Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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P age A 7
T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 2 1 , 1993
God Is Alive
& Well
Mt. Hood Community College
Hosts ‘Women In Trades Fair’
Ironworkers apprenticcshipandTrain-
ingTrust, Job Corps; Local 290 Plumb­
ers a n d S te a m fitte rs T ra in in g ;
METRO; Mt Hood Community col­
lege women in Transition and New
Traditions programs, Oregon Ad­
vanced Technology Consortium, O r­
egon Bureau of Labor and Industries
Apprenticeship and Training Divi­
sion, Oregon Department of Educa­
tion, Oregon Department of Trans­
portation, Oregon T radcsw omen Net-
work. Painters' Apprenticeship, Port­
land Community College B-FIT, B-
WEST, Project Independence and Skill
Center programs. Sheet Metal Train­
ing Fund’ Tri-Met, U S. Army Corps
of Engineers, and many more.
Admission is free. Free childcare
and parking will be available. All ages
arc welcome. Mt. Hood Community
College is located at 26000 S.E. Stark
St in Gresham. For more information
call Mane Benedetti at 731-4893, Lana
Barr at 731 -4083, or write to "Women
in Trades Fair, “ P .0 Box 86620,
Portland, OR 97286.
paring for Work: What Help is Avail­
able9; Possibilities inTradesandTcch-
nical Work, How to Surv ive' Mentors
Continued from page A6
and Networks, Legal Rights for Work­
ing Women; Women Moving From
ticed Bricks may become loose and acknowledge that God is alive,
the Trades to Entrepreneurs; Stop­
the wall becomes weakened But—a
Whether or not people want to
ping Sexual Harassment; Tools for
watchful and concerned eye will stay believe it—there is a heaven and a hell
MORE Tradeswomen; Labor/Mar-
on its post. And when a weakness is There is a God who rules over every-
keting Analysis: Future Growth of
quickly seen, repairs are made imme- Hung and everybody. There is an evil
Oregon Industry; and Images of Fe­
diately. The wall is once again storing spirit named "Satan” . Believe it! Be-
males in Education and Media.
and able to withstand and keep the lieve it!. If you don t believe it now,
Hands-on workshops will allow
enemy out.
one day. tomorrow will be too late.
while women demon­
This little scenario is liken unto There will be wailing and screaming
their skills as bus
the life of a Christian Our Lord has and yelling and death like you’ve nev er
floor cover-
equipped us with all the tools we will ever witnessed before—in your life-
ever need to remain impregnable. He time. Let there be no doubt. God is
has even given us an instruction alive and well.
A wide variety of booths and dis­
m anual-T he Holy Bible. However,
Go to the Holy Scriptures. Within
plays will be set up by employers,
periodically the wall, to our spiritual the pages of the Bible, the solutions to
training programs, and apprentice­
lives, must be reinforced: by staying in every problem in the world are con-
ship programs. The follow ing organi­
theW ord.bynotim m ersingone'sself tained. Don t just hang-out or hang-
zations are scheduled to participate:
in worldly situations without any spiri- around doing nothing; just getting
Associated Builders and Contrac­
tual backup, by NOT doubting, by more and more stupid as the days pass;
tors, Brick and Tile Apprenticeship
staying (walking) with
the .................
j ust ictting
his o .«
IC lU U g o Satan
a u n i a and
nu m
« .w w
Trust; Central Electrical Training
Today-our young people are at- fnen(js coerce you into doing all man- career
Workshops will include Promot­ Trust;’ City of Portland; Floor Cover­
risk again. The culprit is wearing a nerofevil things, things that God will
ing Diversity in the Work place; Pre­ ing Joint Apprenticeship Training;
different costum e-but, it’s the same not and will never allow.
