»KM»»¡»»I1 »»»»»»»» i11 >-»►, » ♦ y>* V > • < T he P ortland O bserver • A pril , *■»-♦♦ » » » » » ♦ « ' P age B7 7, 1993 ft * y,r Insurance , J J _ > U ll I t l i T U l INSURANCE company PORTLAND, OREGON Dedicated to Excellence W e need people with a wide range of talents to join us as we help fa m ilie s an d b u s in e s s e s a c h ie v e fin a n c ia l, s e c u rity through Standard's products and services. Q ualified individuals are encour­ aged to apply for the following job opportunity. Tax Accountant Perform s corporate tax account­ ing functions including: prepa­ ration of corporate tax returns, financial statem ent tax accru­ als, forecasts research and analysis. Strong analytical, ver­ bal and written com m unication, organizational skills and ability to m anage m ultiple priorities required. M usthavestrong cus­ tom er service skills and a c­ counting related college degree. Previous public accounting ex­ perience desirable. S ta n d a rd In s u ra n c e o ffe rs a sm oke-free w ork environm ent and a com prehensive benefit program which includes a fam ­ ily package with child care sub­ sidy and referral service, m edi­ cal, dental, and vision insur­ ance. Our hom e office is con­ veniently located downtown and we provide a transit subsidy for our em ployees w ho take ad­ vantage of public transporta­ tion. Application deadline is W ednes­ day, April 14, 1993, at 1 pm. Business hours are 8am to 5pm and a room is available from 9am to 1pm, for com pletion of applications. Applicant packets may be picked up and dropped off before or after business hours at our guard station on level 2. Standard Plaza 7th Floor, Human Resource Office 1100 SW 6th Avenue Portland, OR 97204 Equal Opportunity Employer Educational Services Aide Administrative Secretary 808812-PCPA Portland Center for the Performing Arts 1 Full-time Position $10.81 -$13.79/H r. The Portland C enterforthe Per­ forming Arts is recruiting for one full-time Administrative Secre­ tary to perform the following essential job duties: plan and supervise work of clerical staff, receive and prioritized work re­ quests from variety of Metro ERC personnel, participate in the development and implemen­ tation of goals, objectives, poli­ cies and priorities related to cleri­ cal secretarial activities; assist in resolving work problem s; participate in a variety of duties relating to administration of a department. Performs other re­ sponsible administrative duties as required. This position closes on April 12, 1993. Applications and supplemental requirements must be received, or po st­ marked no later than 5:00 p.m., Monday, April 12, 1993. Appli­ cations and supplemental re­ quirements can be picked up at: Metro Metro ERC and the Oregon Convention Center Adm inistration Offices The Urban League The N.E. W orkforce Center 265-0393-ZO (Cascades Interpreter) Metro Washington Zoo 3 Temporary Positions (These positions will be available beginning June 2. Persons hired will work full­ time from June 2 to September 6, 1993. Salary: $7.25/Hr. The Metro W ashington Park Zoo is recruiting for three tem ­ porary positions to perform the following essential job duties: initiate interaction with groups of Zoo visitors, as well as per­ forming formal presentations to larger audiences; research and develop scripts and props for vignettes appropriate for the role portrayed; staff exhibits, answer questions, handle animals and interpret specimens and arti­ facts. Does other duties as as­ signed. This position closes on April 23,1993. Applications and supplem en tal re quirem ents m ust be received, or p o st­ m arked no later than 5;00 p.m ..Friday, April 23, 1993. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: Metro Metro ERC and the Oregon Convention Center Adm inistration Offices Metro 2000 S.E. First Ave. Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 N.E Martin Luther King Portland OR AA/EF.O Employer METRO This position closes on April 16, 1993. Applications and supple­ mental requirements must be received, or postmarked no later than 5:00 p.m ., Friday, April 16, 1993. Applications and supple­ mental requirements can be picked up at: Metro Metro ERC and the Oregon Convention Center Adm inistration Offices The Urban League Metro The N.E. W orkforce Center Metro ERC and the Oregon Conven­ tion Center Adm inistration Offices Metro 2000 S.W. First Ave Portland, OR The Urban League The N.E. W orkforce Center Oregon Convention Center 777 N.E. Martin Luther King Jr., Blvd. Portland, OR Metro 2000 S.E. First Ave Portland. OR Resumes will not be accepted The Urban League The N.E. Workforce Center Resumes will not be accepted Metro 2000 S.E. First Ave Portland. OR AA/EEO Employer Resumes will not be accepted 036-0393A-FM Finance & Administration Dept. 1 Full-time Position $10.92 - $15.36/Hr. Metro is recruiting for one full time person to perform the fol­ lowing essential job duties: monitor and track PERS eligi­ bly; complete and send forms to PERS, including periodic and annual reporting requirements, research all PERS problems; answer employee’s questions regarding PERS; write memos on all PERS issues. Performs other duties as assigned. 013-0393-SW Solid Waste 1 Part-time Position (hours will be from 3-40 per week) $8.98 - $12.64/Hr. Metro is recruiting for one part- time position to perform the fol­ lowing essential job duties: esti­ mate load volume of trucks, cal­ culate and collect fees and is­ sue receipts; prepare reports and daily deposits, collect infor­ mation necessary to insure ac­ curate billing; use computer and word processing equipment, adding machine, copier and other general office equipment, may assist in thetraining of new employees. Performs other du­ ties as assigned. This position closes on April 13,1993. Appli­ cations and supplemental re­ quirements must be received, or postmarked no laterthan 5:00 p.m., Tuesday, April 13, 1993. Applications and supplemental requirements can be picked up at: Oregon Convention Center 777 N.E Martin Luther King Portland, OR Oregon Convention Center 777 N E Martin Luther King Portland, OR Resumes will not be accepted Pers Administrator Scalehouse Technician METRO Secretary METRO Paragon Cable If you are interested in information concerning current openings with the US Army Corps of Engineers contact P. Boyland (503) 326-6971 US Army Corps of Engineers PO Box 2946 Portland Oregon 97208-2946 > *.» • - • *,* In f o r m a t io n a l A d v e r tis e m e n t Child Care Ages: All Lunch Snacks Provided Monday Thru Friday 7 A.M. 6 P.M. Call: Cherice at 284-7960 t t • • • • . •1 • . • % : • ► V-‘ S .I-t j • r. e- - * » s • ••> •••. • • ' * •-* w « - r- »■4- D e p a r t m e n t O f T r a n s p o r ta tio n Call For Bids S ealed bids w ill be received until 9 a.m . on April 2 2 ,1 9 9 3 , i fo r the p ro je cts listed below : *•3 C o u n ty C la cka m a s G rant M ultn o m a h * M u ltn o m a h U n io n /B a k e r Jackson* G ra n t Hwy. 2 6 -T im berline S ec., T im b e rlin e H w y., north of G o ve rn m e n t C am p. A .C . P a ve ­ m ent & O iling. D ick C re e k B ridge S ec., Jo h n D ay Hwy., (R oute O R 1 9), approx. 12 m iles n o rth w e st of D ayville. G rading, S tru ctu re a nd P aving. DBE G oal. P o rtla n d T ra ffic S ig n a ls (5 L o c a tio n s ) P roject on va rio u s city stre e ts in P ortland. DBE G oal. Haig S t.-T a co m a St. S ec., P acific Hwy. East, (R O U T E O R 99E ), so u th of P ortland. A.C . P a ve m e n t & O iling. O iling. S am s V a lle y-S h a d y C ove (N orth U nit), C ra te r Lake Hwy., (R O U T E O R 22), so u th of S h a d y C ove. 1) E a rth w o rk a nd D rain­ age; 2) A g g re g a te B ase; o r 3) A.C . P a v e ­ m ent & O iling. DBE G oal. Plans, sp e cifica tio n s, and bid d o cu m e n ts m ay be o b ­ ta in e d in Rm. 10, T ra n sp o rta tio n B uilding, S alem , O R 973 1 0 . P lans m ay be o rdered by phone at 3 7 8 -6 5 2 6 . F or ad d itio n a l inform ation, please c o n ta c t C o m m issio n S e r­ vices, 3 7 8-652 6. If y o u r b u sin e ss is n o t certified as a D is a d v a n ta g e d B u s in e s s E n te rp ris e (D B E ) o r a W o m e n B u s in e s s E n terprise(W B E ), please co n ta ct the O ffice o f M inority, W om en, and E m erging S m all B usiness at 155 C o tta g e , Salem , O R 97310 , p h o n e (503) 3 7 8 -5 6 5 1 . * A D B E P R E B ID W O R K S H O P W IL L BE H E L D A T T H E O F F IC E S OF K EITH C R A W F O R D A N D A S S O C IA T E S , 43 0 0 N .E . F R E M O N T , S U ITE 2 3 0 , P O R T L A N D , O R ­ E G O N , 9 7 2 1 3 A T 9:0 0 A .M . O N A P R IL 1 5 ,1 9 9 3 . À * • .