Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 07, 1993, Page 7, Image 7

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P agê A 7
T he P ortland O bserver • A pril 7, 1993
Increase In Fat Free Products Can Help
Dieters, But Caution Is Advised
the m icrow ave w ay
(DM)—Treat-filled, decorated bas­
kets for the children are a popular
part of the Easter celebration. This
year, tuck a wrapped Hippity Hop-
pity Pop or Egg into your child’s
Easter basket. They will be de­
lighted to discover their favorite
cereal—marshmallow treats shaped
and decorated with colorful candy
sprinkles. The mixture can even
be formed into miniature candy
baskets, a unique treat idea for
birthday parties or classroom cele­
One recipe makes 12 pops, eggs or
mini-baskets. Whirlpool Corpora­
tion home economists recommend
using the microwave oven to pre­
pare this recipe. After portioning,
the individual treats can be re­
warmed, if needed, in the micro-
wave oven for easier shaping and
handling. Also, light corn syrup can
be warmed in the microwave oven
and brushed lightly over the shapes
before rolling them in the candy
Pops, Eggs or Mini-Baskets
(makes 12)
*/< cup margarine or butter
1 pkg. (10 oz., about 40)
regular marshmallows or 4
cups miniature
6 cups oven toasted rice cereal
Colored candy sprinkles or
assorted candies (for the
1. Microwave m argarine and
marshmallows at HIGH (100%) in
large glass mixing bowl for 2 min­
utes. Stir to combine. Microwave at
“ For someone who ju st has to
have cream cheese in his gelation or
B oston M ìnì MARkET
8 0 0 N .E . DEkuM
7 2 6 N .E . KilliNqswoRTk
5 0 9 N. KilliNQSWORTU
2 8 5 -1 2 4 0
2 8 2 -6 7 7 6
2 8 9 -7 4 5 0
Nu-RiTE-WAy Food C enter
91 5 N .E . A derta
5 9 6 5 N. Mississippi
1 0 6 N . B eec L i
2 8 1 -6 5 8 8
.2 8 2 -0 2 4 7
2 8 0 -0 4 5 4
you apply.
To receive expedited food stamps,
you must q u a lify fo r regular food
stamps, and you must have a m onthly
gross income (before taxes are taken
out) o f less than $150, and have less
than $100 in available cash, in check­
ing or savings accounts, in savings
certifications or in other forms. Y o u ’ re
also e lig ib le i f you rent or mortgage,
plus your u tility b ills, eats up more
than your income plus any cash on
hand. Those who are homeless, liv in g
in a halfway house, sheltci or staying
tem porarily w ith friends, relatives or
others also qualify. I f a member o f
F res M G reens & M eat
K n o u S t . CROCERy
P rescott C orner MARkET
5 5 1 0 N .E . M LK B lvd.
2 7 0 9 N .E . 7 t 1 t
1 4 6 0 N .E. P rescott
2 8 1 -0 5 5 7
2 8 4 -7 4 9 0
2 8 4 -7 4 1 8
P h illy C a Í e
M id -K B eauty Supply
B arqa I n PI ace S w ap M eet
4 4 5 N .E . KilliNqswoRTh
541 1 N .E . M LK Blvd
& M ax + KiNqs F as L hon
2 8 8 -9 5 6 7
5 5 5 -0 2 7 1
7 1 0 N. KilliNqswoRTki
K inq Food M art
2 8 7 -8 0 8 2
your household is a m igrant or sea­
sonal farm w orker, you may be e li­
gible, but only i f you have less than
$100 in the household, someone liv ­
ing there got paid the m onth before
you applied but is no longer getting
paid, and someone liv in g there is start­
ing new job, but w ill not get more than
W e AppREciATE Y our B usìness A n Ó S upport ThANk Y o u
$25 w ith in the next 10 days.
Even i f you were already receiv­
week you applied.
Some AFS offices may give you a
food stamp application form (AFS
415) w ith the date on it. Take that
ing food stamps in another state, you
can s till get expedited food stamps in
Oregon. I f you moved here before the
other state’ s supply arrived, sim ply
sign a fo rm (A FS 7261) stating you
failed to get the other state’ s stamps.
You can qu a lify in Oregon even i f the
form , but also ask fo r an in itia l contact
form (FS 472) so it can be screened for
expedited food stamps. Next, y o u 'll
need an appointment w ith a food stamp
w orker to review your application Be
sure to say you need an appointment
fo r E X P E D IT E D food stamps. They
Easter Wishes
Serious about sewice,,
f i ft rig & R o b ert
other state already m ailed your food
stamps and you haven’t yet received
them But i f the other’ state’ s stamps
do arrive, you must return them.