(Matthew 15.16-20 GNB] Jesus
Satan lures, connives, deceives, was speaking to a crowd of people and
instructs, sits down right beside you, the disciples were also present as he
befriends you, romances you and en­ spoke. He w as explaning, to them, the
Parents can learn effective and "Discipline That Doesn’t Hurt," se­
traps you.
things that will make a person spiritu­ comfortable techniques for disciplin­ ries will teach parents important skills
Our young people are out on the ally unclean.
ing their children at a free scries of that will help them to determine what
streets selling drugs and buy ing drugs
programs sponsored by Multnomah techniques will work best with their
Jesu s said to th e m , "Y ou
County Library callcd 'DisciplineThat child.
(of all kinds). The reason that they are (d isc ip le s) a re s till now m ore
P a re n ts e v a lu a te th e ir ow n
sporting is—”1 need something to get intelligent than the others. Don’t
Doesn’t Hurt."
by answering questions
All parents know that discipline
by-on.” O r - ”Nobody wants to give you u n d e rsta n d ? A n y th in g th at
do p ersonal and
me a job. What else do you expect me goes into a p erson’s mouth goes
discipline? What
to do to earn a living?”
into his stomach and then on out of
Parents, teachers, pastors and his body. But the things that come
fam ilies-don’t get angry with the out of the mouth come from the
youth. Get angry with Satan!
heart. These are the things that
God is not dead He is alive and make a person ritually unclean.
very well. He never went any place. For from th is h e a rt com es the
He’s been here all the time. Just like evil ideas which lead to kill, commit
the song says, “Waiting patiently in adultery, and do other im m oral
things; to rob, lie, and slander
God knows just how mankind others. These are the things that make
operates. Mankind is so fickle. When a person unclean. But to eat without
w ill we ever learn that God is God and washing your hands as they say you
beside him there is none-other9 1 guess- should—this doesn’t make a person
-it will be when time whangs away. unclean.”
In this same chapter, Jesus says
The scripture says that there will be a
loud shout of a trumpet; thcn-Jesus that every plant that his Father in
will appear in the clouds. Hallelujah! heav en did not plant will be pulled up.
B u t-w h o -a ll will be ready to go And he went on to say, "D on’t worry
with Christ when he returns? I sat at about them! They are blind leaders of
one of my prayer board meetings re­ the blind; and when one blind man
cently and during prayer-time. 1 wept leads another, both fall into a ditch.”
because I know that some of my close Can’t be fooled by charlatans! Know
relatives are not going to see God's God for yourself. Read the Bible every
face because they refuse to get ready. day. It’s your road map to heaven.
They refuse to believe. They refuse to
Oregon’s 1993 "Women inTrades
Fair” is expected to draw several thou­
sand women interested in careers in
the trades to the campus of Mt Hood
Community College, April 2 4 .9am to
The statew ide sponsored fair will
bring together working women, their
advocates, employers and educators
to answer questions and offer support
and mentorship to others who dream
of being part of O regon's new tradi­
The fair will offer panels and
orkshops, uv.i.u..»..
d e m o n stra »».«..»
tio n s and
booths, hands-on "try it workshops
and a ..'Anvan’r
women’s »»zxrV
work i^lrxlhoc
clothes fiichinn
show. Employers and representatives
from training and apprenticeship pro­
grams will be available
The fair should be of special in­
terest to tradeswomen, students, par­
ents, employers, educators, advocates
and women looking for a challenging
Education For
Economic Gain,
“Ain’t Nobody’s
Business But My Own!”
Continued from front page
tors, and on and on ad infinitum.
The thing to understand is that a
"Trade Association" Works like a
‘family’, each member in support of
the other and with a formal structure
that collects and distributes relevant
information, publish texts on opera­
tions, accounting, sales, marketing,
finance and so forth; also conducts
classes, regional or by mail, develops
employee health plans and pension
plans Tobccomc acquainted,with the
spectrum of their activities is to gam
a business education not obtainable
Gale’s encyclopedia provides the
name, address, phone and FAX of
most groups. They should be written
to obtain additional information on
services and activities— and for pub­
lications and bibliographies.
