,'« < « ••« ¥ / I »O » « » » ♦ P aoe B5 T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 14, 1993 • . 4 *• U ’i r-7; - -Z Í4 f Medical M arketing Public Works Roads & City Of Salem Nurse Practitioner/ International M arketing M anager Engineering Division Job Opportunities M arketing mgr. to assist Oregon Senior Engineer-Structural Women, Minorities & Disabled Encouraged To Apply Physician’s Assistant fo o d and a g ric u ltu ra l b u s i­ Jobs Production w ork in N W sec­ Closes Design/Bridge Inspection Position Salary $3075-$3200 mo + Benefits nesses in marketing dom estic tion of town, shift w ork in team - 4/16/93 $3,675-$4,648 Summer Sports Camp Instructor $6.33/Hr (PT/Seas) CODA Inc seeks PA/NP to pro­ and in te rn a tio n a l p ro d u c ts . o riented environm ent, som e Senior Engineer position is re­ $7.22/H r (PT/Seas) 4/16/93 vide m edical services to sub­ Tennis Instructor Market research, analysis, busi­ p o sitio n s re q u ire liftin g and 4/16/93 sponsible for the design, co n ­ $13.70-$16.78/Hr stance abuse clients. Duties Instrumentation Technician ness plan writing, budget m ain­ standing all shift. 4/23/93 struction, m aintenance, inspec­ include physical exam s for all $9.68/Hr Maintenance ll/Streets tenance, prom otion and m er­ R equires a stable w ork history, 4/23/93 tion, and design support for King incoming clients, annual client $6.335/Hr Shift MGR/AQUATICS (Seas) chandising im plem entation e x ­ long-term com m itm ent, d ru g ­ 4/23/93 County bridges and other road- m edical status reports, brief $9.68-$11.26/Hr Maintenance ll/Water Distrib perience needed. Domestic and screening and a phone to re­ 5/7/93 related structures. A BA d e ­ psychiatric evaluatio ns, and $2828-$3603/M o -------- Civil Engineer II ceive m essages. foreign travel, min. 2 yrs. exp. gree in civil engineering and $5.63/H r Open Until Further Notice routine m edical treatm ent. A d­ Lifeguard/lnstructor in food industry m arketing and Call 227-1711 two years experience in struc­ (503)588-6162 TDD (503)588-6009 ditionally, p o sitio n oversees exporting goods or services in for further information tural and/or bridge design, in­ RM 225, 555 Liberty Street SE, Salem, OR 97301 methadone dispensing opera­ dom estic and/or international Kelly Temporary cluding one year of progressive tions & supervises registered & • m arkets with responsibility for Services supervisory experience. Profes­ psychiatric nurses. A pplicant program /project monitoring and sional engineer's license is re­ must possess current un-en- coordination. Exp. m ust have quired, structural engineer’s li­ cum bered O regon PA or NP Needed included program evaluation. Services cense preferred. C loses April license. Ideal candida te will Position located in Portland for Construction 23, 1993. A p p lica tio n s-K in g have exp w -chem ically depen­ Ore. Dept. of Agriculture. S al­ County O ffice of H um an Re­ dent populations. Persons cur­ Inspector, Oregon Inspectors ary $2,732-$3,643. C lose date source M anagem ent, 500 4th rently serving supervised pa­ 4/30/93. For applicatio n-test Liquor Control Ave., Rm 450, Seattle 98104 role or probation are ineligible. M achanical • Civil • Structural Steel • W elding • Electrical • form s contact (503)378-3803 (206) 296-7340. EOE. Application m aterials are avail­ Commission Reinforced C oncrete • M asonry • Prestressed C oncrete or 635 Capitol St. NE, Salem, able at: C O D A INC, 210 NE $2277-$3015 OR 97310-0110. AD A/AA/EEO Plum bing • Building 20th, Portland, OR 97232.503- O LC C is recruiting for people with Firefighter Are in dem and for local construction projects in the Portland em ployer. 