Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 14, 1993, Page 6, Image 6

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P age A6
ô c r ip tu r e O f Ofie lO e e f
g f j f e caffs y o u , y o u s f a l f s a i y s p e u f
Ten Easy Principles To Debt Reduction
[excerpts from a serm on given by
Rev K irkland, M inister o fF in a n ce s-
-A ss' P astor of Bethel CO G O C in
Jacksonville, N orth Carolina!
“G c d w ants a transform ation to hap­
pen our life o ffinances—Rev. Kirkland
G od has left us in charge as the
stew ards. E verything that we do is
going to be tested and tried To be­
come debt-free, we
m ust change our
m ind-set w hen it
com es to our fi­
C a tc h T h e
r e v e la ti o n
tithes & O ffering!
Every w eek,
w e see people, all
excited, skipping dow n to the light
company and the w ater com pany to
pay their bills w ith money that God
has given to them. B ut—do you see
anyone skipping down the isle to the
offering trays or baskets? All God asks
us for is ten percent (10% ) o f our gross
earnings. At the beginning, not after
you have spent all the m oney dow n to
the bare-necessities.
W hen God sent His son, Jesus
C hrist, He did not send the scraps. He
their neighbor All this because God
loved them so m uch that He G ave his
only begotten Son So—why is it so
hard for us to give unto the Lord a
portion o f w hat he has given to us .’
W hen you give, you must give of
the first-fruit. Let your offering, to the
Lord, be the first th in g to be deducted
from your earnings. Not ju st the m ilk-
-but, the cream o ff the top
Every C h ristian Believer can be
debt-free by bind-
in g th e stro n g m a n
in h is/h er life. His
n am e is "D e b t” .
S ata n h as tak en
that ball an d has
s c o re d -m a n y a
W ejust nickel
an d dim e God to
death Like He d o esn ’t know any
better W e have freely received w ith ­
out pav ing a thing. Let us also—freely
give. G ive back to the Lord w hat
is rightfully His anyway. [Matthew
„ .
Elder T.N. Noffa, Jr.
(C w F F )
Rev. T om m ie Noffa, Jr. w as born
A ugust 6 ,1 9 2 4 to the late Tom m ie N.
and relieved him Irom the su tT cn n g o l
1. Com m it to G o d -N o w !
2 2. Stop increasing your d e b t-b y this w orjd Rcv Noffa com pleted Ins
paying o ffo n e an d opening u p a n o th e r fin ai chap ter in the book o f this life on
charge account
April 6, 1993.
3. C om m it to tith in g 10% o f
He e w
w a as a o ordained in the m inistry
ALL incom e that you receive.
w ith the C hurch o f the L iving God
4 T ithe the first-fruit o f your (C .W .F .F.) in Septem ber, 1964, u n ­
der B ishop P H. C olem an in Los A n ­
5 Plant seeds for your harvest by geles, C alifornia He worked diligently
h ,
Sunday School
Morning Worship
Tuesday Silble
Study and Prayer
Inter-racial Congregation
Denise Bell
126 N.E. Alberta t Portland, OR 97211 + (503) 28 8-5173
7600 N.E. GLISAN
L a rry & Tiz Huch
Senior Pastors
It's contemporary!
It’s Multi-cultural!
It's- Spirit Filled!
A church fo r the 90's!
Are you tired of the same old thing?
Then you are ready for New Begin­
nings! Come join the excitement as we
take Portland for Jesus!
• A n o in te d P reaching & le a c h in g
Clay & Tami Drayton
• D ynam ic C hildren & Youth M inistries
• P ow erful P raise & W orship
,a,c C h irf
F C Scon B ishop Spurlock an d his
6. Item ize your current debts By
ad ding the interest cost to your sched­
uled paym ent am ount, you can pay
bill oil
th e C h u rc h o fT h e L iv in g G o d (P .G .T )
your bill
off taster
7. C
C onsolidate your b ills to the fo ra n u m b e ro fy ears before com ing to
lowest credit card or creditor. B egin {hc C h u rc h o f T h e L iv in g G o d
_ k n n pay-off
in n in o by
w ith
th e n in g w ith the
D euteronom y 28:47-48. "T h e Lord an d etc.
G ive unto the Lord as the poor
blessed you in every way, but you
had "C ast in all the living that
w ould not serve him w ith glad and
.” [St. Luke 21:1-4]
joyful hearts. So then, you will serve
sent the best.
