» 4 ♦ «’ r V v» »% V « • •** « ’ < t * ( t l l M t rV * V iw ♦ o r t t **< ♦ ♦ * * * 1 P age B5 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 21, 1993 * ? ' • • * .4 • I A? » f . •,. . . . z GUARDIAN The River Forum at Johns Landing 4380 S.W. Macadam Avenue, Suite 380 MANAGEMENT CORPORATION Porlland-0R 97201 •503 242-2350 •FAX 242-3648 O Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are committed to Equal H ousing O pportunity. St. V in cen t V illa 16060 E. B u rnside GMC 257-8947 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. U ptow n T ow e r 7 1 2 S .W . St. C la ir 3 248-9645 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. I, not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. W a sh in g to n Plaza 1129 SW W a shington 223-0122 GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O pportunity. S tew art Terrace £=3 S herw oo d, OR GMC 625-7883 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. V illa W est M cM in nville , OR 472-1156 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. W est D evils Lake L in co ln C ity, OR 994-6781 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. St J o h n 's W oods 8652 N. S w iftw a y GMC 286-8652 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O pportunity. S u rfw o o d M anor A p a rtm e n ts L in c o ln C ity, OR 996-3477 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this tim e.lf not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. V illag e M anor-Lebanon Lebanon, O regon £^ Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. W estern Rooms 17 S .W . 2nd 3 224-1310 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. W e stw ind N ew port, O regon 265-7408 GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity A re n d ’s Place H ood R iver, O regon £ 2 386-6607 GMC Subsidized units mabey available at his tim e. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Bethea Park Vancouver, W a sh in gton 3 206-835-2214 GMC 451-1122 Subsidized units m abey available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. A lp in e M anor Boise, Idaho 3 208-344-9151 GMC GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. B utte Creek Eagle P oint, O regon 3 826-8470 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Canby Village C anby, O regon 266-4434 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Canby West C anby, O regon GMC 266-4434 • _____________ Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. We are committed to Equal Housing O pportunity. C h ris ty C ourt W in sto n , O regon £=3 679-7002 GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Estacada Estacada, O regon 13 208-587-9104 630-3935 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. F airview Arm s F airview , O regon 667-5337 GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. F lora T ho m p so n M anor £=3 The D alles, O regon GMC 298-1715 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Fourteen Pines Eugene, O regon 485-2299 GMC Subsidized units m ay be available a tth is tim e . If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to E qual H ousing O p po rtun ity. F re m o n t M a n o r 221 N. F re m o n t 13 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not,-qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list.W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O pportunity. G le nw oo d M anor £=3 C o rv a llis , O regon GMC 753-3408 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a pp li­ cants may be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Ikoi So Terrace 1550 S. E. Oak G rove Blvd. t= j 659-7019 GMC Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Indian C reek C ourt H ood R iver, O regon 13 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Indian Creek V illage H ood River, O regon 1 3 386-6607 386-6607 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Indiana M anor £s3 C aldw ell, ID GMC 208-459-0432 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants m ay be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. L in w o o d -S h e rw o o d 3 S herw oo d, O regon 625-5974 GMC Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. O ch oco M anor P rine ville , OR 447-5811 GMC GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Pines - P ortland 1 1 0 S .E . 188th 13 GMC GMC GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on aw a iting list. W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O pportunity. M eadow Glen T illa m o o k , OR GMC 842-2943 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on awaiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. M illw o o d M anor A lbany, O regon 3 928-2545 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. MJM 606 N.E. S acram ento 3 287-2162 GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at his time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing O pportunity. O rcha rds Plaza O ntario M anor A p artm en ts M cM in nville , OR O n ta rio, OR GMC 889-7162 GMC 472-1892 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized 666-5310 287-2162 Subsidized units m ay be available Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not. qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. R ainbow Village P onderosa Arm s S p rin g fie ld , OR M cCall, Idaho 746-8958 GMC 208-634-5660 GMC ■ > • - . . . GMC 838-0735 _ 208-587-9104 GMC 668-8821 - **- . --r. . .. «k * > ■ & >,• rr*- J » i * V- GMC <• Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. H ope A rm s G reenw ood M anor £Zr M eridian, Idaho 3 Bend, OR GMC GMC 208-888-3884 389-2712 GMC 287-2162 287-2162 A- w • V . Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this tim e. If not, qualified a pp li­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a w aiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. K in g D ishm an Jam es Lee G ardens N. E. 6 th and A lberta 1 3 620 N. E. Brazee 13 ■i&¡. ' -■'I'.' GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified a pp li­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a w aiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Nyssa M anor New berg V illage £=t 1209 N. S p rin g b ro o k 3 Nyssa, O regon GMC 538-8939 GMC 372-3925 Subsidized Subsidized i« ? . Subsidized Subsidized ‘ J * • C* t > . Subsidized Subsidized • — . » • » • GMC Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this tim e. If not, qualified a pp li­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a w aiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to ■ Equal H ousing O pportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Sherwood Park _ R osew ood Terrace R oosevelt Plaza tS3 Sherwood, OR i • ® £=3 O regon C ity, OR 1005 S. W. Park GMC 625-7883 GMC GMC 650-0971 223-3927 : 4 / Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized -• - 1 ’’ ,C* • Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. F irw o o d V illag e ~ Fairway ~ Sandy, O regon 3 Mt. Home, Idaho 3 Subsidized a« •> r, f- Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this tim e. If not, qualified a pp li­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a w aiting cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O pportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Pine Avenue P arkside V illage Park Avenue Apts. R oseburg, O regon 3 T illa m o o k , OR 3 W o o db urn, O regon 3 GMC 842-2723 GMC 981-3388 GMC 672-2214 i • • * * • . Subsidized 538-8825 Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. E sco sh lo Mt. H om e, Idaho 13 -.T / « •'.'-xir-'J,. Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Housing Opportunity. C arriage C ourt Carol A p artm en ts £=3 C anby, O regon Kuna, Idaho GMC 208-922-4598 GMC 266-4434 469-7121 Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified a ppli­ cants may be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. D u n h ill Dundee, O regon 538-1219 GMC » Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. I not, qualified appli­ cants m ayb e placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a w aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal list. W e are com m itted o Equal Housing Opportunity Housing Opportunity. B u rnw oo d M anor B riarw oo d M anor Keizer, O regon 3 W o o d b u rn , OR 13 375-9385 ____ GMC 981-8614 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. D arw in A partm ents B ro o k in g s , O regon 3 Subsidized •V Z ’ .T,. Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Housing O pportunity. W illam ina V illa 1200 B u ild in g »» 1220 S. W. 12th 3 W illam ina, OR GMC 248-0260 GMC 876-2555 GMC ? * * ? GMC Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal H ousing O p po rtun ity. Equal Housing Opportunity. Deborah C ourt The Village N ew berg, O regon 13 Monmouth, Oregon 3 Subsidized GMC 227-2358 Subsidized Subsidized GMC Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this tim e.lf not, qualified a pp li­ cants may be placed on a w aiting list.W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. 333 oak 333 S. W. Oak 13 Subsidized Subsidized • ' * GMC Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units may be available at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ at this tim e. If not, qualified appli­ cants m ay be placed on a waiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to E qual H ousing O p po rtun ity. Equal Housing O pportunity C o u n try w o o d M a n o r Cole M anor D a lla s, O re g o n 3 Payette, Idaho 623-9667 GMC GMC 208-642-9414 682-3336 Subsidized units may be available at his time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on aw aiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. W illam ette Place II M cM in nville , O regon 3 472-0397 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. Brent A rm s Payette, Idaho £=^ 208-642-9414 GMC Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing O pportunity. C.A. W hite G ardens 735 N. F rem ont 287-2162 GMC Subsidized Subsidized units may be available at this time. If not, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. W ils o n v ille H eig hts W ils o n v ille , O regon 3 Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized Subsidized units may be available Subsidized units m ay be available at this time. If not, qualified a ppli­ at this time. If ngt, qualified appli­ cants may be placed on aw aiting cants may be placed on a waiting list. W e are com m itted to list. W e are com m itted to Equal Housing Opportunity. Equal Housing Opportunity. W illam ette Place W estside Village M cM in nville , O regon 1 3 The D alles, OR 13 472-0397 GMC 298-4581 GMC ■ •. ‘'S ’ * /*. • ' fV 1