Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 1993, Image 9

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L ife in the P ortland M etropolitan A rea
®Ije jporilanò (©bseruer
‘Reach For Success’ UO
Visitation Set April 24
E ugene— M ore than 300 people
throughout O regon are expected to
participate in the seventh annual
“R each for Success: visitation day
for 10 to 14 year-old students o f
color an d their parents, scheduled
for Saturday. A pril 24. at the U ni­
versity o f Oregon.
T he preregistration deadline is F ri­
day, A pril 9.
s p o n s o r e d by U O O ff ic e o f
M ulticultural Affairs and the O f­
fice o f A dm issions, this free pro­
gram is designed to encourage Af­
rican-A m erican, A sian/Pacific Is­
lander, C hicano/L atino and Native
A m erican students from O regon
m iddle and ju n io r high schools to
consider higlier education, according
to Marshall Sauceda, director oftheUO
Office of Multicultural Affairs.
“Reach for Success" has traditionally
been a stepping stone for students
w ho m ight not other wise explore
the option o f higher education,”
said Sauceda. “M any young stu­
dents o f color do not feel they have
th e a b ility o r o p p o r tu n ity to
pursue college. W e w ant to tell
them : ‘Y es, you can pursue col­
lege! “T h is year’s visitation day
w ill provide students an opportu­
nity to experience life on a univer­
sity cam pus As par of the hands-on
introduction to the courses and ac­
tivities at the university students
w ill touch a hum an brain, conduct
a college-level physics experim ent
and visit the UO M useum o f Art.
“ O u r program is unique", said
Sauceda, “Because we also invite
parents to participate in the day’s
events by offering them inform a­
tion and advice regarding prepara-
200 Elderly Women To Enjoy
Mother’s Day Extravaganza
M other’s Day is a special cel­
ebration for mothers, grandm others,
great grandm others, an d the families
w ho love them. Unfortunately, there
are some elderly w omen in this com ­
munity who have no family in the
area, and may spend this holiday alone.
F o r th ese w om en, V o lu n teers o f
Am erica O regon will host a special
M other’s Day fete.
O n Sunday May 9 ,1 993, V olun­
teers o f America will offer the “I Re­
m em ber M am a” Luncheon at the
H ilton Hotel. T his will be a feast to
rem em ber for 200 elderly women w ho
would otherw ise spend the day alone.
Each w om an will be greeted with a
corsage, assisted to the table by a
volunteer, and will enjoy a luxurious,
nutritious meal follow ed by entertain­
ment. T he women attend for free
T he cost o f the event is under­
w ritten by PACC Health Plans o f O r­
egon, and local businesses will spon­
sor individual tables The event will
raise funds to support V olunteers of
A m erican O reg o n ’s senior programs.
V olunteers o f America is a n a­
tionw ide social service organization
w ith branches in over 200 com m uni­
ties. Volunteers o f Am erica Oregon,
Inc. serves the community through
child care, family preservation pro­
grams, a shelter for homeless women
with children, a senior center, senior
health clinic, adult day-care program ,
residential alcohol and drug treatm ent
facilities, a shelter for homeless ado­
lescent girls, and a C hristm as Assis­
tance Program.
State Finalist In The Miss
American Coed Pageants
tion o f their children for college.”
W orkshops for parents will address
to p ic s su c h as co lle g e fu n d in g ,
adm issions options, cam pus/com m u-
n ity reso u rce s, c u ltu ra l su rv iv a l
in a diverse society, and rights and
responsibilities o f parents. Some of
these w orkshops will be offered in
Com m unity mem bers and UO faculty
will lead the parent workshops.
UO students an d faculty w ill act
as teachers, mentors, group leaders
Family Reunion
children ages 30 m onths to 7 years
will be provided on a space -avail­
able basis. Bus transportation will
be provided from central locations
in Portland. Salem and W oodburn
on a space-available basis.
