A pril 7, 1993 » T he P ortland O bserver P age B 4 < A c r ip tu r e O f EJ/ìe D e e d : A i n e l i / i e y s a i d "a r n o n y t/ie m s e fu e s , ~lA)/to s / i a f i r o l l u s a w a y i l i e s io n e f r o m i l l <2 c/oor io A Tailor-Made Crucifix (Cross) [BASED ON MATTHEW 16:24-27] E ven year, the Christian church obsen es the Easter holiday by cel­ ebrating the death, burial and resurrec­ tion of Jesus Christ However, 1 wonder how niany of us really sat and thought about the profundity of this passage of scripture which instructs every Chris­ tian believer, as to the what-to’s and th e h o w -to ’s in tru ly fo llo w in g Christ. T h e re are those who ha\e got­ ten all "going-ho!” to follow Jesus and soon fizzled-out, sat with long faces and some even chose to drop out of the human ra c e - all together No matter what w e do in life, there are criteria that must be met before becoming successful in your quest W e ll-it’s no different with being a re a l, g e n u in e , d y e d -in -th e -w o o l Christian As I stated before, the mean­ ing of Christian is to be “Christ-Like” How many times have you heard the expression, “He wants the applause without the performance” or "They’re suffering from the Little Red Hen syn­ drome”? These kind-o folks want to achieve without doing the work The scripture is very explicit in its explanation on what we are to do to be Christ-like and how we are to do it. Just getting out there and smiling, shaking hands with the homeless, go­ ing to church on Sunday mornings, singing good old fashioned gospels or even going as far as volunteering to sit in s hospital every day w ith the sic k - does not make you Christ-like There is a song that says, "Jesus walked this lonesome valley. He had to walk it by himself Oh! Nobody else could walk it for Him He had to walk it by himself.” To become Christ-like, we must take up our crosses on a daily basis, not just sometime, and follow Christ. We cannot do the w ork of the world and feel that we can continue to fol­ low C h r i s t - r e ­ gardless. Be For Real! The scripture says that we must deny ourselves the world comforts. "For whoever wants to save his own life shall lose it; but whoever loses his life for my sake will surely find it. lv.25] There are some who cannot go w ithout for any reason; Yet, contend that God is pleased. Regardless. Have you ever heard these comment? “If you think I’m going to deny myself of _, you’ve got another think my coming.” “You’ve got to be crazy if you think that I’m going to short-change myselffor the likes of him ’/hcr/them.” "Regardless of what you think about me, I am a Christian.” Poor dears! To your dismay, Gcd thinks not. Every man, woman, boy or girl, who professes their acceptance into the family of God, has a cross of their own that each must carry while on their journey to the kingdom of heaven This cross is "tailor-made” especially for them Sally may be good with her hands but knows nothingabout reading and w riting; yet, God has need of her “Take up your cross and follow me!” Henry may have never married and has worked as a machinist all his life; Yet, God has need of him. "Take up your cross and follow me!” Christ denied himself so very much for the likes of us. He went to the cross for our sins” ...And he who knew no sin.” [I Peter 2:22] When we go to the tailor to get fitted for a suit of clothing, the tailor takes measurement so that this particle of clothing will be especially made for that person only. A n d -so is your cross that you must carry . It is tailor-made especially for you. If you are who you say you are, it’s about time you begin to act and live the part. “Keep alert and set your hope com­ pletely on the blessing which will be given you when Jesus Christ is re­ vealed. Be obedient to God, and do not allow your lives to be shaped by those desires you had when you were still ignorant Instead, be holy in all that you do, just as God who called you is holy. The scripture says. Be Holy because I am holy.” [I