P age B4 0%, 3% & 6% Home Improvement Loans Join Other Portland Homeowners with Neighborhood Pride! H o m e improvement loans are available in Piedmont, Woodlawn, Concordia, Sabin, Eliot, Boise, Humboldt, King and Vernon neighborhoods. At 0%, 3% and 6% interest, depending on your income - these are probably the best rates in town. You may qualify to borrow up to $12,500 from the Portland Development Commission (PDC) and show your neighborhood pride by making your home and neighborhood an even better place to live. Y o u r chances of qualifying for one of these City loans are good if you own your home, need PDC Okays Rental Rehab Loans, One For Chronically Mentally III Housing Project And One For Eight-Plex In North Portland The Portland Development C om ­ mission (PD C) at its m onthly meeting today approved a $286,100 loan to Southeast M ental Health Network, Inc for 32 new permanent liv in g units for low-incom e chronically m entally ill individuals. The C om m ission also ap­ proved a $204,000 loan to Portland C om m unity Reinvestment In itia tive s In c., (PC RI) for the purchase and reha­ b ilita tio n c f a vacant and derelict eight- plex in N orth Portland. Both loans w ill be made through P D C ’ s Rental Housing Preservation Program (RHP) w hich preserves and upgrades affordable rental housing in the C ity. PDC is the C ity ’ s agency for urban renewal, housing and economic city-approved repairs or improvements, and have a qualifying income. development. The $ 1 m illio n Southeast M ental H e a lth p ro je c t at S.E. 8 8 th and Lafayette w ill be funded-in addition to PLJC’ s loan-Through grants: ♦ $90,000 fro m the Federal Home Loan Board; ♦ $225,000 from Oregon Housing Before and after photos o f a successful home repair loan project— one more family showing neighborhood pride I f you have questions, or would like to find out if you qualify for a loan, call PDC s Eastside Neighborhood Housing Preservation Office at 823-3400, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 5 p m Remember, City funds are limited for this program, so call today to begin enjoying the benefits of your home repairs. PDC is the City s agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The home repair loan program is funded through a federal Community Development Block Grant administered by the Bureau o f Community Development. fir EQUAL HOUSING O P PO R T U N ITY L ^l i f PORTIANI) DEVELOPMENT COMMISSION H O M E guidelines, the loan to South­ berta PCRI is an Oregon n o n -p rofit east M ental Health requires that the public benefit corporation founded in units rem ain affordable to low-incom e 1991 to acquire about 280 rental resi­ dential units in N orth and Northeast in d ivid u a ls for 20 years. New guidelines fo r the RHP pro­ Portland as a result o f the bankruptcy gram a llo w fin a n cing o f new construc­ o fD o m in io n Capitol, Inc. P C R l’ sgoals tio n w h ile in the paste only rehabilita­ are to acquire, own, develop, re h a b ili­ tio n o f existing structures were a l­ tate and lease residential properties for lowed The Southeast M ental Health the benefit o f very low , low and m od­ project w ill be the second new con­ erate income individuals. P D C ’ S a b il­ struction project funded; the firs t was ity to fund the project is made possible the 132-umt A lder House w hich opened through a Priv ate Lender P articipation Agreement w ith Bank o f A m erica last September The proposed project w i ll consist o f two, two-story, wood frame b u ild ­ ings, w ith 15 studios, 16 one-bedroom units, and one two-bedroom unit. Each u n it w ill contain a range, refrigerator and modest furnishings. Rents are ex­ pected to be $193 to $203 per month Southeast M ental Health N etw ork is an Oregon n o n -p ro fit corporation founded in 1980 to provide mental health serv ices tochronically m entally i ll residents o f Southeast Portland It operates sixproperties w hich are fille d to capacity. T rained sta ff w ill live at the fa c ility and provide counseling and and C om m unity Sendees D e p t; ♦ $50,000 from the Oregon Devel­ opmental D isa b ility Sendees D ivisio n support to tenants. A needs assessment undertaken U. S. Bank w i ll prov ide a construc­ by the M ultnom ah County Housing tion loan o f $470,000 to be replaced A ffo rd a b ility Study (C H A S ) esti­ w ith a permanent loan from the O r­ mates the number o f ch ro