For m o re in fo rm a tio n o r to re ­
ce iv e a r e g is tra tio n a p p lic a tio n ,
c o n ta c t R eb ecca P a rd o , O ffice
o fM u ltic u ltru a l A ffairs, 314 O r­
egon H all, U n iv ersity o f O reg o n ,
E u g e n e , O R 9 7 4 0 3 , o r c a ll
3 4 6 -3 4 7 9 .
and discussion facilitators for the stu­
Event registration will begin at 9am in
the Ballroom o f The E rb M em orial
U nion (EM U), 122 E. 13th Ave. Ac­
tivities will conclude by 4pm
Art O choa, a language arts teacher
and athletics coach at B onanza School
near K lam ath Falls, w ill welcome
participants and deliver the keynote
address at 10am in the EM U Ball­
T ranslators and lim ited child care for
Easter Bunny Visits Washington Square
w ith th e E a s te r B u n n y a t W a sh ­
in g to n S q u a re . H e ’ll h a v e c r a y ­
o n s, c o lo rin g s h e e ts a n d b u n n y
e a rs fo r e v e ry o n e . D o n ’t fo rg e t to
b r in g y o u r ca m e ra !
C o lo r w ith th e E a s te r B u n n y
o n W e d n e sd a y th r o u g h S a tu rd a y ,
A p ril 7 th to 10th fro m 10am to
2 p m at th e W a sh in g to n S q u a re -
N o rd s tro m C o u r t. C o m e c o lo r
M iss K ifah N elija Fluker, age 10,
daughter o f M rs Cynthia Harris &
Lance Fluker from Portland, Oregon
has been accepted as a State Finalist in
the Miss A m erican Coed Pageants,
Pre-teen D ivision to be held on May
21-23 at the Portland Hilton Hotel.
I he M iss A ineucan Coed pag­
eants is for “T om orrow ’s Leaders.” It
is open to girls between the ages of 4-
19, with goals and dream s based on
inner beauty. as well as poise, appear­
ance, and an “A ll-A m erican spirit for
family fun and friends.’ Em phasis is
placed on the im portance of gaining
self confidence, learning new skills,
learning good attitudes about compe­
tition, and setting and achieving per­
sonal goals T he pageant seeks to rec­
ognize the accom plishm ents o f each
girl w hile encouraging her to set goals
for the future.
Contestants are judged on poise,
personality, stage appearance, and
personal interview T he State W inner
will receive a cash award, crown, ban­
ner, trophy, flowers and a trip to the
N ational Pageant.
O n the state level awards are pre­
sented to the runners-up as well as in
the O ptional T alent. Speech, Volun­
teer Service, A cadem ic A chievem ent
Photogenic, M odel, Personality and
K ifah N elija F lu k er
O utstanding Program Participation
Com petitions. For additional infor­
mation on the pageant you may con­
tact: M iss A m erican Coed Pageants,
3775 E m m a Lane, Vista, California
92084, Telephone: (619) 727-9624.
M iss K ifah’s hobbies and inter­
ests include Gym nastic classes. T en­
nis for fun. M ath, and Reading are her
favorite subjects in school. She also
enjoys being assistant helper to the
Curriculum Coordinator. and the Vice
Principal o f Boise Eliot School.
N ew s F rom B ob P a c k w o o d
U .S . S e n a t o r F o r O r e g o n
Supports Legislation To Help disadvantaged Youth
may need increased training or super­
vision. “In today’s difficult job m ar­
k e t this program is an economic life­
line for people who may lack job skills
or adequate education. In 1990, nearly
6000 O regonians w ere w orking be­
cause o f the TJTC. T hat includesm ore
Oregon Senator Bob Packwood
co-sponsored a bill to m ake the T ar­
geted Jobs T ax Credit (TJTC) a per­
m anent prov ision in the tax code The
TJTC program provides financial as­
sistance to em ployers w ho hire and
train disadvantaged individuals who
than 2000 disadv antaged youth, more
than 1000 disabled people, more than
300 V ietnam V eterans--and more than
one m illion others nationw ide These
hard-w orking people are productive
an self-reliant thanks to this program ,”
said Packwood.
