» > * /* > ♦ F • f A pril 7 ,1 9 9 3 • T he P orh . anp O bserver P age A6 Dr. Alvin Poussaint Action For Children’s “Give Kids A Shot' Program Extends Corporate Incentives Portland Association of Teach- ers/O regon Education Association Offers Free Immunization for 1,000 Children at Multnomah Health Clin­ ics Over the past six months. Action For Children’s (AFC) “Give Kids A Shot” immunization awareness pro­ gram has rewarded 1,000 families with free shots, Tri-Met tickets and Skippers’ seafood dinners after visit­ ing Multnomah Count) health clin­ ics. AFC, in conjunction w ith the Port­ land Association of Teachcrs/Orcgon Education Association (PAT/OEA), Tri-M et and Skippers’, today an­ nounced plans to continue the pro­ gram in an effort to promote immuni­ zation of children under the age of two Incentives will be available at M ultnomah County Health Clinics. "PAY/OEA. Tri-Met and Skip­ pers' generosity has helped begin to raise community awareness about childhood immunization, bat the sad fact is that over 7,000 children under the age of tw o in Multnomah County are still not adequately vaccinated,’ stated Rich Cohen, president of Ac­ tion For Children. “Childhood dis­ eases such as measles, mumps, ru­ bella A(Gcrnian measles), tetanus (lockjaw), diphtheria, pertussis (whop­ ping cough), and polio should no longer be part of a child’s life.” Tri-Met supports AFC’s "Give Kids A Shot” program by providing round-trip tickets to offset the trans­ portation cost to the county clinics. Skippers’ Seafood & Chowder House Restaurants rewards each caregiver with a free meal and child's treat for taking this step toward better health And free vaccinations are made pos­ sible through a donation from the Portland Association of Teachers/ Oregon Education Association. According to Dr. TomOlsen.past president of the Oregon Pediatric Soci­ ety and member of Action For Chil­ dren Advisory Board, every effort should be made to confront the prob­ lem of children not receiving their needed vaccinations. For example, Latex Gloves May Cause Allergies, Expert Warns from 1989 to 19951, 55,000 Ameri­ cans caught measles because they had not received adequate immunization. This impacts not only the health of our children but also the cost of medical care in the United States. The United States Department of Health and Hu­ man Sen ices (HHS) cites a ratio of $14 in long-term medical savings for every $1 spent on immunizations for measles, pertussis and hemophilus influenzae type b (Hib) vaccinations. Action For Children, Inc. (AFC), founded in 1992, is an independent, multicultural grass roots political ad- vocacy rights groupbased in Portland, Oregon. Its board of directors is com­ prised of adults and children who are chartered to promote the needs, aspi­ rations, and rights of youth at every level of government The “Give Kids A Shot" program is their first mobili­ zation effort For further information regarding Action For Children, or to become an active member, contact Action For Children, P O. Box 12027, Portland OR 97212; 503-288-6009. Nutrition Facts Serving Size 1/2 cup (H 4 g ) Servings Per Container 4 A m o u n t Per S erving Calones from Fat 30 C alories 90 The latex rubber gloves used with increased frequency to protect health care w orkers, emergency personnel or family members from infection may pose risks o f their own, warns a Stanford University allergist. Dr Abba I. T en, clinical profes­ sor of medicine, says that a small but undetermined number of people are allergic to latex and may suffer symptoms ranging from swelling of the hands to hives to respiratory difficulties if they use latex gloves. The federal Centers for Disease Control began tracking reported cases of latex allergy in the spring of 1991. T e n says that physicians appear to be seeing an increase in the number of such latex allergies, since they have been used more frequently in the wake of the HIV epidemic “It may not be instantly apparent what is causing the allergy, so it’s important that people who use these gloves alert their physician to that fact if they develop any allergic symp­ toms," says T en. Unfortunately, avoiding latex gloves can be a bit troublesome Alter­ native non-latex gloves may be expen­ sive and may not offer the same high levels of touch and conv enience, says T en But happily, he says, the symp­ toms usually go away quickly after the gloves are removed. O f course persistent symptoms may require medical attention and could be the sign of a more complex allergy or another problem. T en says. % Daily V a lu « ’ 5% To tal Fa t 3g 0% Saturated Fat Og 0% C holestero l Omg 13% S od ium 300mg 4% To tal C a rb o h y d ra te 13g Sugars 3g P ro te in ¿g Calcium A The family is the unit that shapes the choices each of us make in our lives. If the choice is a career and a family, today’s demands on the indi­ vidual are unprecedented. Two-ca- rcer families, increased competition in the workplace, and the desire for a healthy and integrated family life all compete, with all-too-common re­ sults: divorce, violence, neglect. There has been a dramatic increase in stress-related illnesses in recent years, an ominous trend that shows no sign of decreasing. Author, psy­ chiatrist, educator and respected so­ cial critic Dr. Alvin Poussaint can help show you how to balance these and other important issues to avoid burn-out...and build positive solu­ Pregnant Women Have Special Needs 12% Dietary Fiber 