It sounds simple, but getting your
application through AFS takes tim e
and patience. Be firm and persistent
as you f i l l out and hand in the forms.
To start the process, turn in a com ­
pleted food stamp application, prove
your identity w ith an ID card o r a
w ritte n statement from someone who
knows you and f i l l out a w ork registra­
tio n form , unless you’ re excused from
w o rk registration. A t the AFS office,
te ll the person behind the counter you
w ant to apply fo r expedited food
stamps. M ake sure to tell i t ’ s E X P E ­
D IT E D food stamp - y ou’ re applying
for, o r your application may be de­
layed. The counter clerk should give
you an in itia l contact form (ARS 472).
M ake sure the form is stamped w ith
thal day ’s date F ill out everything at
that office, check the box asking i f you
need help w ith food stamps, sign and
date the form. When you give it back
at the counter, get a receipt. T h is is
im portant, because the five-day count­
down to get your food stamps begins
w ith the date on your application. I f
you meet the guidelines, AFS must
have your food stamps to you on the
fifth day. I f that day falls on weekend
or a Monday holiday, you must re­
ceive our food stamps on Friday o f the
Ify o u ’ rc not already getting food
stamps, you may be able to cut through
their red tape and speed up your a p p li­
cation fo r w hat are called “ expedited”
food stamps. Expedited (sounds like
ex-sp-dite-id) means speeded up I f
you qualify, A d u lt and Fam ily Ser­
vices (AFS) must get food stamps into
your hands w ith in five days o f the date
S onny Kiw, O wner
P ric e s E ffe c tiv e :
■ ■ ■ ■ S U P ÍR M A A K IT S V
than the original, she notes
habit o f eating a high fat item A more
A n empty stomach has little pa­
tience w ith bureaucracy or deadlines.
Y ou or your ch ild re n may be hungry,
and you shouldn’t have to w a it fo r a
that the microwave oven re­
heats most foods without loss of
flavor or texture? When con­
flicting schedules prevent a co­
ordinated mealtime, put an in­
d iv id u a l p o rtio n on a
microwaveable plate for the
latecomer. Cover and refriger­
ate. Then reheat, covered, when
needed. The microwave oven
becomes vour short-order cook.
label,” says Hattner
A n d the cost o f these products, at
least now, tends to be much higher
Legal Aid Part Three In Series Of
Twelve Expedited Food Stamps
wrap individual treats in clear
plastic wrap.
Whirlpool Micro-Tip
REHEATING: Did you know
“ Be aware that there are gener­
a lly many more ingredients in these
products. I f you have allergies-to sul­
fites, fo r example-be sure to read the
the fat free version a pleasant re­
minder o f more carefree eating habits.
“ But one o f the real potential
drawbacks,” says Hattner, “ is that regu­
la r users o f the products are still in the
fa t’
HIGH 1 l/i to 2 minutes longer. Stir
until smooth.
2. Add cereal. S tir until well
coated. Quickly divide warm mix­
ture into 12 portions on buttered
surface (about */» cup each). With
buttered hands shape as desired.
Roll warm shapes in candy sprin­
kles. Rewarm individual treats in
the microwave oven for up to 10
seconds, if needed, for easier
3. In se rt wooden stick s, if
making pops. If making mini-bas­
kets, mixture can be reshaped as
they cool. Cool completely. Cover
tightly. If using for Easter baskets,
available ”
Three other potential issues: the
fat free products often have higher
concentrations o f sugar than th e ir
o rig in a l versions, a m ajor concern for
same as the o rig in a l,” Hattner ex­
plained, “ especially to someone who
is sw itching cold turkey from the high
fat product. On the other hand, some­
one on a weight loss diet who has gone
w ithout cheese for years m ig h t fin d
or potentially even more unconven­
tional ingredients, such as purecd
prunes. M any products are tru ly fat
free, not sim ply lower in cholesterol or
K orean A merìcan G rocery
A ssocìatìon Of O reqon
■ B
free products appear to be a reason­
able option,” says Joann Hattner, a
registered dietitian at Stanford M e d i­
cal Center and spokesperson for the
Am erican D ietetic Association.
However, the products do offer
some trade-offs. For example, subjec­
tively they may not "taste quite the
and wisely.
