Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 21, 1993, Page 16, Image 16

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    A pril 2 1 , 1 9 9 3 • T he P ortland O bserver
P agi B
---------------------------------------------------- ------------- ----------------
------ —
Field Burning
Northwest Natural
Gas Company
Aerobic/Fitness Instructors
Oregon Arena Project
Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon is currently seeking
experienced, energetic instructors to teach aerobic and circuit
training classes on contract in a corporate setting Interested
candidates should have the following qualifications
A term assignm ent is available
Field B u rn in g Inspector
im m ediately in our Engineering
$1472-51927 M onthly
D epartm ent on a file conver­
The Oregon D epartm ent of Envi­
sion, facilities, m apping project
ronm ental Q uality is currently
• Experience in leading group exercise classes
running A rc/lnfo softw are on
seeking qualified applicants for
SUN workstations. Preferred
• Current CPR certification
tv. - seasonal positions as field
candidates will have a m ini­
• ACE and/or ACSM aerobic certification
burning inspectors. The work is
mum 1 year com puter graphic
perform ed in the W illam ette
We are offering a competitive hourly contract rate, days and
training with applicable software
Valley area from Salem to Eu­
hours to be arranged. For immediate consideration, please call
gene, from June 15 to Septem ­
225-5379 between the hours of 9am-1pm.
The work assignm ent is located
ber 3 0 ,199 3.
at One Pacific Square, dow n­
"tiese positions provide field sur-
town Portland. This term posi­
vei Ha nee and inspection of open
tion offers benefits with a pay
field burning to detect and in­
rate o f $ 11.27/hr. Sw ingshift
Blue Cross
vestigate potential rule viola­
hours: 3:30pm -M idnight. M axi­
Blue Shield
tions. The successful candidate
mum length of this project will
Of Oregon
have the ability to deter­
be 12-31-94.
m ine com pl iance with ru les and
Dept., 3rd fir
Please identify this position when
regulations, and good oral and
subm itting your resum e’/data
written com m unication skills.
Portland, OR 97201
sheet for consideration. Only
To request an announcem ent and
TDD# 225-6730
those considered will be con­
application call the DEQ job
Opportunity Employer
inform ation recording at (503)
Application deadline is April 30,
229 5785 by W ednesday, April
21, 1993. TDD users may call
Northwest Natural
(503) 229-6993 to request an
Drug Abuse
application packet be mailed.
Nurse Practitioner/
HR; Em ploym ent (93039)
Equal Opportunity Employer
Physician’s Assistant
220 N.W. Second Avenue
$1232-$1350 mo. + Benefits
$3075-$3200 mo + benefits
Portland, Oregon 97208
An Equal Opportunity Em ployer CODA Inc. seeks experienced CODA Inc. seeks PA/NP to pro­
Inspector, Oregon
counselor for New Directions
vide medical services to sub­
Residial facility for diagnosis,
stance abuse clients. Duties
(503) 220-2434
Liquor Control
evaluation and treatm ent to
include physical exam s for all
substance abuse clients, c o ­
incoming clients, annual client
Computer Operator/
facilitation of four groups per
medical status reports, brief
Data Entry
week, liaison with outside agen­
OLCC is recruiting for people with
psychiatric evaluatio ns, and
cies, m a in te n a n ce of clie n t
excellent hum an relation skills,
Multnomah Athletic Club
routine m edical treatm ent. Ad­
records, participation in pro­
public service ethic and sense has avail, a full tim e position that
ditionally, position oversees
gram activities. Position works
of discretion. Recruiting for one
requires mini & PC com puter
methadone dispensing opera­
a com bination of day time and
current opening in Baker City
e xperience . F am iliarity w ith
tions & supervises registered &
evening shifts from Sunday
Lotus 1 -2-3 and w ork process­
psychiatric nurses. Applicant
through Thursday of each week.