God w ith w hat he has given
O n Sunday m ornings, you see the enem ies that the Lord is going to
untoy ou. Just rem em b er- M uch giv cn-
people w alking dow n to the offering
-M uch received. Little g iven—Little
table w ith k n nkled-up faces, fum bling thirsty , and nak ed —in need o f every ­
received. N othing given—N o th in g re­
th ro u g h th e ir purses an d w allets, thing. T h e L ord w ill oppress you
Praise ye the Lord!
grum bling under their breath or to h arshly u n til you are d estroyed "
"Come to me cill you uiho are
weary and heavy laden and
I will give you rest."
H e w as pastor o f tem ple #12 in
m gof fe c h u rc h
ie n a ,
Scott & Lydia Sigman
Patton; daughters: C hristine C arter
an d A rsem a Patton; brothers: Alfonso,
T ru m a n and Sonny; b ro th ers-in
la w s D e l C am pbell, Wesley Riley, Lee
R ance Riley an d Steven Riley sis er-
in-law s. V era Noffa, Mary Tay or,
Janis W right, C arolyn M artin and
S u n d ay M o rn in g W o rsh ip • 9:0 0 am
1425 NE Dekum & 15th
T h u rs d a y E v e n in g B ible S tu d y » 7:30am
^ou. Sunday/
We Welcome You To The
(B rc a tc r
J B tc p lp n
Public Service Announcement:
¿ O ír s s ta n a v ü ^ B a p tis t (H ijn rd j
“Experience The Experience Gaepel MnxtcoT
Im m aculate H e a r t C hurch
"Servins The Lord With Gladness'
Psalm 100:2
292b N Williams
Portland, OR 97227
Apul 25. IW 3
2.45 lo4:3l)pui
Special guest choiis fiom New Song Chuich and Si. Paul COGIC
S unday S chool 10am
. M orning W o rsh ip 11:05
M id W eek:
P ray er & B ible S tudy 7pm
Rcv. G .L . B lack 1 P asto r
3707 N. W illia m s A ve.
Duels A Soloists
TU B Singing Mailman". Vernon Uiazzlc
liosicd by
I iiuium . u I. iic llc.n l Cailwlic Clniich Gosjiel Choir
Fice will ottering w ill be Liken
Fellowship and Rcficahmenis following ui llic Parish Hall
For more udormalion call 287-3724
(503) 281-8117 Portland, OR 97227
Come Grow With Us"
Piedmont Friends Church
5 7 3 6 N. Albina
We Are Listening Lord
W orship C e le b ra tio n 1 0 :3 0 A M
W ed. Bible S tu d y
7 :3 0 P M
"A C hurch w hore frien d s are frien d s In d e e d 1
realized or recognized it.
M aybe it w as G od w ho spoke
to us in that slight trem or in the
voice o f that norm ally self-assured
alw ays on the ball friend, try ing to
alert us to a hurt w ith in them . Could
it have the voice o f God that led our
friend to call us the other day w hen
we w ere feeling a little under the
w eather? C ould it have been His
voice that som etim es leads us to say,
“You know som ething told me not
to go that w ay”? “Y ou know , 1 felt
like som ething w as w rong, 1 ju st felt
strange” . How about the sunrises,
the sunsets, the rainstorm s, the rain ­
bows, the thunder, the snowfalls,
the tornados, the hurricanes, yes
even the earthquakes?
E v e ry m o r n in g w h e n w e
aw aken and arisc-could it be? Yes
our God still speaks.
W here an d w hen did we hear
Him last? W ill we hear H im today?
L et’s listen for the gentle sound
o f his beckoning. It’s a m atter of,
"Speak, Lord, wc arc listening.”
Michael DeJean, M. Div.
(503) 289-0143
Has moved Sunday sevices to
Stone T o w er C h u rch
N .E . Sandy Blvd. & 30th
Worship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m.
Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m.
Bible Study, Wednesdays, 116 N.E. Schuyler
10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m.