Peter 1:13-16] When we (Christian believers) are able to work the work of our heavenly father who sent us and carry the cross which has been assigned to us, then and only then will we be fitted for the sky. Until that tim c-w e are wearing shoes of sod and are going no place at all. Ntaranatha Church Presents What's Easter AU About A dramatic reenactment depicting the biblical account of Easter. A pril 11,1993 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. M aranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Free will offering accepted This program is dedicated to the memory of Gloria Golden Activities For The Week Sunday, 9 :1 5 a m Sunday School 10:30am Morning Worship 6:00pm Evening Worship Tuesday 7:00-8:00pm Miracles Choir Rehearsal Ages 4-11 Wednesday 7:00pm Mid-Week Service Thursday 6:00pm-8:00pm Junior & Senior High Open Gym 6-12th grades 7:00pm Choir Rehearsal Saturday 11:00am 1st Saturday of each month Women’s Meeting Maranatha Church 4222 N.E. 12th Portland, OR 97211 (503) 288-7241 St. Mark Baptist Church Is Sponsoring “T ir e 1 3 ili A n n u a l C h r is tia n L if e C o n fe re n c e Monday-Friday, April 12 to 16, 1993 Dr. Jot S. Hardie, H ost Pastor G u e st S peakers Rev. Charles L. Jackson THE CITY OF PORTLAND IS CORDIALLY INVITED TO ATTEND Rev. Johnny Pack IV 3:00 PM Night Speaker & Seminar Leader Houston, Texas Noon Day Speaker & Seminar Leader Portland, Oregon M inister’s Seminar, Tuesday-Thursday 10:30 AM Lay Person Seminar M onday-Friday 6:0Q PM Noon Day Service 12:00 PM Evening Worship 7:00 PM Them e: Practical Im plem entation O f Diseiplcship/Evangelism M atthew 28:19-20 Guest Choirs Singing N ig h tly "T h e Church Where Everybody Is Somebody And Christ Is A ll” 103 N .E. M orris Street • Portland, Oregon 97212 • 503-287-7457 New Azusa AT THE PIONEER SQUARE DOWNTOWN PORTLAND T he P eople ’ s C hurch SPONSORED BY 1425 NE Dekum & 15th THE NEW AZUSA CHURCH SUBJECT: (Housed in the Woodlawn Methodist Church structure.) Pastor Robert Probasco, Sr. 'THE MESSAGE FOR THE MESS-ACE' PASTOR W E N D E LL H . W ALLACE SONGS OF INSPIRATION WILL BE PROVIDED BYTHE NEW AZUSA CHOIR. INVITE FRIENDS, RELATIVE, NEIGHBORS A N D GO-WORKERS TO BEAR WITNESS TO THE MIRACLE, HEALING POWERS OF JESUS CHRIST Christian Training Center Sunday Morning Worship 9:00am Thursday Evening Bible Study 7:30pm Easier (fërerttttgs Join Us This Sunday For Palm Sunday 44 NE Morris St. (1 Block East of Williams Ave.) "The church that love is building in the heart o f north/northeast Portland. Sunday Message: Sermon For Easter Sunrise “As He Said He Would” "Seven Guarantees Easter Assures To Me" What makes New Azusa The Church That It Is? MT. OLIVET BAPTIST CHURCH • T he P e o p le ..E v e ry Sunday people who love people come from all around to worship at NACTS • The Power...of God is alive and ■- manifested in a real and tan­ gible way • T he P resen ce...o f the Lord through the ministry of the word and the manifested presence of the Holy Spirit is in every ser­ vice. Join with us in worship this Sunday at 10:45 AM Night Talk Show Every Sunday Night 10:30 to 12 midnight KPDQ 93.7 FM/800 AM Ifl Has moved Sunday seviees to Stone Tower Church N.E. Sandy Blvd. & 30th W orship Services 8:00 a.m. & 11:00 a.m. Church School 9:30 to 10:30 a.m. Bible Study, W ednesdays, 116 N .E. Schuyler 10:30 a.m. and 7:00 p.m. Wendall Walace. Sr. Paslor/Founder Radio M in is try each Sunday, 8:00 a.m. on KB M S Wednesday Teaching & Training 7:00 PM Classes for all ages Child care available A T eaching C hurch W ith A Reaching M in is try Dr. James E. M artin, Senior Pastor Church Office 116 N.E. Schuyler St. • (503) 284-1954 For Easter We Welcome You With Open Arms We Welcome You To The (G r e a te r J sh x tn t ^ fflis s ta n a r y ^ B a p tis t (fllju r tl) “Serving The Lord With Gladness” ___ _ Psalm 100:2 L.-J Sunday School 10am Morning Worship 11:05 Mid Week: Prayer & Bible Study 7pm Rev. G.L. Black I Pastor 3707 N. Williams Ave. (503) 281 -8117 Portland, OR 97227