In the past few years the varieties
o f products labeled fat free have
in c re a se d s u b s ta n tia lly , la rg e ly
because food companies have devel­
oped recipes w h ich can substitute
fats w ith natural gums o r cellulose,
a a - ® -,
fundamental way to make a positive
diet change w ould be, fo r example, to
substitute salsa o r mustard or sour
cream, o r a plain w arm bagel for toast
and butter. That way, you w on’ t be
tempted to fa ll back in to high fat
habits i f the fat free options aren’t
sour cream on his baked potato, the fat
Food processors have developed
a whole range o f new fat free products,
ranging from a sour cream -like con­
coction to m odified cheeses, and a
Stanford n u tritio n ist says such items
can help people lose w eight and re­
duce th e ir cholesterol i f used carefully
M dv.
T fli
w in .
t d
It pays to stick with Sentry.
We believe in rewarding our customers fo r getting
in the Sentry habit. That’s why we offer Saver Shields.
Here’s how they work: for every five dollars you spend at Sentry,
you get a Saver Shield stamp? Stick six stamps on a card, and
bang it back to Sentry for unbelievable savings on items
all through the store. Here are this week’s Saver Shield specials:
Valid A pril 7-A pril 13,1993.
should schedule you fo r that day, or
w ith in the next five days. F ill out the
food stamp application during the
appointm ent w ith the food stamp
worker. Answer a ll questions on the
form . I f you need help, ju s t ask the
food stamp w orker B rin g copies o f
any papers you need to prove inform a­
tion asked fo r on the form , but keep the
originals yourself. D o n ’ t w orry i f you
ca n 't prove everything asked for. F i­
nally, fin d out whether the AFS office
is sending your application through as
expedited. You have the rig h t to know
If, at any tim e through th is o r­
deal, the counter clerk refuses to give
you a food stamp application form or
an appointment w ith a food stamp
w orker w ith in five days, or i f you
believe you are denied expedited food
stamps when you qualify, you can do
something about it First, ask to speak
w ith the operations manager. I f you
are s till denied forms or an appoint­
ment w ith in five days, or turned down
flat fo r food stamps, ask fo r a hearing
request form. Put you name and ad­
dress on the form and w rite that you
were not allowed to apply for food
stamps On the form , also ask fo r an
“ expedited hearing.” T u rn in that form
at the food stamp counter, again ask
fo r a receipt and imm ediately call
Legal A id ’ s Welfare Rights H o tlin e at
M ultnom ah County Legal A id
Services provides legal advice and
representation to low-incom e people
liv in g in M ultnom ah County who are
having welfare problems A p p o in t­
ments may be made by c a llin g our
N o rth /N o rth e a st C o m m u n ity L aw
O ffice (on the Portland C om m unity
College Cascade Campus) at 295-
9494. For telephone advice,k call L e ­
gal A id ’ s Welfare Rights H otline at
Household Help
b y J o h n A m a n te a
Q. I own a home and have a backyard deck that's in
dire need of repair. Actually, the stairs and railings are
in the worst shape due to the lack of adequate sunlight,
I believe. The stairs are also a bit rickety and unsteady,
besides the loose railings. Can you advise me what to
A. First, I can only surmise that in addition to the
damaged areas you mentioned, the lumber is not pressure-
treated or chemically treated. However, you did mention
a lack of sunlight to some portion of your deck, and that is
to be considered as well.
Provided your stairs and railings are not decayed or
rotted, you can begin to correct this problem You should
first secure the steps by hammering additional nails into
the side beams for extra strength. Also, constructing small
cleats of wood (about six-inches in length) under the steps
and nailing in place will help.
Reinforce the railings with extra nails at the base of the
rail post and also at the top of the rail.
Now you can proceed to chemically treat all exposed
wood, if not originally pressure-treated You can purchase
a good type of wood preservative at most home decorating
centers This product serves as a primer for bare wood that
has not been sealed in any other way, such as painting,
staining or varnishing Apply your sealant liberally by
brushing and cover all exposed areas, if possible You
should recoat your entire deck annually for the best protec­
tion, because these products are formulated to seal the
surface from all types of weather.
* Oil Furnace (service)
* Hot Water Heater (discharge hot water twice a year)
* Vacuum all air ducts and vents
* Seal drafts around non-used windows in basement or
other areas with heavy gauge plastic sheeting and/or
weather stripping
* Replace any broken storm windows and repair window
frames if needed
* Complete all outdoor jobs you wanted to do before the
foul weather arrives
* * *
Send Household Help question* to John Amantea,
King Feature* Weekly Service, 235 ! a * t 45th Street,
New Y ork, N .Y . 10017.
"Does not apply to tobacco or alcohol purchases
CI9Q2 hy King Featur
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