1.1.'. ♦ «4 Vw A pril 21, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P agi : AS Health Check­ ups For Women Offered N a tio n a l H e a lth C a r e R e fo rm ; M a n d a te d M e n t a l H e a lth C a r e under this proposed "universal cover­ age” the independent business ow ner w ill not be given the choice or the option to exclude m ental health care from the basic benefits package T his has the potential o f breaking a sm all business and at the very least it would put insurance costs thorough the roof. Scott Sulak, a spokesm an for the C itiz e n s C o m m issio n on H um an Rights (CCH R), a psychiatric w atch­ dog organization that was established in 1969 by the C hurch o f Scientology to investigate and expose psy chiatric violations o f hum an rights, com m ents “W hen the psychiatric industry has had m andated m ental health in su r­ ance in the past they have run insur­ ance bills up to such an extent that com m issioned studies by insurance com panies have shown that the rise in health care prem ium s was prim arily due to m ental health care costs, in turn necessitating a nation health care plan. W ith the G overnm ents new health care reform package the potential of well. W ith psychiatric care m andated bankrupting the Country is very high.” I'hc Federal G overnm ent's new hearings last year Schroeder states H ealth ( .itcR eform Package has been " O u r in v e s tig a tio n h a s fo u n d the topic of much discussion in recent that thousands of adolescents, c h il­ weeks The New Y ork T im es recently dren and adults have been hospital­ :a\ e a report from President C lin to n ’s ized for psychiatric treatm ent they Task fo rc e on National H ealth Care d id n 't n ee d , th a t h o s p ita ls h ire Reform w hich preview ed the new bounty hunters to k idnap patients w ith m ental health insurance; that packn gc. Linder this new plan the G overn­ patients are kept against their will m ent is proposing to increase it’s a l­ until th e ir in su ran ce ben efits run ready $16 billion funding of the psy­ out; th a t p sy c h ia tris ts a re b ein g chiatric industry by $6.5 billion This pressured bv their hospitals to alter proposal w ouldalso m andate that pri- th eir d iag n o sis to increase profit; v ate insurance com panies put no stops that hospitals infiltrate schools by or lim its on the am ount or duration of pav ing kickbacks to school counselors w ho deliver students, that bonuses m ental health services In su ra n ce fraud is extrem ely arc being paid to hospital em ployees, w id e sp re a d in th e p s y c h ia tric including psychiatrists, for keeping in d u stn There have been many docu­ the hosp ital beds filled, and that m e n te d c a s e s o f p s y c h ia tr is ts military dependents are being targeted overcharging for treatm ents, billing for their generous m ental health b en­ a p atien ts insurance com pany for efits.” T his is an all to com m on occur­ c o u n s e lin g th a t n ev er hap p en ed , rence th at not only raises cost for the h o ld in g people in hosp itals until individual but also raises the in su r­ th e ir in su ran c e runs out. etc. In ance prem ium s for everyone else as the opening statem ent o f R epresenta­ tive Pat S choeder's House Com m ittee A health check-up for women will be given from lam to 1 pm . S atur­ day, May 15, 1993, at W estern States Chiropractic College C linic in Port­ land. T he $20 exam ination fee w ill cov er the cost o f a pelvic exam w ith pap sm ear, breast exam w ith instruc­ tions on self exam ination an d a spinal evaluation T he health screen also includes a urinary lab test and a blood pressure check. T he check-ups are adm inistered by fourth-year interns under the supervision o f chiropractic physicians W om en are encouraged to call early for appointm ents at 255-6771 as openings are limited. T he clinic is located in the Parkrosc area of Port­ land at 2900 NE 132nd Avenue Parents Anonymous of Oregon V o lu n te ers n eeded for C h ild Abuse Prevention Program at W averly C hildrens Home. Four hours o f your lim e once a week can m ake a differ­ ence in the life o f a family! To volun­ teer call Carole at 238-8819. ; .. AAA Oregon Urges Motorists To take”The Ultimate Driving Challenge” F ö /’/crZzcrzoir “WHITE AUTO WHOLESALE” 10900 SW Canyon Rd. Beaverton • Phone 520-9301 Grand Opening Sale Because driver error rem ains the leading cause o f motor vehicle colli­ sions, AAA O regon is urging m otor­ ists to im prove their d riving skills by watchi ng “The Ultimate Driv ing C hal­ lenge" television special T he one hour program is Friday , April 23, 9 -10pm. on your local CBS television network affiliate. T he show puts m otorist behind the wheel on som e o f A m erica’s m ost challenging roads II is a test o f driving com pe­ tency featuring celebrity participants, expert drivers, state-of-the-art com ­ puter graphics and in-hom e viewer participation Paula Z ahn, co-anchor o f "CBS T his M orning will host the special, joined by C raig T. Nelson, star o f 1981 VW Rabbit 2 Dr. D iesel........................................................... 