239-8400. excellent hum an relation skills, Recruitment Announcement area, But these position require City of Portland and IC BO Equal O pportunity/Affirm ative public service ethic and sense certifications before you can apply for these rewarding jobs. If Clark County Superintendent, Action Em ployer of discretion. R ecruiting for one you are interested in becom ing a certified inspector and Fire District #11 Tacoma (WA) Light Division, current opening in Baker City qualifying for these rew arding positions on the up com ing 21609 N.E. 72nd Ave., LEAD a m ajor p u b lic e le c tric u tility and also TO ESTABLISH LIST Battle Ground, W A 98604 construction project: ow ned and operated by the City F O R F U T U R E O P E N IN G S . PROGRAMMER (206) 687-2171 O regon A rena Project o f T a c o m a s e rv in g o v e r For application contact nearest Experienced Firefighter/EMT W estside Lightrail ~ o . , cno. ANALYST 130,000 custom ers. Senior ex­ State of Oregon Em ploym ent Then contact C ertified T echnical C onsultants Services, a t (503) Starting Salary $2170/mo ecutive position responsible for ‘ As one of the world’s largest manu­ D ivision O ffice. A pplication s 288-9717 for inform ation on training classes and certification A pplications packet will be avail. facturers of pulp, paper and con­ adm inistering all activities and m ust be received by 5:00 pm 8 a m -5 p m w e e k d a y s fro m testing. verted products, James River program s of the electric utility, on April 21, 1993. Affirm ative Thursday April 1 until 5pm Fri­ Corporation is the well-known including generation (9 p lants), Action/E E O /A D A em ployer. C ertified T echnical C onsultant S ervices day, April 30 at 21609 NE 72nd name behind such products as transm ission and distribution Quality Engineering, Assurance, Controls & Inspections T Ave., Battleground. C om pleted Northern 4tissue, Dixie®cups and (2,034 m iles), and for evaluat­ P.O. Box 2786 • Portland, Oregon 97208-2786 • Phone & FAX (503)288-9717 applications m ust be received Brawny® paper towels. Our con­ Regional Business ing program s for system m ain­ tinued commitment to pursuing by C lark C ounty Fire D istrict tenance, capital im provements, Development Officer the lastest emerging technolo­ #11 by 5pm Friday April 30, resource planning and devel­ This is an Executive Service po­ gies has created this opportunity 1993. Port Of Portland opm ent, and staff productivity sition with the Business D evel­ M inim um qualifications include: for a technically-oriented and for 650 em ployees. Electric util­ Career Opportunities opm ent Division of the O regon • 2yrs exper as active paid or results-driven team builder. ity budget for 1993 -94 is $217.2 Airport Manager Econom ic Developm ent. The Your strong leadership and hands- volunteer firefighter million and $227.0 m illion . re ­ Aviation Department position is located in Tillam ook. on implementation skills will be • EM T I C ertificate spectively. Desired qualifica­ T he annual salary range is $44, • High School G raduate or GED Closing Date: April 30,199 3 utilized in the installation of manu­ tions: degree in engineering, If interested and qualified, apply in person at the Port of Portland 616 to $62,784. The agency • Age 18 years or older facturing process systems. You b u s in e s s a d m in is tra tio n or has authority to set pay within • O ther qualifications as estab­ will be directly involved in config­ Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants clo se ly re la te d fie ld ; senior uring, upgrading and managing the range for this class. residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically lished by Fire D istrict #11 m anagem ent experience in an The purpose o f the position is to these systems. disabled applicants may request application materials by calling Equal O pportunity Em ployer electric utility ow ning and oper­ To succeed, you must have a link the N orthw estern region (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All ating g e n e ra tio n re s o u rce s; BSCS, or the equivalent, and at (C latsop, C olum bia, W estern applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. know ledge of issues relating to Cross Connection least 3 years experience with Lane, Lincoln, Polk, T illam ook, hydroelectric generation and Information about career opportunities with the Port can be two or more of the following tech­ and Y a m h ill C o u n tie s ) w ith Inspector pow er m arketing; transm ission obtained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. nologies: VAX/VMS, Svbase, available business opportuni­ The position requires three years' and distribution; know ledge of Pathworks. Power-buildei. Visual ties through the resources of experience in w ater system s, Northwest regional and national Basic in a Windows environment. the D epartm ent. com m unicating with the public, electric utility issues; experi­ Strong organizational, leadership