3g Vitamin Dr. Alvin Paussaint the Judge Baker Children’s Center in tions for the future. From stress to interpersonal com­ Boston, and has serv cd as a consultant munication, from affirmative action to the Department of Health and Hu­ to family dynamics. Dr. Poussaint is man Resources as well as for Congres­ recognized as one of the country s sional hearings. He is an Associate lop authorities. He has worked with Professor of Psy chiatry and Associate corporate managers on the origins Dean for Student Affairs at Harvard and management of stress-related Medical School Dr. Alvin Poussaint attended work issues. In addition, because of Colombia and receiv ed his M D from the shortage of labor in many re­ Cornell in 1960. He took post-gradu­ gions, hiring managers are selecting a te tr a in in g at the U CLA from a much more diverse pool of Neuropsychiatric Institute, where he workers As a result, managers are confronting the unique problems of served as Chief Resident in Psychia­ supervising a staff composed o f highly try in 1964-65, pursuing research. From 1965-67, he w as Southern Field varied races and economic back­ grounds. Drawing from both a physi­ Director for the Medical Committee cal and psychological perspective of fo r H um an R ig h ts in Jack so n Mississippi, providing medical care human interactions, Poussaint offers to civil rights workers and aiding in insights to the manager on how to the desegregation of health facilities draw out the best in each worker. He is particularly helpful to those who feel throughout the South In these times, television wields they are member of out-groups, who an enormous influence. Dr. Poussaint feel they do not fit easily into tradi­ was retained as a script consultant to tional organizations. one o f th e m ost p o p u la r and Dr. Poussaint joined Tufts Medi­ groundbreaking shows on the televi­ cal School faculty in 1967 as director sion, the Cosby Show and later, A o f the psychiatric program in a low- D ifferent W orld. Dr. Alvin Poussaint income housing project. He developed is an adv ocate and influence for more a strong interest in community psy­ responsible network programming. chiatry and race relations, particularly Today, the juggling act of bal­ in the psychological impact o f racism ancing home and career is an espe­ on the Black psyche, in 1969, he joined cially treacherous one. Dr. Alvin Harvard. He is the author of the ac­ claimed W hy Blacks Kill Blacks and Poussaint offers creative solutions to co-author of B lack C hild C are. He is some of today ’s most challenging on the staff of child ren ’ s Hospital and problems. 80^ • Vitamin C 4% • Iron 60% 4% •Percent Daily Values are based on a 2,000 calorie d e t Your daily values may be highe or lower depending on your calorie needs Calones Total Fat less than Sat Fat less than Cholesterol less than Sodium Less than Total Carbohydrate Fiber 2,000 2,500 65g 20g 300mg 2 400mg 300mg 259 80g 25g 300mg 2 400mg 375g 30g Calories per gram Fat 9 • Carbohydrates 4 • Protein 4 To Your Good Health: A Mental Health Moment Pregnant women need to take special precautions against electric shock, warns an emergency medicine expert from Stanford University Hos­ pital. “Unborn children appear to be very vulnerable to electric injury and to be checked immediately by an ob­ stetrician even if the mother feels fine immediately after a ‘jolt’ from house­ hold (alternating current) electricity,” explains Dr. Robert L. Norris, assis­ piUlL’bMJi of ui auigvij tant professor surgery (emergency medicine) at Stanford University. The amniotic fluid, the liquid in the uterus that surrounds the fetus, appears to be an excellent conductor of electricity. Therefore it’s quite pos- sible that an unborn fetus can sustain extensive injury or even death from a level of current that leaves the mother unscathed and feeling fine, explains Norris, who serves as associate direc­ tor of emergency services at Stanford University Hospital. Although extensive research on /v.u.vut,.. topiC of electrical injury to fetuses has not been conducted, Norris says discrepancy between the relatively jow level of pain or ill effects experi- enced by the mother and high risk to q ic fetus makes it important to be watchful and seek medical attention if an electric shock does occur F o r At»/.-rem/tx A dvertise in the O bserver Crime, Genes, Federal Grants And Your Health Concluded hoods—and schools Some be leagured derstand the protocols for screening and treatment Throughout the dis­ Now, how did all that get mixed citizens have even remarked on a suc­ cussion, there was a constant refer­ up with “COMMUNITY POLICING? cessful use of this type law enforce­ ence to an “Action calendar” in re­ pecially noticeable in a child who by those around the child will allevi­ BY RAY EAGLIN If you have been following this series ment in England and Japan But all of spect to prenatal, infant and child­ ate some of his tensions. leaves home for school, and who asso­ this tentative approval is almost uni­ Fear and worry. Emotional young Successful achievement and en­ of articles, you know very well how versally combined with certain reser­ hood intervention (state laws and pro­ children bom of feelings of insecurity ciates with many different people out­ this situation has come about. There joyable activity have positive ten­ side the home, unless he has been vations, not only emphasized here the cedures differ). usually represents the