ing. Also strong data entry &
must possess current un-en-
For application contact nearest
To qualify: 2 years supervised
10-key skills. W e offer exc ben­
cumbered Oregon PA or NP
State of Oregon Em ploym ent
hum an services experience is
efits package. Send resum e to
license. Ideal candida te will
Human Resources Dept., PO
D ivision O ffice. A pplications
required, a bachelors degree
have exp w -chem icaliy depen­
Box 390, Portland, OR 97207.
m ust be received by 5:00 pm
and experience with chem ically
dent populations. Persons cur­
on April 21, 1993. Affirm ative
Equal Opportunity Em ployer.
dependent w om en
v e ry
rently serving supervised pa­
Action/EEO /AD A em ployer.
strongly preferred.
role or probation are ineligible.
Persons currently serving super­
Application m aterials are avail­
vised parole or probation are
able at: CODA INC, 210 NE
ineligible. Applicants m ustcon-
Advertisement For Bids
20th, Portland, OR 97232.503-
sent to and successfully com ­
S e a le d bids fo r the 1993 P arking R eh a b ilita tio n an d R e p a ir
plete a crim inal background in­
Equal O pportunity/Affirm atlve
P roject, P ortland S tate U niversity, P ortland, O re g o n w ill be
Action Em ployer
rece ive d by the O re g o n S tate B oard of H igher E ducation ,
apply subm it standard CODA
S e c o n d F loor of the U niversity S e rv ice s B u ild in g a t 617
a p p lic a tio n fo rm In c lu d in g
S W M ontgom ery, P ortland S ta te U niversity, P ortland,
screening question responses
O re g o n , on M ay 20, 1993, at 3:00 p.m ., PDT. Bids w ill be
to address below.
publicly o p e n e d and read aloud by the u n d e rsig n e d or his
Application m aterials available at
d e s ig n a te d re p re se n ta tive at 3:00 p.m ., PDT, on M ay 21,
CODA Inc., 210 NE 20th, Port­
1993 In R oom 202E , 6 17 S.W . M o n tg o m e ry, P ortland,
land, OR 97232. (503)239-
O regon.
Briefly, the p ro je ct co n sists of, but Is not lim ited to, co n cre te
Equal opportunity/affirm atlve ac
■Tea/iing and sealing, slab w a te rp ro o fin g a p p lica tio n , jo in t
tion em ployer.
sealers, m isce lla n e o u s sp e cia ltie s, electrical W ork, and
Job Description
Job T itle : Project Accountant
R eports To: Project Administrator
Basic Function
Perform fu II time on-site accounting functions and compile reports
for management review.
Major Responsibilities
• Create and maintain accounting logging and filing systems for
subcontractor and vendor files, major materials and equipment
inventory, accounting adjustments, quantities, personnel, lien
documents, insurance certificates, safety and accident reports,
equipment maintenance and accounting related EEO documen­
Coll 335-3020
m e c h a n ic a l W ork.
Bids w ill be re ce ive d on a lum p-sum basis fo r th e W ork as
show n on th e D raw ings and d e scrib e d In the sp e cifica tio n s.
O ne (1) set of c o n tra c t d o c u m e n ts m ay be o b ta in e d from
S ö d e rs trö m A rch ite cts, P.C., 1200 N.W . F ront A venue,
S uite 410, P ortland, O regon, 5 0 3 /2 2 8 -5 6 1 7 , by prim e
b id d e rs only, upon d e p o s it of $ 2 5 .0 0 . A d d itio n a l sets m ay
be o b ta in e d fo r the c o st of re p ro d u ctio n .
D eposits w ill be re fu n d e d fo r d o c u m e n ts returned In “good
c o n d itio n ” by actual b id d e rs w ith in tw o (2) w e e ks a fte r
o p e n in g of bids or by n o n -b id d e rs by the bid o p e n in g date.