(Continued next week)
Programs Teach “Discipline That Doesn’t Hurt
Portland Community
College Celebrates
“A rt Beat 1993”
The annual celebration of the arts
at Portland Community College (PCC)
w ill take place May 3 through May 7
at the Cascade, Rock Creek. Open and
Sylvania campuses. The public is in­
vited to attend and all events are free
of charge This is the sev enth year of
presentation. For more information
please call, PCC Visual And Perform­
ing Arts Office, 244-6111, ext. 4264.
Schools Sponsors
Parent Forums
Comments on Bridge
Access Wanted
A dvertise
* ▲
Workshops on the hidden job
market and job search ideas will be
presented between 1:00 and 4:00pm.
1:00pm “How to Stay Confident
While Looking for Work”
1:30pm “Dress for Success"
2:00pm "Positive First Impres­
sions in the Interview”
3:00pm "W hereto
Find It in Salem"
3:30pm “Successful Interviews”
Interpretive services will be pro­
vided in Vietnamese and American
Sign Language between 1:00 and
3:00pm and in Spanish and Russian
from 3:00 to 5:00pm
The Job information Fair is open
to all persons without regard to race,
sex, age, disability, religion, ethnic
background, or national origin M i­
norities, women and persons with dis­
abilities are encourage to attend
For more information about the
Job Information Fair, contact Betty
Hart, Community Development, at
Whether made with words, images or music, art resonates through
African-American life. Recording our experience, revealing our humanity,
depicting our soul. It can soothe or excite, enlighten or entertain, constantly
compelling us to look and listen.
At Kraft General Foods, we're proud to help bring the visions and
sounds of ethnic culture to the community Not only helping people to
experience the art of others, but inspiring the artists themselves.
Because only through the celebration of art can we begin to under-
stand what makes us human.
F v /’
The project, presented in coop- register.
eration with the Oregon State Univer­
£..... Fo/- ¿aVrcxu//-t
sity Extension Service, includes help
dvertise in the O bserver
from Volunteer Parent Educators
A picture of Dr Lonise Bias ap­
peared in our April 14, issue, her
name was incorrectly spelled as
Dr Lonise Vias. The Portland
Observer w ould like to apologize,
we hope that thisdid not cause any
Job Information Fair
to attend
"Discipline That Doesn t Hurt
will be offered at the
Branch Library located at 10-2 SW
Capitol Hwy., on May 1, 8, 15 and 2
from 9:30-1 lam. Call 248-5385 to
A public workshop on concerns
forbikcrsorw hcclchairpcrsons cross­
Portland Public Schools Alliance ing bridges on over the Williamette
Project sponsors parent forums deal­ bridges on April 22 at 7:30 to 9pm, at
ing w ith ch ild -re a rin g concerns the Portland Bldg.. Room C on 2nd
Wednesday. April 14 through June 2 fir. Persons with disabilities requiring
at Sellwood Middle School Library, special accommodations should call
8300 S.E. 15th Childcare is available. Dan at 248-5050 (TDD 1-800-735-
For more information, please call Chris 2900) at least 24 hours in advance.
Rudolf, 280-6354
The City of Salem is hosting its
sixth annual Job Information Fair, co­
sponsored by Chemeketa Community
College with the theme "Building
Diversity in the Work Force.
It will be held on Thursday, May
6, at Chemeketa Community College,
Building 7 gy mnasium. The Fair be­
gins at 12 noon and will be open until
5 p.m. The Fair is open to everyone to
come any time during the day. Admis­
sion to the event is free
Representatives of state, federal,
county and city agencies, private
employers, educational programs,
and employment services will be at
the Fair with inform ation about
full-time, part time, summer, and
temporary jobs, educational opportu­
n itie s, an d o th e r se rv ic e s for
people looking for work All those
in te re ste d in fin d in g out about
future job possibilities and current
openings in the Marion, Polk, and
Yamhill County area arc encouraged
is usual for a child to be doing and
learning at different stages of dcvcl-
opment? How docs a child’s unique
personality affect his or her develop-
in the
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