Tm P ori land O bserver • A pril P age 14, 1993 How to Build a Bridge Over a Protein Biver A3 Oregonians To Design Their Own Lottery Scratch-lt Games W h e n y o u 'r e p la y in g ih c O regon Lottery ’s S eratch-it gam e, do you ever dream about creating you own g am c—on c that you ju st know w o u ld be a b ig h it w ith ot her Lot tery play ers? I fy ou do. here ’ s your chance to design the ultim ate Scratch-it tic k e t-a rid w in cash doing it! B eginning M onday, April 12, O reg o n ian s can help the Lottery create its new Scratch-it gam es by entering the D esigner Scratch-it C on­ test T he g rand prize is $5,000, plus five runner-up p ri/c s o f $ 1,000 each. The first 200 entries w ill receive a com m em orative d esigner Scratch-it T-shirt. The con test i s part o f t he Lot tery ’ s in tr o d u c tio n o f a b r a n d new S cratc h -it p ro d u ct lin e th is fall. S ta r tin g in O c to b e r. S c r a tc h -it tickets w ill have h ig h e r payouts. w hich will m ean more prize money and higher average prizes T echnol­ ogy is being updated so players can redeem prizes at any Scratch-it re­ tailer m i he stale. T he new tickets will also be printed on recycled paper stock T he new Scratch-it product line will offer a greater variety o f gam es than ever before, including six d e­ signs created by O regonians in this contest A nyone can enter the Designer Scratch-it contest—you d o n 't need to be an artist Just be creative and origi­ nal, and show the Lottery w hat you think a Scratch-it ticket should be E ntries will be judged on gam e theme, play style, o rig in a lity , g rap h ­ ics, and appropriateness to the Lot­ tery’ overall image T he ticket design m ust be sub­ mitted to the special D esigner Scratch- it C ontest form available at Lottery retailers and from Lottery h ea d q u ar­ ters T he form co n tain s official co n ­ test rules an d other details. E ntries m ust be received at L ot­ tery headquarter by 5;00pm on May 21, 1993 They can be m ailed to O regon Lottery D esigner S cratch-it C ontest PO Box 12649 Salem O R 9731)9 E ntries may be hand d elivered to Lottery headquarters at 2767 22 nd Street SE in Salem Since April 1985, more th an $761 m illion in prizes has been aw arded to O regon Lottery players O xer the past seven years m ore than $367 m illion in Lottery earn in g s has been invested in O regon Fund recipients estim ate m ore th an 40,000 jobs could be created or saved through­ out the state • • v.; . *■ » ». \ L'.C” * » k» • -k».- Black Youth Get Jail Instead Of Alcohol/Drug Treatment People die waiting for cures. Whole million were dedicated to the University of continents pray while scientists feverishly Oregon which provided the stage for Dr. dig for answers. Meanwhile, the Oregon Stevens’ research. This money will buy Lottery' is doing more than praying; it's u n d e rsta n d in g of how to m ake cells helping the digging to continue. behave. Those millions will also provide Dr. l oin Stevens heads a biological jobs for the next generation of scientists, research laboratory at the University of who will usher in new understanding of ill­ Oregon. In certain circles, his work on protein splicing is famous. Though ness and health. Tom Stevens knows his work is it sounds of more use to dieters just a b ridge, over which many than to cancer patients, protein more will travel enroute to finding splicing may help unlock the final the cures we desire. The Oregon puzzle piece holding us all captive. Lottery is proud to be part of the O regon Lottery funds of $12 bridge that Tom built. It Does Good Things Continued from front page giving society a chance to see me as a strong, independent young w om an.” D ickson— "A ll my life 1 have b ee n faced w ith c h a lle n g e s, but none m ore difficult than the transfor­ m ation from boy hood to manhood. A djusting to the new personalities, having to give up old habits and childish ways arc exam ples o f me leaving the kid in me behind. Have I reached m an h o o d ?’ is a question 1 u se d to ask m yself, b u t as a Les Fem m es cavalier— 1 now know Teen Program Wins P ortland Public Schools’ Teen Parent Sum m er Program recently re­ ceived the A m erican W om en in Radio and Television Com m endation A w ard for its “T een Parent TV N ew s" video. "T een Parent T V N ew s” uses a news show form at to explore issues such as refuting stereoty pes o f teen parents, view s from teen dads, the im portance o f stay ing in school, ben­ efits o f positive attitudes and good attendance at school and work, re­ sponsibilities o f parenting and con­ sidering adoption as an option. T he video gives pregnant/parenting teens in the program a forum for expressing their view s about the realities o fb ein g teenage parents T een Parent Sum m er Program has earned A W RT aw ards for three o f their past four videos. Lanita Duke o f G rassroots News produced the x idcos. w hich are used in schools and the com m unity to build understanding about the challenges teenage parents face and as part o f a pregnancy pre­ vention program T his y e a r’s video w as funded by Delaunay M ental Health Center. Black U nited Fund o f O regon, Ja -B cll's Beauty Supplies and Portland Public Schools. "T een Parent T V New s” and the 1991 video, “Teen Parent TV; M other W it," arc distributed nation­ ally by C hurchill M edia T he Teen Parent Sum m er P ro­ gram , sponsored in part by the Prix ate Industry Council. ofTcrs pregnant or parenting teenagers xocational train ­ ing. work experience and courses in parenting skills during the sum m er. For more inform ation, please con­ tact Marx K arter. 280-5858 or l.ynda Rogers. 249-3304 : it*» 1 a th e a n s w e r. A c a v a lie r sh o w s respect, politeness, character, appeal, d ignity an d pride, he sym bolizes m anhood, and shows respect and ap ­ preciation for w om en E ach cavalier is able to answ er th is question, ‘W hat have you done today to m ake the w orld a better place? T h ro u g h my experience w ith Les Fem m es, I can honestly answ er ‘Yes, 1 am now a m a n .’” M itchell-A debutante is a young w om an w ho is respected by others an d respects herself. She is successful an d intelligent, w ith many positive qualities. A debutante should be w ill­ ing to help others in need an d respect all people, w hile lifting up her own. We, as debutantes, as sociable, friendly an d stand w ith good heads on our shoulders— al way s going up and never going down. I possess these qualities an d a few more. W ith these qualities 1 w ill becom e a successful wom an; d em onstrating these qualities m akes me a debutante. they m ake-up only 9.7 o f M ultnom ah County’s at-risk adolescent popula­ tion, they are 24.6 percent o f all ju v e­ nile arrests an d 48.4 percent o f all youth held in state-training schools like M cLaren T hese statistics come fro m a report released last m onth from the federal Office o f Juvenile Justice and Delinquency’ Prevention (OJ JDP). These facts may lose O regon $1.5 million in federal juvem lejustice funds. K now ing that kids in trouble are likely to be drug/alcohol affected, one could conclude, looking at the statis­ tics, that W hite kids w ith problem s often end up in drug/alcohol treat­ m en t p ro g ra m s w h erea s A fric an A m erican kids arc sent to jail. T he problem is not sim ply a m at­ ter o f discrim ination. County adoles­ cent treatm ent centers do not blatantly screen out A frican A m erican young people. T he problem lies in the con­ tent o f th e ir treatm ent. N othing is m o re c lo se ly c o n n e c te d to an in d iv id u al's personal culture than al­ cohol/drug treatm ent. Involving not only physical, but the psychological and spiritual m ake-up o f an individual, treatm ent, if done right, gets to the roots o f a person. U nfortunately , no M ultnom ah County adolescent treat­ m ent program focuses on A frican A m erican culture. Because o f this, they can n o t attract or keep A frican A m erican patients who sorely need program s that recognize that substance abuse has different sociopsy