A pril 7, 1993 • T he P ortland O bserver P age BIO In Emergency Care A A Ambulance officially intro- duced its new C ritical Unit, possibly ?lhe most technologically advanced medical vehicle in the United States, , at Emanuel Hospital & Health Center. “ It ’s virtually a surgical room on ’ wheels,** says Peter Robedeau, Presi­ d e n t o f A A Ambulance "T his new '’ C ritical Care Unit ranks our city tops in emergency medical transportation ” Over a year in development, A A ’s /C ritica l Care Unit is designed specifi­ cally to bring more timely emergency ’ services to patients. Il carries advanced equipment that is normally reserved for the hospital, allowing more care to , be done in the ambulance. "This customized vehicle allows \ i s to bring a fu ll team on transport,” .says W illiam Long, M .D , Director o f ''Trauma and Life Flight Services for Emanuel Hospital "It greatly enhances the care we can provide our patients •/during transport ^ 2 2 2 2 N.E. Alberta St. • Portland, Oregon 97211 12th Annual MASTER EGG is ÌÌZES • HORSE RIDES • Governor Seeks Federal Earthquake Assistance to public facilities. Since FEM A officials estimate that private, uninsured losses due to the quake did not reach a level that would qualify for assistance under a major disaster declaration, the Gover­ nor w ill also sign a letter to the U.S. Small Business Adm inistration seek­ ing a separate emergency declaration that would allow aid such as low- interest loans for repairs to private homes and businesses Governor Roberts also signed and executive order certifying her deter­ mination that extreme damage oc­ curred in Clackamas, M arion and Y a m hill Counties,and instructing the Oregon Em ergency Management Agency to coordinate all efforts to secure Federal or other earthquake assistance. (Steve Corson, 378-6307) After reviewing damage assess­ ments prepared by the Federal Emer­ gency Management Agency in coop­ eration w ith state and local officials. Governor Barbara Roberts has asked for federal emergency assistance due to last week’ s earthquake. “ I t ’ s clear that we were very lucky last week,” Governor Roberts said. "Damage for that magnitude o f earthquake could have been far worse. Nonetheless, state and local governments, businesses, and private fa m ilies and in d iv id u a ls did suffer substantial losses, and we need federal help to mitigate those losses.” The Governor has sought a “ ma­ jo r disaster” declaration from Presi­ dent Clinton for FEM A aid that would assist local governments w ith repairs Earthquake Hazard Maps Available To The Public G A M ES Metro and the state o f Oregon w ill have available a newly-released earth-quake hazard map and two ac­ company ing technical reports begin­ ning A p ril 1. The map outlines areas most likely to be affected during an earth­ quake but focuses only on a small portion o f the metropolitan region. That small portion—called The Port­ land Quardrangle-w as the subject o f a year-long pilot project by the O r­ egonDepartm ent o f Geology and M ineral Industries. The quadrangle is w ithin the . city ofPortland The northern bound­ ary is the Columbia River. The west­ Aprii 10, 1993 12:00 p.m. - Until ALBERTA PARK (18th & Killings worth) ern boundary is along 36th Avenue, and the so uth ern b ou nd ary is Marquam H ill and Tibbetts Street. Metro and the Department o f Geology and M ineral Industries re­ cently received $700,000 in federal funds to expand the pilot project. The two agencies expect to begin studying additional portions o f the region ad­ jacent to the Portland quadrangle w ith in the next two months. Studying the entire region depends on contin­ ued federal funding. Cost o f the map and accompany­ ing technical reports is $10, which covers a small portion o f the two agencies’ staff time and material costs. One o f the reports explains the data that went into producing the hazards map. The other report outlines the damage and loss likely to occur in a 16-block area w ith in the quadrangle during a hypothetical earthquake. The map and reports can be pur­ chased and picked up at two locations: M etro’s Data Resource Center 1881 SW First Ave. Portland, Ore. 221-1646, ext. 258 Nature of Oregon Information Center 800 NEE Oregon St. Portland, Ore. 731-4444 Thank You To All Of Our Sponsors! THE EASTER BUNNY DELIVERS So Hop O r Down to JJ’s Flowers & Gifts or give us a call at 257-3906 First Black Woman Astronaut To Lecture At Howard Astronaut Mae C. Jemison, the first African-Am erican woman to travel in space, w ill deliver Howard U n iv e rs ity ’ s F o u rth Annual Patricia Roberts Harris Public Affairs Lecture A p ril 9 at 1 lam in the audito­ rium o f the university’ s School o f business, Sixth and Farmont streets, NW. As a determined explorer o f new frontiers, Dr. Jemison w ill discuss her career as an astronaut, an