n ica lly men­ egon Housing and C om m unity Ser­ ta lly i ll homeless at 2,638 to 3, 133. vices Department for $472,000. The C H A S has id entified the need in PDC w ill u tiliz e its RHP program as a conduit for the use o f new federal M u ltn o m a h C ounty fo r affordable H O M E funds. The N ational A ffo rd ­ housing fo r this population as a high able H ousing A c t o f 1990 created H O M E funds w h ich can be used to construct, acquire and rehabilitate a f­ fordable housing projects targeting lovv- and very low -incom e tenants. Under Oregon. The b u ild in g contains four one- bedroom apartments and four two-bed- room apartments. Planned im prove­ ments include a new roof, plum bing andclectrical repairs, asbestos removal, concrete repairs, site w ork, w indow repair or replacement, replacement o f a ll entry doors, in te rio r and exterior repairs, capping a chim ney, painting, new carpet and vin yl, and installation o f new appliances. Rents at the b u ild ­ ing are expected to be $360 fo r one- bedroom units and $445 fo r two-bed- room units. In other business today, the C om ­ mission also approved tw o additional loans to PCRI: In other business today, the C om ­ mission also approved tw o additional loans to PRCI: ♦ $61,600 fo r the re h a b ilita tio n o f a duplex at 632 N. Webster. The du­ plex contains two, tvvo-bedroom units. ♦ $39,800 for the reha b ilita tio n o f p rio rity. a three bedroom single fam ily d w e ll­ The loan to Portland C om m unity reinvestm ent In itia tive s Inc., (PC RI) ing at 5036 N M .N . 23rd. For more in fo rm a tio n, contact: is for the purchase and rehabilitation Harrv Lenhart, PDC, 823-3296 o f a vacant eight-plex at 939 N. A l- —---- A HOME LOAN f i A C O N V E N T IO N A L H O M E LOAN I X)WN PAYMENT HOW DO YOU GET YOUR DOWN PAYMENT? Can be a gift from a relative NECESSARY REPAIRS Must be done before All repairs (except those loan is given required lor health or safety reasons) can be done after loan is given or ADDITIONAL CLOSING COSTS All costs m ust be Most costs can be paid up front financed TOTAL CASH REQUIRED AT CLOSING FOR A 1IOUSE WITH A SALES PRICE OE (For down payment, up front closing costs, estimated taxes and insurance) $6,250 $3,196 I X ) Y O U Q U A L IF Y ? % OF MONTHLY INCOME ALLOWED FOR I IOUSE PAYMENT CREDIT HISTORY Previous loan W ithout prior loan experience landlord references and a experience on cars, good record of paying utility credit cards, etc. bills can be used to establish credit history'. less than even the usual federally insured home loan requires. And most closing costs, for things like title insuranc e and other fees, don’t have to he paid up front-they can he borrowed with the rest of the money. Net ettly ileis this heme lean rest less, it’s easier to qualify for. A steady income and a good history of paving vour hills might he .ill von need. Nett', in aren't c.vmT/y tjiifr/yunofy these loans to everyone who walks in the door. But, we guarantee 1 lo in el’artners can help you purchase a hom e in (. Oregon up to $65,000. You may he eligible it your annual household incom e does not exceed the following: 1 person- $26.300.2 peo p le- $30.300. 3 or m ore peo p le-$34.300. I* • • " (M ultnomah, (. lat kamas. W ashington and Yamhill Counties: 1 person- $ 3 0 3 0 0 ,2 people- $34300, 3 or m ore $393003 I lom ePartners ed through loans offered EQUAL HOUSING H ^ ’’P M o r,,w ' OPPORTUNITY Co,,'tany- that a lot o f people w ho thought they’d never he able to get a home loan, will get one. ,Se, before yen yii'c tip en the idea of owning your ow n home, take a look at what U.S. Bank’s I lom el’artners loan has to offer. It could save von from a lifetime o f r e n t. BANK c l«r>2 I Jutted States N a tio n a l • tel * * * 5 e.* * ‘ 3 *C . U p to 33% 28% < ; eto n e . i f ' C ’ - .S *« ’.«»H *. 2% M ust be from your own savings THINK THEY CAN’T loan from a bank. /ini ritflit nett', a lot of people in Oregon who think tliev can’t qualify for a home loan, can. W ith .1 1 Ionic Partilers loan from U.S. Bank. It gives you the ni< mt v von need to huv a house without costing an arm and a leg. L )r even a foot. I lere's how it works. 11 'ir/t it I leiiiePiirtners lemt, the amount of money you need for a down payment is about one third A 11OMEPARTNERS H O M E LOAN 5% PEOPLE W HO .\i>( eeeyem Ike tlh nteiny 11 hikes to take out a home VS • ' - n B a n k >4 ( k e g o n