Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, April 07, 1993, Page 5, Image 5

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Join Other Portland Homeowners
with Neighborhood Pride!
» , 1.
H o m e improvement loans are available in Piedmont, Woodlawn, Concordia, Sabin, Eliot,
Boise, Humboldt, King and Vernon neighborhoods. At 0% , 3% and 6% interest, depending
on your income - these are probably the best rates in town. You may qualify to borrow up to
$12,500 from the Portland Development Commission (PDC) and show your neighborhood
pride by making your home and neighborhood an even better place to live.
W e’ll Show You H ow
Y o u r chances of qualifying for one of these City loans are good if you own your home, need
city-approved repairs or improvements, and have a qualifying income.
Whether you're just dreaming of
owning a home or you're ready to
buy. Hirst Interstate Bank would like
to show you how.
Because at Hirst Interstate, we re
committed to revitalizing our neighbor­
hoods througli home ownership. And.
through our Community Lending
Center, we place a special emphasis
on first-time home buyers.
The Community Lending Center
offers potential homeowners a step-
by-step approach to buying a home.
We ll help you put together a plan to
realize your dream of home owner­
ship. We ll focus on finding the loan
that best meets your needs and then
assist you throughout the home
loan process. And we ll provide
information and support after your
home loan closes.
We also sponsor community
seminars on home ownership.
And if you already own a home
we can help, too. We ll show you
how to use the equity you’ve built up
in your investment to make home
improvements or repairs.
So when it comes to any aspect of
buying, owning or maintaining a
home, call Hirst Interstate. We re
here to show you how.
Community Lending C enter
5730 NE Martin Luther king, Jr. Blvd.
Portland, Oregon 97211
Phone: 225-3751
Before and after phc
First Interstate Bank
to 5 p m. Remember, City funds are limited for this program, so call
today to begin enjoying the benefits of your home repairs.
r r r r r r r r r r r
PDC is the City's agency for urban renewal, housing and economic development. The
home repair loan program is funded through a federal Community Development
Block Grant administered by the Bureau o f Community Development.
Oregon Receives $1.1 Million To Train
Dislocated Timber Workers
ucts industry.
T hese funds are being m ade avail­
able through the Job T rain in g P art­
nership Act and w ill prov ide em ploy­
ment and training scrv ices to w orkers
in Jackson, Josephine and Lane coun­
Typically, the services a n d train ­
ing include: basic skills training, job
search assistance, counseling, career
planning jo b developm ent and place­
ment services, on -the-job training
and classroom train in g
‘T hese additional funds to re­
train dislocated tim ber w orkers offer
hope for som e w ho w ould otherw ise
face an even m ore uncertain future
The O regon Job training P artnership
These sales would have totalled 2 to 3
billion board feet.
It has been estim ated by econo­
m ists that the set-aside o f66,000 acres
for spotted-owl habitat will cost be­
tw een 3,240 and 7,400 direct tim ber
jo b s T he added pressure o f the endan­
gered species legislation hastens the
overall industry jo b loss that began
w ith the shrinking o f the housing
m arket in the early 1980’s. In the
recent years, O regon has experienced
forest fires brought on by seven years
o f drought. From 1991 to 1992, O r­
egon lost 2,000 saw mill jobs and 1,900
logging jobs.
About 25,000 jo b s in the state
w ill be affected either directly or indi­
rectly. A lthough m any o f these w ork­
e rs w ill be reab so rb ed in to the
econom y, they will experience sub­
stan tial dislocation an d individual
To Train Applicators
(Under Supervision-
Fully Guaranteed)
To Install
NEW 1993
Vinyl Siding
SEEN'' Financing
ON TV ^ Q .A .C .
Celebrate Easter April 11
Machanical • Civil • Structural Steel • Welding • Electrical •
Reinforced Concrete • Masonry • Prestressed Concrete •
Plumbing • Building
Are in demand for local construction projects in the Portland
area, But these position require City of Portland and ICBO
certifications before you can apply for those rewarding jobs. If
you are interested in becoming a certified inspector and
qualifying for these rewarding positions on the up coming
construction project:
Oregon Arena i Project
Westside Lightrail
Then contact Certified Technical Consultants Services, at (503)
288-9717 for information on training classes and certification
C ertified T echnical C onsultant S ervices
Neighborhood Housing Preservation Office at 823-3400, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m.
act program has brought over $10
m illion to O regon in the last four years
to help dislocated lum ber and wood
products w orkers transition to new
occupations and new lives,” said Jon
Jaqua, interim director o f the O regon
Econom ic D evelopm ent D epartm ent.
O reg o n 's lum ber and wood prod­
ucts industry has suffered a m ajor and
rapid decline due to several factors.
A m ong these are the proposed N a­
tional Forest P lans an d the recovery
plan for the spotted owl, w hich was
added to the list o f threatened and
endangered species in July 1990
A ccording to U S. D istrict Judge
W illiam Dwyer, 400,000 acres o f owl
habitat already have been lost to log­
ging in the last seven years. On May
23, 1991, Judge Dwyer ordered that
171 proposed sales o f U S. Forest Ser­
vice tim ber resources on 66,000 acres
be shut down for the next two years
I f you have questions, or would like to find out if you qualify for a loan, call PDC’sEastside
U S. Secretary o f L abor Robert
Reich has approved a grant o f $ 1.1
m illion to the state o f O regon to serve
w orkers dislocated by closures and
layoffs in the lum ber and wood prod­
o f a success 'u / home ren a,r loan project — one more family showing neighborhood pride.
O peration Rescue kids
3511 HE. 74th Portland, OR 97213
City, Residents
To Release N.E.
14th Place
Survey, Sponsor
Clean-Up Project
City officials and neighborhood
leaders held a news conference to
release the results o f a survey that
asked residents to ev aluate traffic d e­
vices designed to discourage drug ac­
tivity on Northeast 14th Place.
The group gathered at N ortheast
14th Place and Alberta. Speakers in ­
cluded City Com m issioner Earl Blu­
menauer, North Precinct Com m ander
Roberta Webber, and Laura Sabatino
o f the Northeast 14th Place Block
1 4
Following their remarks, a B u­
reau o f M aintenance crew and other
w orkers finished a special clean-up o f
Northeast 14th Place It is now the site
o f a one-year pilot project that is using
street closures, a speed bump, and
other traffic m anagem ent devices to
discourage auto traffic associated w ith
drug activity.
W h o le s a le to th e P u b lic 3 5 % to 5 0 % o ff
Operation Rescue Kids needs your help! Opera­
tion Rescue Kids is dedicated to taking homeless
youth off' the streets and providing them with a
warm bed, food, education, employment counsel­
ing and other much needed help To contribute,
drop off non-perishable food items at one of the
churches of Scientology at 328 SW Washington, or
709 SW Salmon, Portland. For more information,
call Angie at 228-0116. Operation Rescue Kids-
reclaiming the youth of America.
ro c
H u m a n H a ir 1 6 " f r o m $ 1 5 . 9 5
braiding and weaving
W ig s a n d B e a u ty S u p p lie s
We will meet or beat
anyone’s prices.
Sales and Prom oüonal itoms excluded.
Mrs. C’s Wigs and Beauty Supply
707 N.E. Fremont
Portland, Oregon 97212
(503) 281-6525
Open: 11:30 - 6:00 Tues thru Saturday
Quality Engineering, Assurance, Controls <t Inspections
P O Box 2786 • Portland, Oregon97208-2786 • Phone A FAX (50J)288-97l7
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