To qualify you m ust have four and in custom er relations; fa ­ ence in c o rp o ra te stra te g ic and coordination skills are es­ years of m anagem ent experi­ m ilia r ity w ith c o m m e rc ia l planning, perform ance m an­ sential. ence in a public or private o rg a ­ plum bing fixtures and installa­ agem ent, and total quality pro­ As a Fortune 200 Company, James nization which included respon­ tions. O ne year college level Port Of Portland gram s. M onthly salary range River Corporation offers you a sibility for developm ent of pro­ course w ork in bacteriology, $5,890-$7,156. Subm itdetailed very competitive salary and ex­ Career Opportunities gram rules and policies, d e ve l­ ch e m istry, m ath, hydraulics, re su m e 'to T a co m a Public Utili­ cellent benefits. For consider­ Sr. Generalists, Employee/Labor Relations opm ent of long-and short-range engineering or a related field or ties, Personnel Office, P.O. Box ation, please send your resume Human Resources Department goals and plans, program evalu­ equivalent; m ust possess W a­ 11007, Tacom a, W A 98411. and salary requirements to: Hu­ Closing Date: April 16,1993 ation, and budget preparation. ter D istribution I certification. man Resource Dept., JAMES Additional information available If interested and qualified, apply in persons at the Port of Portland G raduate level course in m an­ Valid driver’s license and certi­ RIVER CORPORATION, C a­ by calling (206) 593-8226. LAST Employment Office, 700 NE Multnomah, 14th floor. Applicants agem ent may be substituted fication for cross-connectio n mas Mill, 4th & Adams St., C a­ DATE FOR F ILIN G -M A Y 5, residing outside the Portland metropolitan area and physically for one year of required experi­ in s p e c tio n a n d te s tin g of mas, WA 98607. An equal op­ 1993. A ppointm ent is subject disabled applicants may request application materials by calling ence. Preference m ay be given backflow prevention devices portunity employer m/f/d. to Pierce County residency and (503) 731-7400. Preemployment drug screening is required. All to candidates with additional required. $ 1 ,205.60-$1,557.60 JAMES RIVER CORPORATION to passing the pre-em ploym ent applications must be received by 5 p.m. on the closing date. experience as listed in the re­ bi-w eekly. CAM AS M ILL m edical exam ination w hich in­ cruiting announcem ent. For application packet contact: Information about career opportunities with the Port can be ob­ Finding A BetterJWay.____ volves drug/alcohol screening. To apply send a resum e and cover Eugene W a te rs Electric Board, tained by calling the Job Hotline at (503) 731-7480. An Equal opportunity and affir­ letter to the address below . The PO Box 10148, 500 East 4th Television m ative action em ployer. application m aterials m ust be Television technical m anager Avenue, Eugene O R 97440 or received by April 2 6 ,1 9 9 3 . Call for M ultnom ah Com m unity tele­ (503) 484-2411 ext., 3012. Po­ or w rite to receive the recruiting vision, the non-profit com m u­ sition closes M onday, April 26, announcem ent. nity television provider serving 1993 at 5:00 p.m. To request alternate form atting East M ultnom ah C ounty. R e­ Equal O pportunity Em ployer Planner 2 Medical of m aterials, contact our ADA sponsible for M C T V ’s techni­ $2239-$3005 Monthly C oordinator at 373-1200 ext. cal needs including equipm ent Reviewer/Coordinator H um an R esources O regon Departm ent of T ranspor­ 223, or at the address below : m anagem ent and preventive The Medical Review/Coordinator is responsible for reviewing tation seeks applicants for Plan- Generalist O regon Econom ic D evelopm ent m aintenance. M ust have ex­ professional medical claims by gathering and reviewing medical n e r p o s itio n s lo c a te d in cellent trouble shooting skills Dept. information and communicating medical necessity and utilization Roseburg and Salem . W ill c o ­ and extensive experience with Human Resources Office review determinations in both verbal and written form. ordinate and conduct variety of TV equipm ent. Supervises en­ 775 Summer St. NE local and regional planning pro­ The qualified applicant will be a registered nurse with a current OR gineer responsible for com po­ Salem, OR 97310 cesses. Requires com bination license, detailed working