basis of serious sion-reducing value. Worry is over­ have been alarms sounded from not Now, regarding that “Fascinat­ maladjustment. No matter what the prepared gradually by his parents or only the black media and universities past month, but bom of a long-term ing Japanese Sickle-Cell Anemia Sur­ come to the extent that a child and or racial experience. It was the Arabs age of a person he or she needs to be guardian or a love god for entrance adult engages in meaningful activity (Howard, Southern), but also a “few” who warned of what to expect if you vey” . What is really “fascinating” is reasonably secure in relations with into this new and larger world w hich diverts -his attention from the members of the white science estab­ He may dev elop fear of the police, ever let the camel get his nose under the fact that such a broad-scale, ini­ other people and able to handle situa­ cause of the worry. If the worry state lishment. However, this latter group, the landlord, a store clerk, the post­ the lap of the tent—The FBI and tially highly-publicized venture by the tions and conditions that constitute arises out of an actual problem situa­ except for those previously cited, has most reputable and well-intentioned man, the bus driver, his teachers, of his day-today life pattern. Otherwise, COINTEL PRO? tion, an attitude of willingness to joined with the criminal justice sys­ his class mates who appear to be better In a somewhat lighter vein (just a scientists should suddenly have been he may retreat from what can be con­ meet and solve the problem is help­ tem in a frantic and outrageous effort adjusted than himself, or of failure in little bit) I have put together an alter­ aborted-dropping from sight like the sidered normal activity If the fear and ful An individual's worry can be to make up for the nationwide short­ Titanic. Originally , the screening was class activities. It is only as he is worry become too intense, the indi­ fall in funds which threatens jobs, native criteria to be used in screening to have covered certain populations of alleviated or eliminated if he/she: helped to find a place for himself in his for CRIMINAL GENES among popu­ vidual may lose contact with reality. (1) Thinks through a possible institutions and programs at every lations that have “dem onstrated a Southeast Asia and some Pacific Is­ Reality being that amount of peace environment that these fears can be level. A new battle cry “Minority solution to the problem. successfully overcome. Worry is not knack for wrongdoing” : Congress land, and then move “westward” to and justice one may be likely to find in (2) Gathcrsconsiderabledatathat Health.” the borders of a “Middle East” popu­ an inner city that never sleeps with aroused by an direct stimuli such as It should not be surprising, there­ people who write bad checks, savings helps find the solution to the prob­ lation whose blood had already been found in the child's immediate physi­ and loan executives, Junk bond sales­ both eyes shut. for, that we find the more enterprising lem. F e a r-it’s causes and expression. cal environment? But rather arises out men, Lobbyists, Ku Klux K ian mem­ screened by westerners (this latter (3) Face the worry , evaluate it’s members of the law enforcement com­ of an imagined fear of a possible un­ bers, skinheads, brutal policemen, Irish population definitely had the Sickle- Children are susceptible to the arousal causes, and remove the causes if pos­ munity, joining with physicians, psy­ pleasant experience terrorists, Sicilians, Serbs, roofing and Cell gene, from North African to the of fears that may be real or imaginary sible, and (4) Co-operate with other chologists, geneticists, sociologists, Therefor, worry is not found in Fear arousing stimuli vary widely in siding salesmen, used car dealers, etc. other populations surrounding the people in the avoidance or elimina­ educators, anthropologists and politi­ very young children The child must their form and in their effect on the You can see how stupid and ri­ Mediterranean Sea and Persian Gulf). tion of serious, worry-arousing situa­ cians in a concerted effort to tap the have matured sufficiently in his men­ Circa 1978-79. developing child What to the secure gold mine of federal funds provided by diculous a genetic approach to law tions. Undoubtedly, you readers have tal abilities for him to imagine things enforcement can bccom e-and how chid may be just one of his many new No matter how disturbing fear Dr. Louis W Sullivan’s half-billion reached the same conclusions that I immediately present in order that he dangerous when a legitimate process experiences may to another young may be at times, it remains an impor­ dollar “Health Initiative". Nor should did about the source and kind of pres­ be capable of worrying. Worry affects allows itself to be infiltrated by some person constitute an intolerable situa­ tant and desirable human experience it be surprising that I reported here on sures that would have been brought by of the same genocidal fraternity that tion from which he feels himself driven every one to one degree or another. It unless it takes on the characteristics 3/31/93, “Sickle Cell Anemia Scan­ introduced racism into the interpreta­ western nations to halt such an “em­ to retreat A chid tends to reflect the deals with a past experience or with of a phobia, (pathological fears, irra­ ning Sidetracked” Funds Diverted To tion of IQs and the