C o n tra c t D o cu m e n ts m ay be e x a m in e d at the P ortland
S ta te U niversity. P hysical P lant O ffice, P ortland; D ally
J o u rn a l of C o m m erce P lan C enter, P ortland; C o n stru ctio n
D a ta P lan C e n te r W est, P ortland; E u g e n e B u ilder's E x­
ch a n g e , E ugene; S alem C o n tra c to r’s E xchange , S alem ;
O re g o n B u ild e r’s E xchange , R ose b u rg ; and Im p a ct B u si­
ne ss C o n su lta n ts, P ortland.
All b id d e rs m ust co m p ly w ith th e re q u ire m e n ts of the
p re v a ilin g w age law in O R S 2 7 9 .3 5 0 .
No bid w ill be c o n sid e re d u nless fully co m p le te d In the
m a n n e r pro vid e d In the “ in s tru c tio n s to B id d e rs”
Director of Individual
Gifts and Volunteer
responsible for cultivating and
securing major gifts; managing
directm ail andtelefundingcam -
paigns; coordinatio n special
events; and supervising sup­
port staff. Qualifications include
background In managing vo l­
unteer fund-raising cam paigns;
proven ability to m axim ize in­
com e from special events; ex­
cellent writing and interpersonal
skills; and m anagem ent expe­
rience. Send resum e, refer­
ences and list of fundraising
and event experiences to: De­
velo p m e n t D irector, O regon
Symphony, 711 SW Alder, Port­
land, OR 9 7 2 0 5 by Friday. May
7 ,1 9 9 3 .
Public Works Roads And
Engineering Division
Supervising Engineer-
Structural Design/Bridge
Oversee structural design sup­
port for road design and con­
struction program s. A BSCE or
related eng field, threeyrs struc­
tural design exp incl two years
proj m gm t and staff superv. PE
license highly desirable. C om ­
pleted King County application
pkg must be received by May 7,
1993-King C ounty O ffice of
H um an R e so u rce M a n a g e ­
ment, 500 4th Ave., Rm 450,
Seattle 98104 (206) 296-7340.
By: George P. Pernsteiner
Associate Vice Chancellor
Fó»/' />CA't /'C .ï/d t/i ¡
V ann ©’V ann
Fam ily Owned a n d Operated Since 1954 Serving
the City o f Portland fo r over 3 7 years In your
Advertisement For Bid
hour o f need Vann & Vann are there to serve.
S e a le d bids fo rth e H M S C P e d e s tria n W a lkw a y p ro je ct will
re c e iv e d by the O re g o n S ta te B oard o f H ig h e r E d u ca tio n
until 2 00 PM, local tim e, M ay 1 1 ,1 9 9 3 . Bids w ill be o p e n e d
a n d p u b licly read alo u d on M ay 12, 1993 at 2 :0 0 PM local
tim e All b id d e rs m ust be re g iste re d w ith th e C o n stru ctio n
C o n tra c to r’s B oard.
A d d itio n a l in fo rm a tio n m ay be o b ta in e d by co n ta ctin g
F acilities S ervices. A d a m s Hall, C orvallis, O re g o n 9 7 2 3 3 -
2001 o r te le p h o n e 5 0 3 -7 3 7 -7 6 9 4
budget reports.
• Accounts payable management including receiving delivery
tickets and invoices, sorting invoices by project element, verify
accuracy of math, verify valid insurance and existence of fully
executed agreements, code and submit invoices to manager for
Education, Training and Experience
Position requires a high school diploma, however, a college degree
would be preferred. Minimum of three years experience in ac­
counts payable with a minimum of one year construction experi­
ence. Must have ten key and computer skills, preferable with
Timberline Accounting and Microsoft Windows software.
Send Resumes to:
Project Administrator
1825 N. Williams Ave.
Portland, OR 97227
Port of Portland
Career Opportunities
Engineering Technician III - Civil Enginerin Department
Closing Date: April 16,1993
If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland
Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants
residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically
disabled applicants may request application materials by calling
(503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All
applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date.
