um bly.” It’s W inds Day in W innie the the song "The W onderful 1 hing About and three delightful songs from Pooh’s T iggers.” adventures in H undred Acre Wood Pooh and the Blustery Day. W inds A v a ila b le fro m W a lt D isn ey Day is the day in H undred Acre W ood Join C hristopher Robin, Pooh Bear Records’ Storyteller Series, the W innie an d all the enchanting characters of w hen the E ast w ind changes places the Pooh Storytime G iftset w ill en ­ H undred Acre W ood in the m agical w ith the W est, ushering in a storm. chant parents and children w ith its m ake-believe w orld o f W alt D isney’s Poor little Piglet is swept away in unforgettable Pooh-ism s and ch arm ­ floodwater, and Owl loses his hom e to W innie the Pooh. ing melodies. T he first boxed audio N a r r a te d by C h r is to p h e r a violent gust o f wind. Pooh hides collection from the Storytim c Giftset Plum m er, the 3-cassette w innie the away as best as he can w hile the rains series o f children’s classics, the W innie Pooh Storytime G iftset also stars H un­ continue in H undred Acre W ood, and the Pooh Storytimc G iftset is a m ust for dred acre W ood' s origi nal cast o f Rab­ T ig g e r te lls Pooh scary ta le s o f any family and includes delightful nar­ bit, K anga, Roo, Gopehr, Piglet, Owl. heffelum ps and woozles. Happily the ration by C hristopher P lum m er in 40 Eeyore and T igger T he set also in­ rains eventually stop, and Pooh saves m inutes/3 cassettes o f classic Pooh cludes the best -loved songs, “Rumbly the day w hen he inadvertently rescues adventure. In My T um bly,” “T he Rain R ain Rain Piglet. Included is the song “T he R ain Portland Symphonic Glrlcholr T h e P o r tla n d S y m p h o n ic G irlchoir w ill be presenting its annual Spring Concert, M ay 2, 4PM at the F irst United M ethodist C hurch, 1838 SW Jefferson, Portland. T he choir, conducted by Roberta Q. Jackson, w ill be perform ing selec­ tions from their upcom ing Seattle and à I.” N. E. 9th 8 Skidmore 2 8 4 -6 8 8 3 Bring In Ad Get 10% Discount 3 2 n d & E. BURNSIDE A dvertise in the O bserver 7 "THOPICAL BREEZES AND ROMANCE" I DAMAGE POFTS T H E S H IM S CHRIS H IA TT «COLO SHOT MATLSJAHfl- jlM MBS! 13 PM A baud SHOWCASE 20 ALL NIGHT SOLAR CIRCUS TARIKA SAMMY OF MADAGASCAR BAUD COWBOYS- 8 IRENE FERRARA TROPICAL BAND C R A ZY 8S 29 F U N K NATIVE WOLFF'S UNtMtSt THE JU D Y SUNS BAUD SHIM S CABARET GOOD FOOD. GOOD DRINKS. GOOD MUSIC. GOOD T exas I 3530 N. V ancouver Portland, O regon 97217 503/281-2936 ‘ ' ' ' W * . « A « V U » , SA TU R D A Y DUB SQUAD CRAZY 8S 9 o » dkw « m i men DUB SQUAD ■KHKniBHM ' , 10 BODY & SOUL »rfHM’W SO inJII* RECORDRELEASE. NATIVE SUNS 28 27 LABANSKY MADDHATTER 15 TH E 14 BOY O TH E R ON A D O LP H IN PEO PLE 21 F R ID A Y THURSDAY W EDNESDAY SAT • APR J • 6 8 PM SAT-APR 10« 68PM 18 • « Z 9 AM - 9 PM Sundays HALLELUJAH CHORUS BROS. OF THE BALAOI CABARET 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland, O regon 97212 503/287-5145 9 am - 11 pm Monday though Saturday TU E S D A Y MONDAY WOLFF’S T exas II F o r A rx trm J /jr and preview s o f the program s. Guide. T he grid w ill list the channels 1005 West Burnside Street APRIL 1 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 ending tim es o f each o f the program s on the channels. T h e upper part o f the screen w ill look fam iliar to view ers, it still offers them a chance to see clips P O W E L L ’S C I T Y O F B O O K S K€y LdRG(T rtJBJTItllTTVlIUr I k iU 2 3 r d & N W JOHNSON and tim es for the program m ing, as well as a short description for some program s, so that view ers w ill be able to tell at a glance the starting and channels is displayed in a grid. The g r id th e n s c ro lls u p w a rd u n til the program m ing for a different group o f channels is shown. T he com bina­ tion o f the grid an d scroll form atting for this channel, or “ Scrid,” is an exciting breakthrough in clarifying the inform ation provided by the Prevue in the African-American Literature Section N orthw est Cham ber Players will be featured in a program o f prom inent A m erican com posers: P ortland and V a n c o u v er p re m ie re s of: R obert B easer’s M ountain Songs for flute and guitar, and Elliot C arter s En­ chanted Preludes for flute and cello T he celebration w ill be Friday, M ay 21st at 8:00pm , at T h e Old C hurch, 1422 SW 11th A venue, Port­ land, OR a n d o n May 2 2nd at 8:00pm at the C olum bia A rts C enter, 400 S. E vergreen Blvd., V ancouver, WA. Tickets will be available at the door Fabre Inc. M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M B eginning on April 2 0 ,1 9 9 3 , the P revue G uide on P arag o n C able, located on channel 2, will take on a new look. T he new form at for display- in g p r o g r a m m in g in f o r m a tio n w ill look sim ilar to the grid charts that people are used to seeing in printed television guides. O n the low er half o f the screen, one and a h a lf hours o f p ro g ra m m in g fo r a g ro u p o f Northwest Chamber Players-Amerlcan Composers Celebration Sensational Spring Opening! C openhagen tours. Ticket price are $ 5 .1 n advance or $7. at the door. For more inform ation please contact melody DeBrito at 636- 7671. Com e and enjoy Paragon Cable Announces A New Customer-Friendly Format 16 17 Ä C U R T IS SALGADO & T H E S T IL E T T O S « u . L.T CINEMA «w amuliAACA«] WITH DAVE STEWART BAND. — NO DELAŸ BAND JIM MESI BAND___ 30 andy STOKES BAND - NOW SHOWING! ll O v O mall C inemas I -J ROSE MOYER JON KOONCE « TH E C A SM O C 1 CO W BO Y A H G E tS l .'.l - ¿ * ■’ ; - s,., ■ ' -jf WASHINGTON SQUARE ;» i» * V 11, 1 Ü S 82N O A VE /X I . 1