I m P ortland O bserver P age A 4 Ley L6RG(T Wigland APRIL One of the Northwest Largest I >¡>1 i. Wigs und Llairpieees I or all Nutionulihc SUNDAY E va G a b o r N a o m i S im s R en ee oe P a r is Synthetic & 1 lu man H air For Braiding & Weeving J W EDNESDAY TUESDAY HALLELUJAH CHORUS SAT • APR 10 • 6 8PM SAT* APR 3 «6-8 PM nOBUTl TO STtVlf UT «1XM jlW WtSl B&N0 DAMAGE POETS T H E S H IM S MATT’S BAND N e a r L lo v d C e n te r 282-1664 J AV/; ■.ur? DUB SQUAD LABANSKY DUB SQUAD 7 SOLAR CIRCUS MADDHATTER CRAZY 8S 8 9 IRENE FERRARA TROPICAL BAND 10 BODY & SOUL RECORD RELEASE 15 T H E boy ,3PMA 14 ON 'jlM M E S ' OTHER A WOLFFS DOLPHIN PEOPLE band SHOWCASE CABARET 22 21 [20 18 jlNt WtSI TARIKA SAMMY NATIVE CRAZY ALL NIGHT band OF MADAGASCAR SUNS 8S COWBOYS 29 28 27 FU N K jlNt MESt NATIVE THE 2 wolffs JUDY SUNS band SHIM S CABARET S a tu rd a y 10 - 5:30 p m N .E . B ro a d w a y MONDAY BROS. OF THE BALAOI C H R IS H IA T T a C O LD S H O T M o n - Fr. 10 a. in. - b p.m. 1105 “ IK O H It Al. B R E E /I S AND KOMANCL 16 17 C U R TIS SALGADO & TH E STILETTOS WITH DAVE STEWART BAND NO DELAY BAND JIM MESI BAND___ 31 30 A N D Y JON KOONCE * THE GASHOGS S T O K E S COWBOY ANGELS BAND GOOD HOOD. GOOD DRINKS. GOOD MUSIC, GOOD PEOPLE V V r. Public Service Announcements For Teenagers To Be Aired ■ Leadership Conference Scheduled “Developing Community' Lead­ ership,” a program focusing on lead­ ership traits, skills and opportunities, will take place on Saturday, April 3, from 8am to 5pm in the Smith Memo­ rial Center at Portland State Univer­ sity. This conference features Portland City Commissioner Gretchen Kafoury, Police Chief Tom Potter, Ron Hern­ don of Albina Head Start, founding president of the W omen’s Foundation of Oregon Sharon Gary-Smith, and many other respected Oregon leaders. Following a morning panel dis­ cussion with these leaders (moderated by Oregon State Representative Bcv Stein), participants w ill meet in small groups w ith one leader to discuss lead­ Benchmarks” as detailed in the 1993 report to the legislature from the O r­ egon Progress Board. According to the Oregon Health Division, the 1991 pregnancy rate for teenagers was 19.3 per 1,000 females ages 10-17. Oregon’s goal is to reduce the pregnancy rate to 8.0 by the year 2000. 8,233 girls between the ages of 10 and 19 were pregnant in 1991. We are working to prevent teen pregnan­ cies. Teens will be advised to call 1- 800-SAFENET, the statewide health information and referral hotline for women, children and teens Parents Most Oregonians are surprised to can receive a free booklet, to help them talk to their children about sexu­ learn that the tax on beer is less than ality, by calling the SafeNet Hotline. a penny ($.0084) a bottle or c a n -a n d that the tax has remained basically unchanged since 1975, the year that Bob Straub became governor. That is why Oregon has the low ­ est p;rice for a 6-pack of beer ($3.69) D r iv e T h r u of the West Coast states. Only six W arm atmosphere states hav e low er beer taxes than O r­ G reat H o m e C ooked Food M eals egon, and most of those states also C on ven ien t C a ll ahead For D rive T h ru W in d o w levy a sales tax. In fact,Irecentlysaw al2-packof Blitz-W einhard on sale($4.09) priced lower than a 12-pack of Coke ($4.39) Breakfa.nl Lunch D in n er or A & W Root Beer ($4 59)., also on O p en 6:00am to 10:00pm M -S sale. Gov ernor Barbara Roberts is pro­ Sun 8:00am to 9:30pm 2 4 9 TONI posing to increase the tax by a nickel a drink on beer and wine (that is, by 5 cents on a 12-ounce can or bottle of beer). mav contact The Health and Lifestyle The proposal would raise $75.7 Active Parenting Center, 645-4864. million, w hich would plav some of the Focus Of Class In an effort to reduce teen preg­ nancy in Oregon, three organizations have joined together Oregon Health Division, Planned Parenthood of the Colum bia/W illam ette and Oregon SafeNet. They have produced two tele­ vision and radio Public S en ice Announcements for teenagers to be aired in April 1993. The cast of Teens & Company, Planned Parenthood’sTheater, Group will be featured in the PSA's, giving candid responses to questions about taking responsibility for the conse­ quences of sexual activity, decision­ making, and how teens can prevent too-early parenthood The goal to reduce teen preg­ nancy is one of a group of “Urgent Alcohol Tax May Surprise You T o n i’s S o u l F ood 249-TONI Classes O ffered Wednesdays, Apnl 14 through May 19 from 8.45am to 10:45am Stress Management For Women A stress management class for women on Wednesdays, April 21 to May 12 from 7 to 8:30pm Infant massage Subject of Class Classes will be held on Mondays, April 19 to May 10 from 7 :00pm to 8:15pm. costs of alcohol and other drug abuse Specifically, it would support alcohol and dnig prevention programs for children, treatment for people on wait­ ing lists, more treatment for minori­ ties, transitional housing for recover­ ing alcoholics, assistance to children and adolescents admitted to Oregon State Hospital, and therapeutic nurs­ ery se n ices for 200 pre-school chil­ dren of mothers in residential alcohol and drug treatment programs. Cor- rections and Higher Education ser- vices w ould also benefit from some of the money. An increased beer and w ine tax shifts more of the costs of alcohol and drug abuse prevention, interven­ tion and treatment form Oregon In­ come taxpayers to users and abusers of alcohol That would save taxpayers million sin extraordinary medical , social, law-enforcement and court costs. Thank You Travel Roberts P ro v id in g E x c e lle n t S e rv ic e s For • Hotel Accommodations •Air Travel • Rail Travel •Auto Rental Travel Roberts Robert Butler Owner, Travel Roberts 3415 N.E. Broadway 503-287-1745 FAX 503-287-1752 Travel Roberts has been operating in the Portland area for 17 years. Established in 1976 through a partnership formed by Robert Butler and Roland Catlett. Travel Roberts is the oldest Black owned Travel Agency in the Pacific N.W. OF LIMOUSINE OWNERS & OPERATORS ASSN. OF OREGON lim ons? f heuti or mòro (Expires Dec. 3 0 .1W CrcdM Carda AcxepScJ z /z jr/A W P s - , ADVANCE RESERVATIONS & DEPOSIT REQUIRED (503)244-2689, Ext. 88 24 Hours-A-Day DISCOUNT COMPLIMENTS OF THE ESTABLISHMENT ON REVERSE SIDE S o n ic R c s lric lio n s Apply f t I xcln-l'-s rii.-iu llc m lip Ct G ic a lc r l ’o illjr o l Arca. j Nobody Does it Better, for Less SAFEWAY Ad Prices G ood April 7 th ro u g h April 1 3 ,1 9 9 3 At Safew ay. Tender Bone-In Smoked Ham Class Helps Men Control Stress Stress Survival Skill For men will be offered by St. Vincent Hospital and Medical Center on Saturday , April 10 Ham ilton's Shank Portion ham. Succulent, hand trim m ed of excess tat Enjoy this w onderful ham this Easter. from 1 to 5pm. For more information, persons OHS O ffers Oral History Workshop The Oregon Historical Society will sponsor an oral history workshop at the Oregon History Center on Sat­ urday, April 10, 1993. Held twice yearly, the popular day-long work­ shop is designed for the general pub­ lic, and services the entire spectrum of oral history interests and purposes According to OHS Oral Histo­ rian Dr. James Strassmaier, the semi­ annual workshop was begun in re­ sponse to widespread public interest in the techniques of initiating and conducting family history interviews The program will be presented by S tarssm aier Located in History C enter’s Madison Room, the morning session begins with registration at 10:00am The afternoon session runs from 1 30pm to 3 :30pm There will be an opportunity for individual consul­ tation immediately following the pro- ership and their own leadership abili­ ties In the afternoon, participants will apply their skills in small community problem-solving sessions. The day will end with a reception where over 40 leadership training organizations w ill be available to advise participants about other community -based leader­ ship training and volunteer opportu­ nities. This conference is the result of the work of the Portland Future Focus Leadership Action Committee. Conference admission is $ 10 and includes a boxed lunch. For more information, contact Nancy Hedin, chair of the Leadership Action Com­ mittee and executive director of the City Club of Portland, at 228-7231. $108 Fresh Ripe Strawberries Enjoy these fine berries o ver fresh made short cake or in a fresh made straw berry pie Look In The This W eek M agazine for your Safeway Shopping Guide for a complete list of specials on sale this week at Safeway! 69 Dry Pint E n j o y E x t r a S a v i n g s W it h T h e S a f e w a y S h o p p in g G u id e Available at your Safeway store.