chological effects on Blacks th an on Whites. Successful N ative A m erican rehabili­ eas. O n th e o th e r h a n d . A fric a n tation program s have proven the v a­ A m erican youth arc w ell-represented lidity o f culture specificity in treat­ in correctional institutions T hough m ent processes A frican A m erican O regon Legislators w ill soon be voting on w hat has been term ed the “N ickel-a-D rink” legislation that w ill increase state taxes on beer and w ine and put that money tow ards treatm ent for O reg o n ’s alcoholics an d addicts. T he bill is supported by Gov. Roberts an d many others w ho see it as a painless w ay to help the hundreds o f suffering addicts on th e long w aiting lists o f treatm ent centers. If this bill passes, an d most people feel it has a good chance, le t’s be certain that the funds it generates are equitably d is­ tributed. In plain term s, let’s m ake sure A frican A m erican youth get a fair share. At present, they arc sham e­ fully left out o f the alcohol/drug treat­ m ent picture, and the results o f th is neglect are devastating to the A frican A m erican com munity and to the State of O regon T he problem is m ost evident in M ultnom ah County. A look at the patients in residential alcohol/drug treatm ent program s for adolescents in th e area finds alm o st no A frican A m ericans on the rolls. A recent c h e c k fo u n d o n ly o n e A fr ic a n A m erican youth undergoing residen­ tial treatm ent in the city o f Portland O ne center located in N orth Portland, s p e c if ic a lly c ite d as o p e n to A fric an A m erican , h as no B lack youth on its p atien t list. In fact, th e te e n s in tr e a tm e n t a t th a t facility a re p red o m in an tly W h ite an d m o st arc n ot ev en P o rtla n d residents, com ing from outlying a r­ young people also need culturally spe­ cific treatm ent program s. one m ajor effort is underway to rectify th is problem . R ophe is a pro­ g ram o rig in a te d a n d d ire c te d by H ubert E v a n s -A fric a n A m eric an , recovering alcoholic, N o rth P ortland resident, an d alcohol drug treatm en t specialist. E vans is dedicated to the project, m otivated by the g an g k illin g o fh isy o u n g e rb ro th e rin 1990 Rophe, co-chaired by Police C h iefT o m Potter an d State R epresentative M arg aret C arter, has persistently struggled for the last year an d a h alf to raise funds to open a 13-bed drug/alcohol reh a­ bilitation center for A frican A m eri­ can young m en ages 12 to 18. S trongly based in th e N o rth - N ortheast Portland com m unity and stem m ing from the G re ater F aith M inistries. Rophe has stayed afloat through com m unity fund raisers, small donations, and a dedicated board of directors. It w ill soon secure property an d a b u ilding from the city. R ophe could w ell be the salvation of, n ot all, but som e o f the Black youth w ho are now unfairly filling up O regon C or­ rectional institutions, but th is is a long way from happening due to fi­ nancial need. If passed, the N ickel-a-D rink tax w ill produce badly needed m onies for O regon addicts and alcoholics. L et’s be sure a fair portion goes to provide culturally specific alcohol/drug treat­ m ent for A frican A m erican young people. It is the right th in g to do. Frances B .Caldw ell W riter/E ditor/C onsultant Rophe B oard M em ber PortLand, O regon Nobody Does it Better, for Less A SAFEWAY Ad Prices Good April 14 through April 20,1993 At Safeway. Fresh Gallon Lucerne Milk 1%, 2% or Nonfat lowfat milk. Bottled fresh in Clackamas, Oregon. $158 FIRST 1 ADDITIONAL AT REGULAR PRICE.... Golden Ripe Bananas Fancy golden bananas, a wonderful addition to fruit salads, cream pies or just by it self for a snack. AM , « . , « « » 4 ». f Ari Lb. E n jo y E x tr a S a v i n g s W ith T h e N e w ’In -S tg r g l S a f e w a y S h o p p i n g G u id e Ixxik In The This Week Magazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! > ♦ • * • 29 '•e.M Available at your Safeway store. •* * 4 C ' £ I * ' i* I V £