Radio Ministry each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KBMS
A Teaching Church With A Reaching Ministry
Dr. James E. Martin, Senior Pastor
C h u rc h O ffice 116 N .E . S c h u y le r S t. • (503) 284-1954
Si. lYlarks .Baptist t.-kurck
103 N .E . M orris
P o rtland, O R 97212
(503) 287-7457
T rue V ine M issionary B aptist C hurch
3624 N. V ancouver Avenue
Portland, O R 97227
Sunday School Services 9:30am
Morning Worhsip 11:00am Sermon:
Evening Service 6:00pm
Midweek-Wed 5:30 Bible Study
Following Bible Sludy, Prayer Service
Choir Rehearsal Thursday <>pm/Uslier 7pm
General Mission Monday 6pm
New Members Orientation 7pm
Wc provide transportation call the church
The church where everybody is somebody a n d Christ is alt!
Sunday School Service 9:30am
Morning Worship 11:00am
Evening Service 7:00pm
Pastor Raymond Edwards
« /cZ/xOs///.) (j/t/U 'c / ( ) / f/OcZ
jgT ^îêtul ¿flUtôstïinitru
^Baptist (llfynrclj
5138 NE 23rd Avenue • Portland, O R 97211
Sunday School Serv ice 9:45am
M orning W orship 11 OUam
E vening W orship 6pm
M id-W eek Scrv ice 7pm
8101 N. Fiske Avenue
Church Phone: 289-0147
P o r tla n d O re g o n 9 7 2 0 3
Study Pitone: 289-1911
Sunday Service
New Azusa
Sunday School
Christian Training Center
9 :3 0
1 0 :4 5
Bible Study
4 4 NE Morris St. (1 Block East of Williams Ave.)
Join with as in worship this
Wendall Walaco, Sr.
Sunday a t 10:45 AM
6 :0 0
Evening Service
reaching & Training
7:00 PM
Classes for all ages
Child care available
Night Talk Show
Every Sunday Night
10:30 to 12 midnight
Kl’DQ 93.7 FM/800 A M
7 :0 0 p n t
Pastor, Re. JamesC E. Faulkner
Theme: Whatever your going to do for the Lore, do It now.
I Poter hr. 11
a n *
: 1 " J
-a’c Mx»
tradcschool as a carpenter. He fur- C h u r c h o n he L iving
thered his train in g and becam e a li- w ere richly blcssf d
censed general contractor He also m inistration, teaching a d_________ P_
T he P eople ’ s C hurch
............................... V i i « » «
Johnso„ an d , am al
_______ _____-
L et’s rem em ber Sam uel, the
ch ild w ho lived w ith the old priest
E li, serv ing God in the T abernacle.
How puzzled the child m ust have
felt one night w hen he w as sleeping
an d lie heard a v oice calling him as
he w ent to Eli, and have the old
priest tell him , "G o back to sleep, I
have not called you ” A fter several
calls, and Eli each tim e say ing, "N o
I did not call you” , the child must
have begin to think som ething was
w rong w ith h im s c lfo rth c o ld priest.
W hen Eli finally realized that God
w as speaking, he instructed the child
to answ er, "Speak, Lord, for 1 am
listening.” God did speak to Samuel.
He not only spoke to him that night,
but for the rem ainder o f his life.
Just like God spoke to Samuel,
could it be conceivable that he speaks
to us too9 But maybe his voice is
drow ned out by our T. V.s, our own
conv ersations, our children, our jobs,
o u r busy sch ed u les or o u r ow n
u nending thoughts? Wc have prob-
ablv heard His voice and nev cr even
tfc » «
u n d er ihe .cach in g o f rhe late Dr. S r a n d c h i l t e n ^ a h n a o f o t o r e l a -
• Street R each & O vercom ers M inistries
7600 NE Clisan Street
devoted and
hi Life Bihie C0 „ e 8 e
F « £
P o rtlan d , tem p le # 102, w h ere he
s e n cd over 15 years as pastor He was
involved in v ario u s o rg a n iz a tio n s
throughout the city including the A l-
b in a M inisterial A lliance.
He received his form al education
in T ulsa, O klahom a. He received his
Pastor Janies Coleman, Emmanuel Hospital Chaplain
• Service Tim es: S u n d a y 10:30 am 6 :0 0 pm
W a r8 _
sm allest bill.
8. Sell all unused item s around
the house to help reduce debt.
9. After pay ing off all our sm all
debts, add that pay m ent to the next
lowest debt until it is paid-in-full.
10. O nce the sm aller b ills have
However, I caution vou. It is b et­
ter for vou to keep your o flferin g -if been paid, roll-over paym ents to larger
you have g ru m b lin g hearts. Read debts, like: house notes, cars, siding,
Mallory Avenue
Christian Church
served in the U S. Arm y d u rin g w orld