A pkjl h , 1993 • T he P ori land O bserver P agi - B2 Magic Johnson Foundation Buoys Minority Bank With $1 Million Deposit Portland Trail Blazers’ Buck Williams Teams Up With National Kidney Foundation Portland T rail B lazers' A ll-Star pow er forw ard Buck W illiam s has team ed up w ith the N ational K idney foundation, Inc. (NK F) as a national celebrity spokesperson to step up the fight against kidney disease. “O ff the c o u rt, kidney disease has affected my family, and our fam ily is ju st one o f 20 m illion A m erican F am i­ lies w ho have to deal w ith kidney and urinary D iseaseseveiyday,” W illiam s said In 1992, W illiam s’ m other died • »Cs* f t' < *