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P h ill­ ips o f Sherwood, and stepson o f Joshua D P h illip o fN E. Portland His w ife, Tencisha, is the daugh­ ter o f S h e rrill and W inslow C aldw ell o f SW Portland. The P h illip s is a 1986 graduate o f Jefferson H ig h School, P ortland, and a 1991 graduate o f the U n ive rsity o f M a ryla n d Eastern Shore, Princess Anne Beach School Community Launches Reading Program Beach Elem entary w i ll launch its Project ASSIST reading program w ith the help o f a recent $5,000 grant from ARC O Corporation. Project ASS IST is a collabora­ tio n between the com m unity and the school aimed at im p ro vin g student reading scores. The project provides professional tra in in g fo r parent and com m unity volunteers to w o rk w ith small groups o f students on reading skills. V irg in ia Biasotte, a Delaware teacher, developed the program and w ill hold tra in in g sessions fo r Beach staff, parents and interested comm u­ nity members from July 12-16 at the school, 1710 N . Humboldt. “ The program is being used in schools on the East Coast and it ap­ pears to really w o rk,” says Beach Youth Get Free Haircuts From The Round Table Support Group “ Fades," trim s and cuts are the order o f the day fo r youth ages 5-13 on Saturday, May 1, and i t ’ s a ll fo r free Youngsters can come to the Salvation A rm y Center at 5335 N. W illia m s from 10 a m to 2 p m and have their h a ir cut for free, com plim ents o f the Round Table, a group o f A fric a n - Am erican males dedicated to support­ in g each other and their com m unity. Participants must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. “ The Round Table is a group o f 10 men who have been long-tim e friends and who share mutual social responsibility concerns for th e ir com ­ m unity,” said K e ith Jackson, O rg a n i­ zation president. “ We feel the free haircuts for y oungsters is an excellent opportunity to extend our love fo r our com m unity in a unique fashion.” The Round Table group has ob­ tained experienced barbers for the free day o f haircuts. “ There w ill be ap­ proximately 15 barbers from the local com m unity on hand to do basic cuts, trim s and even fades’ ,” said Dante Nestled in the A lb in a com m unity in Northeast Portland, is the Yaun Y o u th Care Center. The center is a tem porary shelter fo r young men who may be exposed to potential trouble. There are currently 10 youth in the fa c ility . Norm a M u lle n , Program D irector, continues to accept refer­ ra ls, but u n fo rtu n a te ly can o n ly accomodate 15 youth w ith a small staff. T h e R e s id e n tia l T re a tm e n t progaram is a 24 hour residential care fa cility fo r young men, between the ages o f 12 to 18. Y outh are referred by CSD and the Juvenile Court system. The program is hig h ly structured pro­ v id in g in d ivid u a lize d therapy, social s k ill groups, life skills groups, and specialized mental health therapies. The residential program focuses on gang affected, and peripherally in ­ volved gang youth. The youth p a rtic i­ pating in the program w ill also be e lig ib le to receive sen ices provied by jo b readiness skills, jo b placement, employee/cmployer support sen ices, in d iv id u a l and fa m ily counseling and specialized (D /A , school, etc.) pro­ grams. There is also aiso the Alberta L e arning Center w h ic h is designed to meet the educational and emotional needs o f students betw een the ages o f 12 to 17. The program ’ s emphasis is on g a ining s k ills fo r returning to the public school sy stem, credit recovery, h ig h school graduation and GEDs. Students are referred through Special Education & A lternative Education offices o f Portland Public Schools, Y aun Residential Program and other teacher In g rid W ight. “ I t ’ s a com m u­ nity effort tow ard solving problems T rained volunteers w ill begin tu­ to rin g Beach students this fall. For inform ation on how to participate in the program, please contact In g rid W ight, teacher, or M ike Verbout, p rin ­ cipal, Beach School, 280-6236. •. .. - hW-fiZ: I com m unity. > A".’