For the past few years, the TJTC
has been extended one year at a tim e
because o f budget constraints. T his
legislation would m ake it perm anent
Packwood is the senior Republi­
can on the Senate Finance Com mittee
w hich has jurisdiction over tax issues
Oregon Seniors Wanted!!
Oregon Senator Bob Packwood
announced that he will participate
in th e 1993 U .S. C o n g ressio n al
Senior Intern Program . Packwood
will select tw o O regon seniors to
participate in this y ear’s program,
which will be held from May 9-14,
1993, and w ill be coordinated by
P ic tu re d a re K e n a n d R o b in S m ith
T he Sm ith-W atkins Fam ily is a
family that feels that there losing a
grip on the youth o f the fam ily. In a
effort to rebuild the fam ily strength
and unity They decided to start hav­
ing family reunions on an annual ba­
sis T he Sm ith- W atkins Fam ily boast
a three generation representation w ith
the oldest family member being Evelyn
W atkins 8 0 y earso ld who isa resident
o f V a n c o u v e r, W a sh in g to n . T he
A -
youngest is S h crr’ic Smith, who is
only three m onths old o f Portland.
O regon T he Sm ith- W atkins family
will have several fund raising and
family activities to support their up
com ing reunion on July 24, 1993 at
Colum bia. Park. You may also be able
to catch them on G oing St. between
R o d n e y a n d M a llo ry . F o r m o re
infom ation contact D olores James at
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the Close-Up Foundation. Close-Up is
a n o n - p ro f it, n o n p a r tis a n c iv ic
e d u c a tio n o rg a n iz a tio n , a n d has
conducted program s for older A m eri­
cans for the past 8 years
Topics for th is year’s discussions
h a v e y et to b e a n n o u n c e d , b u t
ty p ic a lly in c lu d e issu es su c h as
healthcare. Social Security, Medicare,
and other governm ent program s of
interest to seniors O regonians selected
for the program will also meet with
Senator Packwood and his staff Semi­
nars, w orkshops and tours o f points of
interest will round out the program.
Individuals interested in partici-
pating should send their name, ad ­
dress, phone number, background in ­
form ation. letters o f support and a
b rief statem ent o f why he or she would
like to participate to:
Senator Bob Packwood
101 SW M ain Street, Suite 240
Portland, O regon 97204
Packwood Hails Approval Of Medicaid Waiver
Oregon Senator Bob Packwood
applauded the A dm inistration’s ap­
p ro v al o f th e M e d ic a id w aiv er
which will allow the state to implement
the Oregon Health Plan, and provide
health care coverage to all residents “I
am delighted that the Administration
has approved Oregon ’ s innovative heal t h
care plan We arc ready to offer access
to health care to 450.000 uninsured
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“O regon took a courageous stand
Oregonians and this Medicaid waiver is O regon decided that the current sys­
the catalyst for our program Oregon is tem that leav cs so many out in the cold in conceiving it’s plan. We d o n 't have
a beacon for American on health care is simply unacceptable The Oregon unlim ited resources We made tough
plan will expand M edicaid coverage choices to come up w ith a plan that
reform, “ said Packwood
“ In O regon right now, more than to 120.000 additional low -incom e offers solid affordable health care to
450,000 p eo p le-ab o u t 19 percent of people T he plan will cover the rest of ev eryone in our state I 'm very pleased
the state’s population~do not have the sta te 's uninsured through an em ­ that his A dm inistration has given us
health insurance Oregon cam e up ployer-based system We will extend the chance to try som ething new O r­
w ith a solution to the challenge of ■. average to the w orking poor and the egon will lead the nation in health
providing health care to those people medically uninsnrable." he continued care reform ,” he continued
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