«#,» » • • .* • ••• - ■' • . . . ■ :• - - ’ ■ . . • . " Eg V- • F;.- i-4? T e lo ca se t-N o rth P o w d e r Intchng. S ec., La G ra n d e -B a k e r H w y., (R O U T E U S 3 0 ), s o u th e a st of La G rande. A.C . P a ve m e n t & P rairie C ity-A u stin Jet. S ec., J o h n D ay H w y., (R O U T E U S26. b e g in n in g at P rairie C ity. 1) E arthw ork and D rainage 2) A.C . P a ve m e n t & O iling. Clerical C onscientious, detail oriented applicant with today’s office c o m p u te r s k ills (L o tu s , W ordPerfect, key stroke appli­ cations) . Can learn to be a work­ ing part of this growing televi­ sion station. No phone calls. Please send resume to Dianne Miner, KPDX TV, P.O. Box 49 Portland, OR 97207. EOE 5 • « »A.t.tAjLfe.* A ‘ Bridge M aintenance Mechanic; $15.03 per hour; apply by April 9. Property/Com m issary/Laun­ dry A d m in istra to r; apply by April 9. Equipm ent U nit A dm inistrator; apply by April 9. For 24 hour job inform ation, call 248-5035 or visit M ultnom ah C ounty E m ployee S ervices, 1120 SW 5th Ave., Room 1430, P o rtla n d , d u rin g b u s in e s s hours. Equal Opportunity Em ­ ployer Television Television technical m anager for Multnomah Community tele­ vision, the non-profit com m u­ nity television provider serving East M ultnom ah County. Re­ sponsible for M CTV's techni­ cal needs including equipm ent m anagem ent and preventive m aintenance. Must have ex­ cellent trouble shooting skills and extensive experience with TV equipment. Supervises en­ gineer responsible for com po­ Living Epistles, w orld’s largest nent repair and m aintenance. m a n u fa c tu re r/d is trib u to r o f Good interpersonal skills es­ Christian them ed shirts, look­ sential. Salary range: $18,907- ing for V.P. of Sales & M arket­ 27,602 plus excellent benefits. ing. Must have 5-10 yrs. expe­ For a p p lica tio n inform ation, rience w/proven track record. contact MCTV AT 667-7636. Com m unications and m anage­ All applications m ust be re­ rial skills preferable. Send re­ ceived by 5 p.m. M onday, April sume to: Living Epistles, 16323 26,199 3. Clark Ave, Suite B, Bellflower, CA 90706. Ja Currently accepting applications for the following positions: ★ ★ ★ Office Automation Clerks ★ Biologist (Chemical Emphasis) ★ Journey Level Electrical ★ Mechanical & Hydraulic Engineers ★ Power Plant Operator & Electricians ★ Cook ★ Deckhand (USCG Seamans) ★ Temporary Summer Jobs. M ental Health Psychiatric R ehabilitation team seeks MS, COTA, BS or equiva­ lent with 2 years in mental health for prevocational program. Ideal spot for innovative th erapist who enjoys working with people. Background in w ork therapy experience w ith m ulti-ethnic population desirable. C om pre­ hensive salary and benefits. Closing Date: April 9, 1993 Resume To: Ray Shellm ire/Program S upervi­ sor Garlington Center N/NE Community Mental Health 431 N.E. Jarrett Portland, Oregon 97211 Phone (503) 249-0066 E-O-E Minorities and Disabled are Encouraged to Apply . T r ; Multnomah County METRO Paragon The City of Beaverton is testing Cable for police officer and police re­ Are you in the m arket for a new serve officer to establish eligi Northwest Natural job opportunity and want to bility list for new positions as Gas Company learn more about the cable in­ July 1, 1993. W ritten test is A tem porary assignm ent is avail­ dustry? Here is your chance. scheduled for May 8,1993. City W e are looking for som eone able im m ediately in our Engi­ application