1977 Olds Cutlass 2 D r .................................................................r n i S a m e L o c a t i o n S in c e 1 9 4 8 O v e r 1 0 0 L a te -M o d e l 1984 Chev Celebrity 2 Dr. A /C .................................................... 1985 Honda Civic 2 Dr.................................................................. $2,950 1987 Ford Tempo All Wheel D riv e ............................................. $2,950 1987 Ford Escort 5 S p.................................................................. $2-275 1987 VW Jetta G L i........................................................................$6,950 1984 BMW 325e Auto Loaded....................................................$7,950 1985 BMW 735i Auto Loaded...................................................$10,450 Wtt J* Ä we *** 85 Chev Celebrity 85 Ford LTD 82 Olds Cutlass 87 Suzuki Samurai JX 80 84 82 78 Chev M alibu S/W Merc Topaz GS Pontiac J6000 Chev Monte Carlo DO YOU LIVE IN THIS AREA? 84 Dodge Caravan Wag 80 Toyota Corolla 78 Cad Eldorado 88 Dodge Ram Van 2 8 9 -5 5 7 9 4650 North Lombard YOU MAY PURCHASE A CAR OR TRUCK FROM US WITH: • NO CREDIT CHECKS OR CREDIT TURNDOWNS...EVER • DOWNPAYMENTS $400 OR LOWER • 12.9% A.P.R. FINANCING E.Z. CARR A DIVISION OF CARR CHEVEROLET CEO NISSAN 2 3 1 -0 0 0 0 ------------------------------------------------------------ 6500 NE Martin Luther King, Jr., Blvd. • Portland • M a ke s New YOU CAN HAVE THE CAR CHECKED OUT B E F O R E IT’S BOUGHT R iy^ O ty PUBLIC AUTO AUCTION . . U s e d C a r IN v e n to ry F le e t & L e a s e A ll NEED A CAR? Up to 70 cars (many under $1000) • Gates open at 9:00 a.m. FEATURED VEHICLES . Don Lee Motors, Inc 1980 Mazda 626 4 D r ...................................................................... $ ^ S a tu rd a y , A p j . starts. "A rthritis E ducation” h elps you learn to cope w ith arthritis an d other systemic illnesses your doctor has diagnosed T he four sessions will be h eld from 10:30am to n o o n on W ednesday, April 28 through May 19, at K aiser P erm anetne’s E duca­ tion & Conference C enter (Town H all). 3704 N. Interstate Ave., Port­ la n d C o st is $ 2 0 fo r K a is e r starts. C hronic illness affects the entire fam ily. "L e a rn in g to L ive W ith Chronic Illness or Chronic Pain” helps patients and spouses adjust to changes, learn coping strategies and develop support systems. T he 10 sessions will be from 6 to 8pm on Thursday, April 29 th ro u g h Ju n e 17, at K a is e r P e rm a n e n te ’s C e n tra l In te rsta te M edical Office, 3600 N Interstate Ave., Portland. Cost is $80 for K aiser Perm anente m embers/couples, $140 for the general public. Please register at least 10 days before the class starts. Kaiser Perm anente’s "Managing Stress and Anxiety" program can help m anage stress w hich accom panies the pressures o f life. T he eight ses­ sions will be held from 6 :30 to 8:30pm on M ondays, May 3 through June 28, at Bess kaiser M edical Center, 5055 N Greeley Ave., Portland Cost is $80 for K aiser Perm anente m embers, $140 for the general public (fee in ­ cludes textbook). Please register at least 10 days before the class starts EASY FINANCE APPROVAL t?BLÍcÁÚT° tA S I ? 286-6816. “P arenting a C hild with Special N eeds” helps parents find support and gain skills for parenting a chid w ith a severe chronic illness or de­ velopm ental disability. The nine ses­ sions vv il 1 be held from 6:30 to 8:30pm on Tuesday, April 27 through June 22, at K aiser perm anetne’s E duca­ tion & C onference C enter (Tow n Hall), 3704 N. Interstate Ave., Port­ la n d C o st is $ 7 5 fo r K a is e r Perm anente m em bers/couples, $140 for the general public. Please regis­ ter at least 10 days before th e class Perm anente members, $65 for the general public. A spouse or other support person is encouraged to a t­ tend at no extra charge Please regis­ ter at least 10 days before the class Regardless Of Past Credit Problems Or Bankruptcy... Come Celebrate With Us During Our Grand Opening... WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? ' 2 Sev eral classes open to the pub­ lic are being offered in N orth P ort­ lan d th is sp rin g th ro u g h K aiser Perm anente For registration infor­ m ation, call K aiser P erm an en te’s Health Education departm ent at (503) If You’re Wanting To Establish Or Re-establish Credit, Come See Us... “C oach.” T h e A m e r ic a n A u to m o b ile A ssociation's traffic safety and engi­ neering staff consulted extensively w ith the show 's producers in dev elop­ ing the questions and answ ers pre­ sented by various driving situations. “U sing the latest technology, in­ cluding special cam eras, the program is an entertaining opportunity tobrush- up on driving skills that could help prevent a collision,” said AAA O r­ egon President Roger Graybeal. t. " w, Kaiser Permanente Offers Health Education Classes In North Portland , . . . . ..f..................- ................................. i • •. ■ We care more about your future than we do your past. * 1 . .