formulation of barrassing “ screening process This fears of his elders As the adult gives something that is being done at the tional). A certain amount of fear is Screen For Black Crime Genes’” . opposition would have come from evidence that fears do exist he may present If the circumstances that It is in the context of that latter immigration quotas. Be sure to read necessary for protection from harm­ caused it are removed, the worry dis­ “The Mismeasure of Man” by Ste­ beyond groups like these Jews who arouse in the child ev idence that the ful elements in the environment. concern in particular, that I wrote appears. Our neighborhood child ex­ phen Gould It is frightening to realize opposed the massive “Tay Sachs-car- fear is rational. When a child’s behavior is so condi­ several existing W ashington agencies periences worry if or when he devel­ how many of our most highly edu­ rier” gene screening that began in the It is in this manner that many- tioned that hc/shc bcccmes cautious, involved w ith A frican A m erican ops an attitude or inferiority or a feel­ cated and respected professionals can U S. in 1971 to detect a disease mostly childhood fears are developed, such as it is probable that fear of consequences health issues, and just got off a letter ing of personal inadequacy or of util­ descend to the level of Hitlers Naz.is- found am o n g F a st E u ro p ean fear of storms, high places, death, is basic to the development of his to black congress woman, Cardiss ity, or if he believes that he lacks -driven by greed, grants and garnish­ Ashkenazi Jew s and their descendants. teachers or the night. The more imagi­ cautious attitude Failures and disas­ Collins (D 111). She recently, won ap­ preparation for the solution of a prob­ ments (and need for prestige among The Japanese screening would have native the child is and the less experi­ ters have been avoided or prevented proval for a “Federal Office on M inor­ lem with which he is faced Worry peers). “Ethnic Cleansing" is not a destroyed the increasingly shaky pre­ ence he has in out-going play activi­ through such conditioning. The ef­ ity Health" from the House Energy sumptions about a “European iden­ ties with peer groups, the more sensi­ results from the dread of meeting situ­ foreign concept fects of socializing influences upon a and Commerce Committee. Again, tity” for the developers of civilization There seems to be some resur­ tive he is to possible fear-producing ations for which the child or older child show themselves in his/her de­ within that same context, you may and culture Reenter African Genes. gence of national media interest in stimuli, darkness, unusual sounds, and person feels unprepared It represents veloping fear of loss of prestige or also wish to get a copy of the follow ing Once again Sickle-Cells may have a kind of imaginary fear of things that S ic k le -C e ll A n em ia; p ro b ab ly similar situations and conditions may loss of recognition of his capability or book: “Technologies For Detecting saved the African. Not from malaria probably never materialize prompted by that growing awareness so stimulate his imagination that he achievements Interpreted in this way, Heritable Mutations In Genes", No A child cannot be talked out of his this time, but from insidious attempts becomes lost in a m ental world, 1875343, $9/98.2 50shipping. Barnes among African Americans of the in­ fear may serve as a opus to greater to banish him from his proper role in fears nor will adult ridicule of his fear credible bumbling we described last p e o p le d by activity. Tobe motivated to do well or and Noble. 126 Fifth Ave. N Y., N.Y. the historical scheme of things "God help him over come it. Trying to rea­ fishheads.robbers.ghosts.and other 10011 (published by a FEDERAL task week It is not as strong as it should be to be well liked indicates a positive, works in mysterious ways!” Go back son with the child, in and of itself, will yet. but Sunday afternoon on “Family “supernatural" agents of evil or harm force-arc you surprised?) and read them again-A nta Diop. The not eliminate fear To show by per­ wholesome attitude based upon fear to him self In all my exchanges with readers Practice Update’ , this disease was components If you think your young African Origin of Civilization; J.S sonal example that the fear is un­ discussed by two experts. Dr Felix He maybe in constant dread of the child is worried or expressing exces­ and others, 1 find little opposition to Feldm an and Dr M elvin Gerald Rogers, Sex And Race. I A. II. Also, founded may or may not meet with loss of a beloved parent or friend, the sive fear at one or many things con­ “Community Policing” as such The (black) Both emphatically cited a Chancellor Williams. The Destruc­ loss of a job or the inability to find one, success The development of certain tact your family doctor, or the local residents of both African American pressing need on the part of inner-city tion O f Black Civilization, Bernal, o f an accident or of personal in-effec­ skills often aide in preventing and mental health organization in your and White communities arc desperate Black Athena I & 11. tiveness A feeling of inadequacy and overcoming unreasonable fears In a to gain security in their ncighbor- parents and physicians to better un­ area consequent fear reactions may be cs- time of crisis, the display of calmness BY PROFESSOR MCKINLEY BURT A #, 4 f 4 f .f. A4.« « t \ A ». ¿