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Gladys M cC oy was elected in 1986 to preside over M ultnom ah County as the County C h a ir In this role, M cC oy administered the governm ent as the C ounty Executive and was C h a ir o f the five-m em ber Board o f County A tank o f radioactive waste exploded and burned at a weapons plant in Siberian, contam inating 2,500 acres and exposing fire fig h te rs to radiation. T h is was the single worst accident since the Chernobyl Commissioners. M cCoy was born in A tlanta, Georgia She attended Talladega College in Alabama and earned a bachelor’ s degree in Sociology w ith a m in o r in Economics. In lh c e a rly 1950 s.shc moved to Oregon w here she met and m arried catastrophe. IRS Giving A Break To The Tax Payer W illia m M cC oy Sev en ch ild re n were born to th is union. In 1967, M cC oy received a M aster’ s de­ gree in Social W ork (M S W ) from Portland State U niversity In 1969 she received her A C S W (Academy o f C ertified Social W o rk ­ The IRS is g iv in g late filin g tax payers a break Anyone w ho requests an extension by the deadline, A p ril 15th and are not able to pay a ll the tax owed at that tim e w ill have u n til August 15th to file th e ir returns, w ith o u t the fa ilu re to pay penalty ers) certificate in M ental Health. In 1967, McCoy directed social services o f 5%. fo r P roject Head Start in the Vancouver school system The excellent results she a c h ie v e d in th a t p o s itio n p ro m p te d frie n d s and associates to encourage her to enter her firs t race fo r p u b lic office. In 1970, she was elected to the Portland Firebombing Defendants Convicted A Salem ju ry freed Yolanda Cotton, but found Leon Tucker and P h illip W ilson g u ilty o f felony murder, assault, arson and racial in tim id a tio n The w hite defen­ dants threw tw o firebombs in to the resi­ dence o f B ria n M ock, and H attie Mae Cohens who were a m ixed couple S c h o o l b o a rd w h e re she served tw o fo u r year terms. D u rin g 1970-1974, she also taught undergraduate Sociology and Social W o rk courses at several area schools in c lu d ­ Marian Anderson Has Sung Her Last Song in g C la rk College, P acific U niversity, Port­ land C om m unity college and a term at In te r­ national College o f Cay man Isle, B n tis h . West C ontralto M a ria n Anderson died at age 96 here in Portland, Oregon. K n o w n for her famous voice and her c iv il rights involvem ent, Anderson died o f conges­ Indies. In 1975, M cC oy accepted a three year appointm ent from the Governor as State o f Oregon Ombudsman. In 1978. she was elected fo r a four year term as M ultnom ah County C om m issioncr-the first black to serve in this capacity. She won re-election to th is post in 1982. In 1984, she gave her seat on the County Board to run for Portland City C ouncil. She lost that bid but tw o years later mounted a successful campaign, w in n in g the 1986 elec­ tio n fo r M ultnom ah County C hair. McCoy was re-elected to a second term as M ultnom ah tive heart fa ilu re She was the aunt o f o u r ow n James DePricst, director o f the Oregon Sy m ­ phony. GM Asked To Recall GM Pickups Federal auto safety regulators asked G M to recall 4.7 m illio n pickups that are supposed tobe a fire hazard because o f the location o f the gas tank The autom aker contends that a study by federal regulators Countv C h a ir in November 1990. McCoy was active on boards and councils on a local, state and national level She consis­ tently participated in a ll levels o f continuing education. In 1987, she attended the John F. Kennedy School o f Governm ent at Harvard Emergency Management Contemporary Is­ sues Program in Mary land; in 1990 she par­ ticipated in an international M oral Re-arma- ment C onsultation in Caux, Switzerland and also began her tenure as a Board member o f U niversity; in 1988 she participated in an extensive Oregon State Emergency Manage­ ment workshop; in 1989 she attended a disas­ ter seminar fo r heads o f governm ent at the the N ational Association o f Counties. McCoy was the recipient o f numerous honors, prizes and awards w h ich included Oregon M o th e r o f the Year, the Oregon A s­ Rodney King Trial Causes Fear A t th is p rin tin g the ju ry is s till out Resi­ dents o f Los Angeles have been purchas­ _ ---------- - •-•I r name a few. In 1989, M cC oy established a model pro­ gram w hich prov ides human and justice ser­ vices in the C olum bia V illa Housing project located in N orth Portland Social serv ice agen­ cies are now present in the neighborhood. This has resulted in increased jo b referrals, reduced v u ln e ra b ility o f at risk youth, and the p ro vi­ sion o f recreational and educational opportu­ nities fo r residents. T h is model w ill be re p li­ ’ A’ z ' cated in other neighborhoods to revitalize liv in g conditions, enhance the potential o f • * wants a repeat o f w hat happened last year. Les Femmes exists to improve the lives o f African- American youth, while preparing them fo r life after high school NATO Warplanes Guard The Bosnian Skies N A T O warplanes arc guarding the Bosnia skies to enforce the no fly zone against the rebel Serbs. The A m erican, French and