knowledge of anatomy, physiology and nent repair and m aintenance. (503) 378-6324 of relevant degree and plan­ medical terminology and have significant specialized experience Good interpersonal skills es­ (503) 581-5115 FAX ning experience OR four years sential. Salary range: $18,907- such as: EMT, ER, Oncology, ICU/CCU, or Operating Room. (503) 373-1200 TDD of experience. C ontact OD O T Paragon 27,602 plus excellent benefits. T he State of Oregon is an AA/ Excellent communication skills will be required for the purpose of R ecruitm ent at (503) 378-6281 For a p p lica tio n in fo rm a tio n , Cable EEO Em ployer. W om en, m i­ assisting in the training of BCBSO personnel. for inform ation and application contact MCTV AT 667-7636. norities, and people with dis­ Paragon C able, the largest and packet. Com pleted applications Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Oregon offers an excellent em­ All applications m ust be re ­ abilities are encouraged to ap­ fastest grow ing cable system and test responses due 5:00 ployee benefits package, flex-time work hours and competitive ceived by 5 p.m. M onday, April in the N orthw est seeks a H u­ ply- ___ p.m., April 28, 1993. salary. Pre-employment drug screening required. To assure your 26, 1993. m an R esources G eneralist for AA/EEO Em ployer resume is processed immediately, place ad #098 at the top of your Counseling a newly created position. Ex­ resume or in your cover letter. Send resume to: cellent salary and outstanding Residential Relief High Tech Manufacturing z «».74 ? •■V V « v .? t£ } * r ¿ Ï;.- ■ri < ■ ; : r Workers $6 Per hour C O D A Inc. seeks relief w orkers to provide facility and client su­ pervision at our residential treat­ m ent facilities. E xperience with residential drug alcohol clients required, variable shifts. Persons currently serving s uper­ vised parole or probation are in-eligible. Applicants must con­ sent to and successfully c o m ­ plete a crim inal background in ­ vestigation. To apply subm it standard C O D A a p p lic a tio n fo rm in c lu d in g screening question responses to address below. Application m aterials available at C O D A Inc., 21 ONE 20th, P ort­ land, O R 97232 . (503)239 - 8400. Equal opportunity/affirm ative action em ployer. benefit package offered. T he successful ca n d id a te w ill h ave a c o lle g e degree, 3-5 years professional Hum an R e­ sources experience in a non­ union environm ent with d e m ­ onstrated com petence in : State and Federal law, em ployee re ­ lations, recruiting, salary a d ­ m inistration, w orker's co m p e n ­ sation, and public speaking. C andidates m ust have a solid understanding of business prin­ ciples, be extrem ely creative, fo rw a rd th in k in g a nd h a ve strong w ritten and verbal c o m ­ m unication skills. Paragon C able prom otes a drug free w orkplace. Apply in person: Paragon Cable, 3075 N.E. Sandy Blvd. Portland, O regon 97232 Equal O pporutnity/ AD A Em ployer Port of Portland © Port of Portland City Of Portland C h ild re n ’s M useum D evelopm ent A sso cia te to $2,700/mo (Closes 4/16/93) C h ild re n 's M useum research A s sista n t to $2,104/mo (Closes 4/19/93) P olice Data T e ch n icia n Trainee $7 84/hr entry (Closes 4/23/ 93) W ater L a b o ra to ry T echnician to $15 78/hr-(Closes 4/16/93) For more info/closing dates call (503)823-4573 (24 hr job information). Blue Cross Blue Shield of Oregon Human resources Dept., 3rd fir 100 S.W. Market Portland, OR 97201 TDD #225-6780 Equal Opportunity Employer A City of Portland application is required. For applications and instructions, contact: Request For Training Proposals Bureau Of Personnel 1220 SW 5th Ave, First FL. Portland, Or 97204 T h e L iq u o r C o m m issio n re q u e sts p ro p o sa ls fro m q u a lifie d tra in e rs to m ake p re s e n ta tio n s to a g e n c y sta ff in th e a re a s of d ive rsity a w a re n e s s a nd c o n flic t re so lu tio n . F o r a c o p y o f the R e q u e st fo r P ro p o sa l, call J o a n T erry, 6 5 3 -3 0 1 1 . P ro p o sa ls d e a d lin e : 3 :0 0 p.m . A pril 16th. T ra in in g is sched­ apps also available at: Urban League 10 N Russell, Portland 97204 Minorities, females and disabled encouraged to app1/ uled fo r M ay 19, 20, 21. A ♦ • • I A. f-.- • • V 9/ KELiy?mporary © • i' V ... • j