.',' ", - ’S«» FINAL WEEK FOR THIS H IT MUSICAL other Yaun programs. The Gangs A lternative Program combines gang transition sen ices and youth employment programs through the M ultnom ah Juvenile Court The program provides case management se n iccs for gang youth returning to the com m unity w ho are gang involved o f a t-risk o f gang involvem ent. The comprehensive se niccs are pros id i ng Paschal, a Round Table member and one o f the p a rticipating barbers. “ We w ant our young men to w a lk away lo oking like a m illio n dollars and not have to spend any money fo r it.” The Round Table was form ed in 1991 as a form al support sy stem fo r these childhood friends w ho share one element in common-a college educa­ tion A ll members are professionals in various careers, in clu d in g banking, professional sports, sales and social w ork The group has the m ission o f pro vid in g m utual support through the exchange o f ideas, experiences and insights on personal, social and busi­ ness issues in order to collectively enhance th e ir personal, professional and c ivic development. Round Table members have hosted m otivational speakers at th e ir b i-m o n th ly meet­ in g s . O th e r a c tiv itie s in c lu d e fundraising events such as a recent dance attended by over 500 people. T h e ir long-range goal is to own an entertainment establishment in the 7 feel like nn engine f got no d rirn i wheel ! I'm not nshumed ! mithin' ^ 7 ^ w new ! I been linin' with the bines. " r sa \ TOP: Tyrone White of YAUN Center. Sits with some of the Kids s im ilia r programs throughout the state A L C is accredited through Portland Public Schools and the State o f O r­ I? >'»• W Ai ' / Spunk egon. Clackamas County Y outh Gangs Task Force coordinates efforts between law enforcement agencies, schools, youth ju ve n ile depa rt ments and courts, youth sen ice providers, state and lo ­ cal legislators, churches and the com ­ munity The Task Force also acts as a clearinghouse for youth gang in fo r­ b \ / i >r.j Xc.ifc H id >!ui! .iil.ip rt J bv (ivD i gc I . \ \ i «Iti - March 27 - April 24 Pintl.inJ ¡C 5 Ïi-V.. • * «C • Í» For tickets call 274-6588 tickets priced from S8.00 - S28.00 A ”« . tickets also available through all FASTIXX outlets and at 224 TIXX m ation and related issues. Yaun over­ sees the Task Force and provides speakers fo r many associated forums, Norma Mullen workshops and seminars. r- ; 4 • w ' / TW O IM P O R T A N T EVENTS!! 1 -8 0 0 -3 2 2 -8 7 1 5 Alihciuicr a llc tti more and moie tam ili« every year. Tlicse event» can liclp lanuli«, care givers, potential caie givers, ministers and oilier support groups be belter prepared to deal Literacy Linei with (Ite impact uf (lie disease. #1 "N O W , W H E R E D ID 1 l ’ U T M Y KEYS?" O r e g o ti^ b a k e ^ p e a r e ^ e s t'r c a i I' In the Interm e dia te Ilie a tre o f the . P ortla nd Center tor the Per torn, mg Arte 11 11 SW Broadway TO Box 9 0 0 8 P ortland. OP 9 7 2 0 7 . »S-Y* A presentation about normal memory loss and Alzheimer s Disease sponsored m part by a generous gift bom S ATU R D AY • A P R IL 24, 1993 - 2;00 P.M. "NO COST" K B O O -F M ‘ uwvEsr ■ » 'L M A L L O R Y A VE N U E CHRISTIAN CHURCH 126 N.E. A LB E R TA iVA'V 9 0 .7 F M P O R T L A N D #2 "L IV IN G W IT H A L Z H E IM E R ’S D IS EA S E " An Educational Scries 1968 25 YEARS OF COMMUNITY RADIO 1993 Oregon Lottery Numbers THURSDAYS . A PR IL 29 • M A Y 6 - M A Y 13 - 7:00 ■ 9:00 P.M. COST: $10.00 PER PERSON FOR 3-SESS1ON SERIES PRE-REGISTRATION REQ UIRED • C ALL 229-7115 C H E C K O U T T H E M O ST E C L E C T IC PRO G RA M S ON Y O U R DIAL: Folk»Blues»Jazz»Bluegrass»Soul»Reggae»LAlin»Public Allairs» W omen’s Programralng’ Local Music»Classical»World Music»AlternatlveRock», Spiri,ual»African»Spokan A rts’ Live Even, Coverage»Live Music» New Music»lnterviews»And much, much m ore-Tune In! M U LT I-C U LT U R A L CENTER 5325 N.E. M A R TIN LU TH E R KING JR. BLVD. Alzheimer’s Disease: Definition, Course and Treatment Impact on Family and Community Resources Alzheimer's Disease and Behavior SESSION 1: SESSION 2: SESSION 3: F o r a F R E E P r o g r a m G u id e o f l is tin g s a n d i n f o r m a t i o n C all: (5 0 3 ) 2 3 1 - 8 0 3 2 ,t v Megabucks Wednesday A p ril 14: 18 39 11 33 10 17 Saturday A p ril 17: 19 44 35 01 07 06 OREGON LOTTERY Powerball Wednesday A p ril 14: 33 17 29 07 06 PB 21 Saturday A p ril 17: 38 04 15 30 36 PB 09 Co-Sponsored by: The Urban League Mallory Avenue Christian Church Alzheimer's Association W Z A /A /E H -P o rtlan d M usic A sso c ia tio n C ry stal A w ard 1992- OUTSTANDING RADIO STATION W s . . • .* ' J.”- • ■ ■ ’ ‘ ‘‘ 4 A e. ♦ .S \ ’ V % • » • ♦ * * * ’’ . J M» ’