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C s J z Ei E ach E a ch D rilled Saver Shield C ardsy/ \ With \ ~ \^,.|,« O L ii Filled Saver Shield Card. / - ' - k <-- --»";/; ) ‘•-.LL. *.,'.?•• ■ 7»r E nvelopes 9 0 C t., Sparkle 61., PAPER TOWELS ! 5 »-- SELECTED KOOL-AID ;' i , h - ., d-. 7 f I ' 1 I ', i.,,* Í ► FOR, With D Filled Saver Shield Card. 1 E ach ft A With t D Filled Saver Shield C i r i !.. i/ 7 ------- <■ t 1 With O Filial Saver Shield Card.^,7 * '** » ¿ U Z S ZZ X uv .* '.,.. ■ '" 'f f r t a Z H aw aiian fresh pineapple Streusel C rum bs 1 1/2 cups sifted all-p urpose flour 1 teaspoon baking pow der 1/2 teaspoon salt 1/3 cup butter or m argarine (softened) 2/3 cup granulated sugar large egg teaspoon grated lem on peel 1 1 1/4 ;!&&!lti43»S ♦ 1% ♦ 2% ♦ N on-Fat1 16 Oz., Western Family 10 F R U IT ARM&HAMMER: BAKING SODA ¡1 HALF GALLON F R E S H M IL K & With [ COCKTAIL E ach D Filled Saver Shield Card., V’k With E ach O Filled Saver Shield G ir d ./, / » r With island-style" twist to this tim e-honored O Filled Saver Shield Card. i / ' J. slices into wedges, and remove cores. Prepare streusel crumbs and set aside. Resift flour with baking powder and salt. In a separate bowl, combine butter, granulated sugar and egg. Beat until well blended. Stir in lemon peel, and half of the flour mixture. Blend in milk, then remaining Hour. Turn into well-greased and lightly floured 8-inch spring form pan (or 6 x 9 x 2 baking pan). Sprinkle with halt the streusel crumbs. Arrange pineapple wedges over top and sprinkle with remaining streusel crumbs. Bake in 350° F oven for 55 to 60 minutes, until cake tests done and edges begin to pull away from pan. Remove from oven to wire rack and let stand 10 to 15 minutes, then remove from pan. Sprinkle with a light sifting of powdered sugar. Serve warm or cool. Makes 8 servings. cup m ilk Pow dered sugar Streusel Crum bs: Combine 1/3 cup brown sugar (packed) and 1/4 cup all-pur­ pose flour. Cut in 3 tablespoons cold butter or margarine until particles are like Trim and peel pineapple. Cut fruit into 6 round slices, 1/2 inch thick, then cut coarse crumbs. T h e H u m b o ld t N e ig h b o rh o o d - r ’p Ç M ^E ach __ H aw aiian fresh pineapple adds an afternoon treat. P in ea p p le S treu sel T ea C ak e TOMATO SOUP F i. b (DM )—In the days when people had the leisure time to enjoy formal after­ noon tea, a light tea cake was often a favorite accompaniment. While the traditional afternoon tea is only a memory in most of today's busy American households, the tea cake deserves to be remembered. It's just as d elicious served w ith coffee, hot chocolate or milk. Served plain, or topped with ice cream it also makes an equally delightful dessert. High in vitamin C and bursting with juicy sweetness, the generous wedges of Hawaiian fresh pineapple are the signature ingredient in this "island- style" tea cake. Available at your gro­ cer all year long, plump, Hawaiian fresh pineapple are always perfectly ripe, ready-to-eat and surprisingly easy to cut. This easy-to-prepare recipe has a moist batter which is lightly accented with fragrant lemon peel and topped with buttery streusel crumbs. A light sprinkling of powdered sugar over the cooled cake adds a finishing profes­ sional touch. So tonight, kick back, and enjoy some leisure time. Savor a slice of "paradise found" w ith P ineapple Streusel Tea Cake. ; A s s o c ia tio n T h e H um boldt N eig h b o rh o o d Association is sponsoring a hom e buy- ing w orkshop for the residents in Humboldt, on Saturday, A pril 24th from 10am to 2pm at the M oore Com - munity Center (Salvation Army), 5335 N. W illiam s, Portland For more in- fo rm a tio n p le a se c a ll, L o is M W akelin, 249-1778 or Bob Huggins, 282-6513. C h ild C a re A g e s: All L u n ch S n a c k s P ro v id e d M o n d a y T h ru F rid ay 7 A .M .