Portland observer. (Portland, Or.) 1970-current, March 31, 1993, Page 3, Image 3

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    P age A3
T he P ortland O bserver • M arch 31, 1993
Domestic Violence
Part II OF Twelve
Coors CEO To Chair 20th Annual
Whitney M. Young Jr. Award Dinner
Coors was granted an honorary dents O rganization and is the C iv ilia n
The Los Angeles Urban League
When attacked on the street at the any o f these people, they must have Y ou also have the rig h t to file crim in a l
fro m Regis U n iversity in A ide to the Secretary o f the A rm y fo r
hands o f strangers, most people know injure you, tries to injure you, made charges against the abuser after an
1991. He also was awarded an honor­ the sate o f Colorado
enough to call the police But when you afraid o f getting badly beaten or arrest Simply call the D istrict A tto r­
Coors B re w in g Com pany has
w ill be held Thursday, A p ril 8. at the ary doctor o f Hum anities degree by
the violence hits home at the hands o f forced you to have sex The abuse ney at 248-3860
worked in partnership w ith the Urban
In addition to these precautions,
a spouse o r someone you live w ith , must have occurred w ith in the past six
H. Coors, c h ie f executive officer o f he w as recognized as a “ serv ant leader” league fo r several years, supporting
months, and you must be in im m edi­ you can also stay in one o f several
many feel there’ s nowhere to turn
B rew ing Company, w ill act as fo r his efforts w ith numerous comm u­ firs t the Urban League Data Process­
shelters w ith confidential locations
I f your partner beats up on you, ate danger o f further abuse
nity programs and sen ices, including ing Center, and now the Urban League
this year’ s dinner chairm an
Y ou don’ t need a lawyer to get a throughout the city where you and
threatens o r calls you names forces
“We are extremely pleased to have the Coors “ Literacy. Pass it O n .” pro­ M ilk e n Fam ily Literacy Center w h ich
you to have sex o r destroys your per­ restraining order. I t ’s free S im ply go your children can be safe from the
Peter Coors as our W hitney M Young gram, the N ational B lack Incentive has trained over 900 people since its
sonal things, then you are a v ic tim o f to Room 211 o f the M ultnom ah County abuser Counseling and support groups
Jr A w ard D in n e r chairm an,” says Covenant, and his appointm ent to inception.
w h a t’ s called domestic violence I t ’ s Courthouse (1021 SW 4th in dow n­ are also available in dealing w ith the
The W hitney M . Y oung Jr. A w ard
L A. Urban League President John President B ush’ s A dvisory C om m is­
not your fa u lt and your have a legal tow n P ortland) and te ll the clerk you emotional trauma suffered from do­
Mack. “ H is com m itm ent to id e n tify­ sion on Educational excellence for D in n e r is the single largest fu n d -ra is­
need a restraining order. F ill out the mestic violence.
rig h t to hav e it stopped
ing event sponsored by the Los A n g e ­
ing com m unity concerns and p a rtici­ Hispanic Americans.
A list o f the services is av ailable
Y ou can protect yourself from form s and hand them back Y ou may
Coors presently serves on the les Urban League. It supports a variety
pating in m eaningful solutions is evi­
such abuse by asking a judge to keep also ask the judge to grant you custody by ca lling The Portland W om en’ s
denced by the w o rk in g relationship N ational Industrial A dvisory Council o f com m unity programs, in c lu d in g
the abuser away from you, our c h il­ o f your ch ild re n The abuser must be C risis L ine at 235-5333.
the Urban League has had w ith Coors o f O p p o rtu n itie s In d u s tria liz a tio n jo b tra in in g and jo b placement re­
M ultnom ah County Legal A id
dren, your home, school or workplace. served by the shenfT, o r anyone 18
B rew ing Company fo r several years. Center o f A m erican (O IC /A ), and is tra in in g , education and m in o rity eco­
T h is is called a restraining order. You years o r older, w ith a copy o f the Serv ice provides legal advice and rep­
This is consistent w ith our mission to past chairm an o f the N ational Indus­ nom ic development. In addition to
can file a restraining order against an restraining ordeal Y ou cannot ser­ resentation to low-incom e people liv ­
help secure equal opportunities for tria l A dvisory C ouncil (N IA C ) Fund Coors B rew ing Company, corporate
in g in M ultnom ah County who are
abusive husband or w ife, ex-spouse, vice the order yourself.
A frica n A m erican and other m in o ri­ Raising Council o fO IC /A . Other civic sponsors for this year’ s dinner include
The abuser violates the order, the victim sofdom esticviolence. A ppoint­
and adult related to you by blood or
responsibilities include serving on the A m erican Savings, A rco, Food 4 Less
ments may be made by ca llin g our
marriage, the other parent o f your police must arrest h im o r her
Peter C oors, g reat grandson boards o f the Denver C ouncil o f the Supermarkets in c., Nissan M otor C or­
Even i f you don’ t have a restrain­ F am ily law Center at 226-7991 o r our
m in o r ch ild , a sexual partner you now
o f Coors brewery' founder A do lp h Boy Scouts o f Am erica and N ational poration in USA, Pepsi-Cola West,
live w ith or a sexual partner w ith ing order and the abuser attacks you, N o rth /N o rth e a st C om m unity Law
Ryder System Inc., The Southland
C o o rs a tte n d e d P h illip s E x e te r Junior Achievement.
w hom you used to live w ith in the last call the police. They are required to O ffice (on the Portland Community
Coors is a member and past ch a ir­ C orporation and Toy ota M o to r Sales
Academy, where he graduated in
make an arrest i f they have “ probable College Cascade Campus) at 295-
tw o years
1965. He obtained his bachelor’ s man o f the President’ s A dvisory Com­ U S A inc.
to th in k you were assaulted. 9494,
To get a restraining order against
The tax-deductible donation to
degree in in d u s tria l e n g in e e rin g mission on Education Excellence for
fro m C ornell U niversity in 1969 and H ispanic Am ericans and the N ational the event is $350 per person, o r $3,500
F w Am t resulta
his master’ s in business adm inistra­ C ouncil o f La Raza Adv isory council. fo r a table o f 10. For further in fo rm a ­
A dvertise in the O bserver tion from the Univ ersity o f Denver in He also is a member o f the Rocky tio n , contact dinner headquarters at
M ountain Chapter o f Y oung Presi­ (213) 299-3677 o r (213) 299-9660.
