? * M < i> t f £4 iv H v t * * * ♦* •• V V *-‘* 1 • V * * * «• Y ’ *• * * A prii 2 1 ,1 9 9 3 • Tm P oru ani ) O bsirvfr P agi : A 4 e / Z 0 * 2 Z s r i e at ■ Where, Live"ainng Friday. April 30. ,993 a, 9:30 at 9:30 PM (ETrPT) M a lc o lm 's need to pass h is (Y u n o k a D o v lc)-am o d c lsm d c n lse s- cral vears his ju n io r - to help him un- derstand all those “X ’s and Y ’s.” To protect his pride. M alcolm insists that M a lc o lm s rom ance b) le lin g parents in on their little secret, “W here 1 L ive."a M icltacl Jacobs production in association w th I ouch- stone Television, also stars Sullivan W alker L orrain cT o u ssain t.an d Flex. The scries w as created by M ichael Jacobs and E hrich V an Lowe, and is executive produced by Jacobs and co- executive produced by V an Lowe. Dawn Tarnofsky and April Kelly are supervising producers, and M itchell Bank is producer Stan Seidel, Doug E Doug, and Kev in Brown are co- a lg e b ra c la ss le ad s h im to h ire S haron, the younger sister of his b est frie n d . D oug, to tu to r him p riv a te ly , a ro u sin g su sp ic io n in Sharon keep their arrangem ent a se­ cret. especially from her brother and d o u g 's m ind over their clandestine m e etin g s in "M alco lm 2X , an d his best friend. Doug (Doug E. Doug). D espite the low-profile of the tu ­ episode o f "W here 1 Live airing toring sessions, K w anzic (Jason Bose a p n l 30 at 9 30 PM (E T /PT ) on Sm ith), the 10-year-old neighbor kid ABC T he episode was w ritten by April Kelly, and directed by David in love w ith Sharon, spies the two m eeting secretly on several different T rainer occasions, and convinces Doug that M alcolm (Shaun Baker) desper­ his baby sister and his best friend are ately needs to pass his Algebra 2 class having a love affair. A rm ed w ith in order to graduatc high school A nx­ ious but unable to grasp the m aterial. k w an zic’s inform ation, D oug decides M alcolm hires Sharon St M artin to p u ll th e p lu g on S h aro n and AGES 513 YEARS OLD is u k r ic r c c d barbcrs m u bc a c a i l a s u YOUTH COR AR URBI A I ABIC CRICl CRCATIU s r r u s . io curt - EK£. «tASf b a s ic h a i K as t h iir w a s te ,) c i w U C lU tX M Q JtS IS f » a r o c a d is m u succ ici producers Touchstone Television is part of Walt Disney Pictures and Television SAI URL) AY, AAY 1, J99J Beach Elementary Parade Celebrates Cultural Diversity History Center Stages Oregon Trail Production For Kids Beach Elementary School cel­ ebrates ESL (English as a Second "F inding the T rail” , an O regon L anguage) A ppreciation Week w ith a Tail historical dram a created for chil- m ullicultual parade Friday. April 23 dren will be perform ed in the M ad.- at 9,30am in the school. 1710 N son Room a. tlTc Oregon History Ccn- ter on Sunday, April 18, at 2:00pm . Humboldt Presented conjunction w ith the _ O regon Historical Society's new ex- 1 lnbil. ‘T rails to O regon, the one-hour ‘ production was sponsored by the Soci- ctv and by Y oung A udience o f O r- cgon and the Y oung People’s T heater Pro.c’ct Developed to com m em orate the sesquiccntcnnial o f the O regon T rail, the goal o f the production is to teach 10:00 A.A. the storv of the Ira n by m aking t relevant to the lives of today s clu - dren In addition to the A pnl 118 per­ form ance, “ F inding the 1 rat w.l k presented by the History C enter once each m onth through Scptcnibcr. L ocatedat 1200 SW Park Avenue in Portland, the O regon History Ceii- ter isopen Sundays from 12 noon until 5pm T h cO ieg o n I rail exhibit. I tails to O regon is on view at the History C enter now through N ovem ber 7, 1993 For further inform ation about perform ances of "F inding the I rail . contact School Serv ices at 222-1 / 4 1 Sensational Spring Opening! M U S IC M IL L E N N IU M 3 2 n d S. E. B U R N S ID E 2 3 1 -8 9 2 6 Mt. Hood College Presents Information Night Ml Hood C om m unity College Presents College Inform ation N ight o n A p ril2 9 ,7 to 9 p n i.in th c T o w n a n d Gown Room at the college. Students and parents arc invited. For more inform ation please call 667-7315. 2 4 8 -0 1 6 3 _____ J ' I K O I 7( .41 UHI I / I S AND UOMANI I SAT« APR 3 «6 8 PM SAI • *PR10«6-8PM N. E 9th 8 Skidmore 2 8 4 -6 8 8 3 Bring In Ad Get 10% Discount 6 C H R IS H IA T T t COLD SHO T tuuhuitìiuiuk « 11 WOLFF’S CABARET 1‘7 DAMAGE POETS BAND THE SHIMS MATT'S BAND SOLAR CIRCUS LABANSKY DUB SQUAD M A O O HATTERI CRAZY 8S ' VV/y; I ) N a t ie 1 d i! ie 10 TROPICAL BAND BODY & SOUL RECORO RELEASE 16 15 T H E 14 BOY PM A OTHER ON A D O LP H IN P EOPLE ¡SHOWCASE Ì21 20 t t M o n - F r . It) a in . - 6 p m . 17 S a tu r d a y C U R TIS SALGADO & T H E S T IL E T T O S BAHO ¿RAZY ' all NIGHT jl M M £ S ' TARIKA SAMMY NATIVE SUNS 8S BAND OF MADAGASCAR COWBOYS 2 8 FUNK IW A M tS l 2 7 T H E NATIVE WOLFF’S JU DY SUNS BAND S H IM S CABARET G O O D I O D D . GOOD PK/M »x I ,O O D M l INK . (¡O O D WITH DAVE STEWART BANO 282-1664 1105 NO DELAY BAND JIM MESI BAND 31 30 A N D Y JON KOONCE S T O K E S t THE G VSM O CS CO W BOY » H G IIS BAND ■ I a, J . _ ■ N .C . B r o a d w a y Y I ’FO I U • I D - S :'ll p m N e a r 1 lo v 'd k e n t e r *. . t • / ', all Synthetic & 1 linnan I Ian For Braiding k Weeving DUB SQUAD • I » ¿ í’ a n d I l i i i r p i i ’f i ’S l e i E va G abor N aomi S ims R i nei of P aris SDAV HALLELUJAH CHORUS BROS. OF THE BALADI Fabie Inc. IV I D M TUESDAY MONDAY The Alvin Ailey A merican Dance T heater will be at the Portland Civic A uditorium 8pm on May 5. The 40 m em ber company will present three w orh s ,n their Portland appearance, Tickets are available thru Fastixx One of the Northwest Liiryjcsl APRIL SUNDAY Alvin Ailey In Portland May 5 Wigland 23 rd & N W JOHNSON W ig s f t& y M R G ( jF - 2 :00 P.A. PLACE: SALVAIiOA ARAY 5JJ5 N A llIIA A S PORTLAND, OR 972¡7