-6 P .M . C all: C h e ric e a t 2 8 4 -7 9 6 0 Ronald D. Jackson Named PDC Professional Services Director construction o f roads and utilities, an d the addition o f more retail and office space on P o rtlan d 's waterfront. He also coordinated the public/private financing for the Front and Davis G arage and Heliport, the Fourth and Y am hill G arage, and has been in ­ volved in the developm ent o f tran s­ portation and parking policies for the central city. Previously, Jackson served as project Dev elopment Coordi nator with Ronald D. Jackson We’ll Show You How Whether you're just dreaming of owning a home or you're ready to buy, First Interstate Bank would like to show you how. Because at First Interstate, we re committed to revitalizing our neighbor- htxxls through home ownership. And, through our Community Lending Center, we place a special emphasis on first-time home buyers. The Community Lending Center offers potential homeowners a step by-step approach io buying a home. We ll help von pul together a plan to realize your dream of home owner­ ship. We ll focus on finding the loan that best metis your needs and then assist you throughout the home a loan process. And we ll provide information and support after your home loan closes. We also sponsor community seminars on home ownership. And if you already own a home we can help. too. We ll show you how to use the equity you've built up in your investment to make home improvements or repairs So w hen it comes to any aspect of buying, owning or maintaining a home, call First Interstate We re here to show you how Community Lending Center 5730 NE Martin Luther King, Jr. Blvd. Portland. Oregon 9 7 2 11 Phone: 225-5"5l F irs t In te rs ta te Bank r \ I I I I b I fc I * r r r r r r r r r • • ♦ V* * * * ' > • *•*.*,* *, * I» ♦ * • • ♦ • ♦ X * * • * t * * i . ... t T • » . », j*»" Ronald D. Jackson, Project C oor­ dinator o f the Portland D evelopm ent C om m ission’s South W aterfront Re­ developm ent Project, has been ap ­ pointed to the new ly-created post of D irector o f Professional Services for the Portland Developm ent C om m is­ sion (PDC). In his new position, Jackson will direct the statTand program s of P D C 's new ly-m erged O perations and F in an ­ cial S e n ices D epartm ents and he will be a m em ber of P D C ’s m anagem ent team. His appointm ent is effective April 16, 1993. The departm ent Jackson w ill head is P D C ’s largest Its responsibilities include real estate, property m anage­ ment. loan se n icing, finance and plan­ ning, construction m anagem ent, m i­ nority contracting program s, infor­ mation s e n ices and general ad m in is­ tration Jackson also will jo in P D C ’s business loan review com m ittee, its loan foreclosure com m ittee and repre­ sent PDC in business and com m unity groups Jackson joined PDC in 1986 as a Project C oordinator for the 25-acrc South W ate rfro n t P ro ject, w h ich in c lu d e s th e e x te n s io n o f th e R ivcrPlace residential com m unity. the D epartm ent o f Development In Newport News, Va., where he was responsible for im plem enting dow n­ tow n, in d u strial developm ent and m ulti-family housing projects. H ealso served as Com m unity D evelopment S p ecialist w ith th e U n iv ersity o f D elaw are’s W ilm ington-based tech­ nical assistance center prov iding tech­ nical, research, and educational assis- tance to community developm ent cor­ porations, nonprofit organizations and gov ernm ent agencies. Jackson, a native V irginian, has a Juris D octorate from the U niversity o f Pennsy lvania Law school, and m as­ ters o f City P lanning from the U niver­ sity o f Pennsy lv ania G raduate School. He is a board m em ber o f N eighbor­ hood H ealth Clinics, Inc., a provider o f health care services to low-incom e residents o f Portland. He also was a board m em ber o f the Business in itia­ tives Support C orporation, a sm all business incubator in V irginia. Jack- son resides in N ortheast Portland with his w ife and three children. PDC is the C ity’s agency for u r­ ban renewal, housing and econom ic developm ent. For m ore inform ation , contact Harry L enhar, PDC, 823- 3296 ATTENTION HOMEOWNERS 2 5 HOMES WANTED To Train Applicators (Under Supervision- Fully Guaranteed) To install NEW 1993 Vinyl Siding AS SEEN ON TV MAIL COUPON OR CALL ANDERSON BUILDERS & CONSTRUCTION, INC 3511 N.E. 74th Portland, OR 97213 (503) 281-1855 NAME I ADDRESS I I on ¡ PHONE 100% Financing I H L A X . CCB#526O3 ANRRBC13