The Portland Women's
Crisis Line
Is Back
AT Mr. T & Co. Beauty & Barber
With 20% Discount on all Services
For Old And New Customers
Just Call Or Walk In
And Ask For Darryl And Receive An Automatic
Is pleased to announce openings for its on-line volunteer training for MAY of
1993. The training consists of 46 hours of instruction, spread out over a three
and a half week period, meeting four Saturdays, plus Tuesday and Thursday
evenings. The training serves as the preparation for answering the Crisis Line's
24-hour-a-day hotline which provides crisis intervention services for women and
children who are victims/survivors of domestic and sexual violence.
On-Line volunteers must be at least 18 years of age and female. Some
knowledge of domestic and sexual violence is helpful, but not required.
20% Discount On Cuts, Perms, Curls, Color And
Designs Texturizers. 288-1 721
Deadline for applications is Friday, April 30th. For further information, please call
232-9545 during normal business hours.
3513 N. E. M.L.K. Jr Blvd
Practicum students are encouraged to apply. Credit is available.
O h! W h a t A K n ig h t C o n te s t
E nter to win 2 tickets to Brian M cK night an d
W alter B easley C o n ce rt o n A pril 7th, D in n er fo r 2
at D oris C afe N ew Location. Just a n sw e r th e th re e
q u e stio n s c o rre ctly an d y o u ju st m ight b e th e
w in n er of a C andlelight..., R o m an tic an d
a U n fo r g e t t a b le E v e n in g .
1. What group d ocs Brian McKnight brother perform in?_______________
2. Who d o cs Brian McKnight sing the hot new #1 duct with?____________
3. What music instrument d ocs Walter Beasley play?__________________
N am e________________ __________________________
A ddress__________________ __ ___________________
City_______________ State_____Telephone__________
Drop off entry form at the following locations: House of Sound, One Stop
Records, l’earls Records an d /or mail to the Portland Obscrvor, 4747 N.E
MLK, Portland, Oregon 97217.
Sponsored By:
Portland Observer, Doris Cafe and Unforgettable Entertainment
Deadline to Enter is March 31,1993
You must be 21 and Over
Atlanta Youths Visit Super Show as Guests of
Reebok and the Association of Black Sporting
Goods Professionals
A n d what might that he?
Visiting the 1993 Super Show exhibit as guests of Reebok and the ABSG,
Atlanta youths had an opportunity to meet Atlanta Hawks (1 to r), Jon
Koncak, Duane Fencll and Dominique Wilkins
I rider $9,000.
Can I drop you oomewhere?
A T L A N T A , G A - In an e ffo rt to expose m in o rity youth to
career opportunities available in the athletic foo tw e a r and sporting
goods industry, Reebok International Ltd., and the Association o f Black
Sporting Goods Professionals (A B S G ), played host to a group o f high
school age youths from the C ity o f A tlanta as they toured the 1993
Super Show e x h ib it held recently at the G eorgia W o rld Congress
The students, who represented a cross-section o f educational,
fitness and youth advocacy organizations including: Exodus; P roject
C atalyst; K id s G ym U S A ; the Southwest A tla n ta Y o u th Business
O rganization, and the A tlanta Fulton Com m ission on C h ild re n and
Y o u th ; w ere escorted around Super Show by mem bers o f the
A ssociation o f B lack Sporting Goods Professionals, a ll o f whom are
em ployed by companies who participated in the exhibit. Each ABS G
guide answered questions and offered insight into the career possibilities
the athletic footwear and sporting goods industries present.
F o llo w in g the tour, the teens attended a reception hosted by
Reebok, d u rin g w h ich they had the o p p o rtu n ity to interact w ith a
variety o f black sporting goods professionals and youth advocates. In
addition, Reebok in vite d the students to apply fo r an 8-w eek summer
internship in the company's A tlanta o ffic e w hich was established in
conjunction w ith the Super Show tour event.
D o d g e S h a d o w ES. L ess t h a n $9,000*
It doesn’t take much encouragement w hen you re
getting a whole lot of car fora lot less money.
And when that car is a Dodge Shadow ES,
you re going to get over 45 standard features,
like a driver’s airbag, power assisted brakes
\ i >i vision ( n r itf- ' chrysi i k e t > k k > k m k >\
S h a d
and front w heel drive. Plus you get a choice of
warranties. W ith the Dodge Shadow ES, you’ve
got y our fun cut out foryou.
.nies SnlOO ,isb haG t x< hides raxps and destination ( Sarqes
p.. e ,
• at • ” p ,.t p-
; ( ,. i ftf>o 4A DODGf tor a tree product brochure
tnr de’ T's
hi t k l I i I ’ t o k s \ l l I \
I i ie N e w D o d g e
Following the tour, the teens posed for a group shot with
right, front). Reebok’s director of cultural diversity. Mays also provided
details on the Reebok summer internship which was established especially
for the event.