D utch pilots launched an Operation Deny F lig h t’ . T h is is N A T O ’ s firs t m is­ sion outside the perimeters o f its member nations Clinton Potpourri M a rio Cuomo asks not to be nom inated fo r the supreme court; firs t la d y’ s father dies after stroke; sends 1.52 tr illio n bud­ get to Congress; Congress looks d im ly at proposed investm ent tax credit; c ritic s d o n ’ t like the an ti-d ru g budget, cuts to national parks and wilderness cause e nvi­ ronm entalists to cry foul; C lin to n charges Republicans are threatening c h ild re n 's Jassondra Les Femmes has trained 29 h igh school A fric a n -A m e ric a n youth, w h ile preparing seniors for adulthood and is prepared to present them in th e ir 42nd Annual Debutante and them fo r life after h igh school. Students are C avalier B a ll in June Les Femmes exists to im prove the lives o f encouraged to jo in the organization as young as the sixth grade, although most jo in w h ile freshmen o r sophomores in high school A ll “Proposed Budget Emphasizes Security Innovative Service” As Tri-Met enters the first year o f Westside MAX Construction, the Light Rail Con­ struction Fund provides 38 new positions. Funds arc also available fo r engineering work. Page B I EDITORIAL HOUSING A2 A7 The leading causes of Kidney failure are high blood pressure and diabetes... “We want everyone to learn to have blood pressure checked regularly" ,savs Williams _ 6 7 Page B2 A8 and adhere to a strict code o f ethics. As a reward fo r successfully com pleting these tasks each participant is challenged at a • - . •• '•’’4 • citizens, and substantially reduce the presence o f drugs and gang-related crim e w ith in M u lt­ nomah County. Some o f McCoy ’ s accomplishments as County C h a ir included sta b ilizin g County fu n d in g and achieving the highest County bond rating ever; im p ro vin g and reorganizing Assessment & Taxation: setting higher A ff ir ­ mative A ctio n goals w ith successful results; expanding citizens involvem ent and p a rtici­ pation; increasing m in o rity participation on County boards and commissions; and creating a Campaign Management Council w hich over­ sees charitable fund raising campaigns on County premises, insuring that guidelines and standards are follow ed and that employees, who w ish to contribute to chanties through ♦V .•*< - ’«tr , On tour fo r the fourth consecutive year commemorating their 25th anniversary. 250 members ranging in ages from 8 to 18 years old W - 'f: ' S'S' payroll deduction or otherwise are given a range o f choices.Portland’ s 11th annual cel­ ebration o fth e B lack Womens’ G a th e n n g w ill feature a luncheon in honor o f M ultnom ah County Commission C h a ir Woman, Gladys M cC oy on M ay 8, 1993; 12:00 noon at the Salvation A rm y Center, 5353 N. W illia m s Ave. Sponsors o f this tribute to Gladys McCoy are: B la c k W o m e n s’ G a th e rin g , Im a n i W om en’ s P ro je ct Representative Margaret Carter, Representative A vel G ordly, The U r­ ban League G u ild , The W alker Institute, Delta Sigma Theta Sorority, L in ks. Inc and Black W om en’s P olitical Congress. • i school Each week through June, Les Femmes and the Portland Observer w ill feature three young people who were chosen as 1993 debu­ tantes and cavaliers. T h is week meet Melissa Busby (W est L in n H ig h School), A ubre’ i I set goals at the beginning to become a debutante Since then I have matured by lis ­ tening to speakers at our monthly meetings I have also learned responsibility by attending com m unity service projects. I am thankful for the new friends I have acquired I feel Les Femmes has given me a push in the rig h t direction fo r the next stage in my life Also Continued on page A3 “Vancouver unveils 10-year Annexation Plan For Urban Area” I f the entire area detailed in the ten year plan is annexed, Vancouver would grow from the states ninth to fourth largest city t A* * ‘ ■ < ^4 Rs CLASSIFIEDS B5 ■ im i * » > * * * • .s a g s Page B4 B4 B3 — * ** < —», ' •» share w ith w hy they are “ chosen". Busby— "A s a prospective debutante I have given Ix s Femmes my openness, ability to w ork w ith ev ery one and a sense o f humor VANCOUVER ENTERTAINMENT B2 .6 ,' Dickson (Benson H igh School) and Cassondra M itc h e ll (Evergreen H ig h School) who w ill Page B3 SPORTS K,-r ' Observing Vancouver “Boys Choir Of Harlem” “Portland Trail Blazers’ Buck Williams Teams Up With National Kidney Foundation” FOOD students in the program are required to m a in ­ ta in good grades, perform com m unity service Entertainment Sports MetroLife » : . > L • - ---:_« A m n n o ” f Passage ”, then presented at private fD “ Rites the form al ball after graduating from high in g firearm s, and the law officers are gearing themselves the worst. Nobody • i sembly for B lack A ffa irs P olitical Develop­ ment A w ard, The C hisholm A w ard and the C entral City Concern Com m unity A w ard to Les Femmes Presents... “Growing To ecome Men And Women...Phenomenally” shows that th e ir fin d in g s are inaccurate. • • • t “•••f,?:- Surrounded by her family, Gladys McCoy passed away on Easter Sunday after a lengthy illness Russian Blast Spreads Radiation health (im m unizations) f «./ ' M®» ■