in te rn a tio n a l p h y s ic ia n and a scientist. In particular, she w ill talk about w hat m otivated her, after g row ing up on C hicago’ s South Side, to become an astronaut, as well as w hat made her pursue other life goals o f being a p ra cticin g physician both at home and in devel­ oping countries in Africa. Dr. Jemison was selected for the N ASA astronaut program in 1987, and in September 1992 she was the science mission specialist on the space shuttle Endeavor’s 8-day mission, which achieved 127 orbits of the Earth, and included 44 Japanese and U.S. life science and materials processing ex­ periments. D r Jemison graduated from the Cornell University Medical College w ith a medical degree in 1981 and earned a bachelor’s degree in chemi­ 1 I I I I I I I I I I I • $9.95 I 1 Delivery available II 1 Extra charge. . J I A bright colorful i I Giant Balloon Easter Basket i J Bouquet filled w ith ! J Great fo r Easter, beautiful fresh 1 1 Birthday, Get flowers only i 1 Well, Just to say $ 19.95 | [ 1 love you cal engineering from Stanford U ni­ versity in 1977. From 1983 to 1985 she was Area Peace Corps Medical Officer for Sierra Leone and Liberia in West Africa. The lecture is in memory o f the late Patricia Roberts Harris, a 1945 graduate o f Howard, a former U.S. ambassador to Luxembourg, and the former secretary o f Health and Hu­ man services, as well as Housing and Urban Development. Past lecturers have included the current U.S. Secre­ tary o f Agriculture M ike Espy, Rus­ sian affairs expert Condoleezza Rice and Congresswoman Eleanor Homes Norton (reg. $25.00) Delivery available at Extra Charge j j J BUSINESS SERVICE DIRECTORY MOVE-OUT um tuncircK t T exas I I MOVE-OUT 1710 N.E. Alberta Portland, Oregon 97212 503/287-5145 TRANSPORTATION SER VIC E P.O. Box 1 1 0 8 4 Portland, OR 9 7 2 1 1 5 0 3 /2 8 8 9 8 4 9 T exas I 3530 N. Vancouver Portland, Oregon 97217 503/281-2936 ARCO 0 MINI-MART Nick’s Arco 7509 N.E. M L. King Jr. Blvd. A sk about our specials coke classic 4/8oz btls $1.25 30w o il $1.09 (503) 286-5303 2 8 2 -7 1 4 2 ATLAS U • Serving N.E. Portlands T Auto Needs • Certified Tech 12 yrs exp. • Domestics & Foreign • Reas. Rates M arsha Brown Brian Sims D om inique Gill finger waves • spiral sets hair care products • color perms clipper cuts specializing in ethnic hair services B e a u ty S a lo n 3609 N.E. M.L.K. Blvd. Portland, Oregon 97211 (503) 249-2925 Cleo-Lillian Social Club 3041 N. W illiam s 284-7150 1993 membership application now available $5.00 Soul Food kitchen - D.J. Wed-Sun 9:00 pm - 2:30 am open 10am to 2:30am 3 1 1 7 NE MLK • 2 8 7 -2 55 7 S w e e t ' s M ar U et M i A i- S t a Í ooc I M ai T 7 4 0 6 N. V a m ovvi 1 $5040 “ O I B IL L ” makes life easier 2. $ I 0,000 Sluderts I oan Rena vment program ITTT7J H ttp Y o u n ttf— Srrvr your Country It'i o It r rat Part-Timt Job 206-6966201 r lH ; n C a fe 287-9249 325 N.E. Russell S S fc 503/281-8696 .1 Tropicana Restaurant (503) 452-2430 3217 N Williams Avenue 317 N.E. K llllngsw orth Portland, O r 97211 (5 0 3 ) 2 8 9 -0 8 5 1 B oy S couts of A merica M ary K. Richardson D irector o f In School Scouting Mon Sat 11am - 10pm 6 5 0 0 NE MLK • 2 4 0 0 4 4 8 Serving Breakfast. Lunch A Dinner Specializing In Barbeque Ribs Beef ta x s e rv ic e V Doris1 0$ Public ^ 7 Auto Auction A Full service Janitorial Co. Licensed • Bonded • Insured • Floor M aintenance 24 • W indow C leaning Hour • Pressure W ashing Service * Janitorial Supplies • Building M aintenance 1 Going to C olliee? up to 70 cara-many under $1000 Sat. 12 noon - gates open at 9:00 am O ne on O ne 2 8 5 *4 7 5 0 BEEF it up PORK it down CHICKEN out if you want the greatest BAR B-Q in town -PUBLIC AUCTION- Q u a lity M a in t e n a n c e ii it Avi noi WHY PAY FULL RETAIL? T ax R eturns Tax Conslultant 1. Job Training — over 200 ^ x v ia lt ies 2. $2,000 Cash Bonus 3. [ eaderdup O fficer Candidale School 4 Good Pav and more' _ _ 5 Prior Service Opportunities — . ■_ nclal Representative Southwest Morrison Street Suie 1250 and. Oregon 97204 228-6645 503-222-7407 FAX Natural Flair for Hair TOWING AVAILABLE Not Going 1« Sdiool? ( lwck this Out! n A. Tarver fo r men & w om en Valerie Çurrie Your Future la Important Insurance and Investment M r. Tuna Brown, President 4 5 4 5 N.E. MLK Jr. Blvd. THINK T h e N e w E n g la n d S tu d io 1 4 H a ir D e s ig n Columbia Pacific Council 2145 SW Frount Ave. Portland. Oregon 97201 (503)226-3423 — --------------------- — N E Tues -Thus. 10:00 AM 6:00 PM Frt & Sat. 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM ----------------------------------- MXV2MOS44 1520 4 Alberta Street Blues Jam Session Every Sunday 1 5 2 6 N E A lb e r ta 2 8 8 -0 8 4 4 ill “J ot "fate Birthdays • Anniversaries C hristm as • Etc. (2 0 6 ) 8 9 6 -6 2 6 7 Addle F. Templeton 13314 SE 1 9 th S t.,# W -1 V ancouver W A 98884