Information about career opportunities with the Port can be
obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480
¿5 Port of Portland
Dad’s Oil Service
heating oils
Best Cash Prices
u p o n the Bid Form p rovided and a c co m p a n ie d by Bid
S e cu rity.
C e rtific a tio n of co m p lia n c e w ith affirm a tive a ctio n requlre-
- n ts of the O regon S tate B oard of H ig h e r E d u ca tio n m ust
be s u b m itte d w ith e ach bid.
4 m a n d a to ry e x a m in a tio n of the site and co n d itio n s w ill be
n -! 4 10:00 a.m ., PDT, on A pril 27, 1993. B id d e rs shall
: , with the o w n e r at the P h ysical P lant O ffice p rio r to the
re q uired e x a m in a tio n . A to u r of the p ro je ct site will be
c o n d u c te d fo llo w in g the co n fe re n c e . S h o u ld b id d e rs re­
qu ire add itio n a l e x a m in a tio n of site and co n d itio n s, co n ta ct
M ike Irish. P roject M a n a g e r, a t th e P h ysical P lant O ffice,
503 7 2 5 -3 7 3 8 , to s c h e d u le an a p p o in tm e n t.
• Owner Change Order cost distribution including receiving and
verifying adjustment sheets, input into cost accounting and pay
request system, verify input and print and distribute updated
5211 N. Williams Portland, OR 97217
104 NE Russell
Portland, OR 97212
Call for Quote!
The Port Of Portland
Sale Of Container Handling Equipment
Terminal 6
S e a le d bids fo r th e sale of six (6) used c o n ta in e r cra n e s
a nd one (1) c o n ta in e r lift tru ck w ill be re ce ive d by the
s e n io r buyer, C o n tra cts a nd P ro cu re m e n t, of th e P ort of
P ortland, 7 00 N .E. M u ltn o m a h S tre e t (m ailing a d dress:
P.O . B ox 3529, P ortland, O R 9 7 2 0 8 ) until, but n o t a fte r 3
p.m ., T h u rsd a y M ay 20, 1993, an d th e re a fte r pu b licly
o p e n e d and read.
S ale of six (6) used ru b b e r-tire d c o n ta in e r cranes, and one
(1) to p -lo a d e r c o n ta in e r lift truck.
Q u e stio n s on the e q u ip m e n t m ay be a n sw e re d by c o n ­
ta ctin g B ruce N e w g a rd a t (503) 2 4 0 -2 1 2 2 during norm al
w orking hours. T h e e q u ip m e n t m ay be seen and in ­
s p e cte d by p ro sp e ctive b id d e rs, but is lim ited to 9 :0 0 A.M .
M ay 13, 1993, a nd 2 :0 0 P.M . M ay 17, 1993, at T e rm in a l
6, 7201 N. M arine D rive, P ortland, O re g o n .
All bids shall be on the re g u la r b la n k fo rm s p rovided and
m ust be a c co m p a n ie d by a ce rtifie d ch e c k o r ca sh ie r's
ch e c k in the a m o u n t of n o t less than 10 p e rce n t of a m o u n t
bid an d p ayable to the P ort of P ortland. A d d itio n a lly, the
su cce ssfu l b id d e r shall fu rn ish c e rtifie d c h e ck o r ca s h ie r’s
che ck in th e a m o u n t of 100 p e rc e n t of th e bid price before
the c o n ta in e r h a n d lin g e q u ip m e n t m ay be rem oved.
T he P ort of P o rtla n d m ay reject any bid n o t in co m p lia n ce
w ith all pre scrib e d p u b lic b id d in g p ro ce d u re s a nd re q u ire ­
m ents, and m ay reject fo r go o d cause a n y o r all bids upon
a fin d in g of the a g e n cy th a t it is in the p u b lic in te re st to do
P roposal d o cu m e n ts are ava ila b le at the a b o ve office s of
the Port (503) 7 3 1 -7 5 9 3 .
A. Rodney Eckerson
Senior Buyer,
Contracts and Procurement Department
April 19,1993.