form m ust be sub­ neering D epartm ent on a file who can jum p right in and be­ mitted by April 30 with check for Direct Sales conversion project running Arc/ com e an effective member of $7 (or statem ent indicating in ­ Representative our team by providing secre­ Info softw are on SDN w orksta­ ability to pay) to cover cost of tions. Preferred candidates will tarial support for the Vice-Presi­ Com e join the Paragon Sales exam. Applications may be ob­ dent of Operations, Technical have a minim um 1 year co m ­ Team as a Residential Sales tained at City of Beaverton Per­ puter graphic training; appli­ m anagers and su p e rviso rs. Representative. Paragon is one sonnel D epartm ent, 4755 SW ca b le so ftw a re s k ill/tra in in g D u tie s and re s p o n s ib ilitie s of the largest, fastest growing Griffith Drive. would include: set up, type, and desirable. cable com panies in Portland. Beaverton, OR 97005. (503)526- This com puter graphic position on occasion com pose letters, W E OFFER PAID TR AIN IN G , 2200. EOE M/F/D will be a term position with ben­ m e m o s , r e p o rts . A n s w e r B O N U S E S , IN C E N T IV E S , efits at Northwest Natural Gas phones and take messages as GOOD CO M M ISSIO NS, GAS Hotel Com pany with an hourly rate of n e c e s s a ry . R e ce ive , o p en, ALLO W AN C E, AND EXC EL­ Portland screen, and d istribute m ail. $13.22/hr. S w ingshift hours: LENT BENEFITS. D on't miss M aintain and update files and 3:30pm -M idnight. out on this opportunity to be­ Please identify this position when records, photocopying, and req­ com e a part of the dynam ic subm itting your resum e/data uisition supplies. industry of cable television. sheet for consideration. Only Q ualified applicants need to The qualified applican t w ould Job Information Hotline those considered will be con­ need a high school diplom a or possess a high school diplom a 220-2560 equivalent, two years of secre­ tacted. o r e q u iva le n t, ow n re lia b le Apply in person: Application deadline is April 9, tarial experience, typing at 60 transportation, and possess a M on-Tues-W ed, 9-1 1 :30am w pm R E Q U IR E D , d e m o n ­ good driving record. Sales ex­ 1993: 921 SW 6th Ave, Portland Northwest Natural Gas s tra te d a b ility to u se perience is helpful, but not re­ The Portland Hilton prom otes a W ordPerfect 5.1 and Lotus 1 -2- Company quired. If this sparks an interest Drug-Free w orkplace and re ­ 3, excellent written and verbal in you, com e and apply at 3075 220 N.W . Second Avenue quires a pre-em ploym ent drug c o m m u n ic a tio n skills, good Portland, Oregon 97208 NE Sandy Blvd, Portland. We screen test. gram m ar and spelling skills, An Equal Opportunity Em ployer offer a drug-free w orkplace. Equal Opportunity reliable and enthusiastic. Physi­ JOB INFORM ATION LINE- Affirm ative Action Em ployer Equal Opportunity/AD A Employer cal requirem ents include ability (503) 220-2434 to lift 20 lbs,'sitting 4 hours per day, standing/walking 4 hours per day. If you meet the above requirem ents and are looking for a new opportunity, please apply at:3075N .E. Sandy Blvd., Portland, Or 97232. A basic skills test will be required to verify typing, W ordPerfect and Lotus Knowledge prior to U S A rm y C o rp s an interview. W e offer a com ­ o f E n g in e e r s prehensive benefits package Portland District upon first day of em ploym ent. Chemist Equal O pportunity/Am erica Secretary Disabilities Act Employer nrm Adviser to ethnic clubs. BA re­ quired, M A preferred. Experi­ ence in cultural program m ing, stu d e n t clu b a c tiv itie s , and working in m ulticultural envi­ ronment. Salary com m ensurate with experience. A pplication deadline April 30. Send letter of intent, resume, 3 references to: ESC Search Com m ittee, VU 109, Box F-5, W estern W ash­ ington University, Bellingham , W A 98225-9106. Info. (206) 650-7271. AA/EO E. AA/EEO Employer AA/EEO Employer Police Officer/Police Reserve Officer Ethnic Student Center Adviser \ ft♦.♦% »’ 1 ■ •' ; . . I £•